Have you got any brother or sister?. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Have you got any brother or sister?.


A tiger is as_­__ as a lion strong

A bird flew … the kitchen: on.

A bird flew into the kitchen.

A burglar is someone Who breaks into a house to steal things.

A cheque is all right, but I’d rather you … me cash Pay

A child) rode on (a donkey). Children rode on donkeys.

A good watchdog barks loudly … strangers come on your property, giving you a feeling of security When.

A lot depends on…....the mistakes at once. Your pointing out.

A monkey was sitting in the tree, throwing nuts towards anyone who walked past.

A peer who attends a debate receives salary in addition to traveling expenses

A perennial is … for more than two years, such as trees and shrubs Any plant that continues to grow

A person who leaves for another place without permission. a runaway

A pessimist is a person who always expects bad things to___ Happen

A potato, ice, honey. Potatoes, ice, honey.

A woman is as … as the looks Old

According to communications theory, after message leaves the sender, he No longer controls it

According to the text what animals were not dangerous for child: our dog and 2 cats.

According to Ushinsky “life without serious work can neither be worthy nor … happy

Adil cant help (laugh) when he sees you. laughing

Adrian takes no interest in clothes. He'll wear... anything

After … two days … about where.. for our holidays, we decided … anywhere. Spending, arguing; to go, not to go

After failing his driving test four times, he finally — tiying to pass. gave up

After Harry had failed his exams three times, he gave …… trying to enter the college. Up

After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short while, it vanished. disappeared

After the children’s party, sweets and cakes were scattered all … the kitchen floor. Over.

Alice …. Her mother in London most weekends. Sees

Alina is a student. She

Alison never _____ the radio. Listens to.

All agree that the Stars and Stripes originated as the result of a resolution offered by the …сommittee of the 2-nd Continental Congress at Philadelphia and adopted on June 14, 1777 Marine

All children in the UK are offered vaccinations against key diseases as part of the national child immunization schedule. - ful

All children in the UK are offered vaccinations against key diseases as part of the national child immunization schedule. –ment

All the guests arrived … bringing a souvenir. Each

Almas has got … apple. An

Almaty is … city in Kazakhstan. The largest

Although it is difficult …, a frog is more likely to be smooth and wet, and a toad rough and dry To distinguish between a frog and a toad

Although some jobs are still dominated by one or other sex it is not because of sexual discrimination, but... because men and women are attracted to different jobs. basically

Although they are both grown in the United States and exported abroad, com is not native to America and winter wheat.... Isn’t either

Although they are both grown in the United States and exported abroad, corn is not native to America and winter wheat… Is either

America … by Christopher Columbus in 1492 was discovered

America was ___ by Columbus. Discovered.

Among ___ 20 newspaper with ___ largest circulation only 2 or 3 regularly feature ___ crime, ___ sex and ___ scandal. -, the, -, -, -.

Amongst music-lovers in Britain — and indeed, in many other countries — the period between... is a time of excitement, of anticipation, of great enthusiasm. July and September 21

And now for this evening’s main headline: Britain….another Olympic gold medal! Has won

and(1) his(2) Asanov(3) their(4) friends(5) weekend(6) enjoyed(7) much(8) very(9) 3/1/2/5/7/4/6/9/8

Angela is... good with animals amazingly

Ann put the electric fire on…warm. To get

Are (....) clean notebooks? These

Are there …. Pencils in the box? Any

Are these your scissors? – No, these are … My colleague’s scissors

Are you going to the bank? — No, I’ve already…….to the bank. Been.

Are you through.. - your work? With

Arizona… a very dry climate Has.

Arrange as antonyms: expensive Cheap.

As I have not read the book, I can’t tell you anything about it.

As if... him I turned and stared into his face. obeying

As winter approached, the days became shorter.

At 11 in... morning... weather was fine and we had... long walk in... park The / the / a / the.

At Christmas we usually get together with our relatives.

At nine o’clock yesterday morning we... for the bus. Were waiting.

At the beginning of June the village is really fairy like. In early June

At the General’s funeral we... we would never forget our Commandant. A) Swore.

At what age did parents lose control over Joe? When Joe was 12.

At Woolworth’s first five-and-ten-cent store, No item costs more than a dime.

Australia is….continent in the world the smallest

Axis axes


Banks lend money to make profit.Thesedays banks are lending more money to

Barbara is … person I’ve ever seen: The kindest.

Barbara said “I have not done the shopping yet”. Barbara said that she had not done the shopping yet.

Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore Hardly never

Before…. The room where the young man was waiting for her, she had looked at her reflection in the mirror and had had her hair done. Entering

Behind it there is a little “ фруктовый сад” with a few fruit-trees in it Orchard.

Ben Nevis is (high) mountain in Great Britain the highest

Ben said: “Do you have a driving license?” He asked if I had driving license.

Ben would have studied medicine if he to a medical school had been admitted

Bess is used … after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade. To flying.

Bob wants the money. Please give... to him. It.

