What does Stephen King mean when he says “If you don't succeed – get a bigger nail”? 

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What does Stephen King mean when he says “If you don't succeed – get a bigger nail”?


Stephen King reveals the secret to his success


a typewriter – an ancestor of modern printers

to type = to make a text using ether a keyboard or a typewriter

a magazine = a journal

to reject = to turn down

a rejection slip – a special letter which informs you that your work has been rejected

a nail – a small metal object used to connect different parts (usually wooden) or to hang sth.


1. Say if the statements are true or false:

1) Stephen King grew up in the country and liked to read.

2) When he decided to become a writer he started writing stories in his diary.

3) He pounded a nail into the wall to put his published stories on it.

4) When he was 17 or 18 the nail broke.

2. What does Stephen King mean when he says “If you don't succeed – get a bigger nail”?




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