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Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:Содержание книги
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LEAD-IN Section Overview In this section you will learn about the defining features of politics as an activity and some adopted approaches to the study of politics as an academic discipline.
ö How may political science be defined? (a branch of social science, to be concerned with, political analysis, political behavior, political systems, politics) ö What is politics? (an activity, to make, preserve and amend the general rules, to live under the rules, the making collective decisions, the exercise of power, the exercise of authority) ö Do we consider politics an academic subject? (various academic subjects, to be defined differently, to analyse political categories, rival concepts, alternative conceptions) LANGUAGE INPUT
1.2. 1 Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own:
authorize___________________________________________________ authorization________________________________________________ behavior____________________________________________________ behavioral__________________________________________________ characteristics_______________________________________________ deception___________________________________________________ description__________________________________________________ distinct subdisciplines_________________________________________
economics__________________________________________________ exaggeration_________________________________________________ empirical___________________________________________________ hypothesis__________________________________________________ exercise of authority__________________________________________ institutionalism______________________________________________ intergovernmental____________________________________________ interpretivism________________________________________________ justice______________________________________________________ legislative chamber___________________________________________ legislature___________________________________________________ legitimate power_____________________________________________ methodologically_____________________________________________ paradigm___________________________________________________ positivism___________________________________________________ prediction___________________________________________________ preserve____________________________________________________ psychology__________________________________________________ public policies_______________________________________________ social research_______________________________________________ structuralism________________________________________________ theory______________________________________________________ |
Understanding the reading
Skills focus
1.5. 1 Read the extract and fill in prepositions wherever necessary. Give the text the appropriate heading. Discuss the text. |
Concepts, models and theories are the tools... political analysis. However, as with most things... politics, the analytical tools must be used with care. First, let us consider concepts. A concept is a general idea... something, usually expressed... a single word or a short phrase.
It is no exaggeration to say that our knowledge... the political world is built... through developing and refining concepts that help us make sense of that world. Concepts, in that sense, are the building blocks... human knowledge.
Models and theories are broader than concepts; they comprise a range... ideas rather than a single idea. A model [3] is usually thought... as a representation of something, usually... a smaller scale, as... the case of a doll's house or a toy airplane. In this sense, the purpose of the model is to resemble the original object as faithfully as possible. A paradigm is,... a general sense, a pattern or model that highlights relevant features... a particular phenomenon, rather than the manner of an ideal type.
The terms theory [4] and model are often used interchangeably... politics. Theories and models are both conceptual constructs used as tools... political analysis. However, strictly speaking, a theory is a proposition. It offers a systematic explanation... a body of empirical data. In contrast, a model is merely an explanatory device; it is more like a hypothesis that has yet to be tested. In that sense, in politics, while theories can be said to be more or less 'true', models can only be said to be more or less 'useful'. Clearly, however, theories and models are often interlinked: broad political theories may be explained... terms of a series of models. For example, the theory... pluralism encompasses a model of the state, a model of electoral
competition, a model of group politics, and so on.
Practice with Nouns
Ask yourself these questions when checking nouns.
Countable nouns
· Countable nouns have two forms, singular and plural.
a politician (one thing or person) / politicians (more than one thing or person)
· They can be used with numbers.
… one system… … two analysts… … three hundred pounds…
· Singular count numbers always take a determiner such as, “a”, “another”, “every”, or “the”.
We’ve made a decision.
He was analysing another political category.
She has read every book on politology.
Political scientists study the role and system of governance.
· Plural count nouns do not need a determiner when they refer to things or people in general.
Political science can add value and expertise to corporations.
· Plural count nouns do take a determiner when they refer to particular things or people.
These political concepts may be employed in solving practical political problems.
· Singular count nouns take a singular verb and plural count nouns take a plural verb.
A politicianis engaged in various business activities.
Political scientistsmeasure the success of governance by many factors.
