I. What were Americans like at the period of the frontier experience? 

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I. What were Americans like at the period of the frontier experience?

Урок 36

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Patience -                                                              терпение

Toughness -                                                          выносливость

Self-reliance -                                                       самоуверенность (уверен в        силах)

Self- confidence -                                                 самоуверенность (самонадеян)

Predictability -                                                      способность предсказывать

Submission -                                                         покорность

Mobility -                                                             подвижность

Cautiousness -                                                                  осторожность

Ability –                                                               способность

Communiti –                                                        община, общество

Compromise -                                                       компромисс, пойти на компромисс

Frontier –                                                              граница

Tough -                                                                 жесткий, плотный, упругий

I. What were Americans like at the period of the frontier experience?


       America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descen­dants (потомок) of immigrants who left the known of the Old World for the unknown of the New.

       The pioneers who lived on the frontier had a hard life, so they had to be tough self-reliant. Frontier men and women were often facing new problems and situations which needed new solutions (решение). Under these cir­cumstances (условия), they soon learned to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things. This willingness to experi­ment and invent led to another American trait, a sense of optimism that every problem has a solution,

       The frontiersmen had to overcome (преодолевать) many difficul­ties. Friends and neighbours came for help without any reward. They shared food, together built each other’s houses and fought fires. This extraordinary willingness to cooperate gave a rise to American’s capacity (способность) for volunteer actions.

       The difficulties of the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospi­tality: if you didn’t take in the stranger and didn’t take care of him, there was no one else who would.

       As the people acquired (овладевать) new territories, they were moving from east to west. Americans are always on the move — from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city.


What facts help to explain how Americans became the way they are?

Примеры ответов.

1) They left their own country for the unknown world. So they were risk-takers.

2) Because they left their own country for the unknown world, they were risk-takers.    

Изучаем новый материал.

Political systems of English-speaking countries


I. Britain

Какие функции выполняют представители власти в Великобритании?

Выбери правильный ответ.

1.    A. The Queen votes on the bills.

       B. The Queen signs the bills.


2.    A. The Queen has mostly representative functions.

       B. The Queen rules the country in fact.


3.    A. The government represents the legislative branch of power.

       B. The government represents the executive branch of power.


4.    A. The Cabinet is responsible for government policies.

       B. The Cabinet Ministers revise bills from Parliament.


5.    A. Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.

       B. Parliament represents the executive branch of power.


6.    A. The House of Commons controls the government.

       B. The government controls the House of Commons.


7.    A.The House of Lords has the power to delay bills forone year.

       B. The House of Lords opposes the decisions of the House      of Commons.


8.    А. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government depart­ments.

       B. The Cabinet makes laws.


II. The United States of America

Прочитайте текст и переведите его устно.

III. What do you know about the British and US political systems?

IV. The political system of Australia.

Урок 36

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Patience -                                                              терпение

Toughness -                                                          выносливость

Self-reliance -                                                       самоуверенность (уверен в        силах)

Self- confidence -                                                 самоуверенность (самонадеян)

Predictability -                                                      способность предсказывать

Submission -                                                         покорность

Mobility -                                                             подвижность

Cautiousness -                                                                  осторожность

Ability –                                                               способность

Communiti –                                                        община, общество

Compromise -                                                       компромисс, пойти на компромисс

Frontier –                                                              граница

Tough -                                                                 жесткий, плотный, упругий

I. What were Americans like at the period of the frontier experience?


       America is a nation of risk-takers. Most Americans are descen­dants (потомок) of immigrants who left the known of the Old World for the unknown of the New.

       The pioneers who lived on the frontier had a hard life, so they had to be tough self-reliant. Frontier men and women were often facing new problems and situations which needed new solutions (решение). Under these cir­cumstances (условия), they soon learned to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things. This willingness to experi­ment and invent led to another American trait, a sense of optimism that every problem has a solution,

       The frontiersmen had to overcome (преодолевать) many difficul­ties. Friends and neighbours came for help without any reward. They shared food, together built each other’s houses and fought fires. This extraordinary willingness to cooperate gave a rise to American’s capacity (способность) for volunteer actions.

       The difficulties of the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospi­tality: if you didn’t take in the stranger and didn’t take care of him, there was no one else who would.

       As the people acquired (овладевать) new territories, they were moving from east to west. Americans are always on the move — from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city.



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