Содержание книги

  1. Упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических временpast simple и Past Continuous.
  2. Exercise 1. Составьте предложения в the Past Continuous Tense.
  3. Exercise 3. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках в the Past Continuous Tense.
  4. If you wanted to stay in that hotel you __ booked before!

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Упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических временpast simple и Past Continuous.

 Упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических временPast Simple и Past Continuous.

Упражнение -1.

  1. I (to play) computer games yesterday.
  2. I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday.
  3. He (to play) computer games from two till three o’clock yesterday.
  4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.
  5. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place?
  6. What you (to do) when I rang you up?
  7. I (not to sleep) at nine o'clock yesterday.
  8. What he (to do) yesterday? - He (to read) a book.
  9. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? - He (to read) a book.
  10. She (to sleep) when you came home?
  11. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday.
  12. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening.
  13. When I came into the kitchen, my mother (to cook).
  14. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday.
  15. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday.
  16.  We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday.
  17. You (to do) your homework yesterday?
  18. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday?
  19. Why she (to sleep) at seven o'clock yesterday?
  20.  He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.

Упражнения - 2.

  1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.
  2.  I (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday.
  3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me.
  4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday.
  5.  I (to do) my homework when mother came home.
  6. I (to do) my homework yesterday.
  7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday.
  8.  I (to do) my homework at six o'clock yesterday.
  9.  I (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 1
  10. I (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. I (to read) a book.
  11.  He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework.
  12. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house.
  13. When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much.






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