Uncountable nouns
In English some things cannot be counted directly. The nouns which refer to these uncountable things are called uncountable nouns. They often refer to:
substances: | coal | food | ice | iron | rice | steel | water |
human qualities: | courage | cruelty | honesty | patience | |||
feelings: | anger | joy | pride | happiness | relief | respect | |
activities: | aid | help | work | sleep | travel | ||
abstract ideas: | fun | life | death | freedom | luck | beauty | justice |
People talked for hours about freedom.
Everybody needs food and water.
· Uncountable nouns have only one form, and take a singular verb.
Justiceis one of the factors examined by political scientists.
Choose the correct form.
e.g. There were / was some imported goods in the supermarket.
1. The word 'politics' is / are derived from polis, meaning literally city-state.
2. The news that they were unable to make collective decisions was / were quite surprising.
3. Three months isn’t/ aren’t a very long time to study politology, a branch of social science concerned with theory, description, analysis and prediction of political behavior, political systems and politics, is it / are they?
4. Money isn’t / aren’t the most important thing in life, is it / are they?
5. Seven pounds is / are an average weight for a new-born.
6. You know that politics is / are Professor Nelson’s speciality.
7. Is / are political analysis a valuable source of information nowadays?
8. Sooner or later even very expensive clothes is / are used up.
9. What is / are his politics as to studying matters concerning the allocation and transfer of power in decision making?
10. Exact data is /are a reliable means of testing human behavior.
Exercise 2
Choose the correct form.
e.g. I’d like some information / informations about the supply of goods.
1. Political scientists studied different phenomenon / phenomena in order to reveal the relationships underlying political events and conditions.
2. The manager offered me the job as I had a lot of experience / experiences in such spheres as survey research, statistical analysis, case studies, and model building.
3. We have the problem with the description of political behavior and we need some advice / advices.
4. We’d like to find out the essence of politics, have you got an information / any information?
5. Is it difficult to find a work / job as a political scientist at the moment?
6. My interlocutor, Miss Sharp, had long blond hair / hairs.
7. They had a good travel / journey to Africa last year.
8. It’s common knowledge / knowledges that political science deals extensively with the theory and practice of a politics / politics, and the analysis of a political behavior / political behavior.
9. It’s an open secret that mass medium/media are a good source of job openings.
Exercise 3
1.1 | Lead-in | Section overview |
1.2 | Language input | Developing vocabulary |
1.3 | Background information | Politology and Political Science |
1.4 | Comprehension | Understanding the reading Scanning |
1.5 | Practice Skills focus | Fill-in exercises Writing skills Presenting the information |
1.6 | Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 | Politics as the art of government Can the study of politics be scientific? |
Supporting materials | Politics as public affairs | |
1.7 | Reading for Cross-cultural Associations | History and development of political science |
1.8 | Role play | Studying politics |
1.9 | Grammar Back Up | Practice with Nouns and their Determiners |
Section Overview
In this section you will learn about the defining features of politics as an activity and some adopted approaches to the study of politics as an academic discipline.
ö How may political science be defined?
(a branch of social science, to be concerned with, political analysis, political behavior, political systems, politics)
ö What is politics?
(an activity, to make, preserve and amend the general rules, to live under the rules, the making collective decisions, the exercise of power, the exercise of authority)
ö Do we consider politics an academic subject?
