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Module 1. Universities in Great Britain





ГОУВПО «Пермский государственный университет»





Пермь 2007

Составители: ст.преп. В.В.Барсукова, доц. Н.А.Рукавишникова, ст.преп. А.В.Лучникова,ст.преп. Т.И.Тутынина.

Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов заочного отделения географического факультета / сост. В.В.Барсукова, Н.А.Рукавишникова, А.В.Лучникова, Т.И.Тутынина; Перм. ун-т. – Пермь, 2007. – с.


Учебно-методическое пособие направлено на отработку и автоматизацию коммуникативных навыков и умений, умений работы с текстом. Данное пособие предназначено для студентов заочного отделения географического отделения, предполагаемый уровень владения английским языком – А2(базовый). Отдельные модули издания можно использовать в работе со студентами дневного отделения других факультетов.

Рекомендуется для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.



Печатается по постановлению методической комиссии факультета современных иностранных языков и литератур Пермского государственного университета



Методические указания  
Диагностирующий тест  
University life Module 1. Universities in Great Britain Test “Universities in Great Britain” Module 2. Different forms of education Test “Different forms of education” Module 3. Perm State University Test “Perm State University” Module 4. Outstanding scientists and explorers Test “Outstanding scientists and explorers”  
Job hunting Module 1. Applying for a job Test “Applying for a job” Module 2. Professions are so different Module 3. Travel agency Test “Travel agency” Module 4. My future profession Module 5. The problem of unemployment Test “The problem of unemployment”  
Natural disasters Module 1. Types of natural disasters Test “Types of natural disasters” Module 2. Recovering from natural disasters Module 3. Environment protection Test “Environment protection”  
Итоговый тест  
Источники учебных текстов  





Данное пособие разработано для 1 курса 2 семестра заочного отделения географического факультета.

Курс рассчитан на 85 академических часов, что включает в себя выполнение диагностического и итогового тестов, проверочных работ после каждого модуля и непосредственно самих упражнений. Курс поделен на 3 раздела, которые, в свою очередь, делятся на модули. Каждый раздел рассчитан на 28 академических часов.

В процессе прохождения данного курса студенты приобретут следующие навыки и умения:

ü Навык компрессии информации с целью передачи основных идей теста

ü Умение высказаться по прочитанному материалу

ü Умение отвечать на вопросы по прочитанному материалу

ü Умение правильно и адекватно использовать те или иные грамматические конструкции в монологическом высказывании

ü Умение опознавать и правильно переводить те или иные грамматические конструкции в тексте

ü Умение составлять план текста для дальнейшего использования его при передаче основных идей текста

Грамматические упражнения не включены в пособие, однако тесты включают в себя грамматические задания. Рекомендуется использовать отдельные учебники для ознакомления и отработки грамматических навыков.

В конце курса проводится зачет в аудитории. Время на подготовку – 40 минут, непосредственно на сдачу зачету на каждого студента – 15 минут.

Требования для сдачи зачета:

§ Чтение незнакомого текста по пройденной тематике объемом 850-900 знаков (со словарем)

§ Перевод указанных отрывков текста объемом 100-150 знаков

§ Пересказ прочитанного текста

§ 3-4 вопроса по прочитанному тексту

§ дополнительно – 3-4 вопросы по темам (My University, Career, Plans and Ambitions)

Указанные требования не являются окончательными. Преподаватель, проводящий занятия, вправе обозначать свои требования на основе пройденного материала.



Время выполнения всего теста – 30 минут.

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


1. A man ______ help his parents.

a). ought to

b). must

c). should


2. People _______ steal things.

a). don’t have to

b). haven’t to

c). mustn’t


3. We ________ to meet at the concert hall.

a). have

b). are

c). ought


4. If he (to be) interested in visiting different places he (to become) a geographer.

a). would be, would become

b). was, would

c). were, would become


5. If you (to be) interested in life it never (to let) you down.

a). are, will never let

b). will be, will never let

c). were, will never let


6. If all students (to be) millionaires they never (attend) lectures.

a). were, would never attend

b). are, will never attend

c). have been, would never have attended


7. The old fireplace (to replace) in this room recently.

a). was replaced

b). has been replaced

c). has replaced


8. The film “Night Guard” much (to speak) about.

a). was much spoken

b). is much spoke

c). is much spoken


9. I couldn’t use my computer yesterday. It (to fix).

a). hadn’t been fixed

b). wasn’t fix

c). hadn’t fix


10. The teacher (to say) that we (to complete) all the requirements in time.

a). say, will complete

b). said, would complete

c). said, will complete


11. The policeman said, “Don’t touch anything”.

a). The policeman said don’t touch anything.

b). The policeman ordered didn’t touch anything.

c). The policeman ordered not to touch anything.


12. “Will you tell students that the lecture won’t take place today, please”, asked the professor.

a). The professor asked if I will tell students that the lecture won’t take place today.

b). The professor asked to tell students that the lecture wouldn’t take place that day.

c). The professor asked to tell students that the lecture wouldn’t take place today.


