Make a brief engineering report explaining the difference between a ball mill and an impact crusher. Mention the design, the principle of work and materials to be processed.
8. Make a brief engineering report explaining the difference between a ball mill and an impact crusher. Mention the design, the principle of work and materials to be processed.
9. Using the following list of items explain what processes can be used to efficiently achieve the specified particle size reduction of each material. Take into consideration physical properties of the materials.
Clay, gravel, lime, gypsum, soft metallic ores, large rocks, iron ore, concretes, graphite, dry chemicals, viscous materials, sand, activated carbon
10. Pick up the key words from the text “Grinders”. Make up your own sentences with them.
11. Write an abstract to the text “Grinders”.
12. Get ready for presenting the topic “Grinders” at the conference ”Innovations in Science and Engineering” based on the following questions of Task 4.
1. Role-play "At the Conference". Learn some useful language and sample scripts included below. Choose the topic you would like to present to your classmates. Act it out.
1) The Chairperson
2) A reporter
3) An active listener.
The Chairperson
Welcome to the …… annual……….. of the……... It is great to see ………………….. here celebrating the genius and innovation of …………… over the years. It has been a long time since ……………… and look how far we’ve come! Are you happy to be here?
……is pleased to host this conference in ……….. this year where we will have the opportunity to ………….!
I know that many of you have traveled from quite a distance and I’d like to acknowledge our members from ……………. who have made this long trip to participate in the largest, most extensive …………….. we have ever had.
Among the activities we have planned are workshops about the ………………… such as the ……… well as demonstrations of …………….
We are honored to………
It's a pleasure to…………..
Prepare yourself to be……………