Word List and Word-Combinations on the Subject 

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Word List and Word-Combinations on the Subject

"Seasons and Weather, Climate":

It is cold — холодно

warm — тепло

hot — жарко

cool — прохладно

chilly — прохладно, свежо

slippery — скользко

sloppy — мокро, покрыто лужами

gloomy — пасмурно

frosty — морозно

foggy — туманно

rainy — дождливо

snowy — снежно

windy — ветрено

sunny — солнечно

a rainfall — осадки в виде дождя

a snowfall — осадки в виде снега, снегопад

hail — град

thunderstorm — гром

lightning — молния

rainbow — радуга

hurricane — ураган

icy sheet — ледяной покров

shower — ливень

breeze; gentle wind — легкий ветер, бриз

gale; strong wind — сильный ветер

sunny, sunshine — ясно, солнечно

sunny periods; bright intervals; bright periods — временами прояснения

variable cloud — переменная облачность

possible showers — ожидаются (возможны) дожди

showers heavy at times — временами сильные дожди

snow showers — сильные снегопады

scattered showers, of sleet or snow perhaps — проходящие обильные осадки в

виде дождя со снегом, или возможен снегопад

mainly dry, but with rain or drizzling at times — преимущественно без осадков,

временами дожди или изморось

ground frost early at night — ночью на почве заморозки

mist and fog — дымка (слабый туман)

fog patches — местами туман

dense fog — густой туман

thick fog — густой туман

highest (lowest) day temperature — самая высокая (низкая) дневная температура

the sky is overcast (with clouds) — небо затянуто (тучами)

a nasty-looking cloud — страшная туча

the clouds promise rain — тучи обещают, что будет дождь

the sun is trying — солнце пробивается

it is raining cats and dogs — льет, как из ведра (идет сильный дождь)

it is coming on to pour — сейчас польет (дождь)

it is raining heavily (hard) — идет сильный дождь

it is drizzling — моросит дождь

the sky veiled itself since the morning — небо затянуто с утра

it looks like rain — похоже, будет дождь

it might be rain — возможно, будет дождь

I’ve got wet to the bone/I’ve got soaked to the skin - я промок насквозь

I haven’t got a dry stitch on — на мне нет сухого места

my clothes are dripping wet (soaking wet) — моя одежда промокла насквозь

it lightens — сверкает молния

a flash of lightning — вспышка молнии

it sounds like thunder — гремит (гром)

what a lovely rainbow — какая чудесная радуга

it is sleeting — идет снег с дождем

damp — влажный

moisture — влажность, сырость, влага

humidity — влажность

dry — сухой

drought — засуха, сухой, безводный

it is sultry/it is suffocating — душно

the strong wind lessened in force/the wind has abated - ветер уменьшился

the cold sharp wind has almost swept me off my feet — сильный холодный ветер

чуть не сбил меня с ног

the wind light, variable — ветер слабый, переменный

frost is expected at night — ночью ожидается мороз

we are having a bitter frost — у нас сильный мороз

What a severe (mild) winter we are having this year. — Какая суровая (мягкая)

зима в этом году.

the snow is falling thick — сильный снегопад

large snowflakes are slowly falling to the ground — крупные снежинки медленно падают на землю

How bitterly cold it is! — Как холодно!

it is freezing — подмерзает

rivers and lakes are frozen — реки и озера замерзли

the icicles glitter in the sun — ледяные сосульки блестят на солнце

the snow is half a meter deep — снег пол - метра глубиной

Don't be frostbitten. — He обморозься.