Book, man, room, wolf, child. Books, men, rooms, wolves, children.

Both historically and … Ontario is the heartland of Canada: Geographically.

Breakfast is the first meal ….the day. Of

Brenda didn’t worry at all about her exams. (bit) Brenda wasn’t the least bit worried about her exams.

Britain is _island. An

British people like …tea. _

Bureau Bureaus

Bye for now.I’ll see you soon.


California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and. So does Florida.

Can I help you? Yes, I am looking ___ Mr Smith’s office For.

Can I turn off the TV?” “.... it?” Are they watching

Can we meet at 10.00 outside the station? Okay. I …..you there will see

Can you give her any … advice? Useful.

Can you help me____ my homework? With.

Can you tell me the way ___ Brighton? To

Can you use any computer program?

Cats are afraid….dogs. Of

Change the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech “do you know where Kate is living? Anne asked me Anne asked me if knew where Kate was living

Change the direct speech into the lndirect speech “The sun isn’t a planet,” the teacher explained. the teacher explained to us that the sun wsn’t a planet

Children are taught by special instructors how to swim.

Choose a sentence in which the contextual meaning of the adverb is ”not in time”: I arrived late for the concert.

Choose a sentence in which the contextual meaning of the adverb is “ recently” I haven’t seen john lately

Choose a sentence in which the contextual meaning of the adverb is “for no money”. She gave her time free

Choose an antonym to:Attend (v) to miss classes

Choose correct form of the numeral 12,100 twelve thousands one hundred

Choose correct variant. Some sentences express emphasis You can’t complain. It’s your own fault, isn’t it?

Choose correct variant: they said Frank had changed greatly. – oh, yes. You would hardly know him if you meet him.

Choose he right variant: I will never forgive you

Choose he right variant: we should never have found the house if a passer-by hadn’t helped us

Choose sentence in which the contextual meaning of the adverbs is “not in time”. I was late for the concert.

Choose sentence with the right word order: I couldn’t get ready in time

Choose similar expression to be ‘treated rough’ be beaten.

Choose the lexically correct equivalent for the Russian 'еще' They are... talking. Still

Choose the adjective. Changeable

Choose the an ordinal numeral: Twentieth.

Choose the antonym to the word: Slow Fast

Choose the antonym to the word: Work Relax

Choose the correct answer: goose, geese, mice

Choose the correct form of reading. “30/08”. The thirtieth of August.

Choose the correct form of the adjective.... idea Sensible

Choose the correct form of the article: This is ____ picture which you like The

Chose the corect of pronoun: This is not my pen,_is red Mine.

Choose the correct from of the verb in Past Perfect had left

Choose the correct order of the word combination she broke an old green vase

Choose the correct plural form of the noun: A child children

Choose the correct plural of the noun: A postmen Knowledge.

Choose the correct possessive case of the noun: Children’s toys

Choose the correct sentence: My mother isn’t a teacher.

Choose the correct suffix to form the correct noun from the adjective.weak. -ness

Choose the correct synonym to the underlined words: The ship was approaching the firm ground. Steady.

Choose the correct variant If I had known that, I shouldn’t have come

Choose the correct variant If you had left earlier you would have caught the tram

Choose the correct variant of the superlative degree: Most comfortable

choose the correct variant, Some sentences express emphasis, I’m sorry ti keep you waiting.I do hope you haven’t been here long.

Choose the correct variant. It would be a serious setback, if the talks were to fail.

Choose the correct variant. Sam sentences express emphasis what I really enjoy in winter is a bowl of hot soup

Choose the correct variant. Some sentences express emphasis. I searched and searched for my keys but I couldn’t find them.

Choose the correct variant. I wish I had more help

Choose the correct variant: He was sitting at the table thinking.

Choose the correct variant: He wishes he were home in Japan instead of studying here

Choose the correct variant: I believed, as did my colleagues, that the plan would work.

Choose the correct variant: I would like to ask ____ a couple of questions. You.

Choose the correct variant: if you are not able to afford the Rombus 2000, the are less expensive models in the range.

Choose the correct variant: mice

Choose the correct variant: the body doesn’t usually cry during the night.

Choose the correct variant: tomatoes

Choose the correct variant: There are many children in the yard

Choose the correct variant: They wish they had made the team

Choose the opposite to the given word: Interesting Boring.

Choose the opposite to the given word: Light. Dark

Choose the opposite to the given word: To go away- To come

Choose the opposite to: Fast. Slow

Choose the opposite to: Big.

Choose the opposite word to ‘definite’ unambiguous.

Choose the proper noun: London.

Choose the proper order of the word combination: she broke an old beautiful green vase.

Choose the proper synonym to the given word: funny. Jolly.

Choose the right form of plural: phenomenon. Phenomena.

Choose the right form of the numeral “в1969 году”: In nineteen-sixty-nine.

Choose the right form of the numeral 12100 twelve thousand one hundred

Choose the right form of the numeral 2409. Two thousand four hundred and nine.