II. Вставьте необходимую форму слова (существительное, прилагательное, глагол).


Jobless, droughts, occupied, floods, professional, geographical, applicants, application, unemployment, disasters


  1. There are many _______ teachers in our University.
  2. Students of our faculty deal with ________ features of different countries.
  3. This post is ________.
  4. Many________ enter different higher educational establishments every year.
  5. Job hunters complete different _______ forms such as resumes, reference, letters.
  6. The number of _______ people is constantly increasing year by year especially in suburbs.
  7. ________ offices deal with jobless people who would like to apply for another job.
  8. ________ happen when heavy rains fall for days and nights.

9. Natural ______ are caused by many reasons

10.________ are opposite to floods.


III. Соотнесите английское предложение с его русским эквивалентом.


  1. Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher education in the USA.
  2. Harvard was founded in 1636.
  3. The University was named after its founder John Harvard.
  4. Harvard’s first scholarship fund was created in 1643.
  5. During its early years the University offered a classical academic course.
  6. The teaching staff in Harvard includes 14000 tutors.


a) Первый стипендиальный фонд в Гарварде создан в 1643.

b) Гарвард основан в 1636.

c) Преподавательский состав Гарварда включает 14000 преподавателей.

d) Гарвардский Университет – старейший ВУЗ в Америке.

e) Первоначально Университет предлагал классическое академическое образование.

f) Университет был назван в честь своего основателя Джона Гарварда.


IV. Прочтите текст и отметьте какой пункт плана не раскрыт в тексте.

  1. Constructions preventing floods.
  2. Valuable wetlands.
  3. Flood prevention constructions in practice.
  4. Warnings.
  5. Unconquered nature.

Floods Prevention

Today, there are many ways to help prevent and control floods. Flood-control dams have been constructed throughout history across rivers. Channels and canals are built along rivers when the water is high. Prevention of soil erosion also helps control flooding, that is why it’s a good idea to plant lots of trees.

Scientists continue to study lowland areas. People have gradually filled in wetlands to create land for roads, houses, and cities. About 200,000 to 400,000 acres of wetlands are lost in the United States each year, but they are very valuable in stopping and controlling floods. The wetlands act like huge sponges that soak up huge amounts of water and let it run off slowly. When these areas are filled in and built over, floods are more likely to occur.

In China, where most flooding occurs when the water level in Yellow or Yangtze River is high, people have tried to control it by building channels and dams. The work has paid off, for progress in the last 50 years seems to have stopped serious flooding from the Yellow River. However, the river, like a sleeping dragon, may cause much destruction.

People cannot control nature. Tropical storms, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and melting snow will cause floods. People with homes in low-lying places, by rivers, or in coastal regions are in danger of being killed by floods. In the past, these disasters have caused millions of dollars’ worth in damage. They have taken numerous lives.

V. Прочтите текст еще раз и расположите следующие предложения в том порядке, в котором они представлены в тексте.

a) Floods are caused by many reasons.

b) Many years ago floods caused a huge amount of death and damages.

c) Channels, canals, dams and even trees help to prevent floods.

d) Unfortunately we can’t control nature.

e) China is one of the countries that successfully uses channels, dams and canals to stop floods.

f) Lowlands play an important role in human activity.

g) Many wetlands are dried out for human purposes.

h) As a rule floods occur when rivers overflow.


VI. Прочтите тексты. Соотнесите текст с основной идеей.

a) Students' Life

b) The advantages of the Net

c) Earthquakes


1. We live in a multi-media society. How does the Internet affect our life? The Internet can increase our knowledge of the outside world; there is much high-quality information that can help us understand many fields of study: science, medicine, the art and so on. And moreover now people can get education through the Internet.


2. Major earthquakes occur along faults. These are cracks in the Earth’s crust along which large blocks of crust move against one another. There is usually no movement along the fault while forces and stresses build up on each side. The rocks on either side of the fault begin to bend. Suddenly, the fault breaks. The blocks jump past one another, and the rocks vibrate like a released spring. While the vibration lasts the ground shakes violently.


3. A vast range of cultural, educational, athletic and social activities are available to Princeton students, faculty and staff. When a person is involved in a campus life he or she quickly becomes a part of the University community. Campus life activities help students to express their talents. Colleges offer students a supportive and enriching environment full of opportunities for personal growth.



Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest Universities in England. They date back to the 13th century. Until the 19th century Oxford and Cambridge were the only universities in England, and there was no place for girls. Now they admit men and women.

Oxford University is a federation of independent colleges: Oxford has 23 ordinary colleges for men, 5 for women. All these are equal institutions. In order to become a member of the University a student must first be accepted as a member of a college. Most colleges were founded before 1600, and the oldest three – before 1300. The colleges elect their teachers and heads.

The University has laboratories, libraries and museums, which the students use in their studies. The interested student, during the three year course, can be sure of an opportunity of hearing every political leader in Britain and several of the world’s most distinguished scholars, if he can find the time. Oxford University is famous for the following fact: every Prime Minister from 1945 to 1974 was an Oxford graduate.

