Constitutions of 1993 and 1995. Foundation of multiparty system. 

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Constitutions of 1993 and 1995. Foundation of multiparty system.



The new state adopted the Constitution on the 28-th of January, 1993. Constitution consists of 4 parts and 21 chapters.


But the first of the President and Parliament were uncertain and on the 30-th of August, 1995 the new Constitution was adopted. According to the Constitution of 1995:


- Kazakhstan is unitary, democratic, secular, law state.

- It is a presidential republic. The President is a head of the state and symbol and warrantor of the unity of people and the state. He is elected for 5-years term by universal, equal, direct voting.

- Legislative power belonged to the Parliament, consist of two Chambers: the Senate and Mazhiles. Elections are held every 4 years.

- The government has executive power. Its leader is the Prime-minister, who appointed by the President after approval of the Parliament.

- Judicial power is headed by Supreme Court.

- The Constitutional council controls the correspondence of all laws to the Constitution.

- People of Kazakhstan – is a unique source of the state power.

- Protect of motherland is sacred duty of each citizen of RK.


Multiparty system was formed after declaration of Independence state.


In the end of 1993 three political parties were registered in Kazakhstan: Socialist Party, Republican Party of Kazakhstan, and “National Congress of Kazakhstan”. Social organizations: “Nevada-Semipalatinsk” – antinuclear movement, “Azat” – civil movement, union “People unity of Kazakhstan” were formed.


  1. Union “People unity of Kazakhstan” united different social stratums. N.Nazarbayev agreed to be a leader of Union. K.Sultanov became a chairman of Union.
  2. “National Congress of Kazakhstan” took part in social-political life of Kazakhstan: in discussing and adoption of legal projects about political parties, local self government, opposition, election in Supreme Soviet and so on. O.Suleymenov was a leader of NCK.
  3. Socialist Party of Kazakhstan was founded after reorganization of the Communist Party.


Lecture 29: Economic reforms and foreign policy in 90-s XX century                                                 

The objective of the lecture: To show of economic reforms in 90-s, its peculiarities.


Outline of the lecture:

10. Economic reforms in Kazakhstan in 90-s.

2. Foreign policy of the USSR (80-90-s).


1. Introduction of national currency. Kazakhstan was an initiator of the forming of ruble zone of new type. In the beginning November Kazakh delegation headed by Prime-minister S. Tereshchenko arrived to Moscow for sign agreement about coming Kazakhstan to ruble zone. But during the negotiation Russia put forward new conditions, which threatened loss of economic sovereignty. The mass of rubles of old model from neighbor states in November 1993 led to disorganization of money system and inflation in Kazakhstan. After discussion government adopted decision about introduction of national currency. On November 15, 1993 National currency was introduced.


In the middle of January, 1992 Kazakhstan was recognized by 30 states: USA, China, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Canada, and Switzerland. Tengiz oil was extracted jointly foreign firms “British petroleum”, “British gas” and others.


In January 1992 Kazakhstan extracted the first ingot of gold.


In January 1992, state army was formed. Young people served within Kazakhstan. In August 1992, President confirmed text of new oath.


In June, 1992, after people discussion Supreme Soviet confirmed State flag, state insignia.


In December, 1992 new text of national anthem was adopted.


In 1992 World Kurultay of Kazakhs was held, where Kazakhs of 13 states took part: scientists, businessmen, students.


In the middle December, 1992 Forum of the people of Kazakhstan was held.


In September, 1995, according Decree of President the capital of Republic was transferred to Akmola.


2. Foreign policy of the USSR became more flexibility. Foreign initiatives, meetings grew. Political relationships between USSR and USA, West and East changed. USA and USSR should been refused of total struggle, interfering in internal affairs of each other and third states. From November 1985 till December 1988 five meetings of M.Gorbachev and R.Reigan were held. Soviet government offered initiatives for activization external policy, search of compromises. M.Gorbachev put forward the Program of the liquidation of nuclear weapon to 2000:


- Foundation of the system of universal security;

- Strengthening of the confidence in Europe;

- Reorganization of relationships in Asian-Pacific ocean region;

- Decreasing of weapons;

- Withdrawal of military forces from other states;

- Soviet government announced prohibition on nuclear explosion.


Soviet-American agreement for liquidation rockets of two classes (middle and less) was concluded. USA liquidated rockets in Europe.


Geneva agreements promoted withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. 13 thousand Soviet soldiers were killed, 35478 were wounded, and 311 were missing in Afghanistan. About 1 million Afghanians were killed during 10 years. Withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan finished on February 15, 1989.


Party-state structures in GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary were destroyed in the end of 1989. Disintegration of the socialist system led to dissolution of military block of the states of Warsaw treaty. Leaders of the states gathered on July 1, 1991 in Prague and signed Protocol about stopping Treaty of friendship, international cooperation and mutual aid, which was concluded on May, 14, 1955 and was extended on April 26, 1985 in Warsaw. Dissolution of military block gave possibility to reduce military expenses and withdrawal troops from the Eastern Europe.




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