Choose the right order of the word combination She broke an old beautiful green vase

Choose the right synonym to the given word: high Tall.

Choose the right synonym to the given word: funny :Jolly.

Choose the right synonym to the given word: high Tall.

Choose the right synonym to the given word: many. Much.

Choose the right synonym to the given word: To arrive To come

Choose the right variant If I were you I wouldn’t pay any attention to what she says

Choose the right variant of a question: Do you have your coffee with biscuits or lemon?

Choose the right variant of a question: You take your tea with toastr or cakes?

Choose the right variant of Plural: Applause. applause

Choose the right variant of plural: Oxen.

Choose the right variant of the sentence: Pat can not have taken Jim’s hat.

Choose the right variant of the superlative degree: Most comfortable

Choose the right variant The children wish they visited the zoo every day.

Choose the right variant. If Mc Grath had not resigne as party leader, he would have been sacked.

Choose the right variant. They said Frank had changed greatly.-Oh, yes. You would hardly know him if you meet him.

Choose the right variant. Robert’s employer suggested that he transferred to another division.

Choose the right variant: 2.035.325 words two million, thirty-five thousand, three hundred and twenty-five

Choose the right variant: Don’t you wish you had come earlier?

Choose the right variant: Having lost all money, I went home

Choose the right variant: He was sitting at the table thinking.

Choose the right variant: I believed, as did my colleagues,that the plan would work.

Choose the right variant: I could do it today if I had any free time

Choose the right variant: I wish I had thought of it before. It’s a good idea

Choose the right variant: I would go to see you if I could find time

Choose the right variant: I’m so sorry I had no money with me yesterday. I would have bought that dress

Choose the right variant: If Antony was asking, I would have been able to help.

Choose the right variant: If he were in Moscow next time he would come to see us

Choose the right variant: If I had any free time now or tomorrow, I should do the work myself

Choose the right variant: If I had been there, too, I could have heard the story myself

Choose the right variant: If I were in Astana now I would go to see the new production

Choose the right variant: If I were out of touch with my friends I should be ashamed of myself

Choose the right variant: If I were young I should have a walking holiday

Choose the right variant: If the railway station was nearer we should have got there long ago

Choose the right variant: If we had had more time we should have considered all the suggestions

Choose the right variant: If you had left earlier you would caught the train

Choose the right variant: It was they who told us the news

Choose the right variant: It would be a good thing if you didn’t smoke

Choose the right variant: It’s a pity you can’t come tomorrow. Peter would help you

Choose the right variant: Milk and cows is in the village

Choose the right variant: Robert’s employer suggested that he transferred to another division

Choose the right variant: the body usually doesn’t cry during the night.

Choose the right variant: The children wish they visited the zoo every day.

Choose the right variant: Were he in Moscow now, he would take part in the discussion

Choose the right variant: Why didn’t you phone him yesterday? He would have helped you.

Choose the right variant: You were very kind to that foreigner, Dick. I wish that we could see him

Choose the right variant: We should never have found the house if a passer-by hadn’t helped us.

Choose the sentence in which the contextual meaning of the adverb is “recently”. I haven’t seen John lately.

Choose the sentence with an uncountable noun. I am sorry but I have no time to discuss this question now.

Choose the sentence with an uncountable noun: Though I can not play any musical instrument I like the classical music.

Choose the sentence with the correct word order the match was very bad and I was bored

Choose the sentence with the proper word order: I couldn’t get ready time in.

Choose the sentence with the right word order. When are you going to phone me?

Choose the sentence with the right word order: I couldn’t get ready in time.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: Sarah was shocked by her friend’s news.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: There are six planets are in the solar system

Choose the sentence with the right word order: Everybody enjoyed the party very much.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: He was carrying a black plastic bag.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: Shall we go to the shops?

Choose the sentence with the right word order: Technology is something that we use every day.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: The match was very bad and I was bored.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: The new hotel is probably very expensive.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: There is a letter for you.

Choose the sentence with the right word order: When are you going to phone me?

Choose the sentence with the wrong word order, Newer she follows the dentist’s instructions.

Choose the similar word to the given one: Domestic: home.

Choose the similar word to the given one: To close- To shut

Choose the similar word to the given one:ill Sick.

Choose the suffix forming English adjectives: Able.

Choose the synonym <to get well>. To recover

Choose the synonym to the following word: to bring To fetch.

Choose the synonym to the word: Sick Ill.

Choose the synonym to the word: to include To contain

Choose the word closest in the meaning “to come in” To enter

Choose the word using with the adjective “mild” climate

Chose the right variant superlative degree: most comfortable..

Christmas Day is celebrated... December, 25.

Coffee now is the second most widely traded commodity after

Colin told me about his new job, which he is enjoying very M

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word give. Do not change the word given in brackets. I think you must have seen a ghost (that) I must have been a ghost that you saw

Complete the sentence: he made too ….noise much

Complete the sentence: I didn’t see any animals. I don’t think ____in that park there were any

Complete the sentence: If only his father…. alive! He could have helped him had been

Congress insisted that the present law … To be enforced

Cornflakes are generally eaten………milk. With.

