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Reduce the informality of each sentence.Содержание книги
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1. If you fail the exam, you can't enter the university. 2. OK, what are the causes of deformation? Many possibilities exist. 3. You can clearly see the difference between these two processes. 4. A small bit of ammonium dichromate is added to the gelatin solution gradually. 5. These special tax laws have been enacted in six states: Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, etc. 6. The subjects didn't have much difficulty with the task.
The following sentences contain widespread academic collocations. However, one component—a noun (in the majority of cases)—has been omitted. Find the missing words in the list above the sentences and fill in the blanks. status quo implications issues scope conclusions account rise granted light insights emphasis clues
1. Social and ideological crises usually give ___ to non-traditional religions and beliefs. 2. Ecologists lay ___ on the consequences of human utilization of natural resources. 3. The data he has found will shed___ on theoretical assumptions. 4. Advances in molecular biology may have ___ for therapy. 5. Recent research into mental illnesses has provided ____ to the causes of schizophrenia. 6. The recent elections have shown that political forces managed to maintain the ___. 7. The participants of the conference have raised many burning___. 8. The paper offers ___ into the history of the Ukrainian emigration to Canada. 9. For the purposes of this research, this theorem will be taken for ___. 10. The tests of gene therapy have allowed medical scientists to draw ___ about its possible risks and benefits. 11. Practical consequences of the research lie outside the ___ of this paper. 12. When investigating the origin of different disease, researchers take into ___ both hereditary and environmental factors.
Choose a missing verb and fill in the blanks. extended provides submit elaborates corroborate heightened laid fall contributed draw on places faces
1. Traditionally, Belarusian higher education ___ importance on the development of wide erudition of students. 2. The authors of the article ___ recent research to show how the goal of learning English vocabulary can be integrated into speaking activities. 3. N. Bohr, the outstanding Danish physicist, ___ the foundations of a "liquid droplet" theory of nuclear phenomena. 4. Few facts ___ the theory of the virus nature of cancer. 5. In the history of science, some researchers ___ the theories that already existed to include the new phenomena. 6. He ___ research into the use of optics. 7. Many scholars think that humankind ___ the problem of overpopulation. 8. If you try to be as accurate as possible when learning a foreign language, you ____ into a category of the analytic learner. 9. Cloning of animals ____ further opportunities for biological research. 10. Intensive space exploration in the second half of the 20th century has essentially ____ to our understanding of the Universe. 11. You may try to ____ the paper to an international journal. 12. Political and economic changes in the country have ___ the need of society for economists and lawyers. The collocations in this section consist of a noun and an adjective or two nouns joined by a preposition. Choose a missing component and fill in the blanks again. inquiry considerations reliable theoretical integral lack background debated finding causal site preliminary
1. There is a ___ relationship between the attraction of the moon and sea tides. 2. The key___ of the study suggests that high Cortisol level in an individual may cause the symptoms of depression. 3. In this paper, we show the ___ results of computational simulation for a case of the thermal resistance function that will be further verified. 4. Nowadays, ecological interpretation is becoming an ___ part of social sciences. 5. The right of women to have abortions is a hotly___ issue in many countries.
6. ____ of consistency in obtained data has led to their wrong interpretation. 7. Discourse analysis is a relatively new area (field) of ___. 8. The laboratory is a research ____ of biologists and chemists. 9. The theory of shells has been chosen as a ______ framework of this investigation. 10. Philological research requires wide ______ knowledge in suchrelated fields as history and philosophy. 11. The study has been undertaken with theoretical_____. 12. To arrive at valid conclusions, sociologists must use only_____ sources and data. Special advice: write out the collocations on a separate sheet and keep it at hand when writing in English: you will find this extremely helpful! While reading the literature in your field, try to write out more collocations typical for your discipline and add them to the list. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. E-mail and electronic communications in general are not new. In fact, large-scale use of computer-to-computer transfer of information was implemented by the United States military in the late 60s and early 70s—part of the superpower competition of the cold war and the arms race. ... Later, recognizing that shared information among scientists and mathematicians was also of strategic value, the network was made accessible to scholars and researchers in universities and colleges around the world. Thus, mathematicians and scientists (and their universities) have been linked and electronically exchanging information over the Internet since the mid-70s. However, e-mail and Internet are too wonderful to remain in the hands of just a few academics or the military, and in the last few years, important developments in electronic communications have begun to affect the lives of all of us.... The Post-industrial age is the information age, and the means to acquire, store, manipulate, and use information will lead to success and power. That is why electronic transfer of information is so important to education. Moreover, since electronic communications are global and the Internet has no borders, this technology creates many opportunities for cultural and linguistic exchange.... 1. Which expressions in the text show causal relationship? 2. Which expression shows that more information will be added? 3. Which expression indicates time? 4. Which expression shows that the sentence will contradict something said earlier? 5. Which expression introduces a conclusion? 6. Which expressions intensify the meanings of the sentences? Below is a list of some widespread logical connectors. Group them into their functions according to the table. Several connectors may have more than one meaning, so they may need to go in more than one of the cells. accordingly consequently hence likewise overall although conversely however meanwhile regarding as despite in addition moreover similarly as a matter of fact due to in brief nevertheless since as a result even though in conclusion nonetheless that is (i.e.) as far as finally in contrast notwithstanding therefore as long as firstly in fact on the contrary thus as to for example in other words on the other hand whereas at the same time for instance in spite of on the whole while because of furthermore in this case otherwise yet
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