Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Вставьте артикль a/an/the там, где нужно.

Вставьте артикль a/an/the там, где нужно.

1. Johnny is from _____ Scotland. He likes playing _____ football and he enjoys playing ______ guitar. He has _____ black cat and _____ three friends. He goes to _______ university in ______ morning. He goes there on _______ foot, not by _______ car. He likes studying because his teachers are _____ kind.


2. Amanda is _____ student. When she finishes her studies, she wants to be _____ actress. She lives with _____ two friends in ______ house. ______ house is small but she likes it.


3. Peter and Mary have two children, _____ boy and _____ girl. _____ boy is seven years old and ____ girl is three. Peter works at _____ school, Mary doesn’t have ______ job at the moment.



Когда к нашему коту приходит подружка – кошка, их становится две. Посмотрите, у кошки хвост в форме буквы S.Помните это, когдапредметов или людей много, мы прибавляем окончание S!


Правила в тетрадь

1. + S

# cat – cats, rose – roses

2. Когда заканчивается на: -o, -ch, -sh, -ss, -x + ES
# tomato - tomatoes, watch - watches, bush - bushes, kiss - kisses, box - boxes.
But: photo – photos, kilo - kilos

3. СОГЛ + Y        IES.

# baby - babies, fly - flies.               But: boy – boys, monkey – monkeys

4. -f/-fe          -ves

wife – wives

leaf – leaves


foot - feet

tooth - teeth

person - people

man - men (в т.ч. policeman – policemen)

woman - women

child – children

fish – fish

mouse – mice


Grammar homework for the


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