(various academic subjects, to be defined differently, to analyse political categories, rival concepts, alternative conceptions)
account n account v (for) aggregate n analysis n analyses (pl) analyze v analytical adj analyst n | описание объяснять, объяснить совокупность анализ анализы анализировать аналитический аналитик | |
appropriate v Political science is methodologically diverse and appropriates many scientific methods. appropriate adj authorize v authority n syn. power authorization n behaviour BrE n behavior AmE n Political scientists study the roles and systems of governance including governments and international organizations, political behavior and public policies. behavioural BrE adj behavioral AmE adj bias n (in favor of, against, towards) center v (on, upon) | присваивать, присвоить, учитывать при использовании Политология методологически разнообразна и учитывает много научных методов. подходящий разрешать, уполномочивать власть, полномочие, уполномочивание разрешение поведение Ученые в сфере политологии изучают роли и системы управления, включающие правительства и международные организации, политическое поведение и государственную политику. поведенческий уклон, предубеждение сосредоточиваться на | |
codify v | кодифицировать, шифровать | |
code n (of law) | кодекс, код | |
conflict and cooperation n Politics is linked to the phenomena of conflict and cooperation. | конфликт и сотрудничество Политика связана с явлениями противоречия и взаимодействия. | |
deceit n syn. deception deceive v | обман обманывать | |
deceptive adj | обманчивый | |
define v | определять, определить | |
definitely adv descriptive adj | несомненно описательный | |
distinct adj distinctly adv distinctive adj (characteristics) distinction n | отличный, отчетливый, заметный ясно отличительный отличие | |
electorate n empirical adj | электорат эмпирический | |
engage in v A politician is engaged in various business activities. | принимать участие, быть вовлеченным в деятельность Политик вовлечен в различные виды хозяйственной деятельности. | |
exercise v exercise n (of power, authority) To study politics means to study government, or to study the exercise of authority. | применять, осуществлять применение, использование, осуществление Изучать политику означает изучать правительство, а именно, осуществление полномочий. | |
expert n expert adj expertise n Political science can add value and expertise to corporations. | эксперт опытный специальные знания Политология может добавить ценности и специальных знаний корпоративной деятельности. | |
frameworks n highlight n highlight v | остов, рамки высшая точка обратить внимание на | |
governance n impartial adj | управление, правление беспристрастный | |
intersection n intersect v (with) | пересечение пересекаться, пересечься | |
legislate v (against, for, on) legislation n legislative adj legitimize v legitimacy n legitimate adj Authority can most simply be defined as 'legitimate power'. | издавать законы законодательство законодательный узаконить, узаконивать законность законный Полномочие (власть) может быть определено как «законная власть». | |
politology n (political science) politics n The word 'politics' is derived from 'polis', meaning literally city-state. comparative politics politician n policy maker | политология политика, политическая деятельность, политические убеждения Слово «политика» происходит от «полис», означающее высокую форму социальной организации. сравнительная политика политик политтехнолог | |
range n (of) range v realm n rival adj | диапазон, круг, цепь, пределы охватывать, охватить область, сфера соперничающий, конкурирующий | |
survey v survey n syn. review, poll | опрашивать обзор, опрос | |
1.2. 1 Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own:
distinct subdisciplines_________________________________________
exercise of authority__________________________________________
legislative chamber___________________________________________
legitimate power_____________________________________________
public policies_______________________________________________
social research_______________________________________________
Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:
1 | analysis and prediction of political behavior | A | принятие коллективных решений |
2 | make, preserve and amend the general rules | B | являться советниками для определенных политиков |
3 | the practice of deception and manipulation | C | способность влиять на поведение других |
4 | guarantee disagreement about the rules | D | взаимодействие между нациями-государствами |
5 | to study the exercise of authority | E | участники политической деятельности |
6 | legitimate power | F | пользоваться многими методами |
7 | the empirical study of the state, government and politics | G | распределение и передача власти в процессе принятия решений |
8 | analysis of political systems and political behavior | H | принимать, соблюдать и изменять общие нормы (правила) |
9 | political philosophy | I | законная власть |
10 | international relations | J | оценивать успех управления |
11 | distinctive characteristics | K | международные отношения |
12 | the allocation and transfer of power in decision making | L | изучать применение (осуществление) полномочий |
13 | comparative politics | M | политическая философия |
14 | political actors | N | избирательные участки и агентства по общественным связям |
15 | interaction between nation-states | O | анализ и предсказание политического поведения |
16 | to appropriate many methods | P | практика обмана и манипулирования |
17 | to measure the success of governance | Q | эмпирическое изучение государства, правительства и политики |
18 | to serve as advisers to specific politicians | R | анализ политических систем и политического поведения |
19 | polling and public relations firms | S | сравнительная политика |
20 | the ability to influence the behavior of others | T | обеспечивать разногласия по поводу правил |
21 | the making of collective decisions | U | отличительные характеристики |
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