Corpus corpora

Couldn’t you drive a bit……. more carefully


David is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back, but I’m sure he’ll be back... Monday. by

December is … twelfth month of…year. the/ the

Diana knew she was … in the park, but not exastly where. Somewhere

Did you do any homework? Yes, but only ___. A little.

Divide the apples … three parts Into

Do … know the young man … name is Patrick? You/whose

Do I have to get ready now? -Yes, it's time we…. Went.

Do the sums. Twenty nine plus forty one is … Seventy

Do they… arrive at the staion early? Have to

Do you eat much fish?- Yes, I eat …… A lot

Do you feel like … out or would you rather … dinner at home? Dining, have

Do you know ___ man that lives next door? Thus.

Do you like Some with milk your tea?

Do you like to lie____the sun. in

Do you object to……here? Our smoking.

Do you really believe … ghosts? In

Do you smoke? Not now, but I____ Use to

Does he smoke? Yes, he __ twenty a day Smokes

Does this car use … petrol? Much.

Does using the hotel swimming pool cost extra? Do you have to pay extra to use the hotel swimming pool?.

Don’t be late... the lesson. for.

Don’t cry, speak... if you want to tell me something important. quietly

Don’t like... mineral... water, I prefer... cup of tea.- /- / a

Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We … dinner then. Will be having.

Don't forget to shake the snow... your coat. off

Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. constant


Effel Tower for the paris Exposition of 1889. It was when

Eleven thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.: 11934

Encourage business to expand.

Eray ---- hard for the last three days. Has been working

Erratum errata

Every evening at 9 o’clock he …..his dog for a walk takes

Everyone in the group shook hands with ___. Themselves.

Everyone in the group shook hands with …. Each other

Everyone says that….late is unusual for a German. Being

Everything... well. Will go.

Excuse me, sir. I’m..... stranger here. A

Extraordinary abilities in mathematics... in the boy, so he was transferred to the mathematical school. Had been displayed.


Fifteen plus seventy-four is eighty nine

Find the abstract noun: Hate.

Find the abstract noum: Patriotism.

Find the abstract noun: Knowledge.

Find the aqquivalent of the numeral “ milliard”: Billion.

Find the correct answer: “двадцать третий” The twenty third.

Find the correct form of the negative sentence: My mother isn’t a teacher.

Find the correct form of the sentence. Does Jane Smith speak English?

Find the correct form of the sentence. Have you got any brothers or sister?

Find the in correct to our buying this house, without the approval of our attorney and john dose so. John does so

Find the incorrect variant. Please, give me a few coffee and some donuts if you have any left. a few.

Find the incorrect variant. The man, of whom the red car is parked in front of our house, is a prominent physician in this town. of whom

Find the incorrect variant: Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore. Hardly never

Find the irregular comparative: Better.

Find the list of prefixes and/ or suffixes which are used in words that contain ideas to do with “ computers and technology or the environment” audio-, bio-, cyber-, e-, eco-, geo-, radio-, techno-, tele-, video

Find the list of prefixes and/or suffixes which are used in words that refer to people who really want or like a particular thing, or are trying hard to get it. -aholic, -crazy, - hungry, -loving, -mad, -mania, -phile, -seeking.

Find the list of prefixes and/or suffixes which are used to make words negative or to make words with opposite meanings. a-,contra-,counter-,de-,dis-,il-/im-/in-/ir-,mis-,non-,un-,-free,-less.

Find the noun used only in the singular form. Tea.

Find the nouns used only in the plural form. Scissors, goose, trousers.

Find the odd adjective: Red

Find the odd word: Friend.

Find the odd word: Intelligent.

Find the odd word: to operate

Find the plural form: Cherub. cherubim

Find the plural form: Temp tempi

Find the similar word to: Murderer. Killer.

Find the synonym to the word ‘to choose’ To select.

Find the synonym to the word <to argue > to discuss

Find the synonym to the word: Transform Turn to.

Find the uncountable noun. Time

Find the uncountable noun: Work

Find the wrong adverb formed from a participle adjective. Agitatedly

Find the wrong adverb formed from an adjective. Cowardlyly

For no money- she gave her time free.

Form aa sentence using these words: and(1) his(2) Asanov(3) their(4) friends(5) weekend(6) enjoyed(7) 3/1/2/5/7/4/6/9/8

Form the adjective from the noun "care". careful

Frank …promoted soom. After all, his mother is chief executive. Is bound to get

From a sentence using these words.(1)somebody(2)room(3)hit(4)me(5)the(6)as(7)into(8)I(9)came: 1/3/4/6/8/9/7/5/2

From a sentence using these words.and(1)his(2)Asanov(3)their(4)friends(5)weekend(6)enjoyed(7)much(8)very(9):3/1/2/5/7/4/6/9/8

Funny – Jolly.


