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A Guide to Better GRAMMAR PART I
Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса ФВМ
Рекомендовано кафедрой английского языка МБ протокол заседания от
Москва 2016
Авторы: Старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка международного бизнеса ВАВТ Гавриленко Анна Николаевна Старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка международного бизнеса ВАВТ Тюрева Юлия Владимировна Рецензенты: Доцент кафедры английского языка международного бизнеса ВАВТ Чижевская Н.В.
Старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка международного бизнеса ВАВТ Масленникова А.С. Гавриленко А.Н., Тюрева Ю.В. A Guide to Better Grammar. Part I / Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса ФВМ / А.Н. Гавриленко, Ю.В. Тюрева, Всероссийская Академия Внешней Торговли Минэкономразвития России. – М.: ВАВТ, 2015. – 81c.
Пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка Международного Бизнеса. Данное пособие предлагает набор упражнений, представляющих наиболее современную грамматическую норму, и направленных на улучшение навыков грамматически правильной речи у студентов 1 курса ФВМ, с особым упором на профилактику типичных ошибок русскоязычных студентов. Введение
Учебное пособие A Guide to Better Grammar представляет собой комплекс заданий, направленных на ознакомление студентов с основными явлениями грамматики английского языка. Пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса ФВМ.
Целью данного пособия является формирование и закрепление языковых навыков студентов в области грамматики. Пособие должно способствовать улучшению навыков грамматически правильной устной и письменной речи.
Грамматические темы и явления, рассматриваемые в пособии, соответствуют темам, изложенным в рабочей программе учебной дисциплины «английский язык как первый» кафедры английского языка МБ. (to be, Tense forms Active and Passive, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective and adverb и др.) Данное пособие представляет собой первую часть из двух, в которую вошли грамматические темы, предложенные для изучения в первом семестре.
Использование данного пособия предполагает интенсивную работу над грамматикой, что представляется неотъемлемой составляющей изучения иностранного языка, в особенности на начальном уровне обучения. Особенностью пособия является упор на профилактику типичных ошибок русскоязычных студентов. Материал пособия подается в той последовательности, которая является традиционной для методики обучения грамматике английского языка русскоязычных студентов начального уровня.
Каждый раздел пособия содержит: · Упражнение на ознакомление студентов с тем или иным грамматическим явлением, которое осуществляется в устной форме. Данное упражнение демонстрирует употребление структуры в речевом образце и сопровождается объяснением преподавателя. · Разнообразные упражнения на отработку материала, представляющие собой раскрытие скобок, множественный выбор, подстановку, репродукцию, трансформацию, перевод с русского на английский и др. · Различные упражнения на повторение пройденного материала. Упражнения составлены на основе современных оригинальных источников. Пособие снабжено ключами к упражнениям.
Работа с пособием A Guide to Better Grammar предоставит студентам возможность овладеть основными грамматическими структурами английского языка и научиться грамотно строить свои высказывания.
Авторы выражают глубокую признательность доценту кафедры английского языка МБ Чижевской Н.В. за поддержку в процессе работы над пособием и ценные критические замечания, которые были учтены при подготовке пособия к печати. Contents:
To be Ex 1. Study the following common phrases with to be. Translate them into Russian. Write down examples. 1. to be glad / pleased / happy / delighted 2. to be hungry / thirsty 3. to be absent (from) / present (at) 4. to be in / out / away 5. to be available 6. to be fit 7. to be (5 minutes) late (for) 8. to be sure (of / about) 9. to be busy (with) 10. to be tired (of) 11. to be afraid (of) 12. to be angry / annoyed (with)
13. to be interested (in) / keen (on) / fond (of) 14. to be good / bad (at) 15. to be famous (for) 16. to be popular (with) 17. to be responsible (for) Ex 2. Fill in the missing words.
1. Я отвечаю за финансы компании. I’m _________________ for the company finance.
