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Town Contest On Country Study-2012 Th forms
CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER 1. What do the Englishmen say to be taken a photo? a) hello b) good morning c) cheese d) ham 2. According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about a) politics b) music c) weather d) love 3. When it is someone’s birthday, it is usual to say…. a) Congratulations! b) Happy birthday! c) Good luck d) I’m sorry 4. What is the oldest part of London? a) The City b) The West End c) the East End d) Westminster 5. What colour was a famous submarine in the song of “The Beatles”? a) red b) blue c) orange d) yellow 6. What is smog? a) a man’s blazer b) a man’s hat c) heavy rain d) thick fog 7. Where was golf originated? a). Scotland b) England c) Ireland d) Wales 8. How are the British policeman called? a ) Hobbit b)) Bobby с) Robbie d) William 9. What is the official name of the country whose language you study? c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 10. What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel? c) by ferry 11. How many bridges cross the river Thames? a) more 20 b) more30 c) more 40 d) more10 12. The Scottish surnames begin with… a) Don b) Mac c) Sir c) Mr. 13. Where did the Beatles come from? a) Bristol b) Manchester c) Liverpool d)Glasgow 14. RSPCA is a charity that………. c) sells books and pictures 15. What does “Tartan” mean? a) a hat b) trainers c) the pattern of the “Kilt”. d) a skirt 16. Sir Christopher When built... a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey 17. What is the state system of the UK? a) republic b) absolute monarchy c) constitutional monarchy 18. Where does the British Prime-Minister live? a) Oxford Street b) Fleet Street c) Downing Street c) Green Street 19. What is the highest mark in British schools? a) А b) B c) C d) D 20. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? a) A bagpipe b) a flute c) a tube 21. What is the national emblem of England? a) the tulip b) the rose c) the thistle d) the shamrock How many hills is Edinburgh situated on? a) 5 b) 10 c) 3 d) 7 23. Which holiday is on the 25th of December? c) Easter 24. English children start going to school at the age of: c) 5 25. What is the most important airport in Great Britain? c) Stansted Airport When is the Queen’s birthday (real)? a) Aplril,22 b) April, 12 c) April, 21 c). April, 11 27. What is the official residence of the British Queen? a) Westminster Abbey b) Buckingham Palace c) Albert Hall c) Covent Garden 28. The Great Fire of London broke out in.... a) 1066 b) 1766 29. What river does London stand on? a) the Thames b) the Clyde c) the Severn What colour are the taxis in London? a) yellow b) black c) red d) green 50. What is the London underground called? a) underground b) tube c) metro d) subway The USA 51. What is the American flag known as? a) Union Jack b) Stars and Stripes c) Tricolour d) Royal Standard Where is the centre of cinema production in the USA? a) Las Vegas b) Hollywood c) San Francisco d) Los Angeles What is the real name of Mark Twain? a) Samuel Clemens b) John Brown c) Mac Milan c) Johnson Wright Who is commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces? a) vice-president b) president с) senators When is Independence Day celebrated? a) 4th April b) 4th July c) 4th June c) 4th August How many stars are there on the American flag? a) 45 b) 13 c) 50 d) 55 How many stripes are there on the American flag? a) 10 b) 50 c) 30 d) 13 How many oceans wash the USA? a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1 When was America discovered? a) 1492 b)1620 c) 1468 d) 1640 60.Where is the USA situated? a) in the northern part of Asia b) in the middle part of North America What do people call New York? a) a melting pot b) a big apple c) a big pot d) a big mug What kind of music first was developed in New Orleans? a) rock b) jazz c) rap d) folk Where is the Statue of Liberty? a ) New York b) Washington D.C. c) Atlanta d) San Francisco What state of the USA is situated in the Pacific Ocean? a) Texas b)Utah b) Hawaii d) California What is the name of “007”? a) Henry Bond b) James Bond c) Thomas Bond d) William Bond Town Contest On Country Study-2012 Th forms
CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER 1. What do the Englishmen say to be taken a photo? a) hello b) good morning c) cheese d) ham 2. According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about a) politics b) music c) weather d) love 3. When it is someone’s birthday, it is usual to say…. a) Congratulations! b) Happy birthday! c) Good luck d) I’m sorry 4. What is the oldest part of London? a) The City b) The West End c) the East End d) Westminster 5. What colour was a famous submarine in the song of “The Beatles”? a) red b) blue c) orange d) yellow 6. What is smog? a) a man’s blazer b) a man’s hat c) heavy rain d) thick fog 7. Where was golf originated? a). Scotland b) England c) Ireland d) Wales 8. How are the British policeman called? a ) Hobbit b)) Bobby с) Robbie d) William 9. What is the official name of the country whose language you study? c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 10. What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel? c) by ferry 11. How many bridges cross the river Thames? a) more 20 b) more30 c) more 40 d) more10 12. The Scottish surnames begin with… a) Don b) Mac c) Sir c) Mr. 13. Where did the Beatles come from? a) Bristol b) Manchester c) Liverpool d)Glasgow 14. RSPCA is a charity that………. c) sells books and pictures 15. What does “Tartan” mean? a) a hat b) trainers c) the pattern of the “Kilt”. d) a skirt 16. Sir Christopher When built... a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey 17. What is the state system of the UK? a) republic b) absolute monarchy c) constitutional monarchy 18. Where does the British Prime-Minister live? a) Oxford Street b) Fleet Street c) Downing Street c) Green Street 19. What is the highest mark in British schools? a) А b) B c) C d) D 20. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? a) A bagpipe b) a flute c) a tube 21. What is the national emblem of England? a) the tulip b) the rose c) the thistle d) the shamrock How many hills is Edinburgh situated on? a) 5 b) 10 c) 3 d) 7 23. Which holiday is on the 25th of December? c) Easter 24. English children start going to school at the age of: c) 5 25. What is the most important airport in Great Britain? c) Stansted Airport
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