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Ex. 4. State the function of the Gerund and translate the sentences.


1. Saving energy resources is a key problem in the present-day power engineering.

2. After the Chernobyl APS breakdown specialists are specifically concerned about making nuclear reactors safer.

3. Newton’s having discovered the three most important laws of motion contributed greatly to the further development of physics.

4. Tests have shown that adding five to ten per cent hydrogen to benzene results in considerably greater combustion of benzene increasing engine efficiency by 40 – 45 per cent.

5. We know of Thomas Edison having worked at the improvement of Lodygin's lamp for several years and created a new more economic lamp.

6. Metals are widely used in electrical industry because of their being good conductors of heat and electricity.

7. Heating a semiconductor causes free electrons to appear and it begins conducting electricity.

8. We know of luminiscent lamp giving 4 times as much light as an electric lamp.

9. Lodygin's having produced the first incandescent lamp is a generally recognized fact.

Ex. 5. State the functions of the Infinitives and translate the sentences.

1. To ensure the transfer of energy over long distances electric transmission lines with a tension of 750 and 1150 kw (a.c.) and 1500 kw (d.c.) are being built now.

2. The scientific trend to ensure an abundance of energy on the planet is thermonuclear synthesis.

3. The USSR was the first in the world to develop and test a high-voltage photoelectric battery with a tension of 32 000 volts.

4. Water power was used to drive machinery long before James Watt and Polzunov harnessed steam for this purpose.

5. One of the tasks of the Solid Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences is to investigate optical properties of solids.

6. As economy dictates, hot water or steam from the depths on the Earth has to be utilized at the point where it is produced.

7. To raise the temperature of plasma to over 90 million degrees has become possible on the Tokamak-15 installations.

8. To solve the problem of energy scientists of the world should join their efforts.


Ex. 6. Analyze the sentences with infinitive constructions and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Semiconductor lasers are known to transform electrical energy into light energy with an efficiency up to 100 per cent.

2. The researchers believe laser technology to enable them to obtain high temperature plasma and solve several problems of controlled thermonuclear reactions.

3. The energy potential of the small hydroelectric power stations in the European part of Russia is known to amount to roughly 20 billion kwh.

4. Scientists believe solar power to be quite advantageous even in areas beyond the Polar Circle where the Sun shines round the clock in summer.

5. The first experimental solar power station is known to have been put into operation near Sevastopol just before World War II.

6. The “Japan Times” recently reported Japan government plan to increase the share of nuclear energy in the country’s overall energy balance to 40 % by the year 2000.

7. Specialists consider hydrogen to be an extremely promising fuel source both for the power engineering and automobile industry.

8. The total consumption of energy in the industrialized capitalist countries is expected to double by the end of this century.



A. to account for - составлять

animal shelter - животноводческая ферма



C. capillary action heat pipe - капиллярная тепловая труба


D. deep drilling - глубокое бурение

district heating - теплоснабжение


E. energy-generating installations - энергетические установки

emergency relief - экстренная взаимопомощь


F. fuel cans - ТВЭЛ (тепловыделяющий элемент)

furnace - котёл

fusion - слияние, синтез

thermonuclear fusion - управляемый термоядерный синтез


G. greenhouse - теплица

greenhouse effect - парниковый эффект


H. head - напор (воды)

hydropower engineering - гидроэнергетика

hot bed - парник


I. indices (pl. от index) - показатель



K. know-how - опыт, знания




O. overall - перепад (воды)

P. PWRs (pressurized water reactor) - атомные установки

power engineering - теплоэнергетика

permafrost - вечная мерзлота


R. reprocessing - воспроизводство

renewable - возобновляемый

rock - сухая порода с высокой



S. a start-up - пуск

a system of safeguards - система защиты


T. thermo-syphon - термосифон

total - общий, суммарный

tidal energy - энергия приливов

a tugboat - буксир



V. viable - серьёзный


W. well - скважина

water feeding w. - питающая скважина

working w. - рабочая скважина









1. Science digest, May, 1982, p. 4-8.

2. Scientific World, 1987, № 1, p. 6-10.

3. Scientific American, 1983, V.279, № 6, p. 10-15.

4. Moscow News, 1985 – 1989.

5. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь, М., 1969.

6. Чернухин А.Е. Англо-русский политехнический словарь, М., 1962.