2. Эта книга не популярна у читателей. This ___________ is not very ________________ with the readers.
3. Не злись на меня. Мне действительно жаль. Don’t be ______________ with me. I _____ really _____________.
4. Мой коллега увлекается альпинизмом. My _________________ is keen ______ mountain climbing.
5. Я устал от этой работы. I ______ ____________ of this job.
6. Мои друзья интересуются искусством. My ______________ are __________________ in art.
7. Вы хорошо даете советы. You ______ good at giving advice.
8. Я не увлекаюсь политикой. I _______ ________ fond of politics.
9. Она занята с клиентами. She ________ __________ with clients.
10. Мы не боимся риска. We __________ _____________ of risk.
Ex 3. Fill in prepositions.
1. I’m not very good ________ sport. 2. He’s very brave. He isn’t afraid ________ anything. 3. Are you interested ________ science? 4. Why are you angry ________ me? 5. I was delighted ________ the present you gave me. 6. I think the match starts at 7.00 but I’m not sure ________ that. 7. The Italian city of Florence is famous ________ its art treasures. 8. I’m not very keen ________ football. I’m fond ________ ice hockey. 9. Who was responsible ________ this job? 10. I’m tired ________ doing the same thing every day. I need a change. 11. We were 10 minutes late ________ school. 12. This music band is popular ________ teenagers.
Ex 4. Fill in the blanks with ONE WORD ONLY.
1. He’s afraid ______ the dark. 2. This hotel is very ____________ with tourists. 3. Are you angry ______ me? 4. Robin is ____________ from the meeting today. She is ill. 5. I’m fed ______ with this job. 6. Anita is ____________ of playing the piano. She loves music. 7. We are all very much surprised ______ Ben’s reaction to the news. 8. The ambassador [посол] and his wife _______ present ______ the ceremony. 9. Are you free after lunch? – No, I’m _________ with my report. 10. James is mad keen ______ horses. Ex 5. Translate into English. Be careful with prepositions.
1. Они довольны контрактом. ____________________________________________________
2. Вы опоздали на совещание на 15 минут! __________________________________________
3. Я сожалею, но эта информация сейчас недоступна. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. Спасибо, я не голоден. _________________________________________________________
5. Я увлекаюсь спортом. _________________________________________________________
6. Он отвечает за этот проект. __________________________________________________
7. Мы не против этой идеи. ______________________________________________________
8. Почему этот продукт не популярен у покупателей? _____________________________________________________________________________
9. Он удивлен вашим решением. ___________________________________________________
10. Вы здесь в отпуске или в командировке? ____________________________________________________________________________
Ex 6. Complete the sentences with phrases from the box. Translate into Russian.
1. The information ______ freely _______________ on the Internet. 2. If you _____________________ of the answers, say so. 3. I ______ really _______________ - could I have a glass of water? 4. People _______________________ of the reforms. 5. The doctor says I ____________________________ for the match on Saturday. 6. Grandma ______ absolutely _______________ with her new grandson. 7. You ______ a little _______________ for the party. 8. The President ___________________________ at the ceremony.
Ex 7. Translate into English.
1. Я не опоздал? – Нет, вы как раз (just) вовремя. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Мы рады снова быть дома. _____________________________________________________ 3. Ее муж болен. – Он в больнице? _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Он всегда готов работать сверхурочно. (overtime) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Мне жаль это слышать. ________________________________________________________ 6. Я не очень доволен вашей работой. ______________________________________________
7. Вы уверены, что эти цифры (figures) правильные? _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Он не злится на вас. ___________________________________________________________
Ex 8. Translate into English.
1. Мы устали и хотим есть. _______________________________________________________ 2. Я уверен, что банк закрыт. _____________________________________________________ 3. Мне жаль, но ваши ответы неверные. ____________________________________________ 4. Где Ирина и Марк? – Они заняты с клиентами. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Они боятся риска? ____________________________________________________________ 6. Вы опять опоздали на работу на десять минут! _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Сколько студентов отсутствует на семинаре? _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Боюсь, вы ошибаетесь. ________________________________________________________ Be / Do ! Ex 1. Can you explain the use of be or do in the following sentences?
