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Topic I: Causes, Practices and Effects of War
- To what extent has any twentieth century war changed the role of women?
- How far do you agree with the view of some recent historians that Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler at Munich was NOT a mistake?
- “The First and Second World Wars were European civil wars that required outside intervention to settle.” How far do you agree with this quotation?
- Examine the extent to which guerilla warfare has been successful since 1945 in any two wars each chosen from a different region.
- In what ways did Truman’s policy of “limited warfare” in Korea set the pattern of military conflict up to 1990?
Topic 3: The Rise and the rule of Single Party States
- Analyze the conditions which led to the establishment of two single party states each chosen from a different region.
- How and why have religious groups a) opposed, and b) supported single party regimes?
- Assess the success and failure of two rulers of single party regimes, each chosen from a different region, in solving the social and economic problems of their countries.
- To what extent was the success of Stalin in retaining power in the USSR between 1929 and 1953 due to the appeal of Communism?
- Examine the impact outside their own countries of two of the following: Fidel Castro, Gamel Abdel Nasser, Julius Nyerere, Mao Zedong.
Topic 5: The Cold War
- Assess the significance for the development of the Cold War between 1945 and 1950 of three of the following:
- The Yalta Conference, 1945
- The Iron Curtain speech, 1946
- The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, 1947
- The expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Soviet block, 1948
- The Berlin Blockade and Airlift, 1948-1949
- The formation of NATO, 1949.
- “A different kind of Cold War.” To what extent is this a valid statement about the Cold War after 1953?
- Explain how East/West relations a) affected and b) how the were affected by one of the following areas: the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Africa.
- Using specific examples, evaluate the successes and/or failures of “Détente”.
- What role did economic issues play in ending the Cold War?
Paper II
Topic 1: Causes, practices and effects of war
- To what extent can it be said that the First World War was caused by the alliance system?
- Evaluate the role of ideological differences in two civil wars each chosen from a different region.
- In what ways and for what reasons have tactics changed in twentieth century warfare?
- How valid is the claim that treaties are not necessary to end wars? Support your answer with evidence from at least two regions.
- Explain with specific examples from their work, how artists have reacted to two of the following: Mexican Revolution, Spanish Civil War, Vietnam War.
Topic 3: The Rise and the rule of single party states
- “Single party states use education as propaganda to obtain support rather than to instill (increase) knowledge.” How far do you agree with this judgment?
- In what ways and for what reasons did China develop its own brand of Marxism/Communism under Mao Zedong?
- To what extent was Spain under Franco (1939 to 1975) a Fascist state?
- How far is it true to say that a successful foreign policy is the most important factor for a single party ruler to remain in power? Examples should be given from two countries each chosen from a different region.
- “In the twentieth century right-wing single party states have often been the result of a conservative reaction to change whilst the left-wing single party states have achieved power as the outcome of a revolutionary process against tradition.” Using examples from at least two regions explain how far you agree with this quotation.
Topic 5: The Cold War
- “Ideological differences played only a minor role in the origin and development of the Cold War.” How far do you agree with this statement?
- In what ways and for what reasons did the Cold War affect the Middle East?
- Analyze the importance of spheres of interest for one of the superpowers in the Cold War.
- Assess the importance in the development of the Cold War of two of the following: the Yalta Conference; Berlin; the arms race; non-alignment; South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).
- Examine the impact of the Cold War on the social life and culture of two countries each chosen from a different region.
Test—Paper II