Complete the sentences with prepositions. 

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Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. He wanted not association … glittering things and glittering people – he wanted the glittering things themselves.

2. Men were insisting that their Shetland hose and sweaters go … his laundry, just as they had insisted … a caddy who could find golf-balls.

3. He found himself glancing … the four caddies who trailed them, trying to catch a gleam or gesture that would remind him … himself, that would lessen the gap which lay … his present and his past.

4. Her glance fell casually … each … the men – then scanned the fairway … her ball.

5. She wore … a blue gingham dress, rimmed … a throat and shoulders … a white edging that accentuated her tan.

6. When the time had come … him to wear good clothes, he had known who were the best tailors … America, and the best tailors … America had made him the suit he wore … this evening.

7. His mother was a Bohemian … the peasant class and she had talked broken English … the end … her days.

8. … dinner she slipped … a moody depression which gave Dexter a feeling … uneasiness.

9. When the scarlet corners … her lips curved down, it was less a smile than an invitation … a kiss.

10. A lump rose … Dexter’s throat, and he waited breathless … the experiment, facing the unpredictable compound that would form mysteriously … the elements … their lips.

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1. How did Dexter make money? What was his business?

2. Where did he find money to start his business?

3. Why did he go to the Sherry Island Golf Club once?

4. What enormous thing happened there?

5. What was the attitude of golf-players to young Judy Jones?

6. Whom did Dexter see standing at the wheel of a motor-boat?

7. What did young lady ask Dexter to do?

8. Where did she invite him the next day?

9. What disappointed and disturbed Dexter at dinner?

10. What were Dexter and Judy speaking about in the dark sun-porch after dinner?

2. Discuss the following:

1. “Dexter wanted not association with glittering things and glittering people – he wanted the glittering things themselves. Often he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it…” Do you have any ideas why he behaved like this?

2. How did young Dexter manage to make his first big success in laundry business?

Part IV


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

denouement, divergence, justify, exquisite, decently, solace, malice, nourish, opiate, alcove, yawn, beau, eligible, stout, coupe, rustle, pugilistic, consumptive, issue, embarrassing, contemporaneous, idiotic, girder, mischievous.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

розпусна особа;найвищий ступінь фізичної краси; бути закоханим у кого-небудь; бути ледь спроможним чемно поводитися з іншими людьми; потурбуватися збрехати; задоволення бажань; темна веранда; кришталевість початку дня; пішли чутки про їх заручини; нестямно обшукувати клуб у пошуках кого-небудь; виглядати засмученим; бути популярним у кого-небудь; зміцнювати положення; заручитися з ким-небудь; бути трошки повним; мати залицяльника; сиплий голос; загартуватися проти ревнощів; нереально, казково успішний; почуття солідності; страшенний головний біль; обійтися без кого-, чого-небудь; верхня губа; мільйон фраз рвався з його губ; взаємний потяг; місцевий франт; дзвін склянок; хвиля емоцій обрушилася на нього; володар власного часу; спертися на одвірок.

Fill in the sentences with the words from the box.

mischievous relinquished surrendered irresistibly devotion mournful mutual civil engaged cure

1. Dexter … a part of himself to the most direct and unprincipled personality with which he had ever come in contact.

2. Dexter became enormously upset and was scarcely able to be decently … to the other people present.

3. Judy made these forays upon the helpless and defeated without malice indeed half unconscious that there was anything … in what she did.

4. Early in their acquaintance it had seemed for a while that there was a deep and spontaneous … attraction.

5. To Dexter’s agony, rumor … them.

6. She was seen with him at the station, and it was reported that he looked very … indeed.

7. His confessed … to Judy Jones had rather solidified his position.

8. No disillusion as to the world in which she had grown up could … his illusion as to her desirability.

9. Irene had two suitors whom she pleasantly … when Dexter formally asked her to marry him.

10. He sat perfectly quiet, his nerves in wild clamor afraid that if he moved he would find her … in his arms.

Match the words with the definitions.