1. Do you agree with me? – Yes, I do. 2. Is she angry with me? – No, she isn’t. 3. I am afraid of spiders. 4. Do you understand me? – Yes, I do. 5. Why are you late? 6. I don’t know. I ’m not sure. Ex 2. Fill in the correct forms of be or do.
1. How much ________ the melon? 2. How much ________ the melon cost? 3. This photo ________ funny. 4. What time ________ you usually have lunch? 5. Why ________ you always late? 6. ________ you agree with us? 7. How much sugar ________ you take in coffee? 8. He ________ responsible for this department. 9. ________ she have a car? 10. This species ________ rare in Africa.
Ex 3. Fill in the correct forms of be or do.
1. My friend ________ on holiday in Australia. 2. Where ________ you usually go for holiday? How much ________ you spend? 3. Who ________ in charge here? 4. ________ she eat meat or ________ she a vegetarian? 5. They ________ afraid of bad weather tomorrow. 6. ________ you take pills when you ________ ill? 7. What football team ________ he support? Which footballer ________ he fond of? 8. Why ________ you always disagree with the teacher? 9. He ________ hopeless at dancing. He’s got two left feet. 10. How much ________ you earn?
Ex 4. Fill in the correct forms of be or do. Sometimes you will need a negative.
1. What ________ your brother do? – He ________ a bank clerk. 2. What kind of music ________ you listen to? – I ________ very fond of jazz. 3. No, I ________ agree with you. 4. ________ your sons play football? 5. Why ________ you always late? 6. She ________ from Moscow, but she ________ live in Russia. 7. This problem ________ very important. 8. What time ________ your boss usually arrive at the office? 9. What business ________ you in? 10. ________ you sell car parts? – I ________ sorry, but we ________.
Ex 5. Translate into English. 1. Я вас не понимаю. ____________________________________________________________ 2. Вы со мной согласны? __________________________________________________________ 3. Она увлекается театром. ________________________________________________________ 4. Твой друг играет в волейбол? ____________________________________________________ 5. Где вы обедаете? ______________________________________________________________ 6. Во сколько закрываются магазины? _______________________________________________ 7. Я устал. Я не хочу идти в кино. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Он из Москвы, но он не живет в России. ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Чем вы занимаетесь? – Я менеджер. ______________________________________________________________________________
10. Извините, я опоздал. – Почему вы опоздали? ______________________________________________________________________________
The Noun
! Ex 1. Study the following sentences. Note the different ways nouns can form their plurals.
1. Most of my friends are students. 2. Many women nowadays have more than two children. 3. We didn’t catch many fish that day. 4. I needed a lot of advice as I didn’t have much experience. 5. The police were ready to help. Ex 2. Make up plural forms of the following nouns.
Ex 3. Make up plural forms of the following nouns.
Ex 4. Choose the correct variant. A 1. How much / many e-mails do you get every day? 2. I’m looking for my glasses. Where is it / are they? 3. I never take many / much clothes when I go on holiday. 4. You are always putting too few / little salt into the soup! 5. I gave you very much / many money yesterday. Where are they / is it now? 6. That / those news was / were very important to our company.
B 1. The information is / are very valuable. 2. Why are you always putting so many / much pepper on the meat? – No, I put only a little / a few. 3. Her hair is / are very beautiful indeed. – Is it / Are they blonde or dark? 4. We haven’t had many / much orders so far this year. 5. I wonder how much / many money he will get for this job and what he is going to spend it / them on. 6. Where is / are my trousers? – It is / They are in the wardrobe, darling! – But there is / are so much / many clothes there! How shall I find it / them? 7. Their goods is / are selling well. 8. This pyjama is / These pyjamas are too big for me.
