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Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням


(вступний курс)



старший викладач Сем’янків Ірина Вадимівна


“Програма курсу з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням” розрахована на 36 годин в 2Д семестрі; 52 години в III семестрі; 52 години в IV семестрі; 36 годин в 4Д семестрі.

Програма орієнтована на розвиток спеціалізованих мовних навичок та вмінь фахового спрямування та вироблення комунікативної компетенції студентів на рівні, що умовно називається “вищесередній” (“upper-intermediate”) на основі активізації та розвитку чотирьох основних навичок (skills), необхідних для успішного спілкування, а саме:

♦ сприйняття на слух та розуміння мови загального та фахового спрямування;

♦ усне мовлення з урахуванням спеціалізованої лексики;

♦ розвиток академічного письма різних типів;

♦ володіння ефективними методами читання та аналізу загальних англійських текстів та професійних текстів.

З цією метою “Програма курсу з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням” починається з вступного курсу до спеціальності, який консолідує набуті навички, вміння та знання програми курсу Англійська мова – 1 та готує студентів до поглибленого розвитку академічних навичок, а саме: listening for gist, listening for details, analytical reading of special texts, note-taking and summary writing.


Програма курсу «English for Economists. Introduction»


Module 1. Money Matters

Lesson 1. Modern values

new Headway U-I. U.10 p.101-104 Money, money, money!

Headway U-I. U.10 p.83-86

Lesson 2. How to become rich

new Headway I. U.8 p.80 T.57 Who wants to be a millionaire?

new Headway U-I. U.4 p.38 The businesswoman who went to Australia and made a fortune

new Headway U-I wb. U.4 p.30 ex.6 From Riches to Rags, p.78 ex.7 Money,

p.85 ex.8 Poor Rich Mr Briggs! (a most unfortunate lottery winner)

Inside Out U-I. U.3 p.28-30; wb p.16-17

Lesson 3. Taxation. Price and value

Contact USA U.11 p.182-197 Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes

Instant Discussions p.7

Lesson 4. Charity

Expert First Certificate student’s book MODULE 9A p.82

Headway U-I. U.11 p.61-63 T.32 four charity appeals

new Headway I. U.8 p.83 T.59 three charity appeals

Instant Discussions p.11

Lesson 5. Dealing with money

I. Semyankiv, A. Shugai. Listening comprehension tasks. p.13 The Value of Money

English Vocabulary in Use pre-i & i. U.53 Money, U.63 Work: duties, conditions and pay (C)

English Vocabulary in Use u-i & adv. U.56 Money – buying, selling and paying

new Headway I wb U.8 p.52 ex.11 Money

Right Word Wrong Word p.222 ex.29 Money

First Certificate Language Practice U.16 Money

Lesson 6. Consumer society

new Opportunities U-I stb Module 9 p.105

Nelson First Certificate U.7 p.32

Lesson 7. Budget

Avenues First Certificate p.108-109

Wordbuilder p.146 Earning and Spending Money

Lesson 8. Current Test



allowance by credit card / (in) cash cash dispenser cost of borrowing earnings per share excise/income/inheritance/property tax expenditure fares fees fine for a rainy day inflation went up by 3% loss merger mortgage pawnshop penny-pincher prosperous salary is / wages are scholarship securities total shareholder return (TSR) wealthy well-off windfall to be broke to be due to be heavily in debt to be in the black/red to be rolling in money to borrow from to earn one’s living / a living for oneself to fritter away to go on a spending spree to go on / draw the dole to invest in to lend sb sth / sth to sb to levy taxes to live in the lap of luxury to live off to live on a shoestring to live rough to owe to pay off to raise one’s revenues to redistribute to squander to tighten one’s belts


Module 2. Banking

Lesson 1. Personal Banking. Designed for the Internet. Electronic cash

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 1 U.1, 2 p.4, 8

Lesson 2. Personal Banking. The One account

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 1 U.3 p.12

Lesson 3. Corporate Banking. Companies and their banks. Company accounts

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 2 U.4, 5 p.16, 20

Lesson 4. Corporate Banking. Globalisation

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 2 U.6 p.24

Lesson 5. The Banking Industry. The European Central Bank

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 3 U.7 p.28

Lesson 6. The Banking Industry. Profitable banks

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 3 U.8 p.32

Lesson 7. The Banking Industry. Bank mergers

Market Leader (Banking and Finance) Part 3 U.9 p.36

Lesson 8. Current Test



balance sheet bank charges bank / operating profit benefit bond markets branch client commercial bank consolidation cost base creditors current / deposit / savings account current assets / liabilities deposit slip depreciation dividend equity operations fixed assets interest (rates) investment bank legal mandate margins mature markets niche operating costs overdraft parent company provision rash trading recession reserves retail share capital shift transfer transmission turnover unit cost withdrawals without charge to access one’s account to be overdrawn to cash a cheque to contribute to to deposit to earn interest to ensure to expand to fill in/out a form to implement to obtain a loan at 8% interest to offer as security to outmanoeure to pay into an account to run the finances to transfer funds to withdraw money from / to take money out of


