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MY UNIVERSITY Docere est discere (“First study then teach.” – the slogan of VSSPU.) Warm-up activity Answer the questions. 1. What is the name of the university you study at? 2. What faculty do you study at? 3. Are you a first year student? 4. What exams did you have to pass to enter the university? 5. Do you like studying at the university? Why? Reading 1. Look through the new words. institution учреждение, заведение to be founded быть основанным department отделение immediately сразу же scientific research center научно-исследовательский центр graduate выпускник establishment учреждение, заведение part-time student студент заочного отделения postgraduate магистрант, аспирант branch филиал boys’ pedagogical lyceum мужской педагогический лицей kindergarten детский сад to carry out проводить, вести staff штат сотрудников corresponding member член-корреспондент degree степень
Find the new words in the text you have just read and read the sentences with them aloud.
Read and translate the text. Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University is one of the major and leading pedagogical institutions of higher learning in the Russian Federation. It was founded on the 22nd of May in 1931 as Stalingrad Industrial Pedagogical Institute. On the 1st of October 1931 the first lectures began in four departments of the institute. In 1932 the institute got the name of Stalingrad State Pedagogical Institute. The institute was destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. But the reconstruction of it began immediately after the victory over the fascists in Stalingrad in 1943. After the Great Patriotic War Stalingrad State Pedagogical Institute was situated in the building of Akademicheskaya Street (now it is Building No. 2). The Main Building of the institute was constructed in 1959. Building No. 1 was built next to it in 1998. On January 19, 1949 the Institute was named after the famous writer Alexander Serafimovitch. During the 60s and 70s of the 20th century the famous scientific research centers were opened at the institute. In 1992 the institute got the status of the university and the name of Volgograd State Pedagogical University (VSPU). In 2004 the university won the “International European Quality Contest” in the nomination “100 Best Universities” in Russia. Since 2011 our university has the name of Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University (VSSPU). During the last ten years the university is among ten best pedagogical and linguistic universities in Russia due to the high standards of knowledge and professionalism of the graduates. Nowadays the university is one of the most popular educational establishments in our country. There are full-time students, part-time students, foreign students and postgraduates. Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University is an educational complex. It has its branch in Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region. There are three pedagogical colleges, the gymnasium, the boys’ pedagogical lyceum, schools and kindergartens which are the part of the complex. Teaching and research are carried out by highly qualified staff. There are Academicians, Doctors of Science and Candidates of Science. Many of them are professors and corresponding members of the Russian Education Academy and International Academies. The university offers courses leading to higher degrees in all areas of education and other professional fields: Bachelor (4-5 years of studying), Master (2 years of studying), Candidate of Science (3-4 years of studying), and Doctor of Science (3-4 years of studying).
Test Yourself “What Have I Learnt about VSSPU?” 1. Our university was founded in… a) 1932 b) 1931 c) 1933
2. Firstly the institute had the name of… a) Stalingrad Industrial Institute b) Stalingrad Pedagogical School c) Stalingrad Industrial Pedagogical Institute
3. After the Great Patriotic War the institute was located in… a) Lenin Avenue b) Hiroshima Street c) Akademicheskaya Street
4. The main building was constructed in… a) 1946 b) 1957 c) 1959
5. The institute was destroyed in 1942 but the reconstruction of it began in… a) 1943 b) 1945 c) 1947
6. The institute got the name of the famous writer… a) Makarenko b) Tolstoy c) Serafimovitch
7. The institute got the status of the university in… a) 1990 b) 1992 c) 1989
8. VSSPU has its branch in… a) Kamyshin b) Palasovka c) Mikhailovka
9. The university is famous… a) only in Russia b) in Russia and Ukraine c) in many different countries
10. Nowadays tutors and students of the university can have a great time in a summer camp of VSSPU named “Marathon” which is located on the banks of the river… a) Akhtuba b) Volga c) Don SPEAKING THE FACULTY I STUDY AT Vocabulary on basis of на базе elections выборы dean декан to co-operate сотрудничать additional дополнительный
Translate the text. 3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education” founded? 3. When were the elections of Dean held? 4. Who became the first dean of the faculty? 5. What additional educational programs were introduced at the faculty in 1989? 6. What happened in September 2004? 7. What program of education do you study? Vocabulary on basis of на базе additional дополнительный part-time заочный to co-operate сотрудничать support сопровождение, поддержка
Translate the text. 5. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. What additional educational programs were introduced at the faculty “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education” in 1989? 3. What happened in September 2004? 4. What program of education do you study?
Vocabulary pedagogical experience педагогический опыт Russian Artists’ Union Союз Художников России Russian Designers’ Union Союз Дизайнеров России Honoured Artists заслуженные артисты laureates лауреаты All-Russia Всероссийский workshops мастерские, Assembly Hall Актовый зал
Translate the text. 3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the Institute? 2. When was the Institute founded? 3. Where is the building of the Institute? 4. Where can students do their practical works? 5. Where are students’ concerts of Music Education department held? 6. Are creative and research activities carried out at the Institute? Vocabulary Life Safety безопасность жизнедеятельности a vocational specialty дополнительная специальность children with Mental Disorders дети с отклонением в развитии, to co-operate сотрудничать
Translate the text. 3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. What kind of specialists does the faculty prepare? 4. What specialty was opened in 2005? 5. How long do full-time and part-time students study at the faculty?