1. How much / many employees are there in your department? 2. Those / that clothes is / are dirty. You need to wash it / them. 3. We’ve got so many / much work but so little / few time. 4. Have you got much / many friends in Russia? – No, only a few / a little. 5. Bad news travel / travels fast. 6. How many / much questions were discussed at the meeting yesterday? 7. I think you put too little / few sugar into the cake. 8. He has so much / many money! I wonder where he gets them / it. 9. Whenever she goes shopping, she always buys much / many clothes. 10. I’m always willing to give you advices / advice, but you never follow them / it.
Ex 5. Translate into English. Be careful with nouns.
1. Ваши жены и дети ждут вас дома. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Когда мы ездим в другие страны, мы всегда делаем много фотографий. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. В доме есть мыши? ____________________________________________________________ 4. У меня замерзли ноги. __________________________________________________________ 5. У нее великолепные волосы. – Они светлые или темные? ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Вы можете дать мне несколько советов? Ваши советы всегда полезные. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Не берите много одежды в отпуск. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. У тебя есть ножницы? __________________________________________________________ 9. Эти новости ужасные. __________________________________________________________ 10. Какая хорошая погода сегодня! ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. Откуда эти деньги? ____________________________________________________________ 12. Здесь полиция. ________________________________________________________________ Ex 6. Choose the correct variant
1. I need a / some good advice. 2. Paparazzi make photos / photoes of the rich and famous. 3. My watch is / are always slow. I need to get it / them repaired. 4. I’ve found some money on the floor. Is it / Arethey yours? 5. Our knowledge of the matter is / are too poor, I’m afraid. 6. I can’t put on this / these pair of jeans. It needs / They need washing. 7. There is / are some good news for home owners.
8. He’s always telling silly storys / stories. 9. I’m dead tired. My feet is / are aching. 10. The police is / are asking the on-lookers to move back. 11. Long hair is / are in fashion today. 12. Those / that clothes is / are rumpled. You need to iron it / them. 13. Have you ever seen yellow tomatos / tomatoes? 14. What do / does your research show?
Ex 7. Translate into English. 1. Не бери много одежды с собой. Она тебе не понадобится. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Деньги управляют миром. ______________________________________________________ 3. Наши знания рынка недостаточны. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Полиция всегда нам помогает. ___________________________________________________ 5. У вас много багажа? ___________________________________________________________ 6. Откуда эта информация? _______________________________________________________ 7. Эти брюки сидят на вас [to fit smb] идеально. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Как он выглядит? Какого цвета у него волосы? ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Новости выходят в эфир [to come out] каждый час. ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Где ножницы? Я не могу их найти. ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. Эта пижама дорогая. Она сделана из натурального шелка. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Его советы совершенно бестолковые. Не слушай их. ______________________________________________________________________________ 13. Наш товар высокого качества. ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. Эти исследования очень важны для науки. ______________________________________________________________________________ 15. Куда уходят наши деньги? ______________________________________________________
There is / are
! Ex 1. Look at the following sentences. Note the use of the construction there is / are.
1. There are four offices and a conference hall on this floor. 2. There is a conference hall and four offices on this floor. 3. There aren’t any offices on this floor. 4. How many offices are there on this floor?
