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O sweet-voiced minstrel, Dairon fair,




Thingol, Dairon, Luthien, Melian, Bard


Author The hidden Elvish realm Doriath was ruled by the mighty king Thingol Greymantle and his Queen Melian of the race of Valar, who was wiser than any child of Middle-earth. Of their love there came into the world the fairest of all the children of Iluvatar Luthien, called Tinuviel for her voice, that in the Grey-elven tongue means Nightingale.


Bard: King Thingol sat and heard no sound

save far off footsteps on the ground;

no flute, no voice, no song of bird,

no choirs of windy leaves there stirred;


Thingol: (обращаясь к Даэрону)

O sweet-voiced minstrel, Dairon fair,

Thou master of all musics rare,

Magic heart and wisdom wild,

whose ear nor eye may be beguiled, -обмануты

What omen doth this silence bear?

What horn afar upon the air,

what summons does the North wind bring? -вызов

Who comes or what?

Dairon: Alas, my king!

the guest is here. The woods are still,

but wait not; for a marvel chill

them holds at the strange deeds they see,

but kings see not - though queens, maybe,

may guess, and maidens, maybe, know.

Where one went lonely two now go! '


Thingol: (in anger)

Make plain your riddle! Who is he

that earns my wrath? How walks he free wrath [o] - ярость, гнев

Within my woods amid my folk,

A stranger to both beech and oak?


Luthien: (stepping forth)

'Far in the mountain-leaguered North, - окруженный горами

my father,' there lies the land

that groans beneath King Morgoth's hand.

Thence came one hither ', bent and worn - сюда

in wars and travail, who had sworn

undying hatred of that lord;

the last of Beor's house to hold

a sword unconquered, neck unbowed,

a heart by evil power uncowed.

No evil needst thou think or fear

of Beren son of Barahir!

If aught thou hast to say to him,

then swear to hurt not flesh nor limb,

and I will lead him to thy hall,

a son of kings, no mortal thrall.' - раб


Thingol: (after long silence) No blade nor chain his limbs shall mar'

Deep in the North he wanders far,

And news, mayhap, he hath for me,

and words I have for him, maybe!

(Лутиэнь приводит Берена, он изумлён блеском тронного зала Тингола и пением соловьев. Мелиан пытается заглянуть ему в глаза, но он низко склоняет голову).


Thingol: (deep & slow) Who art thou stumblest hither? Know

that none unbidden seek this throne

and ever leave these halls of stone!


(Берен молчит, охваченный ужасом)


'Behold, my father, one who came

pursued by hatred like a flame!

Lo! Beren son of Barahir!

What need hath he thy wrath to fear,

Foe of our foes, without a friend,

Whose knees to Morgoth do not bend?

Thingol: (in anger) 'Let Beren’s own words be said!

What wouldst thou here? What hither led - сюда

thy wandering feet, 0 mortal wild?

How hast thou Luthien beguiled

or darest thus to walk this wood

unasked, in secret? Reason good

'twere best declare now if thou may, 'twere = it were

or never again see light of day!


Beren: My feet hath fate, 0 king, here led

Through mountains from the Land of Dread

And what I sought not I have found,

And love it is hath here me bound.

Thy dearest treasure I desire;

Nor rocks nor steel nor Morgoth's fire

Nor all the power of Elfinesse

Shall keep that gem I would possess.

For fairer than are born to Men

A daughter hast thou, Luthien.

Лутиэнь опускает глаза; звучит горький смех Даэрона

Thingol: Death is the guerdon thou hast earned, - награда

0 baseborn mortal, who hast learned

in Morgoth's realm to spy and lurk - таиться

like Orcs that do his evil work! '


Dairon: 'Death! (Лутиэнь зарыдала)


Thingol: 'And death, o mortal, 'thou shouldst taste,

Had I not sworn an oath in haste.

Yet captive in my halls profound

Thou’ll staybewildered and enwound! [bi’wilded]

Beren: (перебивая короля)

'That may not be! ' Lo!

'What are thy mazes but a chain

wherein the captive blind is slain?

Twist not thy oaths, 0 elvish king,

like faithless Morgoth! By this ring (высоко поднимает вверх руку с кольцом Барахира)

the token of a lasting bond - опознавательный знак

that Felagund of Nargothrond

once swore in love to Barahir,

who sheltered him with shield and spear.

And saved him from persuing foe

On Northern battles long ago.

Death thou canst give unearned to me,

but names I will not take from thee

of baseborn, spy, or Morgoth's thrall!

Are these the ways of Thingol's hall?


Bard: Proud are the words, and all there turned берет кольцо Барахира,

to see the jewels green that burned рассматривает, показывает зрителям

In Beren's ring. These Gnomes had set

as eyes of serpents twined that met - сплетенные

Beneath a golden crown of flowers,

that one upholds and one devours. – пожирает

Melian: (тихо, Тинголу) Forgo thy pride, king! Not by thee

shall Beren be slain, for far and free

from these deep halls his fate doth lead,


yet wound with thine. 0 king, take heed! блюди осторожность

Thingol: I see thy ring, 0 mighty man!

But to win the child of Melian

a father's deeds shall not avail,

nor thy proud words at which I quail. – трусить, пасовать

A treasure dear I too desire,

but rocks and steel and Morgoth's fire

from all the powers of Elfinesse

do keep the jewel I would possess.