Attendance at University lectures is not compulsory, and no records of attendance are kept. A course is selected by an undergraduate independently. The choice depends on the undergraduate’s interest. Undergraduates are provided with tutorials. A tutorial is a weekly meeting of a student with his tutor. A tutor is a teacher of a college. He is an expert in a certain subject. The student’s work is planned and checked by the tutor. Each student goes to his tutor’s room for an hour every week to read out an essay which he and his tutor then discuss. Nowadays, with the increased number of students, it is quite usual for two or more students to attend a tutorial together.

At Oxford there are dozens of students’ societies: dramatic societies, language clubs, musical societies, boxing clubs and so on. In Oxford there are many annual inter-college competitions in many sports and some traditional competitions with Cambridge. The focal point of the season for the University clubs is the fixture against Cambridge in which men and women undergraduates take part. The rivalry between the two Universities at sport is a part of national life, and in particular the Boat Race, which is held near London at the end of March each year, is one of the great British events of the year.


Task 9. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.


  1. Oxford University is an old university. True/False
  2. Oxford University has 23 colleges for men and women. True/False
  3. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. True/False
  4. A tutorial is a meeting with the tutor. True/False
  5. At Oxford there are not many societies. True/False


Task 10. Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents.


  1. A student has been told to go to his tutorials three times a week.
  2. A tutor has told a student to visit the tutorials three times a week.
  3. The attendance is compulsory.
  4. The graduates may not attend the lectures.
  5. Students’ societies are organized in every Institution.
  6. There are a lot of students’ clubs in Great Britain.
  7. Oxford and Cambridge were founded in the 13th century.
  8. Many distinguished scholars graduated from Oxford and Cambridge.
  9. It is a tradition that teachers and heads are elected by the college.
  10. It is not a bad idea that the students elect their teachers and heads.


    1. Студенческие общества организуются в каждом учебном заведении.
    2. Посещение обязательно.
    3. Многие выдающиеся ученые закончили Оксфорд и Кембридж.
    4. Студенты старших курсов могут не посещать лекций.
    5. В Великобритании существует много студенческих клубов.
    6. Студенту сказали посещать консультации три раза в неделю.
    7. Преподаватель сказал студенту посещать консультации три раза в неделю.
    8. Оксфорд и Кембридж были основаны в 13 веке.
    9. Не так уж это и плохо, что студенты выбирают преподавателей и заведующих.
    10. Существует традиция, что преподавателей и заведующих избирает колледж.


Task 11. Make sure you know the pronunciation of these words.


Bachelor of Arts /’bæt ∫ələrəv ‘a:ts/

St.Andrews /snt’ændru:z/

Aberdeen /’ æbə’di:n/

Sheffield /’ ∫efi:ld/

Sussex /’sasiks/

York /jo:k/

East Anglia /i:st ’ængliə/


Task 12. Find the answers to the questions below from the suggested text.


ü What institutions of higher education in Britain do you know?

ü What degrees can a student get after studying at the University?

ü What are “concrete and glass” universities?

ü Who is the Open University for?



I. Текст Life at College and University можно разбить на три смысловых блока:

  1. Общая характеристика жизни университетов Британии.

The academic year in British universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education is divided into three terms, which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

English universities greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, size, history, tradition, general organization, methods of instruction, way of student life.

After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take a Master’s Degree and then a Doctor’s Degree. Research is an important feature of university work.


  1. Основные учебные заведения.


There are 46 universities in Britain. The oldest and the best known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Southampton, Cardiff, Bristol, Birmingham.

The two intellectual eyes of Britain – Oxford and Cambridge - date from the 12th and 13th centuries.

The Scottish universities of St.Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh date from the 15th and 16th centuries.


  1. Современные (недавно созданные) учебные заведения.


In the 19th and the early part of the 20th century the so-called Redbrick universities were founded. These include London, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, and Birmingham. During the late sixties and early seventies some 20 ‘new’ universities were set up. Sometimes they are called ‘concrete and glass’ universities. Among them there are the universities of Sussex, York, East Anglia and some others.

During these years the Government set up thirty Polytechnics. The Polytechnics, like the universities, offer first and higher degrees. Some of them offer full-time and sandwich courses. Colleges of England provide two-year courses in teacher education or sometimes three years if the graduate specializes in some particular subject.

There is an interesting form of studies which is called the Open University. It is intended for people who study in their own free time and who ‘attend’ lectures by watching television and listening to the radio. They keep in touch by phone and letter with their tutors and attend summer schools. The Open University students have no formal qualifications and would be unable to enter ordinary universities.


II. Выделяем основную информацию:

The academic year in British universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education is divided into three terms. English universities greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, size, history, tradition, general organization, methods of instruction, way of student life. After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take a Master’s Degree and then a Doctor’s Degree.

There are 46 universities in Britain. The oldest and the best known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Southampton, Cardiff, Bristol, Birmingham.

