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CusMod Activity Reports and Information Reports (AR or IR)


​Customs officers’ work reports input to CusMod.

Last updated: Friday, 15 April 2011


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CusMod Business Analysts

​Staff who assist business units by enhancing CusMod applications.

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Customs controlled area

​An area that is licensed for one or more of the purposes described in section 10 of the Customs and Excise Act 1996, or Regulation 6 of the Customs and Excise Regulations 1996. For the full description of these purposes and the different types of CCA go to Customs controlled areas. (sse glossary item 'CCA')


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Customs duty

​A sum of money an importer will have to pay to bring goods into New Zealand. It is worked out by using the duty rate that applies to that item, multiplying it by the Customs value of the item, then taking into account any preferences, concessions or duty free allowances that might apply.


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Customs place

​A Customs port or Customs airport designated under Section 9 of the Customs and Excise Act 1996.


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Customs' rates of exchange

​International currency exchange rates set by Customs every two weeks. They are used to work out the New Zealand dollar value of imported goods.

Customs Release

​The Customs e-zine, published fortnightly and emailed to subscribers and stakeholders such as brokers etc.

Customs teams work queues

​Intelligence-based targeting – or alerts – generate activity reports concerning imports that need to be checked by a Customs officer. ARs are assigned to appropriate teams.


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Customs value

​The value given to imported goods to establish what duty might be owing on them. The value is established using various methods. Transaction value is the most usual way of establishing Customs value. If that cannot be established, other assessment methods will be used. Customs value does not include freight, shipping, insurance and costs.

Department of Commerce - A Cabinet level department which has the responsibility for administering the International Trade Laws. It is also charged with the duty to both regulate and assist U.S. exporters. Agencies within the Commerce Department include the International Trade Administration, and the Bureau of Export Administration.

De Minimis

This is a Latin term and is a shortened version of the expression “de minimis non curat lex” meaning “the law does not care about very small matters.”
It is often considered more efficient to waive very small amounts of duties and taxes rather than collect them.

Drawback - A process by which a U.S. exporter can receive a return of duties which were paid upon importation of merchandise at the time of, and by reason of, the export. A number of types of drawback are available including same-condition drawback, substitution drawback and manufacturing drawback.

De minimis

​This latin term is used to refer to the minimum amount of duty collectable in terms of Regulation 70 of the Customs and Excise Regulations 1996.


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Declarant code

​Code given to individual users of the Customs online declarations website or Electronic Data Interchange.


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Delivery order

​A Customs clearance. Allows goods to be released to the importer, or placed aboard a craft to be exported. If your goods are cleared for import or export you will receive a delivery order electronically. This can be used to collect your goods from the freight forwarder or shipping agent.



​Rendered unfit for human consumption – for example, denatured alcohol.


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Detained goods

Goods held by Customs because more information is needed or they need further examination

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​Department of Conservation. (http://www.doc.govt.nz)


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