1. Energy and its sources.

2. Hydropower.

3. Tides and Tidal Power Plants.

4. Thermonuclear Fusion.

5. Geothermal Energy.

6. Heat Pipes.

7. Nuclear Power Engineering.

8. Nuclear Power in Britain.




1. Exercise 1. Predicate.

2. Exercise 1. Functions of “should” and “would”.

3. Exercise 1. Participle I.

4. Exercise 1. Gerund.

5. Exercise 1. Infinitive.

6. Exercise 1. Infinitive constructions.

Modern Manufacturing Process Automation Engineers and their Speciality


I. Nowadays many industrial enterprises turn to automation, thus taking all the advantages of technical progress. Automation engineers work at the assembly lines, operate machine-tools with numerical programmed control, solve the problems of programming, regulate the operation of flexible manufacturing systems. At the research institutes they design and test new automation and electronic equipment. Robots, manipulators, computers and flexible manufacturing systems are not only to free man from hard physical labour but from monotonous intellectual work as well. Automatic equipment enables the workers to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the products produced. Automatic and remote control systems are of vital necessity at the enterprises where hard monotonous and dangerous work still exist.

II. The aim of any industrial product-producing enterprise is the continual introduction of new products at competitive prices. The better the engineer understands the nature of raw materials and their physical and mechanical properties, the more quickly and wisely he or she will be able to specify the most favourable manufacturing processes to produce the product in accordance with quality requirement and at the least cost. A qualified automation engineer knows the details of the various manufacturing processes, rates of output, cost of tooling and skills required. Automation engineer analyzes all productive and nonproductive elements of the current manufacturing process and works out some recommendations for improvement. They are usually the following:

1) how to utilize the raw materials more economically;

2) how to mechanize the manual operations;

3) how to automize mechanized operations;

4) how to use robotic instead of manual control;

5) how to introduce more productive and efficient tooling.

III. No flexible manufacturing system will work without a good computer.

The basic part of a computer is a microprocessor which is to receive data in the form of strings of binary digits (0’s and 1’s), to store data for later processing, to perform arithmetic and logic operations on the data and to deliver the results to the user. A keyboard is a data entry device with buttons used to enter commands and data by typing out words and numbers.

A display is a device for mapping the results of the work on the screen. It is able to provide visual mapping of the information in the form of texts, pictures or tables. There are also several kinds of floppy and hard disks to store information. A printer converts output data into printed images. The main categories of printers are: parallel printers, serial printers, line printers, page printers.




The heat and power engineers are specialists who work at power stations and other industrial and agricultural enterprises of our country. They solved the problems of heat and power supply and consumption. The heat and power engineers deal with steam boilers, engines, turbines, generators transformers, electric motors, automatic control systems and high speed electronic computers. The graduates of the Power Engineering faculty can also work at the research institutes. Here they work out new energy saving technologies for heat and power systems, design and test new machines and electrical devices.

The most widely used method of generating electricity is to produce it at power stations burning coal or oil or using hydro-power of great rivers. One of the ways to increase the country’s potential energy resources is the development of atomic power energetics. The problem of radiation safety, of course, should be paid the most serious attention to. The scientists intensively search for alternative sources of energy. The production of electricity directly from the solar energy by using semiconductors in special solar batteries is one of the scientific achievements in this field. Utilization of tidal energy can make considerable contribution to future electricity production.

IV. One of the tasks facing our country today is the steady transition to a market economy. The next but not less important task is to further develop automation, robotization and mechanization of technological processes. Robots, manipulators, computers and flexible automatic systems are not only to free man from hard physical labour but from monotonous intellectual work as well. Automatic equipment installed at a great number of industrial enterprises enables the workers to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the products produced. Automatic and remote control systems are of vital necessity at the enterprises where hard monotonous and dangerous work still exist.

The most important use of electricity is producing light. A modern house is impossible without lamps with tungsten filament, luminescent lamps and numerous electrically operated devices. Electricity is the most important source of energy in industry. A worker in a modern manufacturing plant uses on the average in the machines which he operates over 10 000 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy a year. As a matter of fact, he uses enough electrical energy to supply seven or eight modern homes during a year.






1. ability – способность

2. to achieve – достигать

3. alternator – генератор переменного тока

4. amount – количество

5. to apply – применять

6. application – применение

7. armature – ротор, арматура

8. according to – согласно чему-л.