1) pressure a) an arrangement to marry
2) whisper b) force a person to do something; make it necessary to do something
3) compel c) open the mouth wide as when sleepy, weary, or hungry
4) solace d) conditions of difficulty, trouble or strain; weight; force; compulsion; strong influence
5) malice e) that cannot be cured or put right; not capable of being corrected or improved
6) engagement f) sad; sorrowful
7) mournful g) speak in a low, soft voice, or under the breath
8) rumo(u)r h) active ill-will; spite; the desire to harm others
9) yawn i) statements, reports, stories, etc. which are passed on from person to person, nobody knowing where they started or whether they are true or false
10) incorrigible j) comfort, relief, or contentment

Grammar Tasks

1. Change the following sentences from the story:

A into direct speech

1. She assured him that she had not kissed the other man.

2. She told the local beau that she was bored with her visitor.

B into indirect speech

1. “When did you get back?” he asked casually.

2. “Come here and I’ll tell you about it”, she answered.

3. “Have you missed me?” she asked suddenly.

4. “You’re handsomer than you used to be,” she said thoughtfully. “Dexter, you have the most rememberable eyes.”

5. She continued. “I like the way you love me. Oh, Dexter, have you forgotten last year?”

6. “I’m more beautiful than anybody else,” she said brokenly, “why can’t I be happy?”

7. “I hear you’re giving Irene Scheerer a violent rush”, she said.

8. “I think we’d get along”, she continued, “unless probably you’ve forgotten me and fallen in love with another girl”.

9. “Dexter”, she said, “Irene’s gone upstairs with a splitting headache. She wanted to go with you but I made her to go to bed. She’s going to play golf with you in the morning. You can spare her for just one night”.

10. She whispered, “Last night I thought I was in love with a man and tonight I think I’m in love with you”.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.

1. She _____(to see) with him at the station, and it _____(to report) that he looked very mournful indeed.

2. He _____(to harden) against jealousy long before.

3. When Dexter began to _____(to place) at dinner next to Irene Scheerer people didn’t ask him about Judy any more – they told about her.

4. Their engagement was to _____(to announce) in a week now – no one _____(to surprise) at it.

5. But a week later he ­­­­­_____(to compel) to view this same quality in a different light.

6. She _____(to entertain) only by the gratification of her desires and by the direct exercise of her own charm.

7. The three days _____(to interrupt) by the arrival of a New York man who visited at her house for half September.

8. Remember that – for only in the light of it can what he did for her _____(to understand).

9. He _____(to fill) with a sudden excitement.

10. She sincerely_____(to move) – or she_____(to carry) along by the wave of her own acting?

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1. How did Judy and Dexter’s romance develop?

2. Why did Judy Jones like to insult men so much, to treat them with encouragement, with malice, with indifference, with contempt?

3. Who was “a New York man”?

4. Why did he leave?

5. Who was Irene Scheerer? How did she look like?

6. Was Dexter trying to forget Judy? Why?

7. Why couldn’t Irene go with Dexter to the University Club the evening he met Judy Jones there?

8. Was Dexter glad to see her again?

9. What were they talking about in Dexter’s car?

10. Why did Judy begin to cry to herself?

2. Discuss the following:

1. Why did Dexter decided to marry a woman who “would be no more than a curtain spread behind him, a hand moving among gleaming teacups, a voice calling to children…”?

2. Judy Jones said, “I’m more beautiful than anybody else, why can’t I be happy?” Do you agree that more attractive people are less successful in love affairs?Explain your opinion.

Parts V-VI


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

endure, alert, yielding, usher, alert, row, plaintive, neither, regret, agony, revulsion, tangle, outrageous, ludicrous, invulnerable, island, plaintive, palm.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

здаватися неважливим; відчувати приязнь; у глибині душі бути реалістом; здаватися поверховим; бути абсолютно байдужим до думки суспільства; глибокий біль, що його призначено лише сильним людям; не відчувати неприязнь; передати управління бізнесом партнеру; певне полегшення; чоловік на ім’я; зайти в офіс по справах; бути шафером на весіллі; з безтурботною зацікавленістю; без розуміння того, що відбувається; „ходити наліво”, зраджувати; заспокоювати голос; бути схильним думати; поводитися з кимсь як диявол; починати бійку; закохатися без тями; в’янути; дивитися через вікно на Нью-Йоркський пейзаж; бути невразливим; долоня; веранда у місячному сяйві; уперше за багато років.


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