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Ex. 3. Complete the following statements.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Содержание книги
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1) Personality is... 2) Personality embraces... 3) Personality includes... 4) To have a sanguine temperament means to be... 5) To have a melancholic temperament means to be... 6) To have a choleric temperament means to be... 7) To have a phlegmatic temperament means to be... 8) To be stolid means.... 9) To be apathetic means... 10) To be undemonstrative means... 11) To be sad means... 12) To be angry means... 13) To be optimistic means... 14) To be enthusiastic means... 15) To be excitable means... Ex 4. Translate into English. Меланхолический, холерический, флегматичный, преувеличенный, характерная черта, врожденный, физиолог, размышление, сангвистический, энтузиазм, безразличный, легко возбудимый, раздражительность, бесстрастный, сдержанный. Ex.5. Find the definitions.
TEXT 6 “Antisocial Behavior.” 9 Ex.1. Translate the following words and word combinations. Lack of adherence, antisocial behavior disorders, physically violent, adolescence, conduct disorders, puberty, escalating violence, parenting, aversive or punitive environments, parenting, excessive punishment, personality traits, behaves impulsively, hurt emotionally or physically, cruel to animals, extremely selfish and self-centered, friendships are hard to maintain, get involved, white collar crime, motivation for adults to change, exhibit signs. TEXT Antisocial behavior can be generally characterized as an overall lack of adherence to the social mores and standards that allow members of a society to coexist peaceably. According to some studies, individuals with antisocial behavior disorders are responsible for about half of all crimes committed, though they make up only about five percent of the population. Most of those with antisocial behavior disorders are male. Of the females that account for a smaller portion, most are not physically violent. Antisocial behavior can start out in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. In children it is referred to as a conduct disorder, in adults as antisocial personality disorder. Conduct disorders developed early in life, prior to puberty, are more likely to continue into adulthood and also more likely to be aggressive. Conversely, a child that develops antisocial behavior at or after puberty has a better chance of the disorder not continuing into adulthood. Antisocial behavior as seen in children is a growing concern among educators. Escalating violence in schools is an outward manifestation of antisocial behavior. Researchers have linked certain factors to the childhood form, finding it is often passed down within the family, though the genetics of this are not well understood. There also seem to be other common factors. Children with conduct disorders are often victims of abuse or have been exposed to aversive or punitive environments. Parenting is often inconsistent, swinging from excessive leniency to excessive punishment. Most of society's worst criminals showed clear signs of antisocial behavior as children. Today's parents are called upon to watch for signs so that the condition can be treated. Children or adolescents with conduct disorder will show three or more of the following signs consistently in his or her personality traits: · Behaves impulsively, thoughtlessly jeopardizing the safety of himself and others. · Is manipulative, lies or cons his way through situations. · Will not follow rules, enjoys breaking the law. · Borrows money without repaying it. · Steals. · Is overly aggressive, often picking fights. · Is willing to hurt others emotionally or physically without remorse. · Is arrogant and overly confident. · Likes to set fires. · Is cruel to animals. A person with conduct disorder or antisocial behavior might appear very charming and outgoing at first. However, friendships are hard to maintain as it becomes clear that it is too difficult to be close to this person. What at first seems to be daring and fun activity soon becomes dangerous and thoughtless. People exhibiting antisocial behavior are extremely selfish and self-centered. Adults that are affected by antisocial behavior that did not have conduct disorder as children might initially get involved with white collar crime or become abusive to a spouse or family member. The nature of the negative behavior can escalate with time. The worst cases of antisocial behaviors seen in adult criminals, such as murderers, can usually be traced back to earlier conduct disorders as children.
Antisocial behavior in adults is not easily treated by psychotherapy or medication, as there is little motivation for adults to change. If you suspect an adult with this disorder it is best to avoid him or her as much as possible to protect yourself and your family. Anyone who believes their child might be exhibiting signs of conduct disorder should seek professional help immediately.
Ex2. Continue the following sentences.
1. Antisocial behavior can be generally characterized as …
2. Antisocial behavior can start out in …
3. A child that develops antisocial behavior at or after puberty has a better …
4. Escalating violence in schools is …
5. Children with conduct disorders are often …
6. Most of society's worst criminals showed clear signs of..
7. A person with conduct disorder or antisocial behavior might …
8. People exhibiting antisocial behavior are …
9. The worst cases of antisocial behaviors seen …
10. Antisocial behavior in adults is not easily treated by …
11. Anyone who believes their child might be exhibiting …
Ex.3. Find the right translation.
TEXT 7 “ Social Groups.”
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