Describing technical functions and applications 

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Describing technical functions and applications



Task 1. In pairs, think about two or three products you use regularly and discuss the following questions:


• What are the main functions of the products? (What do they do?)

• What are their different applications? (What are they used for?)


Task 2. What do you know about Global Positioning System (GPS) devices? In pairs, describe their main function, and give some examples of different applications of GPS devices.

Task 3. Paula, a design engineer for a GPS manufacturer, is discussing product development with Jose, a senior manager new to the company. Read the conversation.

Paula: Obviously navigation is the primary application of most GPS devices.

Jose: Sure.

Paula: Then you've got associated applications, uses that are related to navigating, such as tracking systems you can use for monitoring delivery vehicles and finding stolen cars, that kind of thing.

Jose: Mm.

Paula: And then there are more creative features. A good example would be on a boat GPS, you get drift alarms. So if the anchor starts to drag and the boat starts moving, there's a setting on the GPS that allows it to detect the movement, and an alarm sounds to warn you, and prevents the boat from drifting unnoticed.

Jose: I see.

Paula: Or another example on boat systems is man overboard buttons.

So if you're sailing along and someone falls into the sea, you hit a button, which logs the position and ensures that you don't lose track of where you were, which then enables you to turn round and come back to the same point and find the person.

Jose: Right.

Paula: So, these are the kinds of applications we want to develop, more specialized, and more creative.

Jose: So, effectively, you're not talking about technical innovations. What you're really looking for is innovative ways of actually using the technology.

Paula: Precisely. Because these days, from the end-user's point of view, accuracy is no longer the main selling point. Most devices are accurate enough. The key is to make them more useful. So in terms of development, that's the kind of...


Task 4. Complete the following notes (Task 3).

· the primary application of GPS (1)_____________________________
· associated applications Tracking systems for (2)____________
  Tracking systems for (3)____________
· more creative features (4)________________________ alarms
  (5)________________________ buttons
· not technical innovations (6)__________________ the technology


Task 5. Complete the following extracts from the discussion with words that come from use.


1 Then you've got associated applications,___________ that are related to navigating...

2 ... tracking systems you can___________ for monitoring delivery vehicles...

3... from the end-__________point of view, accuracy is no longer the main selling point. Most devices are accurate enough. The key is to make them more________.

Task 6. Match the GPS applications (1-6) to the descriptions (a-f).


  topographical surveying a navigation and safety at sea
  geological exploration b setting out positions and levels of new structures
  civil engineering c mapping surface features
  avionics equipment d applications in mining and the oil industry
  maritime applications e highway navigation and vehicle tracking
  GPS in cars and trucks f air traffic control, navigation and autopilot systems

Task 7. In pairs, practise explaining the applications of GPS in Task 6 to a colleague who has limited knowledge of the devices using the following phrases.


used for -ing used to useful for another / a similar use

Task 8. Complete the following extracts from the text by underlining the correct words.


1... there's a setting on the GPS that allows/prevents it to detect the movement...

2 alarm sounds to warn you, and allows/prevents the boat from drifting unnoticed.

3... and enables/ensures that you don't lose track of where you were, which then enables/ensures you to turn round and come back to the same point...


Task 9. Match the words in Task 8 to the synonyms.


1 _________= makes sure 2_____/_____= permits 3________= stops


Task 10. Complete the following extract from the user's manual of a GPS device using the verbs in Task 8. Sometimes, more than one answer is possible.


--------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION------------------------------ ----

The core function of your GPS receiver is to (1)_______you to locate your precise geographical position. To (2)_______the device to function, it receives at least three signals simultaneously from the GPS constellation – 30 dedicated satellites which (3)________receivers can function anywhere on earth. To (4)________extremely precise positioning and (5)________errors from occurring due to external factors, this device is designed to receive four separate signals.


Task 11. In pairs, explain the main functions and applications of a product made by your company or a product you know about. Student A, you are an engineering manager; Student B, you are a new employee. Use the language from this section and the phrases in the box. Swap roles and practise again.


I see. So... OK. In other words... So you mean




You are going to buy a car. Have you made a decision?

Task 1. Before reading, please, mind the expressions:


· to set out;

· to choose from;

· to narrow the choice down;

· to fit the needs;

· to suit the needs;

· to come down.

Explain the expressions in English, make up your own sentences with them.

Task 2. Words to remember:


1) to bewilder [bi'wildə] (v.) – ставить в тупик; сбивать с толку; приводить в замешательство;

2) budget ['bʌʤɪt] (n.) – бюджет;

3) to narrow ['nærəu] (v.) – сузить, ограничить;

4) counterparts ['kauntəpa:t] (n.) – аналог, двойник;

5) harmful ['h a:mful] (adj.) – вредный, губительный;

6) baffling ['bæflɪŋ] (adj.) – трудный, тяжёлый;

7) plunge [plʌnʤ] (n.) – решительный шаг;

8) all-rounder [ɔ:l'raundə] (adj.) – многогранный;

9) one-piece ['wʌnpi:s] (adj.) – цельный, единый, моноблочный;

10) tailgate ['teɪlgeɪt] – задний откидной борт, дверь в задней стенке кузова;

11) awkward ['ɔ:kwəd] ­(adj.) – громоздкий, неудобный;

12) full-blown [ful'bləun] ­(adj.) – полнофункциональный, полноценный;

13) opt (for) [ɔpt] – выбирать, предпочитать;

14) affordable [ə'fɔ:dəbl] (adj.) – доступный по цене, по средствам.


Task 3. You’ve made a decision to buy a car. What do you pay attention to? Do you think much of:


1. the colour?

2. the type of the engine?

3. the cost of the car?

4. the model?

5. the mark or brand?

6. the insurance?

7. the mileage if the car is not new?

8. the age of the car?


Task 4. Make your own list of preferences adding something or excluding the suggested ones.


Task 5. What’s your attitude towards insurance?

Do you consider it to be very important to insure your car?

What cost of the insurance do you think is the most reasonable?


Task 6. Read the text and say which kind of engine you prefer and why.


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