Ex 2. Make up sentences using there is/are
1. many documents; magazine; in my case 2. no money; in his account 3. three boys; four girls; in our group 4. many new words; in this text? 5. wardrobe; piano; table; many chairs; in her room 6. not much coffee; in the coffee-machine 7. how many; in your company; departments? 8. lake; two rivers; in this park 9. eight houses; two shops; in this street 10. too much sugar; in my tea 11. very many mistakes; in my homework? 12. seven new messages; in your mail
Ex 3. Make up sentences using there is/are
1. many flowers; in their garden 2. how many; in this area; tourist attractions? 3. many books; lamp; on the table 4. not much snow; in the street 5. ten apple-trees; three pear-trees; in our garden 6. table; many chairs; in the room 7. why; in the yard; so many cars? 8. today; not many people; in the department store 9. book; newspaper; two copy-books; in my bag 10. many faxes; letter; on your table 11. any pictures; in the magazine? 12. today; interesting film; on TV Ex 4. Translate the sentences using there is/are
1. Сколько слов в этом словаре? ____________________________________________________ 2. В этом году в нашем саду много цветов. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. У нас в комнате нет часов. _______________________________________________________ 4. Возле вашего офиса есть парковка? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Сколько этажей в этом здании? ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Почему твой портфель такой тяжелый? – В нем 4 учебника и тетрадь. ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Есть ко мне какие-нибудь вопросы? ______________________________________________ 8. К вам нет никаких вопросов. _____________________________________________________ 9. К вам есть несколько вопросов. __________________________________________________ 10. В вашем городе есть кинотеатр? – Да, в нашем городе три кинотеатра и клуб. ______________________________________________________________________________
Ex 5. Translate the sentences using there is/are
1. В нашем новом доме 4 комнаты. _________________________________________________ 2. Сколько комнат в вашем новом доме? _____________________________________________ 3. По выходным в нашем доме всегда много гостей. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Сегодня в зале много народу, не так ли? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Здесь есть красивый деревянный мост через реку. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. На столе несколько газет. _______________________________________________________ 7. В нашем офисе есть возможности для занятия спортом. [sports facilities] ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. В этом городе много достопримечательностей. ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. На этой улице есть отличный японский ресторан. ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Сколько работников в вашем отделе? _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. В Москве более 10 миллионов жителей. ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. Почему в тексте так много ошибок? ______________________________________________________________________________
Ex 6. Fill in it or there.
1. Is __________ a bank near here? – Yes. Go along here and turn first left. 2. When Gail went outside __________ was cold so she put on her hat. 3. Can you open a window, please? __________ is too hot in here. 4. __________ was nothing on television and Simon felt bored. He didn’t have anything to do. 5. Excuse me. What time is __________, please? 6. I think __________ is too much traffic on the roads these days. 7. We took a taxi from the station to the hotel, as __________ was too far to walk. 8. We went out for a meal because __________ wasn’t anything to eat at home. 9. Do you think we should go to the Museum of Modern Art? – No, a friend of mine told me __________ isn’t worth it. 10. Daren heard a knock at the door but when he opened it, __________ wasn’t anyone there. 11. __________ was snowing hard, and __________ was a cold wind. 12. __________ was a library over there, but __________ is gone now.
Ex 7. Fill in it or there.
1. __________ is sunny. __________ is going to be a nice day. 2. __________ are fifty-one states in the USA. 3. Hello, __________ is Steve here. Could I speak to Jane? 4. What’s worrying you? – __________ is the children. 5. __________ are three murders in the film. 6. Thank goodness __________ is Friday today. 7. __________ is a cash machine in the lobby if you run out of money. 8. __________ are two scales of temperature used in science. 9. __________ is so quiet and peaceful here. 10. __________ is quite a long way to the nearest town. 11. __________ was lovely meeting you at last. 12. __________ was raining heavily and __________ was a strong wind blowing.
! Ex 1. Which group of quantifiers below do the following nouns go with? Questions
! Ex 1. Look at the following sentence and study the different questions to it.
Some / Any / No
! Ex 1. Comment on the use of some, any or no in the following sentences.
1. He’s busy. He’s got some work to do. 2. Mum was sure we had some honey left. At breakfast it turned out we didn’t have any. 3. Is there any water in the jug? 4. Can I get you some fresh orange juice? I’ve just made some. 5. Yesterday I left the house without any money. 6. They refused to give him any financial help. 7. Could you buy some cheese in town? 8. Any of the staff can help you. 9. If you have any questions, call me. 10. How much coffee have we got? – None. There’s no coffee in the coffee machine.
