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Preparation of preservice teachersСодержание книги
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Prior preparation of preservice teachers helps them to make the adjustment process easier and can cushion the effect of culture shock by shortening the time that it takes to move from stage 1 to stage 3. Brill (1995, p.50) described her prior preparation of students as focusing on house keeping details, "the preparation of units of work for teaching English in Inner Mongolia" and mentions "one social gathering, just prior to departure". This is similar to the process of preparation described by Weckert (1997). McFarlane (1997, p.4) uses a more formalised process that includes weekly meetings plus successful completion of an academic preparation course. He claims that this preparation is designed to "cushion the inevitable culture shock" (p.8). By way of contrast Booth (1997) uses a less formal approach when preparing student teachers for a practicum in Fiji and makes use of "an informal orientation program" (p.3) followed up by a one day school-based program when they arrive in Fiji. The literature describing the preparation of preservice teachers involved in overseas practicums mentions the following themes: developing lesson plans, cushioning culture shock, education about the culture (including some basic language) and some social activities prior to departure (Hill, Thomas & Coté, 1997). Another common theme that emerges from the descriptions of prior preparation of students undertaking overseas practicums is the lack of official recognition (at a University level) for the time that staff and students must put into the preparation phase. However, there was little if any mention of on-going support even though it was reported that "the vigours and demands of the practicum are extremely testing" and the "continued lesson planning which often went until the early hours of the morning as well as incorporating a hectic tourist/social schedule often drained me to the point of exhaustion" (Weckert, 1997, p.9). This we feel is a weakness with many programs as more than prior preparation is needed-instead there needs to be ongoing support. Over a period of seven years we shifted the focus of our preparation program from one that concentrated on prior preparation to one that concentrated on developing strategies that would empower preservice teachers to create sustainable, on-going support structures that assisted them while they were teaching and adjusting to a new culture. Like other universities the program received no official support in terms of staffing load or recognition of student learning. While the university was happy to gain the kudos from this program they were reluctant to support this program financially.
References: 1. Bennett, M. (1991). A developmental approach to training for intercultural sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10. 179-196. 2. Bereiter, C. & Scardamalia, M. (1993). Surpassing ourselves: An enquiry into the nature and implications of expertise. Chicago: Open Court. 3. Booth, E. (1997). Visitors and hosts in Fiji: A professional and cross-cultural experience. In B. Hill, N. Thomas & Joost Coté (Eds.) Into Asia: Australian Practicums in Asia. Carlton, Victoria: Asian Education Foundation.Ch.4. 4. Brake, T., Walker, D. M. & Walker, T. (1995). Doing business internationally: The guide to cross-cultural success. New York: Irwin. 5. Brick, J. (1991) China: A handbook of intercultural communication. Sydney: Macquarie University. 6. Brill, R. (1995). Internationalising professional practice for undergraduates. In A. Barthel (Ed.) International Interaction and Development: Convergent Perspectives Conference Proceedings
Lecture #9 Cultural Practicum Boder-crossing cultural hybridity and the rural and small schools practicum.
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