Контрольная работа по английскому языку 

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса ОЗО направлений:

050700 Педагогика. Психологическое сопровождение образования лиц с проблемами в развитии

050700 Педагогика. Технологии подготовки специалиста дошкольного образования

Контрольную работу следует выполнять по следующему принципу. В соответствии с начальной буквой алфавита выбрать вариант:

А – И – 1 в.

К – О – 2в.

П – У – 3 в.

Ф – Я – 4 в.

В случае выполнения не своего варианта контрольная работа не засчитывается!!!

I вариант



In 1889, a person was judged literate if he could sign his name. In the machine economy of 1939, it meant completing the sixth grade. Today, the Information Age of computers and high, tech­nology requires a bare minimum of reading and writing skills at the high-school-graduate level.1 Changes in workplace needs are so dramatic and unpredictable that people must be ready to adapt to jobs that did not even exist when they were in school.

There are 25 million Americans who cannot read or write at all. An additional 45 million are functionally illiterate without the reading and writing skills to find work — and that number is growing by more than 2 million a year.

Illiteracy is compounded by the attack on English as a national language, yet civilizations rise by literacy and a common language. Knowledge becomes accessible to all.

America, above all, drew inspiration from that ancient tra­dition of liberty and knowledge. Yet, curiously, we also have an anti-intellectual tradition of those who give the impression that they "know better." But in the post-industrial era, when the majority of people in the work force make a living with their minds, not their hands, it is education — more than coal or steel or even capital— that is the key to our economic future.

How can we restore America to preeminence by having the most educated work force in the world by the year 2000?

The first requirement is to organize schools that address the realities of modern life. Today, 60 per cent of women with children over the age of 3 work outside the home. Single-parent house­holds and dual-income families' need year-round schools providing nil extended school day and enriched day care to teach their children and keep them safe.

America also must fund preschools on a massive scale. A human being is capable of learning more in the earliest years than

In the rest of his or her lifetime.

I lie second requirement is to establish performance standards. Not enough is expected academically of American students, our most successful competitors, the Japanese, have much higher levels ill educational achievement because they have a longer school day and school year and because more is required of students. As a re-milt, Japanese high-school graduates academically are equivalent to the average American starting junior year at a good college.

America must set standards for a basic academic diploma. As tin incentive to school districts, the federal government should underwrite a national test that would reveal a demonstrated mastery of a core body of knowledge, including the essential docu­ments of citizenship, history and literature and the principles of science and mathematics. Using the test would be voluntary, but Washington might encourage its use through scholastic aid to schools and students who excel.

Finally, the federal government should vastly increase its funding of research and development in education. Given the introduc­tion of computers and computerized teaching programs, only the federal government has the resources to determine which pro-rums would work best to maximize teaching performance.

Assignments: 1. Read and render the text in writing.

: 2. Find in the text the English for:

грамотный, поставить свою подпись, требовать, навыки, уровень, приспособиться к, нападать на, доступный всем, черпать вдох­новение из, производить впечатление, зарабатывать на жизнь, ключ к, семья без отца (или без матери), группы продленного дня, ограждать от опасностей, финансировать, стимул к, выяв­лять, отличаться (превосходить), сильно повысить уровень пре­подавания.

3. Form the derivatives from the following words:

literate,,computer, require, nation, inspire, industry, economy, or­ganize, perform, achieve, know, introduce.

4. Answer the following questions:

1)What kind of person was considered literate in 1889?

2) What did literacy mean in 1939?

3) What kind of skills does the present age require?

4) America drew inspiration from that ancient tradition of liber­
ty and knowledge, didn't it?

5) What is the key to America's economic future?

6) How can they restore America by the year 2000?



(From "St Patrick's College Journal")

The foundation Stone of this School was laid on 21st Janu­ary, 1873. It is by Australian standards a very old school, being now in the 114th year of its existence.

It is an Independent School, supported by the fees paid by the parents of our students. I must tell you, though, that the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the State Government of New South Wales contribute in excess of one of million dollars a year to the day to day expenses of this school. St Patrick's College is owned by the Christian Brothers, a re­ligious order of the Catholic Church in which myself and eight other of the staff are members.

Our total teaching staff numbers thirty seven.

This School has been since its inception a Boy's School. It has a total enrolment of 600. About half of this number are boarding or residential pupils who come mainly from the farming communities of southeastern New South Wales as well as from Syd­ney and Canberra and overseas places.

We have only secondary pupils so that classes begin at Year 7 and conclude at Year 12 when there is a public examination. Attached to this is the issue of a Higher School Certificate which helps determine entry to universities and other institutions of higher learning.

There are no examinations associated with admission to this school — except that each pupil must be deemed capable of meeting the scholastic and other requirements for Year 7. This is done at an interview by me, with his parents and himself, in the year prior to his entry1.There are no religious barriers to membership, though this is a religious school with a Christian and Catholic philosophy as its basis. We aim to develop a young man to have respect and reverence for God and authority; to appreciate and try to achieve an academic excellence appropriate to his ability; we try to develop in him a regard for the arts and sciences, the development of his musical, his cultural, his physical talents, his spirit of work and physical labour. We hope he will develop es­pecially a practical awareness of his loyalty to the important in­stitutions of his life2 and his attitude of caring concern towards his fellow men, especially those of his own family and within the community of this College.

We have a wide range of subjects taught — the Humanities and Languages, Mathematics, Modern and Ancient History, Econom­ics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Art, Music, Industrial Arts, Woodwork and Metalwork, Computer Studies, etc. The motto of the College is "Age Quod Agis."3

Assignments: 1. Read and render the text in writing

2. Answer the following questions:

1) When and where was the College founded?