In the 19th and the early part of the 20th centuries the so-called Redbrick universities were founded. During the late sixties and early seventies some 20 ‘new’ universities were set up. Sometimes they are called ‘concrete and glass’ universities. Among them are the universities of Sussex, York, East Anglia and some others. The Polytechnics, like the universities, offer first and higher degrees. Some of them offer full-time and sandwich courses. There is an interesting form of studies which is called the Open University. It is intended for people who study in their own free time and who ‘attend’ lectures by watching television and listening to the radio. They keep in touch by phone and letter with their tutors and attend summer schools. The Open University students have no formal qualifications and would be unable to enter ordinary universities.



Perm State University is situated on the left bank of the river Kama. It is named after the great Russian writer A.M.Gorky. Perm State University – the oldest higher educational institution in the Urals – was the starting point of the higher education in our region. It was opened on October 10, 1916, and the matter was greatly helped by the sponsorship of N.V.Meshkov. The University of Perm was set up as a branch of the University of St.Petersburg, one of the leading universities of Europe. In 1916 the University had only 3 faculties: that of history, languages and literature; of physics and mathematics and the faculty of law. The first rector of Perm University was professor K.D.Pokrovsky. In the early 30-ies independent institutions stemmed from Perm University: Medical, Pedagogical and Agricultural in Perm; Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Berezniki, and veterinary institute in the town of Troitsk of Chelyabinsk region.

Nowadays, Perm University is one of the leading institutions of higher education on the Urals. Full-time, part-time and correspondence departments number a lot of students. The University has 12 faculties.

During the period of its existence Perm University trained many specialists. Young specialists who graduate from the University work as geologists, lawyers, teachers, etc. in different parts of the country. The curricula of different faculties include different subjects. Specialization usually begins in the 2-nd or 3-rd year. The profound study of theory is accompanied by practical training, first in specially equipped laboratories, then in various schools or factories. During their practical training students of the 4th and 5th year get acquainted with the work in the field they will devote themselves to upon graduating.

Education process is carried on by many chairs, a lot of lecturers, including doctors of science, professors, candidate of science, readers. Scientists of Perm University take part in international congresses and conferences, which take place in Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Poland and other countries. Now we have regular academic contacts with the University of Oxford, with several Universities in France, Louisville University (USA) and with many universities of central Europe. These contacts envisage regular exchanges of the members of teaching staff and students.

In 2006 Perm State University celebrated its 90th anniversary.


Task 4. Translate the underlined sentences into Russian.

Task5. Complete the sentences with the right ending.

1. Perm State University (PSU) is named after…

  1. a Russian lawyer.
  2. a Russian writer.
  3. a British writer.

2. PSU was set up as ….

  1. a branch of Moscow State University.
  2. a branch of the University of St.Petersburg.
  3. an independent institution.

3. Independent institutions stemmed from PSU in …

  1. Perm region.
  2. Chelyabinsk region.
  3. both.

4. The faculties differ in …

  1. curricula.
  2. students.
  3. teachers.

5. PSU has academic contacts with …

  1. the United Kingdom.
  2. Africa.
  3. Australia.


Task 6. Translate the text into English (use the words/phrases from the text about PSU).


Московский университет – первый университет России. Он основан в 1755 году. Тогда Московский университет состоял из 3 факультетов: философского, юридического и медицинского. Университет имел всего 10 профессоров и 30 студентов. Постепенно возникли новые курсы, научные школы и направления. Московский университет быстро превратился в важнейший центр русской науки и культуры. В 19 веке в университете уже насчитывалось 4 факультета и 56 кафедр. В 1940 году ему было присвоено имя М.В.Ломоносова.

Сегодня в МГУ 15 факультетов. В его состав также входят научно-исследовательские институты, музеи и т.д. МГУ развивает широкие связи с крупнейшими университетами Европы, Америки, Австралии, Азии, Африки.

Task 7. Speak on the topic “Perm State University”.


Task 8. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.

Enhance /in’ha:ns/ увеличивать, повышать
Eminent /’eminənt/ знаменитый, выдающийся
Interweave(interwove – interwoven) /’intə:’wi:v/ переплетать
Reveal /ri’vi:l/ открывать, показывать, обнаруживать
Potential /pə’ten∫əl/ потенциал
Custom /’kastəm/ Обряд, традиция


Task 9. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

  1. How are the academic activities organized at the University?
  2. What are two main parties at the PSU?
  3. Why is Freshman Day so important for a first year student?
  4. Is Tatiana’s Day only connected with the students?
  5. What are extra curriculum activities offered at the University?



The first geographical faculty was founded in 1932 in the Pedagogical Institute. The following years connected with the opening of new departments and specializations.

Every year 250-300 former pupils entered in the faculty. Many graduates of the faculty become professors, geographical teachers, known researchers and scientists.

Full-time, part-time and correspondence departments are available at the faculty. The structure of the faculty consists of 5 departments.



Task 1. Choose the best verb form.