9. to burn – гореть

10. calculation – вычисление, подсчёт

11. to call – называть

12. to carry – нести, подводить

13. capacity – мощность

14. case – случай

15. to change – менять, изменять

16. charge – электрический заряд

17. circuit – электрическая цепь

series c. – последовательное соединение

short c. – короткое замыкание

18. common – общий, распространённый

19. conductor – проводник

20. conductivity – проводимость

21. to consume – потреблять

22. to contaminate – загрязнять

23. coil – виток, катушка

24. core – сердечник

25. complete – полный, замкнутый

26. to connect – соединять, связывать

27. cord – шнур

28. to cover – покрывать

29. to create – создавать

30. current – электрический ток

alternating current (a.c.) – переменный ток

direct current (d.c.) – постоянный ток

31. dangerous – опасный

32. device – прибор, устройство

33. to decrease – уменьшаться

34. to depend on – зависеть от

35. direction – направление

36. directly – прямо, непосредственно

37. distribution – распределение

38. to drive – приводить в движение

39. due to – благодаря

40. to be due to – обуславливаться

41. efficiency – производительность, продуктивность

42. e.m.f. (electro motive force) – э.д.с.

43. to enable – давать возможность

44. environment – окружающая среда

45. to employ – применять, использовать

46. to expect – ожидать, полагать

47. equal – равный

48. to fall – падать, понижаться

49. to flow – течь

50. furnace – печь, топка

51. to generate – вырабатывать

52. hydrogen – водород

53. to increase – увеличивать(ся)

54. installation – установка

55. insulator – изолятор

56. kind – вид, разновидность

57. leaking off – утечка

58. like – подобный, похожий

59. length – длина

60. to lose – терять

61. loss – потеря

62. load – груз, нагрузка, потребитель электроэнергии

63. to look for – искать

64. to measure – измерять

65. nuclear – ядерный

66. opposition – противоположность

67. output – выработка, выход

68. to pass – проводить, передавать

69. passage – проход

70. path – путь, дорога

71. phenomenon(a) – явление(я)

72. pipe – труба

73. pole – столб

74. possible – возможный

75. to produce – производить, вырабатывать

76. to prevent – предотвращать, мешать

77. to provide – снабжать, доставлять

78. quantity – качество

79. quick – быстрый

80. rapid – быстрый

81. ray – луч

82. to reduce – снижать, уменьшать

83. requirement – потребность

84. to replace – заменять

85. resistance – сопротивление

86. to rise – поднимать(ся)

87. rubber – резина

88. same – тот же самый

89. semiconductor – полупроводник

90. sensitive – чувствительный

91. size – размер

92. similar – похожий, подобный

93. solid – твёрдый

94. source – источник

95. solar – солнечный

96. to succeed in – преуспеть в, удаваться

97. steam – пар

98. success – успех

99. substance – вещество, материя

100. to supply - снабжать

101. to switch off – выключать

102. thanks to – благодаря

103. through – через

104. thin – тонкий

105. thus – так

106. to transmit – передавать

107. to turn – поворачивать, вращать, превращать

108. winding – обмотка

109. wire - провод






23 Oxford Rd


Glos. GL50 4QZ

4th August 19-

Dear Gill,

Thank you for your postcard from New York! Kally you going to all those exciting places! There’s no chance of a holiday for me this year, I’m afraid. I’m saving up to buy a car. The driving lessons are going well and my test is booked for next month. Wish me luck!

I haven’t seen you for ages and I’d love to hear all your news. Why don’t you come down and stay one weekend? Let me know if/when you’ll be free.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Notes and useful language.


It is usual to begin by referring to a letter you’ve received, or by making some other polite introductory comment:

- Thank you for/Many thanks for your (recent) letter/postcard.

- It was good/nice to hear from you recently.

- I’m sorry I haven’t written/been in touch for such a long time.

- It’s ages since I’ve heard from you. I hope you’re well/you and your family are well.


It is usual to end with a polite remark, written on a separate line:

- I look forward to/Looking forward to hearing from/seeing you.

- See you soon./Write soon./Hope to hear from you soon.

- Once again, thank you for all your help.

- Give my regards/love to...


Say what you are apologising for and give reasons to explain your behaviour. Try to suggest a way of putting things right, if possible.

- I’m writing to apologise for missing your party last week but I’m afraid I was in bed with flu.

- I’m really sorry that I forgot to send you a birthday card but I was so busy with my new job.

- If you let me know where you bought it/how much it cost, I’ll gladly pay for it/replace it.

- Please let me know how much the bill is and I’ll gladly pay it.


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