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What companies is Nigeria home to?Содержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
A. Nigeria is home to a growing number of technology companies. B. Nigeria is home to a number of production companies. C. Nigeria is home to a growing number of sales companies. D. Nigeria is home to a number of agricultural companies. What is Angel Adelaja’s job? A. She is a financier. B. She is the chief executive officer of a company called Fresh Direct Nigeria. C. She is the director of a technology company. D. She is an accountant. What does Fresh Direct Nigeria produce? A. It produces corn. B. It produces cotton. C. It produces vegetables, cabbage, lettuce. D. It produces coffee.
Why is government revenue sharply reduced? A. Because of inflation. B. Because of recession. C. Because of the drop in oil prices worldwide. D. Because of unemployment.
How many tech entrepreneurs competed for the chance to meet with the Nigerian president and vice president? A. A total of 20 tech entrepreneurs competed for the chance to meet with the Nigerian president and vice president. B. A total of 50 tech entrepreneurs competed for the chance to meet with the Nigerian president and vice president. C. A total of 70 tech entrepreneurs competed for the chance to meet with the Nigerian president and vice president. D. A total of 30 tech entrepreneurs competed for the chance to meet with the Nigerian president and vice president.
IX. Complete the sentences (1-5) with the most suitable preposition (a-e): 1. The directors of both companies met to discuss the terms ….. the merger. a) of b) by c) at d) in e) out 2. …… a mission statement the company will lack direction. a) By b) Without c) Because d) In e) On 3. She is excellent …… motivating her staff. a) on b) out c) at d) of e) by 4. We need a very good negotiator ….. this deal. a) with b) by c) of d) for e) out 5. ….. the reorganization there will be no net loss of output. a) By b) Of c) For d) With e) During
X. Сomplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals: 1. Here is the list of ____________ for members to consider. NOMINATE 2. The terms of the contract are ____________. NEGOTIATE 3. The ___________ has paid the option money. DEAL 4. Goods that are ____________ packaged sell more quickly. ATTRACT 5. The __________ parameters have already been set. FINANCE Вариант 3 I. Read and translate the text. Write down your translation of the second paragraph. Production Management 1. Production Management is the process of effective planning and regulating the operations of that section of an enterprise which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products. Until the emergence of the concept of manufacturing, there was no such thing as management as we know it. Production Management is a set of general principles for production economies, facility design, job design, schedule design, quality control, inventory control, work study and cost and budgetary control. 2. Production planning and its control are the main characteristics of production management. In the case of poor planning and control of production activities the organization may not be able to attain its objectives and may result in loss of customer’s confidence and retardation in the progress of the establishment. The main activities of production management can be listed as: specification and procurement of input resources namely management, material, and land, labour, equipment and capital; product design and development to determine the production process for transforming the input factors into output of goods and services; supervision and control of transformation process for efficient production of goods and services. 3. In modern times production management has to perform a variety of functions: design and development of production process; production planning and control; implementation of the plan and related activities to produce the desired output; administration and coordination of the activities of various components and departments responsible for producing the necessary goods and services. However, the responsibility of determining the output characteristics and the distribution strategy followed by an organization including pricing and selling policies are normally outside the scope of Production Management. The scope of production management is indeed vast. Commencing with the selection of location, production management covers such activities as acquisition of land, constructing building, procuring and installing machinery, purchasing and storing raw materials and converting them into saleable products.
II. Decide whether the following statements are a) true, b) false or c) information is not available in the text: 1) Production Management is the process which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products. 2) Production planning can be combined with production control and integrated into enterprise resource planning. 3) Even in the case of poor planning and control of production activities the organization may be able to attain its objectives.
III. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j):
IV. Complete the sentences (1- 10) with the words (a-l). There are two extra words: a. construction b. profits c. managed d. manager e. takeover f. advertising g. systems h. assets i. authority j. consumer k. productivity l. machine
1. The company’s liabilities exceed its ……….. 2. The ………. company has contracted to build a new airport terminal. 3. He has put his redundancy pay into a ……….. fund. 4. I manage a small ……….. business. 5. What caused the ……….. to malfunction? 6. The fall in ……… was a result of bad management. 7. The ………. bid was beaten by a $2.6 million management buyout. 8. A management by objectives system was introduced to assess ……….. 9. The company has taken on a new marketing ………. 10. Management information...……. allow managers to plan production schedules and alter them if necessary.
V. Match (1-10) with (a-j) to make up sentences:
VI. Complete the sentences (1-10) with a) a, b) an, c) the or d) no article:
1. Plant managers are in..... best position to set safety standards at each plant. 2. To be..... good manager you need loads of energy. 3. An accountant provides assurance of fiscal probity to..... businesses. 4. Real estate managers are in..... best position of anyone to accurately estimate a property’s value. 5. Personnel managers say that Europe has a shortage of..... good senior executives who are willing to move
VII. Put the words (1-5) in the correct order to make up sentences: 1.every, oncost, is, rent, an, because, it, be, paid, year, Factory, must.
……………………………………………………………………………… 2. the, at, reduced, factory, meant, that, Overproduction, the, prices, to, be, had.
………………………………………………………………………………. 3.must, give, more, to, line, managers, to, make, more, responsive, to, operations, customers, We, authority.
……………………………………………………………………………….. 4. surplus, The, introduction, of, technology, has, caused, a, manpower, new.
………………………………………………………………………………… 5. to, goods, be, Faulty, returned, the, manufacturer, should.
VIII. Listen to the text Cambodian Garment Workers to Earn $140 a Month using http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/cambodian-garment-workers-to-earn-140-a-month/2999107.html and answer the following questions:
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