  1. The day before yesterday we (are invited, were invited, invite) to the restaurant by Tom.
  2. Look! The bridge (is being repaired, is been repaired, has being repaired).
  3. The letter and the parcel (will be post, will have been posted, will be posted) tomorrow.
  4. In Greece the Olympic Games (were held, are being held, are held) once in four years.
  5. This book (would have been published, will have been published, will been published) by the end of September.
  6. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (was already being packed, had already been packed, was packed).
  7. A police car came when the injured man (was being carried off, was been carrying off, has been carried off) the road.

Task2. Complete the text with the given verb forms.

Had been given

Was given (2 раза)

Was shown

Had been told

Was offered

Wasn’t being paid

Had never been taught

Was promised

Was sent

I’ll never forget my first day at the office. I ______ to arrive at 8.30, but when I got there the whole place seemed to be empty. I didn’t know what to do, because I _______ no information about the building or where I was going to work, so I just waited around until some of the secretaries began to turn up. Finally I _____a dirty little office on the fifth floor, where I ___ a desk in a corner. Nothing happened for an hour; then I ____ some letters to type on a computer by one of the senior secretaries. This wasn’t very successful, because I ______ how to use a computer. (In the letter I _______ when I _____ the job, I ______ computer training, but they’d obviously forgotten about this.) By lunchtime things hadn’t got any better, and I decided that I ____ enough to put up with this nonsense, so I walked out and didn’t go back.


Task3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words/phrases.

a) At the very beginning PSU was a ______ of the ST.Petersburg ‘s University.

b) Some independent institutions ______ from the University.

c) There are three departments at the PSU: ________, ________ and __________.

d) The ________ of different faculties include different subjects.

e) Two most merriest parties at the PSU are Tatiana’s Day and ____ ____.

f) The abilities of a student can be fully ________ at the University.

g) The students’ life is closely ______ with that of the University.



Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833. His father was an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in Stockholm.

The family moved to Finland and then to Russia. Immanuel Nobel started a mechanical workshop in St.Petersburg which provided equipment for the Russian army.

In St.Petersburg both sons of Immanuel Nobel were given a first class education by private teachers. The training included natural sciences, languages and literature. Alfred’s father wanted his sons to join his enterprises as engineers, so Alfred was sent abroad for further training in chemical engineering.

Alfred Nobel became very interested in nitro-glycerine and how it could be put to practical use in construction work. He also realized that the safety problems had to be solved and a method had to be developed for the controlled denotation of nitro-glycerine. In 1852 he together with his father performed experiments to develop a new commercially and technically useful explosive.

In 1866 his new material dynamite was patented. This invention drastically reduced the cost of blasting rock. Over the years factories and laboratories were founded by A.Nobel in some 90 different places in more than 20 countries.

Although he lived in Paris much of his life he was constantly travelling. Nobel himself worked intensively in various laboratories in Stockholm (Sweden), Hamburg (Germany), Ardeer (Scotland), Paris (France) and San Remo (Italy). He focused on the synthetic rubber and leather, artificial silk etc. By the time of his death in 1896 355 patents had been received by Alfred Nobel.

Alfred Nobel’s greatness lay in his ability to combine the penetrating mind of the scientist and inventor with the forward looking dynamism of the industrialist. Nobel was very interested in social and peace-related issues and held what were considered radical views in his era. He had a great interest in literature and wrote his own poetry and dramatic works. The Nobel Prizes became an extension and fulfilment of his lifetime interest.

He died in San Remo, Italy, on December 10, 1896. When his will was opened it came as a surprise that his fortune was to be used for Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. The Nobel Foundation was set as an organization to take care of the financial asserts left by Nobel for this purpose and to co-ordinate the work of the Prize-Awarding Institution.


Task 5. Complete the sentences with the right ending.


1. Alfred Nobel’s father was …

a) an engineer.

b) an inventor.

c) both.

2. Alfred Nobel was very good at ….

a) chemistry.

b) languages.

c) physics.

3. Alfred Nobel’s new material was patented as ….

a) nitro-glycerine.

b) explosive material.

c) dynamite.

4. The great inventor paid special attention to ….

a) bridge building.

b) synthetic rubber.

c) getting patents.

5. After his death Alfred Nobel left his money to …

a) Oxford.

b) his family.

c) the Prize-Awarding Institution organization.


Task 6. Prepare to speak on the topic “Alfred Nobel” (12-14 setences). The suggested words, phrases and dates should be used in your speech.



Nobel Foundation


…was born… …was interested… …paid great attention… … was particularly good at… …was patented… Then… After that… Finally… Taking into account… Fortunately… I must say that… It must be pointed out that… Speaking about…  


Task 7. Read the text, study the underlined examples of the articles usage and formulate the rules of zero and definite articles usage.


ROALD AMUNDSEN (1872-1928)

Amundsen was Norwegian. He was also one of the twentieth century's greatest explorers. His most famous journey began in August 1910. That's when he left Norway with eight companions in a ship called the Fram. Five months later Amundsen and his men reached Antarctica. Their goal was the South Pole. They weren't the only team hoping to make history, though. Another group of explorers led by an Englishman called Robert Falcon Scott were also in Antarctica and they planned to reach the South Pole, too.

