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  1. Here's an exercise about the positive and negative verb forms
  2. Decide / get / give / go / happen / not hurt / play / try / want

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Decide / get / give / go / happen / not hurt / play / try / want

Last weekend Ben and I visited that new leisure center that everyone is talking about. We 1) ___________ to the ice-skating rink first. Ben slipped a few times while he 2) ___________ to do acrobatic tricks, but luckily he 3) ___________ himself. After that, we went to the main hall to see what 4) __________ there. On one side of the hall a rock band 5) __________ while on the other side some skateboarders 6) ____________ a display. The Skateboarders were fantastic so we 7) ___________ to stay and watch them.

After the exhibition, we both 8) __________ to go to the shops inside the center. But it was nearly rush hour and the shops 9) ___________ really crowded so we 10) ____________ to the multiplex cinema to see The Illusionist. What a fantastic film!

Упражнение 3. Match the beginnings (1-7) with the endings (a-g). Then complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. He ___________ (climb) down the side of a building

2. The sun _________ (shine) brightly

3. The hot water tank _________ (explode)

4. When we _________ (get) to the concert

5. I _________ (not know) that my friends

6. While you _________ (lie) on the beach

7. Last year, Simon _________ (give up) painting

a) while I __________ (have) a shower.

b) the band ___________ (play) my favourite song.

c) when suddenly the rope _________ (break).

d) and __________ (take up) sculpture instead.

e) ___________ (prepare) a surprise party for me.

f) when I __________ (get up) this morning.

g) we ___________ (study) for our exams!

Упражнение 4. Вставьте Past Simple или Past Continuous

  1. An amazing display of traditional-style canoes ____ last week in Portland (to begin).
  2. Last month, we ________ the most amazing opportunity to head down to Nashville (to have).
  3. These ladies__________ an apartment when they ____ both _______ English in Jakarta, Indonesia (to share, to teach).
  4. Last year we________ too tired even to make quality home design (to be).
  5. While the tourists __________ at the beach, animators __________ coffee in the bar (to dance, to have).
  6. Last time there ________ a snowfall in November in 2016 (to be).
  7. A Qatari sheikh ________ more than £1billion on his art collection last year (to spend).
  8. The hot-blooded and furious Tybalt ________ a grudge against Romeo (to bear).
  9. While we __________ to a dive site we __________ the advantages of Utila, the smallest and most unspoiled of the Bay Islands of Honduras (to boat, to discuss).
  10. In the late 1600s, the British ________ all non-English ships from trading with colonies (to forbid).
  11. We ________ busy building our new country house that year (to be).
  12. Our friend’s dog __________ us as we__________ around the neighborhood (to follow, to walk).
  13. The student __________ up the escalator while it __________ (to run, to move).

Choose the past simple or past continuous: 1. What ________________________ (you / do) when I ________________________ (call) you last night? 2. I ________________________ (sit) in a café when you ________________________ (call). 3. When you ________________________ (arrive) at the party, who ________________________ (be) there? 4. Susie ________________________ (watch) a film when she ________________________ (hear) the noise. 5. Yesterday I ________________________ (go) to the library, next I ________________________ (have) a swim, later I ________________________ (meet) Julie for a coffee. 6. We ________________________ (play) tennis when John ________________________ (hurt) his ankle. 7. What ________________________ (they / do) at 10pm last night? It ________________________ (be) really noisy. 8. He ________________________ (take) a shower when the telephone ________________________ (ring). 9. He ________________________ (be) in the shower when the telephone ________________________ (ring). 10. When I ________________________ (walk) into the room, everyone ________________________ (work). © 2010 www.perfect-english-grammar.com May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. 11. It ________________________ (be) a day last September. The sun ________________________ (shine), the birds ________________________ (sing). I ________________________ (walk) along the street when I ________________________ (meet) an old friend. 12. He ________________________ (live) in Russia when the Revolution ________________________ (start). 13. When her train ________________________ (get) to the station, we ________________________ (wait) on the platform. 14. He ________________________ (be) so annoying! He ________________________ (always / leave) his things everywhere. 15. On holiday we ________________________ (visit) Rome, ________________________ (see) the Vatican, and ________________________ (spend) a few days at the beach. 16. Why ________________________ (you / stand) on a chair when I ________________________ (come) into the room? 17. They ________________________ (live) in Germany when they ________________________ (be) young. 18. At 7pm yesterday, we ________________________ (listen) to music. 19. When I ________________________ (leave) the house, it ________________________ (snow). 20. He ________________________ (work) in a bank when he ________________________ (meet) his wife.


Choose the past simple or past continuous: 1. He __________________ (sleep) when the doorbell __________________ (ring). 2. We __________________ (eat) dinner at 8pm last night (we started eating at 7:30). 3. Yesterday I __________________ (go) to the post office, __________________ (buy) some fruit at the supermarket and __________________ (read) a book in the park in the afternoon. 4. We __________________ (watch) TV when we __________________ (hear) a loud noise. 5. Julie __________________ (be) in the garden when Laurence __________________ (arrive). 6. A: What __________________ (you / do) at 3pm yesterday? B: I __________________ (clean) my house. 7. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris and Rome. 8. They __________________ (have) dinner when the police __________________ (come) to the door. 9. He __________________ (work) in the garden when he __________________ (find) the money. 10. Laura __________________ (study) at 11pm last night. 2 © www.perfect-english-grammar.com May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. 11. I __________________ (walk) along the road when I __________________ (meet) an old friend. 12. It __________________ (be) a day in December. Snow __________________ (fall), children __________________ (sing) carols and people __________________ (do) their Christmas shopping. 13. My ex-boyfriend __________________ (be) so annoying! He __________________ (always / miss) the bus and __________________ (arrive) late. 14. When I __________________ (call) Julie, she __________________ (work). 15. Why __________________ (you / cry) when I __________________ (arrive)? 16. When he __________________ (get) home, we started to eat dinner. 17. At 10am yesterday I __________________ (sit) on a bus. 18. I __________________ (enjoy) my book so much that I __________________ (not / notice) the train had stopped. 19. David __________________ (not / sleep) when I __________________ (arrive), he __________________ (study)! 20. Mr Black __________________ (not / work) in the garden at 10pm last night.


Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.
  2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday.
  3. They (to go) to the cinema when they met me.
  4. She (to learn) words the whole evening yesterday.
  5. She (to learn) words when mother came home.
  6. He (to work) in the garden yesterday.
  7. He (to work) in the garden from five till eight yesterday.
  8. My sister is fond of read­ing. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday.
  9. The children (to do) their lessons at six o’clock yesterday.
  10. I (not to play) the pi­ano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend.
  11. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yester­day. I (to read) a book.
  12. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework.
  13. When I (to go) to school the day before yester­day, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to eat) an ice-cream.
  14. The baby (to sleep) the whole evening yesterday. She (feel) bad.
  15. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday?
  16. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?


Заполните пропуски в диалоге, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

Ann: How ____ your holiday at the seaside?

Ben: Oh, it ____ wonderful, thank you! We ____ a great fun!

Ann: What (you / do)______________there?

Ben: In the mornings, while my parents still (have breakfast) _______, I (play) _____ tennis with my friend Harry. After that, at about 10 o’clock we (swim) _____ in the sea and (play)______ football on the beach.

Ann: Yes, that sounds good! And what (you / do)______ in the afternoons after your lunch?

Ben: After lunch (we / go)______ on some interesting excursions around the place where (we / stay) _______ that week. In the evenings after dinner (we /watch)_______ films on TV or (we / play) ______ chess with my Dad.

Ann: I see, and what (you / do)_______ between 5 pm and dinner time?

Ben: Well, when the weather was nice and warm, my friend and I (have fun)_______ at the seaside. We (swim)________or (play)_________volleyball on the beach.

Ann: Fantastic! Next time I’ll go with you.


Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. В то время, когда Катя путешествовала по Америке, она узнала, что известная поп-звезда выступает в Лос-Анджелесе.
  2. Я смотрел телевизор в то время, когда случилось это ужасное происшествие.
  3. Когда прозвенел звонок, ученики все еще писали сочинение.
  4. Что Вы делали вчера в пять часов вечера? — Вчера в пять часов вечера я ехал на машине и слушал радио.
  5. Ты видела Сергея и Михаила в воскресенье? — Да, когда я их видела, они играли в волейбол в парке. — Странно, они обычно играют в парке по субботам.


  1. Peter (stay) at a seaside hotel on holiday when he (meet) his friend.
  2. While I (have) lunch the sun (come) out again.
  3. Who … you (talk to) on the telephone when I came?
  4. While Mary (read) the letter she (notice) many spelling mistakes.
  5. She (go) to bed when suddenly she (see) a mouse.
  6. We (sit) down to dinner when the doorbell (ring).
  7. Mary’s grandfather (hurt) his back while he (dig) in the vegetable garden yesterday.
  8. While he (sleep), the doctor (arrive).
  9. What … she (wear) when you (see) her at the party?
  10. What… she (want) when she (visit) you yesterday?
  11. Somebody (knock) on the front door while I (have) breakfast.
  12. How much money … you (spend) last Christmas?
  13. My father (give) me money and I (spend) it all in one day.
  14. Peter (not/feel) very well, so he (consult) his doctor.
  15. Where …you (live) at this time last year?
  16. Peter (not/look) at me as he (speak).
  17. When the ambulance (arrive), the patient (sleep) like a child.
  18. I (read) when he (call).
  19. They (wait) for the bus when I (see) them.
  20. What …you (do) when you (see) them?

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

I ____ (meet) a man in a pub once and he _____ (tell) me this story. A friend of his______ (work) on his car one morning. This friend ______(have) a large dog. Before he _______ (start) work, he ________ (put) the dog in the car and _________ (close) the door. Well, he was under his car, ________ (work) busily, when suddenly he _________ (hear) a mechanical noise, and the car ________ (start) to move forward. He ________ (jump) up, but too late — the car ___________ (roll) slowly down the hill, and the dog __________ (sit) at the wheel as if it _________ (drive). Finally, it ________ (come) to rest in a neighbour’s garden.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

When I ____ (go) shopping, I _____ (see) my friend. I ___ (say) ‘Hello!’ and we____ (start) talking. While we _____ (talk), a car _____ (run into) a man on a bike. When we _______ (see) the accident, I ______ (phone) for an ambulance. While I _______ (wait) for the ambulance, a policeman _______ (arrive). He (ask) us some questions. The ambulance _______ (come), while I ________ (talk) to the policeman. The ambulance _______ (take) the man to hospital and we _______ (go) to a cafe for a cup of coffee. While we ______ (drink) our coffee, we _______ (discuss) about the accident.



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