Text 2: What type of psychologist would you like to be? 

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Text 2: What type of psychologist would you like to be?


Psychologists specialize in different areas within the field of psychology. Let’s have a look at some of the options available for you.

Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. These vary from short-term crises, divorce to chronic problems, such as schizophrenia. Some clinical psychologists treat specific problems exclusively, such as phobias or clinical depressions. Others focus on specific groups: youngsters, ethnic minority groups, and theelderly, for example.

Counseling psychologists help people recognize their strengths and resources to fight with their problems. Counseling psychologists do counseling and psychotherapy, teaching, and scientific research with individuals of all ages, families and organizations (e.g., schools, hospitals, businesses). Counseling psychologists help people understand and take action on career and work problems. They pay attention to how problems and people differ across lifestages. Counseling psychologists have great respect for the influence of differences among people such as race, gender, religion on psychological well-being. They believe that behavior isaffectedby many things, including qualities of the individual (e.g., psychological, physical, or spiritual factors) and factors in the person’s environment (e.g., family, society, and cultural groups).

Educational psychologists concentrate on how effective teaching and learning take place. They consider a variety of factors, such as human abilities, student motivation, and the effects on the classroom of the diversity of race, ethnicity and culture.

Industrial/ organizational psychologists apply psychological principles and research methods to the work place in the interest of improving productivity and the quality of work life. Many serve as human resources specialists, helping organizations with staffing, training, and employee development. And others work as management consultants in such areas as strategic planning and quality management.

Rehabilitation psychologists work with accident victims, people with mental retardation, and those with developmental disabilities caused by such conditions as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism. They help clients adapt to their situation, frequently working with other health care professionals. They deal with issues of personal problems and interpersonal relations.

School psychologists work directly with public and private schools. They assess and counsel students, consult with parents and school staff.



options – варианты, опции

available – имеющиесявналичии

behaviouraldisorder – нарушениеповедения

short-term – краткосрочный

schizophrenia – шизофрения

phobias – страхи, фобии

youngsters – молодежь

ethnicminorities –национальные меньшинства

theelderly – престарелые

strengths –сильные стороны

lifestage – этапжизни

gender – пол

well-being – самочувствие

to be affected by – подвергатьсявлиянию

spiritual –духовный

environment –окружение, окружающая среда

diversity –разнообразие

improvingproductivity – улучшение производительности

humanresourcesspecialists – специалистыотделакадров

staffing – подборперсонала

strategicplanning – стратегическоепланирование

qualitymanagement – управлениекачеством

rehabilitation – реабилитация

victim – жертва

mentalretardation – умственнаяотсталость

cerebralpalsy – церебральныйпаралич

epilepsy – эпилепсия

autism – аутизм

frequently – часто

directly – непосредственно

toassess – оценивать

staff – персонал



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