After arriving, Amundsen quickly built a camp near the Bay of Whales. Then, using dogs and sledges, he and his men began their historic journey to the most southerly point in the world. It was a long, difficult journey and the weather was often bad, but they finally succeeded on 14 December 1911, stayed for three days, then returned to camp as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, though, Amundsen's triumph was mixed with sadness. Scott and his men (who reached the Pole a month after Amundsen) all died during a terrible snow storm on their return journey.

Amundsen's name is usually connected with Antarctica, yet he also made several journeys to the Arctic. On one of them (in 1926) he even flew over the North Pole in an airship called the Norge. That made him the first man in history to reach both Poles.


Task 11. Complete the text.


His most famous journey began in _______. Amundsen and his men reached _________. Their ______ was the South Pole. They made their plan come true on _____.

Amundsen’s name is usually _________ with ________, yet he explored ________ too. That’s why he is the first man in history to ________both Poles.


Task 12. Retell the text “Roald Amundsen”.




Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Passive or Present Continuous Passive.

  Example: The food (keep) here. - The food is kept here.  


  1. The bridge (repair) at the moment.
  2. Such mistakes (make) by even the best students.
  3. The houses (build) of stone, brick and wood now.
  4. A new museum (open) now.
  5. A special rule (make) for students to be taken to the University.


Task 2. Complete the sentences with the right article:


Example: I went to____ France last year, but I haven’t been to ____ Netherlands yet. - I went to --- France last year, but I haven’t been to theNetherlands yet.
  1. I live in ____ Lenina Street.
  2. ____ Thames flows through ____ London.
  3. ___USA is _____ fourth largest country in the world after _____ Russia, ___Canada and ___ Republic of ____ China.
  4. _____Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of ______London.
  5. _____Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
  6. _____Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet.
  7. ______Urals are old and not very high.
  8. Show me ______ Canary Islands?
  9. ___Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world.


Task 3. Complete the sentences according to the example.

  Example: Victoria Beckham is from Britain. She is ________. - Victoria Beckham is from Britain. She is British.  


  1. Gianni Versace is from Italy. He is __________.
  2. Antonio Banderas is from Spain. He is _______.
  3. Gerard Depardieu is from France. He is _________.
  4. Tarkan is from Turkey. He is ________.
  5. Kirkorov is from Bulgaria. He is _______.
  6. Julia Roberts is from America. She is ______.
  7. Michael Schumacher is from Germany. He is _______.
  8. Ivanov is from Russia. He is ________.


Task 4. Choose the best paraphrased sentence for the original one.

  1. When his will was opened it came as a surprise that his fortune was to be used for Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. The Nobel Foundation was set as an organization to take care of the financial asserts left by Nobel for this purpose and to co-ordinate the work of the Prize-Awarding Institution.

a) Alfred Nobel is especially known for his fortune to be spent on Prizes in science’s spheres.

b) Alfred Nobel was very surprised to find out that his money would be spent on Prizes.

c) Alfred Nobel organized the Nobel Foundation.


  1. Even so, he managed to educate himself, go to university and become a doctor.

a) He was self-educated.

b) The basic profession of David Livingston was a doctor.

c) David Livingston was a manager.


  1. On that journey he became the first European to see one of the world's greatest waterfalls - the Victoria Falls.

a) David Livingston was the first European.

b) David Livingston was not the only European to see the waterfalls.

c) David Livingston was the first European to see the Victoria Falls.


4. Amundsen's name is usually connected with Antarctica, yet he also made several journeys to the Arctic.

a) His journeys were not only to Antarctica, but also to the Arctic.

b) He made several journeys around the world.

c) The Artic is connected with the name of Amundsen.



Most people work because they need to earn salary, but money is not the only motivation or reason why people work. People get job satisfaction from different factors, such as social interaction with colleagues. Your professional position and achievement, doing something well can be important. Some companies really value their employees and see them as the company’s main asset. Managing people well can lead to better results and higher productivity for the company, but this can be difficult to do. People respond differently to different styles of management. Some organizations give their workers freedom to develop their roles and others don’t.


Task 8. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

  1. Most people work because they like it. True/False
  2. Not all companies give freedom to their workers. True/False
  3. Job satisfaction depends on different reasons. True/False
  4. Employers are the main company’s asset. True/False
  5. Managing people can lead to high productivity for the company. True/False


Task 9. Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents.


  1. People need to earn money for their living.
  2. Your achievements may help you in applying for a job.
  3. High-grade specialists can promote a company.
  4. When you are looking for a job you should identify your achievements and skills.
  5. You mustn’t be late for the interview with an employer.

a. Высококвалифицированные специалисты способствуют продвижению компании.

b. Людям необходимо зарабатывать на жизнь.

c. Вы не должны опаздывать на собеседование со своим работодателем.

d. Ваши достижения могут помочь Вам при устройстве на работу.

e. В поисках работы Вам следует определить свои достижения и умения.

Task10. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.

