What kind lexicology deals with the word in its morphological and semantical 

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What kind lexicology deals with the word in its morphological and semantical


Structures: descriptive lexicology

27.Choose the correct definition of the word: college: a school for professional education

28.Choose the correct translation of the word: practical classes: практикалық сабақтар

29.Choose the word close in meaning: To remain: to stay

30.Choose the suitable word: Almaty is one of the biggest industrial… in the republic: centres

31.Fill in the suitable word: England is a highly developed… country: industrial

32.Choose the correct translation of the word: petrochemicals: мұнайдан жасалған химиялық өнімдер

33.Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to run across smth: жазатайым кездесу

34.Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to flush: қызару

35.Choose the correct paraphrase: A challenge to your character: smth you have to cope with

36.Choose the word opposite in meaning: to make good progress: to make bad progress

37. Choose the word close in meaning: to get wet to the skin: to be wet through

38. Fill in the correct preposition: Uralsk is situated… the right bank of the river Jaik: on

39. Finish the following sentence: he didn’t mean to look in Barton’s.. `mind the text 40.‘‘Wager with Destiny’’ E.E.Gatti): book

41. The most important river in England is: the Thames

42. This part of Scotland isn’t far from the arctic circle: the highlands

43. The British National sport in summer is: cricket

44. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: If you…. …you will: don’t hurry

45. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: A Happy New 46. Year to you: best wishes for a happy new year

47. Finish he following sentence: Purcell owned a pet shop and … (mind the text ‘‘Caged’’ L. E. Reeve): he sold cats and dogs and monkeys

48. Complete the following sentence: She got married …, just about the time you were watching the world series. (mind the text ‘‘The TV Blackout’’ by Art Buchwald): a year ago

49. Insert a suitable world in the following sentence: One morning … said he wanted to talk to him. (mind the text ‘‘The Verger’’ W.S.Maugham): the bank manager

50. Complete the following sentence: I was a young man and I lived ina modest apartment in..(mind the text ‘‘The Happy Man’’ W.S.Maugham): London Complete the following sentence: I send you...(mind the text ‘‘The Escape’’ W.S.Maugham): seven addresses

51. Mr.Kelada was a good mixer, and in three days knew everyone on board. This sentence is from the text: “Mr. Know-all” by W.S. Maugham

52. Choose the correct Participle: The boy started … to the river: running

53. This variant of English influenced both by British and American English: Canadian 54. “Wish to look about the store? Oh, by the means, sir,” said the manager of one of the biggest book stores in New York. This sentence is from: “the reading public”

55. Define the story: That morning “young” Jerry was alone in the cabin. His father had gone to San Francisco and was not to be back till next day: “the banks of the sacramento”

56. While they were thus engaged ben price, the detective, walked into the bank and stood at the counter watching the scene. This sentence is from the text: “Jimmy Valentine’s Reformation” O.Henry

57. Complete the following sentence: The first Mrs. Walker had died, when fran was still a baby … (mind the text “The Bramble Bush “ Ch. Mergendahl): so, she didn’t remember her real mother at all

58. Choose the correct verb: nowadays machines,.. electricity: are moved byь 59. Choose the correct verb: The news… to us by our teacher: was told

60. Choose the correct modal verb: … I smoke in here: may

61. Choose the correct modal verb: He says that I… do it myself. It is my duty: must

62. Choose the correct modal verb: You … take it with you to the institute. Otherwise you’ll have problems: must

63. Choose the correct Infinitive: She agreed.. at home: to stay

64. Use the necessary tense form: Mike hoped that his friend … him with car: would help

65. Use the correct form of the verb: “to be”: These students.. from Chine: are

66. Find the correct form of the Adjective: What was.. moment in your life: the happiest

67. Fill in the correct form of the verb: “to have”: My friend does not… a computer: have

68. Use the right pronoun: I am delighted. Tom has made.. mistakes in the test: few 69. Choose the correct form of the verb:… the children … what to do with the books: have/decided

70. Choose the correct tense form: When I come home tomorrow, my family… supper: will be having

71. Fill in the correct form of the verb: I.. solve this problem until he explains is to me: shall not be able to

72. Fill in the necessary tense form in the following conditional sentence: If mother.. a cake, we… a very nice tea party: bought/ would have

73. Fill in the necessary tense form in the following conditional sentence: They … if I.. such a mistake: will be surprised / make

74. Use the necessary tense form: We didn’t know where our friends: had gone

75. Use the necessary tense form: She says that she… already … the book: has/found

76. Use the correct form of Participle 1: … out of the window he saw that his mother was watering the flowers: looking

77. Find the correct sentence with the Indirect Speech: Ann asks her brother: “Are you playing chess now?”: ann asks her brother if he is playing chess