6. The Faculty has its branch in Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region, hasn’t it? 7. What establishments does the faculty co-operate with? V. the Faculty of Philology 1. Find out the information of the faculty. The Faculty of Philology was opened in 1932 as a department of Languages and Literature of Stalingrad State Pedagogical Institute. It included full-time, extra-mural and evening forms of education. In 1946 a merging of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of History took place. The Faculty of Philology and History had existed till 1985. In 1985 the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of History were parted again. Since its foundation the faculty has been training teachers of the Russian Language and Literature. Nowadays it also prepares teachers of the Russian Language, Literature and Foreign Language (English and German), Bachelors and Masters of Philology Education. The Faculty of Philology has its own graduate courses in specialties of “the Russian Language”, “Russian Literature”, and “Theory and Methods of Teaching and Educating”. There are three chairs at the faculty: the chair of the Russian Language and Methods of Teaching It, the chair of Linguistics, and the chair of Literature. A teaching staff of the faculty has about 20 Doctors of Science and about 30 Candidates of Science. Intensive scientific research in Russian Dialectology, Theoretical Semantics and Phraseology is held on the chairs of the faculty. The scientific school of the faculty is one of the most authoritative among higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation. Vocabulary extra-mural заочный merging слияние, объединение graduate courses магистратура и аспирантура chair кафедра Dialectology диалектология Semantics семантика authoritative авторитетный
Translate the text. 2. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. What kind of specialists does the faculty prepare? 4. When did a merging of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of History take place? When were they parted again? 5. The Faculty of Philology has its own graduate courses in specialties of “the Russian Language”, “Russian Literature”, and “Theory and Methods of Teaching and Educating”, has not it? 6. How many chairs are there at the Faculty? What are they? 7. What kind of scientific research is held on the chairs of the faculty?
Vocabulary tutor преподаватель chair кафедра lab лаборатория postgraduate аспирант to co-operate сотрудничать
3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. What departments are there at the faculty? 4. What can students find at the methodical cabinet of the faculty? 5. What chairs are there at the faculty? 6. At the faculty of Psychology and Social Work there are research and methodical labs. What are they like? 7. What kind of specialists does the faculty prepare? Vocabulary on the basis of на базе chair кафедра various разнообразный student-researcher студент-исследователь self-government орган самоуправления field practice полевая практика
Translate the text. 3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. What kinds of specialists are trained at the faculty? 4. What title can students of the faculty get every year if they achieve the best results in science? 5. What can you tell about students’ cultural life of Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University?
Vocabulary chair кафедра law закон, право, scientific research laboratory научно-исследовательская лаборатория, unite объединять senior pupils старшеклассники Translate the text. 3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. How many chairs are there at the Faculty? What are they? 4. What kind of scientific research is held on the chairs of the faculty? 5. What kinds of specialists are trained at the faculty? 6. What clubs of the facultydounite pupils and students of Volgograd and Volgograd Region? Vocabulary a chair кафедра, independent самостоятельный, независимый to exist существовать All-Russia Всероссийский to co-operate сотрудничать
Translate the text. 3. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. What kind of specialists does the faculty prepare? 4. When were the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics united into the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and IT? 5. What kind of conferences do students take part in? 6. Who teachers of the faculty co-operate with?
Vocabulary mechanical and heating engineering laboratory лаборатория машиноведения и теплотехники House Keeping домоведение postgraduate students аспиранты exhibition выставка creative achievements творческие достижения award with награждать
Translate the text. 2. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is the name of the faculty? 2. When was the faculty founded? 3. How many times was the faculty renamed? 4. What kind of specialties are there at the faculty? 5. What way are the best students awarded? 6. Would you like to continue your education as a postgraduate student?
MY UNIVERSITY Docere est discere (“First study then teach.” – the slogan of VSSPU.) Warm-up activity Answer the questions. 1. What is the name of the university you study at? 2. What faculty do you study at? 3. Are you a first year student? 4. What exams did you have to pass to enter the university? 5. Do you like studying at the university? Why? Reading 1. Look through the new words. institution учреждение, заведение to be founded быть основанным department отделение immediately сразу же scientific research center научно-исследовательский центр graduate выпускник establishment учреждение, заведение part-time student студент заочного отделения postgraduate магистрант, аспирант branch филиал boys’ pedagogical lyceum мужской педагогический лицей kindergarten детский сад to carry out проводить, вести staff штат сотрудников corresponding member член-корреспондент degree степень
Find the new words in the text you have just read and read the sentences with them aloud.
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