2) Is it a religious school?

3) Who supports the school?

4) How large is the teaching 'staff?

5) Who attends the College and how large is the enrolment?

6) What are the entrance requirements?


Требования к экзамену по английскому языку

На экзамене проверяется:

1. Наличие словаря с тематической лексикой, изученной в течение всего срока обучения.

2. Наличие тетрадей с грамматическим материалом и выполненными соответствующими грамматическими заданиями.

3. Наличие тетрадей с лексическими темами и текстами монологического и диалогического характера.

4. Наличие конспектов по аннотированию и реферированию текстов.


Структура заданий на экзамене:

1. Сделать письменный перевод со словарем с иностранного языка на русский язык текста по специальности объемом 1800 печ.з.

2. Передать на иностранном языке содержание русского текста по специальности объемом 800-1000 печ.з. (устное реферирование).

3. Беседа с преподавателем на изученные темы как общебытовой, так и специальной направленности.

Критерии оценки

Оценка «отлично» ставится за правильное выполнение и оформление грамматических заданий и адекватный перевод текста, что свидетельствует о сформированности грамматических умений у студента, усвоении им определённого лексического минимума и необходимых историко-культурных сведений.

Оценка «хорошо» ставится за успешное выполнение заданий не менее чем на 75-80% и знание основного учебного материала. При этом допускаются грамматические ошибки, связанные с исключениями из правил, неточности перевода, ошибки в оформлении морфологических разборов.

Оценка «удовлетворительно» ставится, если студент может перевести только отдельные смысловые отрезки текста, не знает активного лексического минимума, допускает ошибки в грамматических разборах. При этом задание должно быть выполнено не менее чем на 50-60 %.

Оценка «неудовлетворительно» ставится, если студент не владеет навыками перевода, допускает грубые ошибки в грамматических разборах.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса ОЗО направлений:

050700 Педагогика. Психологическое сопровождение образования лиц с проблемами в развитии

050700 Педагогика. Технологии подготовки специалиста дошкольного образования

Контрольную работу следует выполнять по следующему принципу. В соответствии с начальной буквой алфавита выбрать вариант:

А – И – 1 в.

К – О – 2в.

П – У – 3 в.

Ф – Я – 4 в.

В случае выполнения не своего варианта контрольная работа не засчитывается!!!

I вариант



In 1889, a person was judged literate if he could sign his name. In the machine economy of 1939, it meant completing the sixth grade. Today, the Information Age of computers and high, tech­nology requires a bare minimum of reading and writing skills at the high-school-graduate level.1 Changes in workplace needs are so dramatic and unpredictable that people must be ready to adapt to jobs that did not even exist when they were in school.

There are 25 million Americans who cannot read or write at all. An additional 45 million are functionally illiterate without the reading and writing skills to find work — and that number is growing by more than 2 million a year.

Illiteracy is compounded by the attack on English as a national language, yet civilizations rise by literacy and a common language. Knowledge becomes accessible to all.

America, above all, drew inspiration from that ancient tra­dition of liberty and knowledge. Yet, curiously, we also have an anti-intellectual tradition of those who give the impression that they "know better." But in the post-industrial era, when the majority of people in the work force make a living with their minds, not their hands, it is education — more than coal or steel or even capital— that is the key to our economic future.

How can we restore America to preeminence by having the most educated work force in the world by the year 2000?

The first requirement is to organize schools that address the realities of modern life. Today, 60 per cent of women with children over the age of 3 work outside the home. Single-parent house­holds and dual-income families' need year-round schools providing nil extended school day and enriched day care to teach their children and keep them safe.

America also must fund preschools on a massive scale. A human being is capable of learning more in the earliest years than

In the rest of his or her lifetime.

I lie second requirement is to establish performance standards. Not enough is expected academically of American students, our most successful competitors, the Japanese, have much higher levels ill educational achievement because they have a longer school day and school year and because more is required of students. As a re-milt, Japanese high-school graduates academically are equivalent to the average American starting junior year at a good college.

America must set standards for a basic academic diploma. As tin incentive to school districts, the federal government should underwrite a national test that would reveal a demonstrated mastery of a core body of knowledge, including the essential docu­ments of citizenship, history and literature and the principles of science and mathematics. Using the test would be voluntary, but Washington might encourage its use through scholastic aid to schools and students who excel.

Finally, the federal government should vastly increase its funding of research and development in education. Given the introduc­tion of computers and computerized teaching programs, only the federal government has the resources to determine which pro-rums would work best to maximize teaching performance.

Assignments: 1. Read and render the text in writing.

: 2. Find in the text the English for:

грамотный, поставить свою подпись, требовать, навыки, уровень, приспособиться к, нападать на, доступный всем, черпать вдох­новение из, производить впечатление, зарабатывать на жизнь, ключ к, семья без отца (или без матери), группы продленного дня, ограждать от опасностей, финансировать, стимул к, выяв­лять, отличаться (превосходить), сильно повысить уровень пре­подавания.

3. Form the derivatives from the following words:

literate,,computer, require, nation, inspire, industry, economy, or­ganize, perform, achieve, know, introduce.

4. Answer the following questions:

1)What kind of person was considered literate in 1889?

2) What did literacy mean in 1939?

3) What kind of skills does the present age require?

4) America drew inspiration from that ancient tradition of liber­
ty and knowledge, didn't it?

5) What is the key to America's economic future?

6) How can they restore America by the year 2000?



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