Програма курсу «English for Humanitarian Studies. Introduction»

Module 1. The Philosophy of Life

Lesson 1. Psychology in Everyday Life

Survey of Behavioral Science (Psychology)

Linkages (A Content-based Integrated Skills Text) High Intermediate U.2. Ch.4 p.65-87

Linkages (A Content-based Integrated Skills Text) High Int. U.2. Ch.5 p.88-105

Lesson 2. The Mind

Hot Topics 2.High Intermediate. Ch.11 p.115-126 Intelligence: How Important is it?

Mosaic 2. (Listening/Speaking) High Int. Ch.6 p.72-87, 226-232

Lesson 3. Happiness and Unhappiness

Concepts for Today. (A High Intermediate Reading Skills Text) p.3-16 The Paradox of Happiness

Linkages. (A Content-based Integrated Skills Text) High Int. U.2 Ch.6 p.107-129 Frustration

Lesson 4. Coping with Emotions

Hot Topics 2. High Int. p.67-78 Anger

Issues for Today (An Intermediate Reading Skills Text) p.41-48 Loneliness

Discussions A-Z Advanced. p.29-31 Fear

Lesson 5. Ethical Issues

Distinction (English for Advanced Learners) p.45-52, 154, 159, 177, 178 A Question of Morals

Hot Topics 2. High Int. p.104-114 Lying: What’s That on your Resume?

Lesson 6.Ethical Issues

Discussions A-Z Advanced. p.92-94 Value

Heartworks. Int. p.148-155 How Do We Decide What is Evil?

Taboos and Issues. p.38 Turning the Other Cheek

Lesson 7. Existential Issues/Human Heritage

Heartworks. Int. p.44-55 Is There Life After Death?

Thinking Critically. p.151-163 Cultural Heritage

Lesson 8. Current test



accelerate accurate apathy approach assailant bureaucrats challenge confrontation consciousness debris designations devastating erosion flexible fraud heritage hiss humanity impoverished indubitable insight interrelated intuition manage moderate motivation optimistic perception pessimistic phenomenology plagiarism preservationists reflecting reflexive relevant remorse resentment ridiculous significant sin tension unethical behavior upheavals values violent   to admit to cheat to deceive to defraud to forgive to insult to plagiarise to slap


Module 2. Mass Media

Lesson 1. Aspects of Media

Mc Millan. U.8 p.90-100 The Media

Mc Millan. Test 1, p.8, 44 R

Mc Millan. U.8 p. 48-50 Gr/V

Instant Discussions. p.25 Newspapers

Lesson 2. Moving Images

New Gold Proficiency. Coursebook U.3 p.38-51

Conversation Inspirations. p.79 Television

Lesson 3. Movies and Television

Perspectives. New Popularity for Movies U.13 p.147-157

Perspectives. Turning Off TV: A Quiet Hour p.159-168

Lesson 4. Media and Censorship

Taboos and Issues. p.27 Is this news?

Gold Proficiency. p.80

Speaking Effectively. Ch.6 p.81-97

Lesson 5. Objectives of Advertising

The Language of Advertising and merchandising in English. U.5 p.47-55

Momentum Developing Reading Skills. Advertising. p.147-151

Lesson 6. Methods of Advertising

Market Leader I. U.6 Advertising L.6.1, 6.2 p.46-51

Lesson 7. Methods of Advertising. Revision

Reader’s Choice. Book 1 U.3 p.50-52

Lesson 8. Current test



AIDA billboards boob tube brand loyalty by word of mouth camcorder celebrity endorsement censorship commercial competitor documentary editor editorial (n) emotional appeal execution eye-catching footage free samples hardback book heading headline hype in-depth analysis inspiring journal leaflets magazine news / daily bulletin newsflash obituary objective outdoor advertising paperback book poster questionnaire (sales) pitch slogan strategy subliminal advertising subplot subscription to survey tabloid target audience   to broadcast to come on to come out to comment to convince to deny to edit to issue to launch to look up to promote to refuse (flatly) to refute


Програма курсу «English for Law. Introduction»


Module 1. Freedom and Justice


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