Ex 2. Insert some or any.
1. Do you ever read ________ papers? 2. He hardly ever reads ________ papers. 3. ________ papers are really boring. 4. ________ cars parked in this area will be removed by the police. 5. Her mother bakes cakes with ________ brandy in them. 6. Would you like ________ brandy? 7. Mushrooms should be gathered with care as ________ can be poisonous. 8. The minister refused to give ________ comments. 9. Let’s talk about it ________ other time. 10. The student failed to find ________ explanation. 11. There’s ________ dust on the furniture. 12. Let me know if you have ________ problems.
Ex 3. Choose the correct variant
1. Some / any / no of the apples were rotten. 2. Are there some / any biscuits left? 3. The cake’s wonderful. Won’t you have some / any? 4. He’s always complaining about something / anything or other. 5. It’s a very simple test – some / any fool could pass it. 6. If you need some / any help, just let me know. 7. It was impossible to find some / any / no information about the accident. 8. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find somebody / anybody / nobody at all. 9. How many e-mails have we received this morning? – No. / None. / Nothing. 10. I was so tired that I refused to go somewhere / anywhere / nowhere that night. 11. Could you give me some / any / an advice on passing exams? I hear you’re an expert. 12. Choose some / any design you want – they’re all the same price. Ex 4. Choose the correct variant.
1. I think I know ______ about it. a. something b. none c. not a thing d. anything
2. Is there ______ in the room? a. somebody b. something c. anybody d. any
3. Can I get you ______ to drink? a. anything b. nothing c. everything d. something
4. Jane has been trying to write an essay for three hours but she hasn’t written ______. a. anything b. nothing c. anyone d. something
5. Would you like ______ more tea? – Thank you. a. some b. any c. no d. else
6. I wanted to have ______ coffee, but there was ______ coffee in the house. a. any, not any b. some, any c. some, no d. any, some
7. He has never been to ______ foreign countries. a. some b. any c. no d. anywhere
8. People say that the Loch Ness Monster doesn’t look like ______ other animal alive today. a. some b. no c any d. anyone
9. He is here all day. You can find him ______ time between 9 and 6. a. some b. any c. no d. anything
10. There is ______ I’d like to tell you. a. something b. anything c. none d. any
11. There isn’t ______ milk left. Will you buy _____ please? a. no, some b. some, any c. any, any d. any, some
12. All the tickets have been sold. There are ______ left. a. none b. some c. any d. no
Revision: Past Simple – Present Perfect
Ex 1. Lucy and Jordan are going out this evening, but something has happened. Read their phone conversation and explain the use of Past Simple and Present Perfect.
Lucy: Hi, Jordan. Peter ’s booked the restaurant for tonight. Jordan: Great, but I’m going to be a bit late. I ’ve had an accident in my van. I’ve hurt my hand a bit, but I’m OK. Lucy: Oh, dear! What happened? Jordan: I reversed into a car. It was my fault. I didn’t look. Lucy: Oh, no. Well, we have all done something like that. I did the same thing last year. I felt really silly. Jordan: Actually, I feel annoyed. I ’ve never had an accident before. Lucy: Never mind. Anyway, have you called the police? Jordan: No, I haven’t, but I don’t really need to do that. It was a police car that I reversed into.
Ex 2. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. I can’t phone. I _______________________ (lose) my mobile. I _____________________ (leave) it on the bus yesterday. 2. My sister ________________________ (be) interested in medicine ever since she ______________________ (be) a child. 3. Tim is your best friend, isn’t he? How long ________________________ (you / know) him? 4. How long ___________________________ (study) before you passed the exam? 5. Is this the first time you _________________________ (cook) pasta? 6. Pippa _______________________ (be) rather unfriendly recently. 7. We ______________________ (post) the parcel three weeks ago. If you still ____________________________ (not receive) it, please inform us immediately. 8. Bill _______________________ (be) away from work all this week. 9. Jock ________________________ (speak) to me about his problems last night. 10. Where ___________________________ (you / first meet) your husband? 11. Agatha Christie __________________________ (write) more than 60 detective stories. 12. How many books __________________________________ (Paulo Coelho / write)?
