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OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Do you share similar concerns to the people being interviewed?


1. OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Do you share similar concerns to the people being interviewed?

2. Watch Natalie’s introduction to the video from 0:00 to 0:33 and complete each space with ONE word.

Hi. 1 I’ve never had to call the police but a friend of 2_____________ has had to call them a few times about a 3_____________ neighbour. I was once stopped by the police on my 4_____________ home from a party because of a 5_____________ headlight but that’s 6_____________ it. How about you? Have you ever had 7_____________ to contact the police?

3. Look at the people and read the extract summaries 1–7. Then watch the video from 0:34 to 5:01 and match the people to the correct summaries.

A – Nick                                1 She sometimes drives over the speed limit.

B – Isabella                                2 She’s concerned about employment for young people.

C – Thomas                                3 He’s broken the copyright laws for downloading music from the internet.

D – Robin                                   4 She thinks museums in Canada should be free, as they are in the UK.

E – Karen                                   5 His father had to call the police once because of an attempted break-in.

F – Tim                                    6 Legal issues to do mostly with refugees and asylum seekers have concerned                                                .                                              him in recent years.

4. Have they ever had reason to contact the police? Have they ever broken the law? Look at the people in Exercise 3 and read the statements about them. Then watch the video from 0:34 to 2:42 and tick the correct statement, a) or b).

1 a) Nick contacted the police about a missing hi-fi player. ­

b) Nick dialed 999 because he couldn’t find his hi-fi player.

2 a) Isabella was hit by a fi rework in the street in Scotland.

b) Isabella was hit by some boys in the street many years ago.

3 a) Robin definitely remembers calling the police because of noisy neighbours.

b) Robin thinks she probably called the police because of loud parties nearby.

4 a) Karen has never had to call the police.

b) Karen has never broken the law.

5 a) Tim was arrested for carrying illegal arms.

b) Tim was arrested for protesting against the sale of arms.

5. What legal or social issues concern you the most? If you could introduce a law in your country or community what would it be? Watch the video from 2:44 to 5:01 and complete extracts A–F with the words from the list:

erosion, harmony, getting, justice, control, homeless, special, tuition, worried, capitalist, balance, freedom

A    Well, I’m, I’m very concerned really about the 1                   of rights for people who are, erm, in need of more help. Sort of, people with, I suppose, 2 ‘_____________ needs’ I’m talking about.

B   But I think people now may be put off by the um, the rise in 3_____________ fees and it’s something that a lot of young people in England are very 4_____________ about.

C There’s a big 5_____________ issue in Toronto, so that’s a social issue that concerns me. Um, legal issues not really, we, I think, have a pretty good 6_____________ system.

D I suppose what concerns me most is this question of getting a 7_____________ between what you need to do to have a society and a community that cares for its weaker members … and at the same time provides individual 8_____________.

  Probably the same as in most countries. But it’s young people 9_____________ work, and the right sort of work, um, social 10_____________.

F   Uh, dismantling of border 11_____________, the free movement of people? Erm, yeah, those sorts of things, really. Complete overhaul and dismantling of, of 12_____________ state system.


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