Genius (men of talent) geniuses

George comes … a good family. from

Giant Ape Man, our biggest and probably one of our first human ancestors, was just about the size of a male gorilla. It is believed that

Give me two... pencils. more

Give the antonym of the word: busy Free

Give the antonym of the word: to be over. To begin

Give the antonym of the word: Large

Give the antonym: slow fast

Give the antonym: Together Alone

Give the antonym: work – relax

Give the opposite to the word: «Famous»- Unknown.

Give the opposite to the word: Kind. Mean.

Give the opposite to: entertaining (adj) – boring

Give the opposite to: Obedient(adj)- naughtly.

Give the plural A louse. Lice.

Give the plural: A businessman. Businessmen.

Give the plural: a city. Cities.

Give the plural: An Ox Oxen.

Give the plural: Genius (fabulous spirits) genii

Give the possessive form. Teacher’s pen.

Give the right equivalent of the following year 1112. Eleven twelve

Give the synonym of the word: to include .to Contain.

Give the synonym of the word: travelling Trip

Go … the right To

Go and do your homework now,mother said to him, mother asked him to go and do his homework.

Go to the library if you need … information Further.

Gold is similar … color to brass In

Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the… Irish Sea.

Great Britain is a.... parliamentary monarchy

Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, accumulate in the atmosphere and … from escaping from the planet. Prevent the sun’s heat

Grouse. grouse

Grover was the first president --- in the White house. To get married


Had I run out of gas, I_____called the gas station. would have

Had they not rushed Dan to the hospital.he would have died.

Harry didn't think the book was very interest.... -ing

Harry’s dog has a long tail now.

Has he written the speech?Yes, he ___ it last night: finished.

Has the bell....? rung

Have you ___ been to London? Ever

He remained

He said he would rather die than. Surrender.

He said he would….in the evening. Come

He says: “I’m sure she will come in time”. He says he is sure she will come in time.

He scored a goal and we all cheered him. Object.

He seems…….something. To be writing.

He speaks as if he … …London himself. had visited

He speaks Italian … than English. Worse.

He split ____with his girlfriend last week. Up.

He spoke... and we understood at once that something had happened. angrily

He thought that the professor... from the University in 1944. Had graduated.

He told me….he had seen there what

He took care_____the flowers______the garden. After / in.

He tried ___ to find the job, but he had no luck. Hard.

He walked quickly… he was in a great hurry. As

He wanted the arrangements…....early in the month. To be completed.

He was.. with … and … …goods. Charged, receiving, selling, stolen

He was … man in the company. The most handsome

He was at the theatre yesterday.

He was received with respect... he felt awkward. nevertheless


I (to know) her all my life and we (to be) friends since childhood.. have known / have been

I (to speak) to the dean before I went home. Had spoken.

I... lunch in the cafeteria every day. Have.

I... an interesting job yesterday. Was offered.

I... to the engineer before I read the article about him in the newspaper. Had spoken.

I.... the symphony many times before. Have heard

I ___ better start saving some money each month for my retirement. Had

I ___ better start saving some money each month for my retirement: will.

I ___ fine Am.

I ___ three hours to settle the problem. Was given.

I ____ with you, but I had to study. Would have gone

I … just … this presentation. Have just finished.

I more about that topic in my next lecture. will be saying

I of all the young and thoughtless companies of which he a part. Thought… had been

I … to meet her in the library today. Am

I …..from france. Come

I …….. to the cinema last week if I …….. more time. Would have done/ had had.

I ……..post the mail yesterday Didn’t

I …if…any Bulgarians in the delegation. Don’t know, there are

I …three hours to settle the problem. was given

I always do The room with The vacuum-cleaner.

I am always - seasick, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.

I am not acquainted with Wales customs.... I. Neither am.

I am not keen on … computer games. Playing

I am Older than you.

I am right…., ….? Am not I.

I am sorry... I come in? may

I am sorry he is not here now, he…… you a piece of good advice. Would give

I am waiting for my parents’ Nick said. Nick said that he was waiting for his parents.

I asked him.... Not to go away.

I asked my friend, “when are you going on business to France?”. I asked my friend when he was going on business to France.

I asked the director….to do it. Whether he would be able

I began to earn own living when I was thirteen. 13.

I believe that she... busy at 5 o’clock tomorrow. Will be.

I bet you wouldnˈt ask David to come with you to the party!- I dare you to ask David if he will come to the party with you.

I bumped into Tim... a dinner I went to the other evening. at

I came home early but … to the end of the concert. He remained.

I can remember... voices in the middle of the night. hearing

I can speak English better than you

I can usually remember names and faces... enough time. if given

I can’t remember my father…….of the book. Having talked.

I can’t run very fast. I smoke Too much.

I can’t understand... children like that. Neglectin g.

I can’t understand. Would you ask him to speak….? The clearly

I cannot excuse you, unless you…me what the problem is. Speak

I chanced … Mary in the street yesterday. To meet

I clearly remember … off the lights when I left home. Switching

I cooked this meal…for you, so I hope you like it. specially.