Ex 3. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. Since the semester __________________________ (begin), we _______________________ (have) four tests. 2. What countries ______________________________ (you / be) to? 3. How long ago ______________________________ (you / begin) painting? – Ten years ago. I ____________________________ (recently / complete) a painting for the National Gallery. 4. How many times ______________________________ (you / go out) to eat this month? 5. _______________________________ (You / always / have) long hair, Julie? – No, when I was young, my hair _________________________ (be) short. 6. Our visitors ____________________________ (arrive). They’re waiting at the reception. 7. How long ____________________________ (you / live) in Thailand as a kid? – I ____________________________ (live) there for two years. 8. Jamie Oliver ____________________________ (make) cooking popular in Britain over the last few years. 9. When ______________________________ (you / meet)? – We ______________________ (be) friends since high school. 10. Prices _____________________________ (go up). Things are more expensive this week.
Revision: Questions
Ex 1. Complete the questions with the question words from the box.
1. _____________________ is your jacket? – It's the red one. 2. _____________________ is your birthday? – It's next week. 3. _____________________ is Mary? – She's in her bedroom. 4. _____________________ have you been waiting? – Only five minutes. 5. _____________________ party are you going to tonight? – Alison's. 6. _____________________ do you go shopping? – Once a week. 7. _____________________ are you doing at the moment? – I'm watching TV. 8. _____________________ are you writing to? – Uncle Tom. 9. _____________________ do you start work? – At nine o'clock in the morning. 10. _____________________ pieces of toast do you want? – Two, please. 11. _____________________ isn't she at work today? – Because she's ill. 12. _____________________ did you spend last month? – About $ 500
Ex 2. Put the words in the right order to make questions
1. These goods / on special offer / today / are? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Many / there / tourists / in this area / are? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. They / going / on holiday / or / there / are / on a business trip? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Have / friend / long / your / you / known / how / best? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. With / he / tennis / who / play / does / usually? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Happened / fast / were / how / when / you / the accident / driving? __________________________________________________________________________
Ex 3. Put questions to the words in bold.
a) The Petersons are celebrating their wedding anniversary. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ b) Rachel has given up jogging in the park. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ c) Mike had a day off work the day before yesterday. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ d) We all look forward to going for a picnic. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________
Ex 4. Read the text and put questions to the underlined words. Have you ever been to a Zara store? You probably have because it’s one of the fastest-growing chains in the world. The person behind Zara is (1) Amancio Ortega. He is the richest man in Spain, but very few people know his face. There are (2) only two official photographs of him, and he (3) rarely gives interviews. Although he is a multimillionaire businessman, he doesn’t look like one – he doesn’t like wearing suits or ties, and prefers to wear (4) jeans and a shirt. When he was young he worked as a shop assistant (5) in a clothes store, but he always dreamed of having his own business. (6) In 1963 he started a small company which made (7) women’s pyjamas. In 1975, at the age of (8) 40, he opened his first clothes shop (9) in La Coruna, a small city in north-west Spain, and named it Zara. Now you can find Zara shops (10) all over the world, from New York to Moscow to Singapore. So why is Zara so successful? The main reason is that Zara reacts incredibly quickly to the latest designer fashions, and produces clothes which are fashionable but inexpensive. Zara can make a new line of clothes (11) in three weeks. Other companies normally take about nine months. The clothes also change from week to week – so customers keep coming back to see what’s new. It produces (12) 20,000 new designs a year – and none of them stay in the shops for more than a month. So if you’ve seen (13) a new jacket or skirt you like in a Zara store, hurry up and buy it, because it won’t be there for long.