Yet bonds like these I hear thee say

affright thee not. Now go thy way!

Bring me one shining Silmaril

from Morgoth's crown, then if she will,

may Luthien set her hand in thine;

then shalt thou have this jewel of mine.'


Стражи Тингола громко рассмеялись; у нас рассмеялся бард, но громче всех рассмеялся Берен.


For little price do elven-kings

Their daughters sell - for gems and rings

and things of gold! If such thy will,

thy bidding I will now fulfill. – предложенная цена

On Beren son of Barahir

Thou hast not looked the last, I fear.

Farewell, Tinuviel, starlit maiden! 1170

Ere the pale winter pass snowladen,

I will return, not thee to buy

With any jewel in Elfinesse,

But to find my love in loveliness,

A flower that grows beneath the sky.


(поклонился королеве и королю, растолкал стражей (бардов) и ушёл; его шаги постепенно затихли в гулких коридорах)


Luthien Thou sworest, father, guileful oath! - вероломный, коварный

(Из глаз полились слезы) Thou hast both

to blade and chain his flesh now doomed

in Morgoth's dungeons deep entombed,


Её охватывют ужасные предчувствия, она убегает

Bard: and later all remembered the sad day

Whereafter Luthien no more sang.

Then clear in the silence the cold words rang of Melian:


Melian: ' O king! A counsel cunning-wise

devised thou! Yet if mine eyes

lose not their power, 'twere well for thee

that Beren failed his errantry. – квест, странствия

Well for thee, but for thy child

a dark doom and a wandering wild.'


Thingol: I sell not to Men those whom I love'

My sweet joy, whom all things above

I cherish; and if hope there were

That Beren should ever living fare – случится появиться

To the Thousand Caves once more, I swear

He should not ever have seen the air

or light of heaven's stars again.'


Bard But Melian smiled, and there was pain

as of far knowledge in her eyes;

for such is the sorrow of the wise.






Episode 1

Author Beren went to Nargothrond to king Finrod Felagund to seek his help in his perilous quest for Silmaril. Together with ten companions by the arts of Felagund they took the appearance of Orcs, and thus disguised they came far upon their northward road, but were captured by Thu, Morgoth’s mightiest lord in the Wizard’s Isle.

Thu, Beren, Felagund, later – Luyhien; Bard in Wizard's Isle


Эпизод 1 Берен и Фелагунд в обличьи орков стоят перед Тху.


Thu What are your names, 0 spearmen bold?

Who your captain, ye have not told.'

Felagund Nereb and Dungalef and warriors ten,

So we are called, and dark our den – логово, пещера

under the mountains. Over the waste - пустыня


Reveal your names! Or wolves should come

and slow devour you one by one [di’vaue] – пожрут

before the others' eyes, and last

should one alone be left aghast.

(скручивает им руки и уводит Берена и Фелагунда )

Episode 2

In Doriath: Bard, Melian, Luthien, Hirilorn, Dairon, Elf-servant


На сценувыходят Лутиэнь и Мелиан

Luthien: (с мольбой в голосе, к Мелиан)

Mother Melian, tell to me

Some part of what thy dark eyes see!

Tell of thy magic where his feet

are wandering! What foes him meet?

Luthien: Then I alone must go to him

and dare the dread in dungeons dim;

Or none there be that will him aid

In all the world, save elven-maid

Luthien: (вскакивая)

'My friend, I have a need of friends,

as he who a long dark journey wends,

and fears the road, yet dare not turn

and look back where the candles burn

Your aid I seek to guide me forth

and find the pathways to the North

would you for love of Luthien

go by her side, o dear friend?


For Beren son of Barahir,

Of madness left her.

Luthien: Let me be gone

to seek him no others think upon! '

Лутиэнь призывает эльфа-слугу, он подходит, она приказывает:


Esgalduin’s water at middle night,'

in a bowl of'silver white

must be drawn and brought to me

with no word spoken, silently.'



And Luthien now was left alone.

A magic song to Men unknown

she sang. All names of things

tallest and longest on earth she sings:


Luthien: (звучит песня)

The endless hair of Uinen,


Of slender threads of her cloudy hair

she wove a web like misty air

of moonless night, and thereof made

a robe as fluttering-dark as shade

beneath great trees, a magic dress

that all was drenched with drowsiness.


Scene 3

Эпизод 1 Берен и Фелагунд закованы в цепи, сидят в темнице, рядом с ними – груда белых костей)

Bard Now left alone two comrades were.

The others lived no more, but bare

their broken bones would lie and tell

how ten had served their master well.

Beren (обращаясь к Фелагунду) Twere little loss if I were dead,

Эпизод 3





Thingol, Dairon, Luthien, Melian, Bard


Author The hidden Elvish realm Doriath was ruled by the mighty king Thingol Greymantle and his Queen Melian of the race of Valar, who was wiser than any child of Middle-earth. Of their love there came into the world the fairest of all the children of Iluvatar Luthien, called Tinuviel for her voice, that in the Grey-elven tongue means Nightingale.


Bard: King Thingol sat and heard no sound

save far off footsteps on the ground;

no flute, no voice, no song of bird,

no choirs of windy leaves there stirred;


Thingol: (обращаясь к Даэрону)

O sweet-voiced minstrel, Dairon fair,


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