78. Choose the correct form of the verb: Students… a very difficult article from 79. English into Kazakh, and now they are going to retell it: have translated

80. Define what Tense is used in the sentence: When I (was going) to the college I met my friends: past continuous

81. Use the correct Tense form: The teacher said to me that I.. my work very well: had done

82.Choose the correct tense form: We … for Astana next Sunday: shall leave

83. Шет тілін оқытудың мақсаты: шет тілінде қарым қатынас жасауға үйрету

84. Шет тілі сабағының мақсат міндеттерін.. айқындайды шет тілі пәні оқытушысы

85. Сабақтағы негізгі іс әрекет сөйлеу

86. Жазу жұмысының түрі оқу

87. Әрбір оқушы ағылшын тілі сабағы курсы аяқталған кезде 3000 сөз білуі керек

88. Оқу дағдыларын қалыптастыру үшін оқушыға қажет кітаптар мен мәтіндер жинағы

89. Ағылшын тіліндегі әріптердің және әріптік белгілердің саны 26 әріп 146әріптік белгі бар

90. Тура әдіс мына жылдан бастап қолданыла бастады 1870 жылдан бастап

91. Use the necessary tense form: I knew they… for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry were waiting

92.. Choose the correct tense form of the verb: I thought that she…. At that time

would be sleeping

93.. Choose the correct tense form of the verb: the tourists were sure that they …. To the camp by sunset should return

94. Choose the correct tense form: last week she… a funny story about her pet wrote

95. Choose the correct tense form: Our volleyball team … a lot of games last year won

96. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: A lot of money … from the shop was stolen

97. Express in one word: a university teacher of a rank below a professor reader

98. Express in one word: a person lower in rank than a reader who gives lectures


99. Choose English equivalent to the word: Азия Asia

100. Eliminate the extra word: tiger, lion, cat, bear, wolf cat

101. The science of dictionary-compiling is lexicography

102. Find the antonym of the word “definite” indefinite

103. Choose the proper word: A person who goes in for diving diver

104. Choose the suitable word: The rivers of Great Britain are of no great… as waterways value

105. Choose the correct translation: rocky жартасты

106. Choose the suitable word: The new capital of Kazakhstan is astana

107. Choose the correct word.. a sea voyage form port to port cruise

108. Choose the correct translation: вагон-ресторан dining car

109. Choose the proper article: honesty is the best policy

110. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to shout smb. Down біреумен айқайласу

111. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to have no choice таңдауы болмау

112. Choose the word close in meaning: to fit to go with

113. Choose the suitable word: The West End is famous for its avenues

114. Choose the correct preposition: Compulsory education begins… 5 years


115. He was a rich man. He was a charming and accomplished host whose villa was an accepted rendezvous of the great. The main character of the text is ….. (mind the text “ the dinner party” by N. Monsarrat) octavian

116. Complete the following sentence: The Cartwright’s was an old friend of … (mind the text “ footprints in the Jungle” W.S Maugham) Bronson’s

117. Complete the following sentence: The Ramsays were… (mind the text “The Ant and Grasshopper” W.S. Maugham) pespectable people

118. Finish the following sentence: The … sat down beside anderson’s bed. (mind the text “Wager with Destint” E.E.Gatti) lawyer

119. Smaller political parties join one of the largest parties

120. Choose the proper article: to live in … country (қаланың сыртында өмір сүру) the

121. These sentence from are: after dinner that evening, I began to read the scenario. There were thirty-five pages, and as soon as I had read ten of them, it was clear to me that he had written a masterpiece “the surprise”

122. These sentence are form: David Balfour, a sixteen-year old boy is on board, a brig bound for America. The brig meets with a violent storm off the coast of Scotland. during the ship wreck that follows David is coast overboard. He cannot swim and is being carried along by the waves and choked until fortunately, he manages to get hold of a floating board. After a desperate struggle he is flung upon the shore the shipwreck

123. Complete the following sentence: That last night in Harlem he could not sleep. He thought of.. (mind the text “Home” by L.Huges) this mother

124. Complete the following sentence: Alec called the boy to.. (mind the text “A Foul Play” R.Ruark) his cabin

125. Complete the following sentence: I must go to Oakland to see … (mind the text “The Filipino and The Drunkard” W. Saroyan) my brother

126. Richards knew everything. All way up mr.Prosset fired questions on him and he fired answers right back. These sentences are from the text Success Story by J.G.Gozzens

