Combinations of consonants with (w). 

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Combinations of consonants with (w).


6)Combinations of consonants with (w).

Consonants preceding [w], especially in a stressed syllable, are labialized, i.e. regressive assimilation affecting the position of lips takes place: twist, quarter, switch.

When the consonant [w] is preceded by a voiceless consonant there is also some devoicing of the sonorant. The devoicing is especially strong after [t,k] in a stressed syllable and is weaker in unstressed syllables and at a syllable or word boundary. Thus in the clusters [tw,kw,sw] double assimilation takes place: twenty, quiet, sweep.




When a word ending in [ ],[ ],[ ]or[ ] is immediately followed by a word beginning with a vowel, the sound[ ] is very often inserted at the end of the first word joining it to the next one. When the spelling of the word ends in the letter “r”, the inserted r-sound is called the intrusive [r]. when there is no “r’ in spelling, the inserted r-sound is called the intrusive[r].(e.g:the idea[r] of it). Notice, however, the absence of linking [r] in such “inconvenient” word sequences as ‘a roar of laughter’, ‘an error of judgement’[ ].

8)Combinations of voiceless consonants with [r] [tr,pr,kr,str,Or,fr,sr].

In the clusters of voiceless consonants with the sonorant[r] complete or partial devoicing of the sonorant takes place-progressive assimilation affecting the work of the vocal cords. The sound [r] is completely or almost completely devoiced when it is preceded by a voiceless plosive consonant [p,t,k] in a stressed syllable: train, pride, cry.

In an unstressed position, at a word boundary or when [p,t,k] are preceded by [s] or some other fricative consonant the devoicing of [r]is partial: waitress, temperature. A similar effect both in stressed and unstressed syllables is produced when [r] is immediately preceded by a fricative consonant: friend, three, fruit.


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