I couldn’t sleep ___ very tired In spite of being

I didn’t like it in the city at first. But now... here,was.. I’m used to living.

I didn’t see any animals. I don’t think ___ in that park. There were any

I didn’t take any photographs but Ann took some.

I do my homework.

I Don’t (забудь) your copy-book at home! Leave

I don’t feel well. I wish I… at home tomorrow. could stay

I don’t have a pen, but I have had, I would lend it to you.

I don’t know when he…. will come

I don’t like – mineral - water, I prefer a cup of tea.

I don’t like her. She always … Complains

I don’t like stories … have unhappy endings. That

I don’t like... mineral... water, I prefer... cup of tea.- /- / a

I don’t regret…like this and if I had a chance to start again I..a single moment. To live \wouldn’t change.

I don’t remember……him before. Having seen.

I don’t think he trusted me. He looked at me so (suspicious). Suspiciously.

I donˈt have much time. I have to prepare for the exam

I don't like this fish. It's not very well cook.... -ed

I donˈt think he trusted me. He looked at me so suspiciously.

I drink … fruit juice. A lot of.

I enjoy..., but I wouldn’t like... it all my life. teaching, to do

I enjoy listening to music, but I donˈt like to listen to people talking about it.

I expect our professor ___ work at the lab of our University. To carry out.

I feel much More relaxed now when I’m done with my assignmenths.

I felt her arm... to see if any bones were broken gently

I felt somebody … my shoulders. Patting

I got two letters. One was from my father._____was from my girlfriend. The other

I graduated … the University last year. From

I had very … friends at the University. Few

I hate walking in the train.

I have … time and can help you: much.

I have ….time, I can wait a little

I have been eating honey, so my fingers are ___ sticky.

I have bumped into Susan three times this week.

I have come to you, …I know from reading your accounts that you are Mr.Sherlock Holmes’s most intimate acquaintance. because

I have got... pencils. I can give you… Many, some

I have known him…….three years. For.

I have my English class __ Monday morning On

I have not been... to sleep recently Able.

I have very … time and can’t stay … longer. Little, any

I have(-) breakfastat 7o clock.

I have_____breakfast at 5 o’clock. My.

I haven’t had a good meal……last Tuesday. Since.

I heard Jane …a beautiful song in her room. Singing

I just had to take the dog out... of the awful weather. In spite

Iknow that Dave … to the thatre next week. Will you join him? Will go

I know that people like to dress up … parties, but that is ridiculous. At.

I last saw him... down the road towards the shops. walking

I like his Telling funny stories.

I like his way … Of reading.

I like playing volleyball on….beach or

I like working with computer. So do I

I live _____ Abai street. One

I live far from the University

I live in flat five.

I live in the …flat. fifth

I meant … but I forget: to phone.

I met Caroline my way home. On

I met Tom … I was waiting for the bus. While.

I must go to the concert begins….. at 5 o’clock it

I must tell you again … you are in a very dreat danger, … that the utmost frankness is necessary: that … and

I nearly missed the bus.I was only just in time to catch it.

I need to buy _____. A loaf of bread.

I never go No preposition home for lunch.

I prefer dogs …. cats. I hate cats to

I prefer tea … coffee. To

I pretended that I was reading I pretended to be reading

I pumped into Tim … a dinner I went to the other evening. At

I rang him up before leaving for Rome.

I read the Times every day.

I really enjoyed the disco. It was great…? wasn’t it

I really hate lukewarm food. (stand) What I cannot stand is lukewarm food.

I regret... school at fourteen, it was a big mistake. to leave

I remember … to the mountins with my friends when I was a schoolboy. Going.

I remember the holiday … we went to Greece: which.

I remembered…….the door when I left but I forgot to shut the windows. Having locked.

I saw Jack.... the concert last Saturday. At

I saw Mary … the street. Crossing.

I saw the professor…the lab. Enter.

I searched and searched for my keys but I couldnˈt find them

I see you are angry......me. with

I shall go there tomorrow I am to busy. Unless

I shall not go to Rome if it. rains

I think I’ll buy these shoes They fit really well.

I think it’s ……. Funniest book in the world. The

I think she needs…vitamins for better recovery. A

I think you ___ help ann with this project. She is overloaded with minor tasks must

I think you must have seen a ghost. (that) It must have been a ghost that you saw.

I thought I’d reach Dover two hours In.

I thought that she... that he... the first place in the chess tournament? Knew; had taken.

I tried…....why I was so late, but she didn’t listen. To explain.

I turned the computer off by mistake and lost all my work.

I usually have my holiday... summer. In.

-I usually walk slowly when I’m tired.

I want _ first class ticket on the 9 o’clock train to Edinburgh. The

I want to stay ___ home this evening. At

I want you …(tell) the truth To tell

I wanted him To invite.

I want---first class tickets for the 9 o' clock train to Edinburgh. And.

I was reading … interesting story written by … O’Henry. An/ -

I was sorry for her... I tried to help her. so

I was sorry he is not here now, he should give you a piece of good advice.