127. Choose the correct modal verb: Speak to her so that she… quieter may keep

128. Choose the correct Infinitive: it is better …. The land than to be doing sums

to be contemplating

129. Choose the correct Infinitive: He must … the flower water

130. Choose the correct Participle: The story is very amusing

131. Complete the following sentence: I knew that gavin adored his father and I had heard whisper that all was not well the.. (mind the text “The Scholarship”)

mayor’s business

132. Complete the following sentence: …. There lived in France two girls who were the very best of friends (mind the text “As you like it” by W. Shakespeare)

many years ago

133. Choose the correct verb: Mother asks the children if they … some biscuits for tea have bought

134. Choose the correct verb: I don’t like it when I’m … about


135. Choose the correct verb: It is high time they…. Their quarrel made up

136. Choose the correct modal verb: You… my car if you want can borrow

137. Choose the correct modal verb: He looks so pale. He … ill must be

138. Choose the correct modal verb: It …… rain today, though the sun is shining now may

139. Choose the right form of Participle 2: This is a church … many years ago built

140. Put the adverb in the right place: The lecture has not begun. (yet) the lecture has not begun yet

141. Choose the correct form of the verb: I … go to my relatives last year because I couldn’t afford it did not

142. Put the verb into the correct tense form: The Encyclopaedia Britannica first… in 1775 appeared

143. Choose the plural form of the noun: …. Are crossing the street passers-by

144. Choose the correct verb: His pupils … good progress lately have made

145. Choose the right indefinite pronoun: Is there … else you would like me to explain to you? Anything

146. Use the right preposition: They will arrive …. Exactly 12.30: at

147. Use the right pronoun: How … eggs are there in the fridge, Paul many

148. Fill in the correct article: … United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the

149. Choose and fill in Participle 1: … the room, she turned on the light entering

150. Find the correct sentence in indirect speech: Mother says to me: “Are you listening to me?” mother asks me if I’m listening to her

151. Choose the correct form of the Complex Object: I must have my hair.. tomorrow cut

152.. Find the correct sentence in Indirect Speech: “Take my luggage to room 45”, he said to the porter he told the porter to take his luggage to room 45

153.. Fill in the correct phrase: ……. hot today, let’s have a swim in the river

it is

154. Use the pronoun instead of the Noun: At Christmas (parents) often give presents to Mary they

155. Find the correct form of the Noun: The cat has caught two mice

156. Choose the correct form of the Possessive case: I often consult...dictionary Jones’s

157. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: A new concert hall… in our street at the present time) is being built

158. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice: This play ….at the beginning of the next season will be staged

159. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice: The rules of the game. to him were not explained

160. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice: Chalk …. For writing on the blackboard is used

161. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice: …… the letters … by secretary yet have/been typed

162. Find the correct variant of indirect question: I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the station?” I asked Kate if somebody had met her at the station

163. Ағылшын тілінде сөздің дыбыстық белгіленуі транскрипция

164. Берілген мәтіндегі мәселе бойынша оқушы өз ойын ортаға салып, еркін сөйлеуге дағдыландыратын тапсырма what do you think?

165. Айтуға үйреткенде мұғалім мына қиындықтармен кездеспейді жазу

166. Көрнекіліктер алғаш рет қолданылатын сабақ түрі шетел тілі

167. Ағылшын тілінің дыбыстық жүйесі..... топқа бөлінеді үш

168. Шет тілін оқыту әдістемесі мына ғалымдардың талаптарын еске алуы қажет педагогика,психология, тіл білім

169. Грамматикалық аударма әдісі мына ғасырда қолданыла бастады


170. Fill in the correct form of the verb “to have”: Usually my father …. Breakfast at half past seven has

171. Use the correct pronoun: I’m sorry to say, I have read very ….books by Walter Scott few

172. Choose the correct form of the verb: Yesterday farther ….. home from his office very late came

173. Find the correct variant of indirect question: he said to Boris: “Does your friend live in London?” he asked Boris if his friend lived in London

174. Fill in the correct article: You usually have… breakfast at 8, don’t you?

175. Choose the correct tense form: Grandmother ….. the whole day yesterday

was cooking

176. Choose English equivalent to the word: Польша Poland

177. Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: Айтайын ба shall I speak

178.. ….. are the part of morphemes which is subdivided according to their position


179. Compound words consist of…. Stems which occur in the language as free forms 2

180. Endocentric and exocentric may be compound nouns

181. This Research Methods have always been closely connected with…. In Lexicology the general trends in linguistics

182. Choose the correct translation: ұпай score

183. Choose the word close in meaning: appreciate value

184. Choose the correct translation: sandy құмды

185. Choose the suitable word: Astana stands on the banks of the …… river Ishim

186 Fill in the suitable word: The largest coal and iron fields in Britain are located in the Midlands

187. Choose the correct translation: жүк кемесі cargo-ship

188. Choose the proper English equivalent to: Тыңда! look here


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