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Професія моєї мрії. Часові форми теперішнього часу Vocabulary · to set an aim – поставити ціль, мету · to achieve a result – досягнути успіху · to be afraid of smth – боятись чогось · success \ failure – успіх, поразка · to act – діяти · to avoid conflicts – уникати конфліктів · to get along with people – ладити з людьми · an attitude – відношення · to follow – слідувати · to waste time – втрачати, марнувати час
Exercise 1: Readn and translate the text: HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE Think big.
Find what you love to do and do it.
Do not be afraid of failure. 4. Be a man of action.
Avoid conflicts
Don’t be afraid of introducing new ideas. 7. Believe in your capacity to succeed.
Always maintain a positive mental attitude. Be willing to work hard. 10. Be brave enough to follow your intuition. Phase 1: The greater danger for most of uslies not in setting our ailm too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. Phase 2: You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it. Phase 3: Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. Phase 4: It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. Phase 5: The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. Phase 6: A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. Phase 7: If you can dream it, you can do it. Phase 8: Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on Earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Phase 9: Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top. Phase 10: Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Exercise 2: Answer the question: 1. What professions do you know? 2. What are the most popular professions? 3. What are the less popular profession? 4. Who and what helps you to choose your future profession? 5. What are the profession of your parents? Have you ever decided to choose the same profession? Make up new sentences according to the sample. If I want to be a good specialist. I must get special education at the.. College Institute University Academy Special courses If I want to be a good……. I must know…. well, because it will help me to…. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry History, Mother tongue, Foreign language f I want to be a good specialist I must be…. Well-educated, kind Good- natured, attentive Enthusiastic Communicative, hard-workin Is English very important for your future speciality? What is your attitude to foreign languages? I think… I suppose… To my mind… From my poit of view…
Exercise 3: Translate the sentences: 1. Щоб досягнути успіху, не потрібно нічого боятись, треба тільки вірити в свої сили. 2. Я тяжко працюю, багато часу приділяю навчанню, намагаюсь ладнати з людьми та уникати конфліктів. Я вважаю, це допоможе мені досягнути успіху. 3. Я ще не знаю точно ким я хочу стати, мені подобаються багато професій, але в майбутньому я хочу мати хорошу цікаву роботу та високу заробітню плату. 4. Я не хочу писати цей текст, він дуже складний. Мені потрібно його розказувати? 5. Поки моя мама готує сніданок, моя сестра вдівається, чистить зуби та слухає музику. 6. Хіба ти не любиш ходити в кіно? Ні, я не люблю ходити в кіно, а ти?
Заняття 48 Пошук роботи. Часові форми теперішнього часу Vocabulary · to search a job – шукати роботу · to start, to begin – починати · to quit – звільнятись · to be fired – бути звільненим Exercise 1: Match the information of column B by writing the letters in the parenthesis of column A. The answers can be used one, several or no time. Column A Column B 1. What was Nathan’s first job? a. Clients got mad at him. 2. In which job did Nathan have a discipline problem? b. Waiter. 3. What did Nathan dislike about working as a mechanic? c. It does not exist. 4. Why did Nathan get fired when he was working as a chef? d. Yes 5. What was Nathan’s conclusion about the perfect job? e. He did not cook well. 6. In which job did Nathan have to serve food? f. His hands got dirty. 7. When did Nathan Start looking for the perfect job? g. Police officer. 8. Why did Nathan quit his first job? h. Chef 9. Nathan was not strong enough to work in which occupation? i. No 10. Did Nathan like working as a mechanic? j. After he finished high school k. Mechanic
Grammatical Topic THE PRESENT PERFECT (Теперішній доконаний час). Вживання: · Present Perfect пояснює дію, яка відбулася в минулому, проте має безпосереднє відношення до сьогодення (теперішнього часу), тобто є актуальною зараз. – дія розпочалась давно, аде відноситься до теперішнього і зараз має результат. E.g. I have lost my key. – Я загубив ключ. (Для позначення дій, які розпочалися в минулому і досі тривають. He has been a doctor since 1991.- Він працює доктором з 1991 року (він почав працювати в 1991 році і досі працює) · Зі словами: already – вже, yet – вже, ще (тільки в заперечних та питальних реченнях), ever – коли-небудь, just – тільки що. E.g. I have just come. – Я тільки що прийшов. · З виразами: it is the first time – це перший раз, коли; it is the second time – це другий раз, коли; it’s the last time – це останній раз, коли… E.g. It’s the first time the policeman has arrested him. – Це перший раз, коли поліцейський заарештував його. · Зі словами: today – сьогодні, this year – у цьому році, this season – у цьому сезоні, this month – у цьому місяці, коли період закінчився. E.g. He has not gone to Kyiv this month. – У цьому місяці він не їздив до Києва. · З прийменниками for – протягом, since – з того часу як, коли дієслово не вживається у тривалому часі. E.g. He has known her for five years. – Він знає її п’ять років. Утворення: to have + 3 колонка неправ. дієслів (або + закінчення ed)
I have done this task – Я виконав це завдання. She has read your book. – Вона прочитала твою книжку. They have paint ed a picture. – Вони намалювати картину.