I went to see how she was and found her laughing.

I will lend you the book … you return it on Monday. If

I will lend you the book….you will return it on Monday. As

I wish I ___ a composer to write beautiful music. Were

I wish I ___ something to read: Had.

I wish I…nicer to my brother when we were children. Had been

I wish I could speak Chinese.

I wish that you___such a bad headache last night because I’m sure you would have enjoyed the concert. hadn’t had

I wish you... a doctor. Were

I wonder … he will come in time. Whether

I would have gone with you, but I had to study

I would like to see you tomorrow because __several things we need to discuss. There are

I wouldn’t mind living in England if the weather …better. Were.

I wrote him a friendly letter…..him for his help. Thanking.

I wrote to her but….. letters never arrived the

I.. all the questions since I began working on this test. Have answered.

I... her birthday and I... how to make it up to her completely forgot... just don’t know

I... with her words and couldn’t say “no”. Was flattered.

I__ better start saving some money each month for my retirement Had.

I___with you, but I had to study. Can go

I’d like to apply … this job. If ipost the application right away it will arrive in time. For.

I’d like to ask you ----questions. A few.

I’d like to know... my photos are ready whether

I’d like to know_____ lately. What she has been studying.

I’ll be London and I hope to see Tom While I am there.

I’ll be on vacation …next week. No preposition

I’ll do it … you told me. As

I’ll do it…you told me. such

I’ll look after the kids... you get back. until

I’ll never forget... the President. meeting

I’m (terrible) sorry. I didn’t mean to push you Terrible

I’m … out now. It isn’t...: going/raining.

I’m busy at the moment, I’m working on the computer.

I’m going to Paris for a meeting next week. I…… come the same day. It depends on how long the meeting goes on. Might.

I’m hungry,if only I had a sandwich with me.

I’m leaving tomorrow … in the morning6 so l’ll say goodbye now. Early

I’m not afraid of … alone at night. Walking

I’m not hungry. ___ I. Neither am.

I’m not tired enough go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I___to bed now. Had gone

I’m pleased to see that ___ several casy recipes for cake in this cookbook. There are

I’m really angry __you! with


Jack’s house is the white one... the end of the street. At.

Jane wanted to get a brooch…the shape of a horseshoe. In

Janet was out of breath because… she’d been running

Jeans are usually made of cotton.

Jenny…. leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born. Was able to

Jill and Ann are good friends. They know... well. Each other.

Jim likes … walking

Joanna noticed suddenly that I… was not listening

John asked Bill, “How long did you stay there?” John asked Bill how long he had stayed there.

John expected his sister ….all the exams with excellent marks to pass

John has not been able to recall where... she lived.

John is good at tennis but Richards is___. Better

John Norton, the chairman of Norton Mining, is away a business trip. On.

Jonh said he was feeling pretty bad ….. Myself


Kate hates being discussed by her group mates.

Kazakhstan borders on.... Russia and China

Kind – Mean.

Kyzylorda is a town than Shymkent. Less industrial


Larry was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking. engrossed

Last night police said that they... the missing girl. had found

Last night the police said that they had found the missing girl.

Last September detectives said that they..,. missing girl. were finding

Last September detectives said that they ….missing girl. had found

Last year I entered the university,so in five years I’ll be a speacialist.

Let... fly to China next week. Us.

Let me have a look. I can’t see... Anything.

Let me tell you how to get------our place. To

Let,s go to...Petrovs. They are our... new neighbors. The,--

Let’s go to the cinema ___ Sunday. On.

Let’s meet at nine o’clock if it... convenient for you. is

Let’s start now,... we’re sure to have enough time. so that

Letters have not been sent to our customers.... Yet.

Letters…....by my sister are difficult to read. Written

Lions and tigers... in Zoos. Can be seen.

Living with deadly snakes is a way of life for aborigines,not something that terrorizes them.

Liz says she has already seen the film.

Look - the picture - page 25 at, on

Look ____ this photo ___ my girlfriend. At/of.

Look at Sue!..her new hat. She is wearing

Look At this photo of my girlfriend.

Look at____ beautiful flowers! Those

Look!... their telephone number in the letter. There is

Look!The dog is eating your ice-cream.

Look, there’s sally….. where is she going

Lost time … never … again. Is/found


Make the plural of the following nouns book, man, room, wolf. Child books men rooms wolves children

Make the plural of the following nouns: Tax,radio,dress. Taxes,radios, dresses.

Making patchwork... was a popular American folk art. It was practices by the country’s ordinary people. quilts

Maksat knew how to help his firend.

Many chemicals react … in acid solutions. More quickly

Many great changes... place in our country since the World War II. Have taken.

Many leading members of the opposition party have tried to justify the decision.

Many men and women today are being trained on their jobs, and some of them later study at colleges … they improve their skills. Where

Many people who first com e to the USA say that Americans are open, friendly and easy-going.

Marat gose to … school by bus.