1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________________________________ 11. ____________________________________________________________________ 12. ____________________________________________________________________ 13. ____________________________________________________________________ Ex 5. Complete the questions with question tags.
1. You’re going on holiday soon, __________? 2. She’s tired, __________? 3. You don’t like cheese, __________? 4. We’ve got enough money, __________? 5. They’re not married, __________? 6. Let’s not argue, __________? 7. Paul can swim, __________? 8. You’ve never been here before, __________? 9. He wasn’t listening to me, __________? 10. Please come on time, __________? 11. They met in Bangkok, __________? 12. There’s no time left, __________?
Other / Another
! Ex 1. Look at the following examples. What are the meanings of the words in bold?
1. Would you like another cup of tea? 2. This money is not enough. We need another 500 dollars. 3. Some students like French, other students don’t. 4. Think of others! Not only of yourself. 5. Do you know where all the others are? 6. Sam is quicker than the other boys in his class. 7. It’s the other side of the medal.
Ex 2. Choose the correct variant.
1. Please give me other / another copy of the magazine. 2. I see only five students here. Where are other / the other ones? 3. I got 7 e-mails yesterday. Two of them were from my friends, others / the others – junk mail. 4. We can offer you only this model. At the moment we’ve got no another / others. 5. I’m going to stay here for another / the other few days. 6. I think you should choose other / another colour. This one is too dark. 7. Why is he so selfish? He never thinks about other people / others people. 8. Two of their guests left rather early, others / the others stayed till midnight. Ex 3. Complete the sentences with another / (the) other(s)
1. I’ve published three books and now I’m going to start _____________________ one. 2. I don’t like beer. What _____________________ beverages have you got to drink? 3. I know English much better than _____________________ students in my group. 4. A few of the puppies were brown, _____________________ were black. 5. Sarah lives on _____________________ side of the street. 6. Show me _____________________ books, please. I mean those on the top shelf. 7. I don’t like the colour of this one. Please, show me _____________________ car. 8. In _____________________ two months I’ll be in England. 9. Some people are active at night, _____________________ are active in the morning. 10. We parked on _____________________ side of the road. 11. Problems just came one after _____________________. 12. There’s _____________________ news programme at 10 o’clock. Ex 4. Complete the sentences with another / (the) other(s)
1. Won’t you please take _____________________ piece of cake? – No, if I take _____________________ bite I’m going to burst! 2. I know nothing about cars. I can’t even tell one car from _____________________. 3. This cup is broken. Are there any _____________________? 4. I need _____________________ few days before I have done this work. 5. Look across the river. Can you see a cart on _____________________ side? 6. I don’t know where you’ll be in _____________________ ten minutes! 7. We deal a lot with _______________________ companies. 8. My jeans are dirty. I’ll change into _____________________. 9. Some of my friends live in the UK while _____________________ live in the USA. 10. I spent half of my holiday in Moscow and _____________________ half in the country. 11. Lynn’s older than _____________________ members of the team. 12. She’s got _____________________ five days before the exam.
Ex 5. Translate into English.
1. другая компания ____________________________________________ 2. другие компании ____________________________________________ 3. еще одна проблема _____________________________________________ 4. остальные члены команды _____________________________________________ 5. другие люди ____________________________________________ 6. еще 200 евро ___________________________________________ 7. другие считают, что _______________________________________________ 8. на другой стороне улицы _______________________________________________
Ex 6. Translate into English.
1. Мне не нравится этот цвет. Есть другие? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Ты позвонил остальным из списка? ____________________________________________ 3. Я отправил два письма: одно на русском, другое на английском. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Поищите в интернете другую информацию об этом продукте. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Хотите еще чашечку кофе? ___________________________________________________
Revision: Present and Past
Ex 1. Complete the following sentences with the time expressions from the box.
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