there's a nip in the air — мороз кусается

I am chilled to the marrow/bone — я промерз до костей

I am numb — я окоченел

my teeth are chattering with cold — мои зубы стучат от холода

the temperature is 5 degrees below (above) zero — температура 5 градусов ниже

(выше) нуля

the temperature rises (goes up) —t° повышается

the temperature falls (goes down) —t° понижается

nature awakens from its long winter sleep — природа пробуждается после

долгого зимнего сна

the farmers till the soil and sow the seed — фермеры возделывают землю и сеют


As you sow, you shall mow. — Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

nature looks full of promise — природа полна обещаний

we are welcomed and advent of spring — весна нас приветствует

the meadows grow green again — луга снова зеленые

the snow is beginning to melt — снег начинает таять

thaw sets in — начинается оттепель

thin new blades of grass come up — появляются новые росточки травы

the weather is improving — погода улучшается

it ’ s too good to last — слишком хорошо, чтобы продолжаться

it's going from bad to worse — становится все хуже

we are in a spell of fine weather — у нас период хорошей погоды

There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. — Нет плохой погоды, есть плохая одежда.

After rain or cloud comes fair weather. — После бури наступает тишина.

When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about weather. — Когда встречаются два англичанина, они сначала говорят о погоде.

Everybody talks about weather, but nobody does anything about it. — Все говорят о погоде, но никто не может ничего сделать, чтобы ее изменить.

Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather. — В других странах

есть климат; в Англии у нас есть только погода.

Additional Expressions

Questions on the Weather

1. What kind of day is it today? (It's...)

2. What kind of day was it yesterday (It was...)

3. What kind of day do you think if 11 be tomorrow? (I think it'll be...)

4. What is the weather like?

5. What does the weather look like?

6. What do you think of the weather?

7. How do you like the (or our) weather?

8. What kind (sort) of the weather has it been since...?

9. What has the weather been like lately?

10. What was the weather forecast for today?

11. How long will this terrible (wet, etc.) weather last?

Note. Avoid using the word "weather" in your replies, except in certain fixed phrases: "It's wonderful weather we are having," or "Terrible weather, isn't it?"/ In conversation the English generally prefer to use the words "morning, day, evening or night."


Some Remarks about Weather

It's lovely morning, isn't it? — Yes, (it's) wonderful weather we are having. We can smell the spring in the air!

A charming day! — Yes, it's a nice day.

It's a wonderful night. The moonlight's simply marvellous. It's a lovely morning, isn't it? — Yes, great. Isn't it hot today? — Yes, the heat's terrible. There wasn't a single drop of rain during last month.

What a flash of lightning! What a clap of thunder! bat was a terrible thunderstorm, wasn't it? — Yes, many trees fell in the storm.

Isn't it windy today? or It's a windy day today. What dreadful weather we're having.

What beastly weather! — Yes, it's a beastly day indeed. It's pouring with rain. —Yes, such a rainy weather (we're having)! It's raining steadily! — Yes, the rain is falling heavily; rain the whole time, not a blink of sun!

The weather will break soon, I expect. — Well, it's rather changeable. What a foggy day! — Yes, a thick fog is spreading over the town and you can hardly see a yard in front of you.

Quite chilly this morning, isn't it? — Yes, and it looks like rain. I think we are going to have a heavy fall of snow! — Yes, and it's freezing hard.

What a nasty-looking cloud is appearing. — And it's coming on to pour. We'd better run for it.


I. Измените следующие предложения используя модели:

Model A: When the sun shines (sunny). — When the sun shines we say that the weather is sunny. Model B: When the temperature is -25°C (cold). — When the temperature is -25°C we say it is cold.

1. When it rains (rainy). 2. When it drizzles (nasty). 3. When a cold wind blows (windy). 4. When a fog is spreading (foggy). 5. When the frost is hard (frosty). 6. When it is warm (fine). 7. When the temperature is 25° above zero (hot). 8. When the temperature has fallen to 25° below zero (very cold). 9. When the sky is covered with clouds (cloudy). 10. When the weather changes very often (changeable). 11. When we have good weather at the beginning of September (Indian Summer).


II. Подберите подходящие по смыслу сло­ва, используя подсказку внизу.

Weather in Britain

British people say, "Other countries have a..., in England we have...."

The... in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be... and the next day may be.... The morning may be... and the evening may be....

People talk about the... more in Britain than in most parts of the world. When two Englishmen meet, if they can't think of anything else to talk about, they talk about the....

