Аннотационный перевод текста 

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Аннотационный перевод текста



Аннотационный перевод - вид технического перевода, заключающийся в составлении аннотации оригинала на другом языке. Аннотация - краткая характеристика оригинала, излагающая его содержание в виде перечня основных вопросов и иногда дающая критическую оценку.

Объем аннотационного перевода обычно составляет не более 500 печатных знаков.

Выполняя аннотационный перевод, Вы сообщаете о том, что изучается, описывается, обсуждается и т.д. При этом, для английского языка наиболее характерны предложения со сказуемым в пассивном залоге и прямой порядок слов, а для русского языка - предложения со сказуемым в страдательном залоге, но с обратным порядком слов.


Изучается вопрос программирования.

Изложены основные принципы.

Описаны преимущества данного метода.

Примерная схема аннотационного перевода

1. Постановка проблемы.

2. Методы решения проблемы.

3. Выделение узловых пунктов статьи.

4. Рекомендации.

Основные клише и штампы, используемые при аннотационном переводе:

1. Статья посвящена вопросу...

Речь идет о...

2. Предлагаются методы...

Описываются преимущества методов...

3. Особое внимание уделяется...

Автор подчеркивает важность...

4. Статья представляет интерес для...

Вариант 1

Переведите текст письменно.

Machining is any of various processes in which a piece of raw material is cut into a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. The many processes that have this common theme, controlled material removal, are today collectively known as subtractive manufacturing, in distinction from processes of controlled material addition, which are known as additive manufacturing.

The precise meaning of the term "machining" has evolved over the past two centuries as technology has advanced. During the Machine Age, it referred to (what we today might call) the "traditional" machining processes, such as turning, boring, drilling, milling, broaching,sawing, shaping, planing, reaming, and tapping.

In these "traditional" or "conventional" machining processes, machine tools, such aslathes, milling machines, drill presses, or others, are used with a sharp cutting tool to remove material to achieve a desired geometry. Since the advent of new technologies such as electrical discharge machining, electrochemical machining, electron beam machining, photochemical machining, and ultrasonic machining, the retronym "conventional machining" can be used to differentiate those classic technologies from the newer ones. In current usage, the term "machining" without qualification usually implies the traditional machining processes.

Machining is a part of the manufacture of many metal products, but it can also be used on materials such as wood, plastic, ceramic, andcomposites. A person who specializes in machining is called a machinist. A room, building, or company where machining is done is called a machine shop. Machining can be a business, a hobby, or both.[4] Much of modern day machining is carried out by computer numerical control (CNC), in which computers are used to control the movement and operation of the mills, lathes, and other cutting machines.

Выполните аннотационный перевод текста

3. Выполните следующие задания:

а) Выпишите из текста предложения, при переводе которых вы использовали приемы:

- замена простого предложения сложным,

- замена сложного предложения простым,

- членение или объединение предложений,

- изменение типа синтаксической свзяи.

Укажите рядом с выписанным предложением прием перевода и перевод.


б). Найдите в тексте и выпишите 2 простых предложения. Переведите.

в) Найдите в тексте и выпишите 2 сложных предложения. Переведите.


Вариант 2

Переведите текст письменно.

Machining operations

The three principal machining processes are classified as turning, drilling and milling. Other operations falling into miscellaneous categories include shaping, planing, boring, broaching and sawing.

Turning operations are operations that rotate the workpiece as the primary method of moving metal against the cutting tool. Lathes are the principal machine tool used in turning.

Milling operations are operations in which the cutting tool rotates to bring cutting edges to bear against the workpiece. Milling machines are the principal machine tool used in milling.

Drilling operations are operations in which holes are produced or refined by bringing a rotating cutter with cutting edges at the lower extremity into contact with the workpiece. Drilling operations are done primarily in drill presses but sometimes on lathes or mills.

Miscellaneous operations are operations that strictly speaking may not be machining operations in that they may not be swarfproducing operations but these operations are performed at a typical machine tool. Burnishing is an example of a miscellaneous operation. Burnishing produces no swarf but can be performed at a lathe, mill, or drill press.

An unfinished workpiece requiring machining will need to have some material cut away to create a finished product. A finished product would be a workpiece that meets the specifications set out for that workpiece by engineering drawings or blueprints. For example, a workpiece may be required to have a specific outside diameter. A lathe is a machine tool that can be used to create that diameter by rotating a metal workpiece, so that a cutting tool can cut metal away, creating a smooth, round surface matching the required diameter and surface finish. A drill can be used to remove metal in the shape of a cylindrical hole. Other tools that may be used for various types of metal removal are milling machines, saws, and grinding machines. Many of these same techniques are used in woodworking.

More recent, advanced machining techniques include electrical discharge machining (EDM), electro-chemical erosion, laser cutting, or water jet cutting to shape metal workpieces.


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