At the party. Ice-cream and cake 

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At the party. Ice-cream and cake


Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Fenton Now, has everyone had some ice-cream and some cake?

Jane No, I haven't.

Mrs. Fenton I'm sorry, Jane. What kind of ice-cream would you like?

Jane Strawberry, please.

Mrs. Fenton Who's having more tea?

Sheila I'd like another cup of tea, please.

Mrs. Fenton With milk and sugar, Sheila?

Sheila With milk but without sugar.

Mrs. Fenton Would anyone like some more cake?

Jane I haven't eaten my first piece yet.

Mrs. Fenton Simon, have you had another piece of cake?

Simon No, I haven't but I'd like another piece.

Mrs. Fenton And a little more ice-cream?

Simon No, thank you but I'd like a little more lemonade, please.

Tim Mum, this is terrific. You haven't made a cake since Dad's birthday.

Mrs. Fenton Would you like some more cake, Tim?

Tim Of course I would.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


Football. The teams

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Tim Look, Simon. The teams are coming onto the field. Have you ever seen Arsenal?

Simon No, I haven't.

Tim What about Jane? Has she ever seen a football match?

Simon No, she's never seen one. She doesn't like football. Have your parents ever seen a professional game?

Tim No, they haven't seen any professional games.

Simon Which ones are Arsenal?

Tim They're in red and white.

Simon Who's kicking off?

Tim Liverpool.

Simon Are both teams good this season?

Tim Yes.

Simon Which one's better?

Tim Liverpool are usually better than Arsenal but this year Arsenal are the best in the division.

Simon Do they ever lose?

Tim Oh, yes. They sometimes lose but they usually win. They don't often have a bad day.

Simon Which team do you support?

Tim I've always supported Arsenal.

Simon Me too. Dad's never liked Arsenal.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



The end of the game

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Simon Who's winning now?

Tim Arsenal are … three: nil. They've scored another goal.

Simon Is this the last fifteen minutes?

Tim Yes, it is.

Simon Good. Liverpool can't score four goals in a quarter of an hour.

Mr. Hunt Yes, they can. Look! There's a man running up the left wing. Now he's got the ball

Simon Yes, that Hedge. He plays for Liverpool. He always scores.

Mr. Hunt Yes, you're right. Pass it, Hedge. No, he's trying for a goal. Shoot! Shoot! A goal!

Simon No, it isn't.

Mr. Hunt Yes, it is. What a goal!

Simon And that's the end of the game. Arsenal have won again-three: one.

Mr. Hunt Yes, and Liverpool have lost. Oh well … they sometimes win … other times they lose. That's football!


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


Telephone calls. The wrong operator

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Operator Number, please.

Mr. Hunt Can you tell me number of Beck's in Leicester Square?

Operator I'm sorry, but you've dialled the wrong number. Please dial 192 for Directory Enquiries.

Mr. Hunt Thank you.

Operator Directory Enquiries. Do you want a London number?

Mr. Hunt Yes. Can you tell me the number of Beck's in Leicester Square?

Operator Hold the line, please. The number's 246-8071.

Mr. Hunt And can you tell me the number of Sam's Place?

Operator What's the address of Sam's Place?

Mr. Hunt I'm sorry, but I don't know.

Operator Oh, That's difficult … there are four of them. Three of them are nightclubs and the other's a restaurant.

Mr. Hunt Which one's near Shaftesbury Avenue?

Operator Two of them … one's in Wardour Street. The other's in Kingly Street.

Mr. Hunt Can you give me both numbers?

Operator Yes. The one in Wardour Street's 246-8043. The other's 246-8047. By the way, I've been to both clubs. The one in Kingly Street's nice but the other's nicer. It's the nicest one in London.

Mr. Hunt Thank you for the information.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



A journey. Crowded roads.

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Hunt W hat time is it?

Mr. Hunt A quarter to nine (8.45).

Mrs. Hunt And how far have we got to drive?

Mr. Hunt About seventy miles.

Mrs. Hunt The traffic's not very heavy.

We're mot going to be late.

Mr. Hunt Yes, but we've got to hurry.

The traffic's going to be heavier soon.

Mrs. Hunt Why?

Mr. Hunt Because today's Saturday.

The roads are going to be very crowded.

Mrs. Hunt Are they going to be as crowded as the Swiss roads?

Mr. Hunt Oh, yes.

Some of them are going to be more crowded.

The heaviest traffic's going to be on the A 22.

Mrs. Hunt Well, remember …

Mr. Hunt Yes, I know. I've got be careful and I've got to drive slowly.

Don't worry. I always drive carefully.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.

The country. Saturday traffic

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mr. Hunt This might be the house they live in.

Simon No, Dad, that isn't their house. There's the house they live in.

Look! There's Mr. Blake.

Mr. Hunt Hello, Mike. How are you?

Mr. Blake Fine … and you?

Mr. Hunt Not too bad.

Simon Where's Ian?

Mr. Blake He was in the garage a minute ago but he might be in he house now.

Mr. Hunt Where's Clare?

Mr. Blake She was here a minute ago.

Here she is.

Mr. Hunt Hello, Clare.

Mrs. Blake Hello. Did you have a good journey?

Mr. Hunt Yes, we had a very good one.

Mrs. Blake hat was the traffic like?

Mr. Hunt It wasn't too bad.

Mrs. Blake You were lucky. It's usually very bad at weekends.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


The seasons

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Hunt How long have you lived here, Clare?

Mrs. Blake Since last June … about a year.

Mrs. Hunt Was it cold last winter?

Mrs. Blake Yes, it was but not as cold as Geneva.

December and February were much colder than January.

Mrs. Hunt Did you have much snow?

Mrs. Blake Yes! Of course we didn't have as much snow as you had in Geneva.

Mr. Hunt What about the other seasons.

Mrs. Blake I think autumn was the most beautiful season.

The days were clear and dry and it was sunny and warm all the time

September and October were the nicest months but November was terrible. We had a lot of rain.

Mrs. Hunt What was last spring like?

Mrs. Blake It wasn't very nice. May was nicer than March and April.

March was cold and April was wet.

Mrs. Hunt What's summer like?

Is it always as hot as this?

Mrs. Blake It wasn't last year.

But the summer's been marvellous this year.

Mrs. Hunt Is August as hot as July?

Mrs. Blake No … It's usually cooler and drier.

Mrs. Hunt It sounds wonderful. Guy might take a job in London and we might buy a house here.

Mrs. Blake What a wonderful idea!

Mrs. Hunt Well … we might but we might not.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


The cleaner's and the launderette.

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.


Jane We ought to go to the cleaner's first.

Sheila No, we ought to go to the launderette first, oughtn't


It's nearer. We don't want to waste time.

Jane Yes, you're right but it's usually very crowded, isn't it?

Sheila Yes but there might be two empty machines.

Here's the launderette.

Jane The machines that are next to the dryer are empty, aren't they?

Sheila No, those are full. These two are empty.

Now remember. You mustn't use to much soap and you mustn't put bleach in with the colored clothes.

Jane Yes, I know.

You sound the same as Mum.

Sheila Sorry.

I think I ought to go to the cleaner's now.

We haven't got much time.

Jane Yes, you are right. We ought to waste time.

Sheila Is it possible to have this dress cleaned by this afternoon?

Lady Yes, madam.

Sheila Is it possible to have my suit done too?

There are a few spots on the jacket.

Lady No we can't do the suit by this afternoon.

Can you collect it tomorrow morning?

Sheila Yes, I can.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.

The play


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