Curriculum vitae(CV) /kə’rikju’ləm ‘vi:tai/ жизнеописание
Resume /’rezju’mei/ резюме
Tool /tu:l/ инструмент, средство
Brochure /’brou ∫ə/ брошюра
Essential /i’sen∫əl/ необходимый
Objective /ob’dzektiv/ цель
Experience /iks’piəriəns/ опыт
Credentials /kri’den∫əlz/ верительные грамоты
To highlight /’hailait/ осветить
Reference letter /’referens ‘lete/ Рекомендательное письмо


Task11. Read the text and answer the questions.


  1. What are the parts of the CV/resume?
  2. What should each part of the CV/resume contain?


A CV or curriculum vitae is a marketing tool. With your CV you will be able to promote yourself. Imagine that the CV as being a brochure that will list the benefits of a particular service. When writing a CV look at it from your employers point of view. A CV is an essential tool in your job search. When applying for a vacancy you generally first have to send your CV to present yourself to the prospective employer.

A CV consists of heading, skills, objective, education, professional experience, activities or interests.

In CV Heading you can write your general information: name, surname, local address, e-mail address, phone number. The Skills Summary section of your CV includes your main skills. You should only include keywords in this section. The CV Objective states “What is my next step in my career?” this should be a short statement that informs the employer what kind of position you are looking for. List all your qualifications in the Education section. Include all of your education including certifications from non-academic institutions especially that are related to this job vacancy. If you have more work experience than qualifications, put your work experience before your qualifications. The section Professional Experience includes any work experience that you have in the field you are applying for. Even if the post is unpaid, voluntary, summer job, internship, co-op experience or extracurricular activity. Each job detail should include the following basic information: title of position, length you held the post, responsibilities, name of organization. Any activities that you do in your free time, can be related to your job. If you worked in the school paper it shows initiative and you are willing to take sacrifices in order to further your career.


Regardless of your experience, qualifications and intelligence, you’ll need to apply for jobs and pass through that all important selection procedure. To apply for a job you must write a resume. The resume is made up of: an accurate summary of credentials, education, achievements, job experience and goals. It show flow naturally and be easily read.

A resume should contain accurate information. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep the resume updated after each major task or qualification’s received.

All resumes typically contain sections that highlight education and work experience. Often a summary of qualifications section is used to provide the reader with an overview of the competences. Also many people find it helpful to begin a resume with an objective so that the reader has a reference point by which to understand the strengths and experience.

Typical resume sections are contact information, summary of qualifications, education, skills, and work experience. Optional sections are objectives, technical skills, awards, publications and so on.


Task 12. Look through the Reference Letter and choose the points mentioned in it.

  1. Address of the one who writes the letter.
  2. Education
  3. Date
  4. Recommendation
  5. Subject
  6. Signature and position
  7. A person’s previous duties
  8. Computer Literacy
  9. His/Her personal characteristics
  10. Saying goodbye
  11. Information about the family


Hart Publications, Inc.
1400 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10012
(212) 555-6239

April 10, 1998

Subject: Reference Letter for Mr. James Miller

To Whom It May Concern:

James worked under my supervision as an editorial assistant from September 10, 1997, until April 5, 1998. His responsibilities included conducting research and interviews, fact checking, and writing brief front-of-the-book pieces, in addition to some clerical duties. During the course of his employment, James proved himself to be an able employee, a hard worker, and a talented writer.

I was quite impressed by James' ability to complete all work assigned to him on time, if not before it was due. His research was always thorough and comprehensive, and his fact checking always accurate. We sometimes allow our editorial assistants to do some writing, but James' talents prompted us to assign him more pieces than the norm. His writing is clear, concise, and evocative.

Overall, James is a very conscientious and able employee. I certainly believe he has what it takes to make a wonderful editor someday, and I am sad to see him leave. I strongly recommend James for any mid-level editorial position in publishing.


Edward P. Larkin
Executive Editor


Task 13. Read the Reference Letter carefully and point out the phrases expressing the following ideas.


A person’s previous duties    
His/Her personal characteristics    
Signature and position    


Task 14. Get ready to speak on the topic “Applying for a job” (about 15 sentences) according to the suggested plan.


  1. Historical facts about professions (see previous module)
  2. Career
  3. Necessary documents when applying for a job

a) CV

b) Resume

c) Reference Letter





Task 1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verb.


1.You will …… speak Spanish in another few months.

a. can

b. have

c. be able to

d. ought

2.I’d like …… skate.

a. to can

b. to be able to

c. to have to

d. could

3.I’m sorry, I…. have phoned to tell you I was coming.

a. should to

b. ought to

c. had to

d. could

4.In my opinion, the government ….. take care of old people.

a. ought

b. need to

c. must

d. may

5.I…. get up early on Mondays.

a. am able

b. have to

c. must

d. may

6.Little children like books with large print. They …. read them more easily.

a. should

b. must

c. can

d. have to

7.My dentist says I …. eat so many sweets.

a. needn’t

b. mustn’t

c. ought to

d. shouldn’t


Task 2. Match the headings with the texts.