Every daily paper publishes the.... Both the radio and television give the... several times each day, warning drivers if it is... and warning people to take their umbrellas if it is going

(fine; climate; warm; wet; weather (4); foggy; weather forecast (2); to rain; cold)

III. Закончите диалог:

On Weather

A. What is the weather like in England?

B.... changes in this country more often than in other countries, that's why we say, "Other countries have...."

A. Are all the days alike in autumn?

B. Оh, no,... and the next day....

A. Look! The sky is covered with heavy dark... and it's going....

B. It may, but you can never be sure.

A.... it often rain in...?

B.... is a rainy month. Look! The people in the street are opening....

A. Do Englishmen always... raincoats and... umbrellas in autumn?

B. As a rule, they do.

A. And what... in winter?

B. Winter coats, if....

A. What do Englishmen say to start a conversation?


IV. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is the weather like today? 2. What is the weather like today on the Black Sea coast (in the North Pole, in London, in Paris, in Australia, etc.)? 3 What's your favourite season and why?

4.Which is the coldest (hottest) month in your town (London, Tokyo, Paris, Rome, Boston)?

5. What is the weather like in winter (autumn) in Siberia (England, Canada, Japan, etc.)?

6.What kind of weather do you like (dislike)?


V. Прочитайте прогноз погоды:

Amsterdam                       +5°C                      Bristol        +8°C

Athens                                      +18                        Brussels     +7

Belgrade                            +20                        Budapest   +10

Berlin                                +3                          Cardiff                  +8

Bermuda                           +20                        Copenhagen          +2

Birmingham                      +7                          Dublin               +8

Boston                                      +5                          Edinburgh             +7

Florence                            +16                        Moscow                 0

Helsinki                             +1                          Munich                  +3

Hong Kong                       +25                        New York             +7

London                             +10                        Oslo                       +2

Madrid                                    +20                         Paris                       +8

Miami                          +24                         Tokyo               +18


1. Ответьте на вопросы: a) Which city is the coldest? b) What's the weather like in London? c) Where would you like to be? Why? d) Is it winter or summer in the United Kingdom (the USA)? e) Which part of the UK is the warmest? f) What's the weather like in Moscow?


2. Сравните температуру и погоду в разных городах. Начните свой ответ с:

A. "It is as cold in... as in...."

B. "It is not so cold in... as in...."

C. "It is warmer (colder) in... than in...."


VI. Прочитайте и перескажите следующие истории:

A.          A Farmer and His Sons

An old farmer was very ill. He was not happy, because his sons were always quarrelling*.

He decided to teach them a lesson before he died. He said to one of his sons, "Try to break this bundle of sticks**. His son could not break the bundle. He asked all his other sons to do it, but they could not break the bundle.

"Now untie*** it and try to break one of the sticks." All the sons could do it easily. "You can see now," smiled the old farmer, "that you must stop quarrelling and help each other. Separated you are weak like the stick, united you will always be strong."

B. One day the Sun met the Wind and they argued**** who was stronger. They argued for a long time but could not come to an agreement. Suddenly they saw a man walking along the road. The man was wearing a coat. And the Sun said to the Wind, "If you can make him take his coat off you are stronger than I. But if I can make him take his coat off I'm stronger than you." The Wind started blowing. But the stronger he blew, the tighter the man wrapped his coat around him. Then the Sun started shining brightly and the man took off his coat at once.

* to quarrel — ссориться

** bundle of sticks — связка прутьев

*** to untie — развязать

**** to argue — спорить


VII.   Раскройте скобки:

The Weather Forecast:

The weather (to be) a thing that I can never understand. I (to remember) one summer day. We (to read) the weather forecast in the newspaper: "Heavy showers* with thunder-storms**."

We (to decide) to stay at home. We (to look) at the people who (to pass) our house and (to say), "They (to come) home quite wet."

