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Making questions and ordering sentences


Order the words to make questions:

a) she / where / ‘s / from __________________________________________________________________________
b) United / from / they / States / the / are ____________________________________________________________
c) in / seven / are / room / we _____________________________________________________________________
d) holiday / you / are / on _________________________________________________________________________
e) from / he / Japan / is ___________________________________________________________________________

Order the words to make sentences:

a) don’t / I / know _______________________________________________________________________________
b) do / how / it / you / spell _______________________________________________________________________?
c) don’t / I / understand __________________________________________________________________________
d) you / it / can / please / repeat ___________________________________________________________________?
e) in / English / how / you / say / do / vacaciones ______________________________________________________?
f) I / remember / can’t ____________________________________________________________________________


Order the words to make questions

a) with / do / live / your / you / mother _____________________________________________________________?
b) where / have / does / lunch / Kate _______________________________________________________________?
c) go / do / to / cinema / when / you / the ___________________________________________________________?
d) listen / you / in / the / the / do / to / radio / morning
e) they / where / football / do / play ________________________________________________________________?
f) she / does / French / study ______________________________________________________________________?
g) brother / the / work / his / does / city / in / centre
h) friends / when / do / play / your / tennis ___________________________________________________________?
i) have / do / when / lunch / you ___________________________________________________________________?
j) work / in / office / do / na / they __________________________________________________________________?

Order the words to make sentences. (Possessive ‘s)

a) house / Scotland / sister’s / in / My / is _____________________________________________________________
b) works / her / in / Barbara / shop / brother’s _________________________________________________________
c) Japanese / Her / car / boyfriend’s / is _______________________________________________________________
d) father / you / Do / know / Jennifer’s ______________________________________________________________?
e) from / girlfriend / France / brother’s / is / My ________________________________________________________
f) daughter’s / bank / in / friend / Our / works / a _______________________________________________________
g) job / stressful / Is / Tom’s / very __________________________________________________________________?
h) Money / mother / lot / earns / of / Susan’s / a________________________________________________________

Order the words to make senteces. (adjectives)

a) has / boyfriend / rich / Cathy / a __________________________________________________________________
b) expensive / drives / Jack / car / na ________________________________________________________________
c) lipstick / wears / Helen / red _____________________________________________________________________
d) a / house / live / parents / in / very / My / big _______________________________________________________
e) Saturdays / a / I / lunch / cook / On / big ___________________________________________________________
f) don’t / days / like / I / wet _______________________________________________________________________
g) quite / ‘s / My / grandfather / old _________________________________________________________________
h) children / hair / have / Paul’s / fair ________________________________________________________________

Order the words to make sentences. (adverbs of frequency and time expressions)

a) sometimes / work / Tom / his / to / rides / motorbike
b) is / girlfriend / never / my / late ___________________________________________________________________
c) school / usually / children / walk / to / the __________________________________________________________
d) hungry / always / I / am _________________________________________________________________________
e) are / teachers / stressed / often ___________________________________________________________________
f) aunt / my / hardly / I / uncle / ever / see / and _______________________________________________________
g) are / professional / rich / usually / footballers ________________________________________________________
h) often / sleep / hotels / in / pilots __________________________________________________________________
i) breakfast / James / juice / a / every / drinks / sandwich / day / and / eats / for
j) twice / Canada / Molly / travels / a / to / year ________________________________________________________

Make questions:

I am a police officer.
b) ____________________________________________________________________________________________?
Pam goes to work by car.
c) ____________________________________________________________________________________________?
We have English classes on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Pete is studying English now.
Dennis and Ciara are my best friends.
They play basketball three times a week.
The blouse is $15.
h) ____________________________________________________________________________________________?
My children are going to school at the moment.
I like listening to pop music and jazz.
I have three children - a boy and two girls.
David speaks four languages – English, French, German and Italian.
Yes, we do. We love pasta.
No, she doesn’t. She works in a farm.
No, they are doctors.
Margareth is a friendly person.
Sao Paulo is a busy city.
No, I’m Scottish.



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