IT Office 2000 and Windows NT, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint

Languages Fluent German and proficient in French

Additional Driving license (car and motorcycle)



Geoffrey Williams Brenda Denholm

Professor of journalism Sports Editor

University of London The Glasgow tribune



1995-present Public Relation Officer, Scottish Nature Trust

Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of Trust’s

activities and ensuring their distribution to the press

1992-1995 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board

Preparation of promotional materials and brochures

1990-1992 The Glasgow Tribune newspaper

Two three-month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor

Arranging and conducting interviews

4. _________________________

Fiona Scott

52 Hanover Street

Edinburgh EH2 5LM


Phone: 0131 449 0237

E-mail: Fiona.scott@caledonia.net

5. _________________________

1991-1992 London Chamber of Commerce an Industry

Diploma in Public Relations

1988-1991 University of London

BA (honours) in Journalism and Media Studies



A profession is an occupation that requires extensive training and the study and mastery of specialized knowledge, and usually has a professional association, ethical code and process of certification or licensing. Examples are law, medicine, finance, the military, nursing, the clergy and engineering.

Classically, there were only four professions: the church, the military, medicine, and law. All these held a specific code of ethics, and members were almost universally required to swear some form of oath to uphold those ethics. Each ____________also provided and required extensive training in the meaning, value and importance of that oath in the practice of the profession.

Sociologists have been known to define ­________________ as self-defined power elitism or as organised exclusivity along guild lines, much in the sense that George Bernard Shaw characterised all professions as "conspiracies against the laity". Sociological definitions of _______________involving checklists of perceived or claimed characteristics (altruism, self-governance, esoteric knowledge, special skills, ethical behavior, etc.) became less fashionable in the late 20th century.

A member of a profession is termed a professional. However, __________is also used for the acceptance of payment for an activity, in contrast to amateur. A professional sportsperson, for example, is one who receives payment for participating in sport, but sport is not generally considered a profession.


Task 10. Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: Graduate from the University - you will get a diploma. – If you don’t graduate from the University, you won’t get a diploma.  

Get a diploma - you will find a job.

Practise your skills - you will become a professional.

A doctor gets a medicine license - he will be able to practise.

People of many professions get accreditations - they will not be forbidden to work by law.

Task 11. Read the text and answer the question Why do people work? Find as many reasons as possible (your ideas are welcome).

Why do people work?

So, in our society, is MONEY the NUMBER ONE reason for working!!!???A lot of people might agree with this statement, but is money the main reason why so many people spend so much of their time working?
Surely does work give us other things as well as money?
Go back to your farm for a second... and think of all the things you would have to do for yourself. What would happen if, for example, you weren't able to repair your hand-plough if it broke down?
Now, some other farmers probably discovered that they were particularly good at repairing broken down ploughs, and when everyone found this out, they all would ask this farmer to repair theirs. Soon a thriving business had been set up-ploughs repaired in exchange for corn, or milk or rugs or any other thing the repairer needed.
Pretty soon, other people began specialising in all sorts of things, and they didn't have to worry about doing everything for themselves, as they were able to trade their special skills for the things they wanted.
So, the main reason why "work'' exists today is since we cannot possibly do everything for ourselves, we get other people to do things for us, and pay them for their work. In order to do that, we must also do things for other people so that we can earn money.
Think of everything you do-all of it costs money. Electricity isn't free, nor is water, food, housing, clothing, etc. So, we appear to be back at the point again where money is still the MAIN REASON for working, but now probably not in the original way you were thinking.
In fact, although money might appear to be the main reason for working, it isn't always the main "thing" people get from their job.
In fact, many people stay in low paid jobs because they get a lot of personal satisfaction from other aspects of those jobs.


Task 12. Divide the reasons into the suggested categories.

Skills, knowledge Satisfaction Character of a person Freedom at work Chance of promotion Social security Your life style Feeling of power


  1. lets me use my special abilities, skills and knowledge
  2. makes me feel that I'm doing something useful
  3. keeps me busy and helps fill in time
  4. lets me be creative
  5. involves doing a variety of tasks
  6. allows me to meet a lot of people
  7. lets me experience new things and learn more
  8. lets me see something for my efforts
  9. allows me to be responsible
  10. gives me power/influence over others
  11. provides opportunities to make friends
  12. lets me help people
  13. provides money
  14. allows me to be with others
  15. provides physical activity for me
  16. allows me to contribute to the community
  17. lets me control my own time
  18. allows me to satisfy my other needs
  19. offers me chances for improvement and/or promotion
  20. allows me to be known and liked by many people


Module 3. Travel Agency

Task1. Study the information below and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms.


-er – traveller / ‘trævələ/

-ogue – travelogue / ‘trævəlog/ - брошюра туров

travel insurance


  1. ______ across Africa can be very exciting.
  2. He has ___________ all over the world.
  3. Many explorers are famous ____________.
  4. A brochure can be called a _____________.
  5. Foreign _________ is not very popular nowadays because there are many wars in the world.


Task 2. Study the information below and choose the appropriate word. Sometimes more than one option is possible.

Travel – длительное путешествие с одного места/страны на другое.



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