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Present-day WAP services use two different bearer services: circuit-switched data (CSD) and short message service (SMS), each of which is significantly limited. Ericsson's network solution offers WAP over unstructured supplementary data (USSD), but at present there are no terminals that support this solution. A CSD phone call can take up to 30 seconds to set up, which causes a major barrier for WAP. Even by improving the access time for WAP services over CSD this delay is still an obstacle to using WAP services - when a fast-access server is used, the total delay can be reduced to only 8 or 10 seconds; when a proprietary non-authenticating access server solution is used the delay can be reduced to 3 seconds. By contrast, the set-up time for WAP over SMS is extremely short, but since SMS has far lower bandwidth than CSD, WAP over SMS is slow for services that transmit large amounts of information to the mobile terminal. The deployment of general packet radio service (GPRS) will eliminate delays - the access time will be insignificant since GPRS is always online. Furthermore, GPRS offers much greater bandwidth than CSD. Bluetooth is another technology that will enhance and work in symbiosis with WAP. Bluetooth will greatly enhance mobility by opening the way for communication with other electronic devices; for example, in shops. When used in combination with WAP, Bluetooth will enable communication between end-users, electronic devices, and applications and storage in the network or the Internet.
Вариант 10. Задание 1. Измените число существительных с единственного на множественное и внесите соответствующие изменения в остальные члены предложений. 1. That lady gave the girl a key. 2. This woman didn't say anything, 3. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? 4. A bird sang on the branch of a tree. 5. The man looked at the shelf. 6. The ox ate the grass. Задание 2. Измените форму прилагательных, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. This piece of homework is the (bad) you have ever done. 2. Robert and Paul are the (noisy) boys /that I know. 3. Summer is the (warm) of the four seasons. 4. The Nile is (long) than the Dnepr. 5. She is (strange) person we have ever met. 6. The room is (clean) than they used to be. Задание 3. Вставьте модальные глаголы may, can, must, need. 1. You... to your lessons in time. 2.... I borrow your umbrella, please? 3. You... go home after classes. 4. You... tell him about this news, I insist. 5. I've got a terrible toothache. I'll... go to the doctor tomorrow. 6. The ice is quite thick. We... walk on it. Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму. 1. He (to go) to the library tomorrow? - No, he already (to be) there this week. 2. She (to read) an English book the whole evening tomorrow. 3. I (write) the letter but I (not send) it. 4. She (answer) it on Tuesday. 5. You (switch off) the light before you left the house? 6. I (copy) the text from the text-book now. Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Вы были когда-нибудь в Риме? – Нет, я поеду туда в следующем году. 2. Это одна из лучших комнат в этой гостинице. 3. Нам объяснили эту тему на прошлом уроке. 4. Маленькая девочка часто помогает своей матери. 5. Речь была заслушана с большим вниманием. 6. Моего брата посылают в командировку. Сейчас он готовится к отъезду. Задание 6. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы предложений. 1. He discusses many questions at the office. 2. They have sent us several telegrams lately. 3. The tourists were not allowed to attend the sitting of the Parliament. 4. I was to wait for her at the railway station. 5. He will be working at the library at this time tomorrow. Задание 7. Задайте вопросы к каждому члену предложения. 1. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters at the office last week. 2. They will return home later than usually tomorrow. 3. My friend knows Spanish very well. 4. He has just translated this article. 5. Yesterday I came home at 3 o'clock. Задание 8. Задайте общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к каждому предложению. 1. I was repairing my car the whole dayyesterday. 2. They will have done this work by 11 o'clock tomorrow. 3. The pupils planted many trees near school. 4. He will send the telegram. 5. My brother booked the tickets. Задание 9. Переведите текст на русский язык.
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