Vocabulary · first pocket money – перші кишенькові гроші; · to look for a part-time job – шукати роботу з неповним робочим днем · to hire – наймати, брати на прокат; · an application form – заявка; · to fill out – заповнювати (бланк,заяву); · unfortunately – на жаль; · to do one’s best – зробити все що в силах · to earn money – заробляти гроші · to decide – вирішувати Exercise 1: Read and translate: My first pocket money I had never felt so good in my life. I earned my first pocket money when I was in high school. During school holidays, many students preferred to stay at home or go on holidays, but I wished to experience the school holidays differently this time. As soon as the school holidays started, I began to look for a part-time job. The first day of the holiday, I went to grocery stores to look for a job. I saw a lot of places that wanted to hire part-time sales associates, and I decided to go into a clothing store. The store assistant gave me an application form to fill out. After I completed the application, the store supervisor came in and asked me some questions while she was checking my application. I went to other stores and tried my best to get a job, but every time my application was rejected. I went home feeling disappointed. The next day, I went to the mall located not far away from my house. I asked about part-time jobs store after store. Finally, I found a restaurant hiring part-time workers for the coming Friday. The restaurant owner was so nice and friendly even knowing I was a student. She told me that she would interview me in 10 minutes. Then she called me go into her office and asked me some basic questions about my education, skills, and availability. She also asked a couple of personal questions about my family and the reason I was looking for a job. After I answered all her questions, she decided to hire me. I was so happy. The following Friday, I arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes earlier. The restaurant owner felt so happy and welcomed me with a smile. After a short meeting with the staff, we began to set up tables, chairs, and decorated for the wedding party. As soon as the wedding party began, I got very busy serving drinks and food to the guests. During summer holidays I earned a lot of money. I was very glad to work there. I’ve got a great experience from it! Exercise 2: Answer the following questions: 1. When did you earn your first money? 2. What did many students prefer to do during school holidays? 3. What did you do at the first day of the holiday? 4. How did a store supervisor react? 5. What did a restaurant owner ask you? 6. What did you do in the restaurant during the Friday? 7. Which were your feelings when you’ve earned your first pocket money?
Exercise 3: Translate the word-combinations and make up new sentences with them: 1. the restaurant owner; 2. as soon as; 3. to earn a lot of money; 4. part-time sales associates; 5. to welcome me with a smile. Exercise 4: Translate into English: 1. Я купила цю книжку за свої перші кишенькові гроші. 2. Я - дорослий і вже можу сам заробляти на прожиття. 3. Він купив ці квіти за гроші, які він сам заробив. 4. Ми - студенти, тому шукаємо роботу з неповним робочим днем. 5. Я працюю в ресторані і моя робота не лише накривати на стіл і подавати напої,але й посміхатись всім клієнтам. 6. Ти мусиш заповнити заяву перед тим як іти на співбесіду. 7. Він шукає досвідчених працівників на роботу. 8. Моя мрія – знайти хорошу роботу з високою заробітною платою. 9. Тобі слід добре вчитися, щоб отримати хорошу освіту. Exercise 5: Open the brackets: 1. I don’t know this girl. I never (meet) her before. 2. Where is Mother? – She just (go) out. 3. Don’t you know what the film is about? – No, I (not see) it. 4. Don’t worry about the letter. I already (post) it. 5. Is he a good teacher? – Oh, yes! He (help) me a lot. 6. I know London perfectly well. I (be) there several times. 7. I can’t find my umbrella. I think, somebody (take) it by mistake. 8. Do you speak Spanish? – No, I never (study) it. Exercise 6: Use the appropriate tense: 1. Look! They (stop). 2. I (want) to see you. I (not see) you for ages! 3. What (be) your name? – My name (be) always Cole. 4. You (read) this book? – Yes. – What you (think) of it? 5. I (not be) to a zoo before. It (be) a nice feeling to go somewhere you never (be) before. 6. You (know) Nick? – Yes. – How long you (know) him? – I (know) him for ten years. 7. You (realize) we (know) each other for quite a long period of time now? And this is the first time you (ask) me to come with you. 8. Come in, I (be) awake since sun-up. 9. I (not see) your pictures for a long time. Can I look round? 10. I (know) him nearly all my life, but I never (see) you so excited about anything.