Margaret ___ to be a very industrious person. Is known.

Margaret enjoys ____ languages. Learning.

Margaret’s alarm clock didn’t wake her up this morning.. she left her apartment later than usual, missing the first bus today. and

Mark and Penny broke up last month. Oh no! they …. together for years. had been Going

Martha... she would be late for the meeting. She... she was feeling ill. told me that... said that

Mary arrives at the office at nine o’clock, but because the storm, she was two hours late. Because

Mary asks her sister: “Do you like English?” Mary asks her sister if she likes English.

Mary bought a pen for Peter

Mary doesn’t speak very.... I often have trouble understanding her. clearly

Mary has never been to London, ______she? hasn’t

Mary has never been to London,___she? Didn’t

Mary went to the skating rink two hours ago... has been skating ever…. and... since

Match the synonyms: writer, hero, author,book. Writer- author.

Maurizio said ‘Ann called yesterday’. He said Ann had called the day before.

Mike burgers. Doesn’t like

Mike ___ his little brother is a very hard – working boy. Says.

Mild – climate

Moscow is the most important political centre of Russia.

Most of the old New Year customs take place in Scotland, beginning with “first-footing”, in which the first person to enter the house in the New Year must be... a dark-haired man

Most stores in large American cities close at five or six o’clock on weekdays,but the malls ….

Mother is at home,…? Isn’t she

Mr sandford … his son to go to London. Says to

Mr. Esenov is a noted chemist as well as an effective teacher.

Mr. Jones, the broker about... I told... has come. Whom / you.

Mr. Sandford... that his son is going to London. says

Mum, Iˈm tired. Well, if you go to bed after midnight every night, what do you expected?

Murderer – Killer

Mv brother works at an office. He.

My... hurts me a lot. Tooth.

My … brother works in London. Elder

My aunt and uncle’s children are my cousins.

My boss smokes. A lot.

My brother goes...sports. In for

My brother is in Antalya on vacation, but I wish he____here now so that he could help me repair my car. Had been

My brother’s wife is my ___. Sister-in-law

My colleague … an extended family. Has

My dog is … than yours. Better

My elder brother helps me to do homework. Who helps me to do homework?

My father has lived in Japanfive years. for

My father is not only the town mayor, he runs……, too. a business

My father wasted the whole afternoon … his car. Trying to repair

My favorite songs were the programme. On.

My friend wants … him with the translation of an Elglish article. me to help

My friend wants to join our English speaking club.

My interview is at 9 o’clock.

My little sister... to school every day. goes

My mother let me... to the cinema with my friends. Go.

My mother made me….all the dishes. Wash

My mother suggests that we … breakfast in time: should have.

My mother suggests that we would have breakfast in time.

My mother told me …more quietly. If I would talk

My mother___________my favourite dish tomorrow. Will cook.

My mother….. French but I….. german. Speaks, speak

My neighbour Bill___his car to work every day last year, but now he goes to work by bus. Has left

My nephew is … My brother’s son

My niece is… My brother’s daughter

My older brother works in London.

My parents are still in - town, not in the country.

My sister speaks English. Я тоже. So do I

My sister’s sons are my …: Nephews

My son reads a lot of books in computer science.

My teacher wouldn’t let me leave early. My techer forbade me to leave early

My uncle is …. My mother’s brother.

My uncle was operated yesterday. He is still in … hospital.

My watch is... minutes fast. Ten

My watch is broken.I took it to the watchmarker to be fixed.

Mу teacher didn't let me leave early. My teacher forbade me to leave early.


Nick... a bath when I came. Was having.

Nick’s gone, but he’ll return … an hour. In

No letters again!___ Has written to me for a month nobody

No, don’t worry. I don’t mind___for some time. Waiting

Nobody can explain,why she decided to touch upon the matter yesterday night. She

Nobody can understand his French as he speaks… Most fast

Noise is known____constriction of the smaller arteries. To cause.

Not until the Triassic Period…. The first primitive mammals developed

Now they... an English article. Are translating.


Oak tree…a bed of dark red flowers around its base with

Odd one out according to meaning: museum.

Of all the people in the factory, Joan works…. Most efficiently

On... Monday we open at 9 o'clock.-- -

On her way home mother usually…some shopping. Does

On that day the sea was delightful Terrific

On the first day of each month we … and play … bowling. Gather together, ten-pin

One of the boys admitted breaking the window.

One of two houses was really nice,... was terrible. The other.

One of... of the late Middle Ages was Saint Thomas Aquinas, a scholar who studied under Albertus Magnus. The greatest thinkers

Only on... it started raining, and the rains put out the fires... of the city had burned down the fifth day. Three-fourths

Open the book, page ___. Fifteen.

Open your books at page... 53. No article.

Opposite: light, dark

Other museums …… to take extra care. Have been warned

ought to have know that the whole subject was too dangerous to discuss at night.

Our flat is…the second floor of the building. On

Our holiday was...planned. A lot went wrong during it. badly


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