At twelve o'clock it (to become) very hot. One of us (to say), "I'd like to know when those heavy showers and thun­derstorms (to begin)? "

"Ah, they (to come) in the afternoon, you'll see," we (to say) to each other. But there (to be) no rain on that day.

The next morning we (to read), "The weather (to be) warm and fine, no rain."

We (to go) to the country. We (to want) to have a good rest. But it (to begin) to rain hard, and it (to rain) the whole day. We (to come) home quite wet, with colds and rheumatism all over us.

(After Jerome K. Jerome)

* heavy showers — проливные дожди

** thunderstorm — гроза


London, May 20

Dear Jane,

I can't say that I (to be) fine. I (to be) here in London for two months now. The weather (to be) nasty here. It (to rain) since morning. I (to think) it always (to rain) here in spring. Anyway, it (to rain) every Saturday and Sunday since we (to come) here two months ago. Besides it (to be) foggy and windy and we stay home almost every weekend. And I (to feel) unhap­py and bored. Last Sunday the weather forecast (to promise) fine weather, and we (to plan) a sightseeing tour. But in the morning when I (to wake up) it (to start) pouring and it never (to stop). I (to hope) next Sunday (to be) fine and sunny and I (to be able) to see something of London. When I (to have) a chance to see the sights of London I (to write) a long letter to you.

Love, Tommy.

VIII. Предлоги потерялись, помогите восстановить предложения.

The Seasons

The year is divided... four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.... spring Nature awakens... her long win­ter sleep. The trees are filled... new life, the earth is warmed... the rays*... the sun and the weather gets gradually milder. The fields and the meadows are covered... fresh green grass. The woods and the forests are filled... the songs... the birds. The sky is blue and cloudless.... night millions... stars shine... the darkness.

When summer comes the weather gets still warmer and sometimes it's very hot. It's the farmer's busy season — he works... his fields... morning... night. The grass must be cut and the hay** must be laid, while the dry weather lasts. Sometimes the skies are overcast... heavy clouds, there are storms... thunder, lightning and hail***.

Autumn brings... it the harvest**** time, when the crops are gathered in and the fruit is picked... the orchard. The days are shorter and the nights longer. The woods turn yellow and brown, leaves begin to fall... the trees and the ground is covered... them. The skies are grey and very often it rains.

When winter comes we have to spend more time indoors because out of doors it is cold. We may get fog, sleet and frost. Ponds, lakes, rivers and streams are frozen, and the roads are sometimes covered... slippery ice or deep snow. The trees are bare. Bitter north winds have stripped them... all their leaves.

* rays — лучи

** hay — сено

*** hail — град

**** harvest — урожай

In summer I went... Scarborough. When I arrived there it was late afternoon.... dinner I put... my raincoat and went...... a walk. It was a dull day, the sky was covered... clouds, and it was raining a little. The wind was very strong and it was dif­ficult to walk, but I wanted some air. While I was walking slowly... the quiet empty street I saw a stranger. He first passed me by, but then he stopped.

"Is that you, old man?" he shouted. "It's nice to see you! I was never so glad to see you... my whole life!"

I turned.... It was Jones.

"Why, what are you doing here? What's the matter?" I said. "And aren't you cold?" Jones was wearing flannel trousers and a thin shirt. "Why don't your go home?"

"I cannot," he answered. "I forgot the name... the hotel where my wife and I stayed. Take me... you and give me some­thing to eat."

"Haven't you any money?" I asked.

"Not a penny. We got here...York, my wife and I,...about eleven. We left our things... the station and went... the hotel.

I changed my clothes and went...... a walk. The sun was shining brightly and there was nothing... the weather forecast about rain. But I forgot to take the address."

"Can you describe the street or the house?"

"No, "he said sadly.

"Well, I'm sure that we'll find out where you live soon enough," I said. I took him... my hotel and gave him some food. We then began telephoning all the hotels... Scarborough. We did it so well that next afternoon Jones found both his hotel and his wife."

(After Jerome K. Jerome)

 IX. Прочитайте рассказ и ответьте на вопросы:


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