Заняття 50 Vocabulary · to earn money – заробляти гроші · free, cheap, expensive – безкоштовний, дешевий, дорогий · to cost – коштувати · currency – валюта (sterling in UK, the dollar in America, the euro in Europe) · to spend – витрачати · to pay – платити · to lend, to borrow – позичати (Could you lend me some money? Could I borrow some money?) · to save money – заощадити гроші
Exercise 1: Read and translate: Yes No Credit is a no-no for you. Yes No You save for a rainy day. Yes No Grammatical Topic THE PAST INDEFINITE \ Past Simple (Минулий час). Утворення: · щоб утворити минулий час, то до правильного дієслова ми додаємо закінчення – ed: to work – I work ed in the firm. She work ed in the firm. · якщо дієслово неправильне – ми використовуємо другу колонку неправильних дієслів (bring –brought-brought): to write – I wrote tht letter. He wrote that letter. I was there yesterday. They were in the meeting. · щоб утворити питання у минулому часі існує одне допоміжне did, яке вживається для всіх осіб: Did you go there? Did she come yesterday? · Для утворення заперечення до допоміжного did додається часточка not: I didn't go there. He didn't ask me. Стверджувальна форма: I answered your question. They went yesterday. She understood him. Питальна форма: Did I answer your question? (Yes, I did. No, I didn't) Did they go yesterday? Did she understand him? Заперечна форма: I didn't answer your queston. They didn't go yesterday. She didn't understand him. Вживається: · для того, щоб розповісти про події, що відбулися колись у минулому –вчора, позавчора, минулого тижня, на літніх канікулах, 2 дні тому (yesterday-вчора, 2 days ago-2 дні назад, an hour ago -голину назад last week – минулого тижня) I spoke to him yesterday. · для вираження послідовних дій в мигулому: I got up, brushed mu teeth, dressed nd went away. He left the hotel, took a taxi and drove to the station для вираження дії, яка повторюється постійно (минулий час): Last year I went to the theatre every week
При додаванні суфікса -ed додержуються таких правил правопису: · Дієслова, які закінчуються на німе е, втрачають його: to like — liked; to hope — hoped; to die — died. · Дієслова, які закінчуються на букву у з попередньою приголосною, змінюють у на і: to cry —cried; to try — tried (якщо перед буквою у стоїть голосна, то буква у зберігається: to play — played.) · Односкладові дієслова, які закінчуються на одинарну приголосну, подвоюють її, якщо їй передує короткий голосний: to stop — stopped · Одинарна кінцева приголосна подвоюється також у багатоскладових дієсловах, якщо їй передує наголошений голосний: to permit — permitted; to prefer — preferred, але не подвоюється після ненаголошеного голосного: to answer — answered. Exercie 1:Put the verbs into the simple past: 1. Last year I (go) …to England on holiday. 2. It (be)… fantastic. 3. I (visit) …lots of interesting places. I (be) …with two friends of mine. 4. In the mornings we (walk)…in the streets of London. 5. In the evenings we (go)…to pubs. 6. The weather (be) … strangely fine. 7. It (not / rain) …a lot. 8. But we (see) … some beautiful rainbows. 9. Where (spend / you) … your last holiday? Професія моєї мрії. Часові форми теперішнього часу Vocabulary · to set an aim – поставити ціль, мету · to achieve a result – досягнути успіху · to be afraid of smth – боятись чогось · success \ failure – успіх, поразка · to act – діяти · to avoid conflicts – уникати конфліктів · to get along with people – ладити з людьми · an attitude – відношення · to follow – слідувати · to waste time – втрачати, марнувати час
Exercise 1: Readn and translate the text: HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE Think big.
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