Ex. 3. Compose a dialogue between the Head - waiter and resident, ordering a meal for wedding-day, your students party. 

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Ex. 3. Compose a dialogue between the Head - waiter and resident, ordering a meal for wedding-day, your students party.






1. Walk around the dining room eating.

2. Put a knife in your mouth.

3. Pack your mouth full of food.

4. Speak with your mouth full.

5. Scrape your plate.

6. Pass food from your plate to your neighbor’s one.

7. Put your own teaspoon into the sugar bowl.

8. Pile up your plate with food – (take a second helping if you need it).

9. Put cakes in your meat plate.

10.Push your plate away from when you have finished.

11.Float or dip biscuits in your tea or coffee.

12.Put your elbows on the table.

13.Do not lean over, to pick something from the table when you can’t reach it. Always ask one sitting next to you to pass it to you.

14.Never make noises when eating your soup.



When wine is served with a meal, certain procedures have to be followed. After the host tests the wine, he asks that the glasses of the guests are filled, you wait for the first toast and then you begin to drink always after the host. It’s good to smell, taste and express your appreciation for good wine.

We hold the glass with three fingers and not with palm. You drink as much as you can handle. You don’t drink with your mouth full. You drink slowly and soundless.


At an official meal there is usually a table plan with the name of each guest written on a card. In such a case when the beginning of the meal is announced you take a seat against the card with your name on.

In cases where there is no table plan, you wait for the host to show you where to sit.

If the host tells that you can sit wherever you like, then you sit in a way that a male and a female will be sitting alternatively.



Always praise the host for the delicious meal.

If you do not like the food served, never make faces but force yourself to eat it.

If you have to leave the table for a while always ask to be excused.

If you finish your meal before the others, do not smoke. If you do, ask for their permission.




A meal to be enjoyed and well digested has to be taken in a calm and pleasant atmosphere. Therefore, avoid irritating to others. Conversation would help to create that atmosphere.

Avoid talking continuously about yourself, your family and your personal problems.

Do not insist on matter discussed, if you are not well informed on that matter.

Do not ignore the people sitting next to you.

If there is a blabber at the table you must try and bear with him. Never try to imitate him.



The ending of a meal is signaled when the host gets up. You also get up by slightly lifting your chair. Do not drag the chair along the floor.

Do not leave the house right after the meal or stay there for hours, as in both cases you would be impolite.

When leaving, you do not forget to talk again and express your congratulations to the hostess for the wonderful meal. You greet all the other guests and leave.


What to Say at Table


Host or Hostess Guest
Do you take tea or coffee? Will you have tea or coffee? Tea, please.
How much sugar, one or two lumps/pieces/? One, please. No sugar, thank you.
Can I give you a little more bacon? Yes, please. No, thank you.
Will you have some more roast beef? Yes, please. No, thank you.
Would you line a second helping of plum pudding? No, I’d rather not, Thank you.
Do you have a little more fruit salad? Well, just a very little, please.
May I trouble you for some bread? It’s no trouble at all-here you are.
Thank you. You are welcome.
Would you pass me the salt, please. Certainly. With pleasure, here you are.

Active Vocabulary

pack a mouth - напихати рота
scrape шкрябати ложкою по тарілці
pill up багато накладати
lean over нахилятися
make noise зчинити галас
express the appreciation висловлювати подяку
palm долоня
sit alternatively сидіти поперемінно
praise хвалити
make faces робити гримасу
avoid unpleasant or irritating to others уникати неприємного чи дратуючого інших
blabber базіка, балакун
slightly lifting the chair трохи підняти стілець
impolite непоштивий
force (v) - примушувати

I. Phonetic exercises


Ex.1. Transcribe the following words:

neighbor, eating, pile, bowl, reach, procedure, finger, appreciation, mouth, soundless, official, announce, serve, digested, avoid, float, biscuits, guest, slowly, meal, praise, pleasure, trouble, matter.


Ex.2. Mark the stresses:

atmosphere, unpleasant, irritating, conversation, discuss, imitate, delicious, alternatively, wonderful, congratulation, continuously, informal, teaspoon, something, permission, soundless, impolite.


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