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Exercise 2. Compare as in example.Содержание книги
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Образец 1: Moscow is larger than our city 1. Moscow, Kiev (smaller). 2. English grammar, Russian grammar (easy). 3. Comrade Petrov, Comrade Ivanov (young). 4. My suitcase, yours (large). 5. These coats, those (good). Образец 2: Our flat is more (less) comfortable than yours.
Функции «one»
Exercise1. Translate one in different functions: 1. One must study a lot to become an engineer. 2. We must write only one exercise now. 3. Engineering is one of the most important professions, it is the one that is taught at technical institutes. 4. One cannot translate such an article without a dictionary in the first year. 5. One may enter any Institute in this country, as all of them are free of charge. 6. One must have a very good knowledge of general engineering subjects to become a good engineer. 7. One must pass all the exams well to enter an Institute. 8. Last summer I read many English articles, and my friend read some German ones. 9. This summer we shall spend in the country, the last one we spent in the city. 10. We translated many texts, but there is one more text to translate. 11. One can take this journal from the library. Функции «it»
Exercise 2. Translate into English. Pay attention to the function of «it». 1. It is autumn. It is the 3-rd of October. It is darkin the morning and it is difficult to get up. 2. It is a new subject. It is very important for our future speciality. We shall study it for two years. 3. It will be our future speciality, but we do not know much about it in the first year. 4. It is known that the knowledge of general engineering subjects is the basis for the study of special subjects. 5. It seems that he works a lot. 6. It is said that the chemistry laboratory of our institute is good. 7. The student finds it difficult to translate such a text without a dictionary. 8. It was not easy to study at the Institute. 9. It is importantto understand the fundamentals of this science. 10. It was A.S. Popov who invented the radio. 11. It is the knowledge of general engineering subjects that is the basis of engineering training. Многозначность that (those)
Exercise 3. Translate that in different functions. I. That student studies in our group. 2. Do you know those girls? They are from our Institute. 3. The professor that lectures on mechanics is the dean of our faculty. 4. It is known that the knowledge of the general engineering subjects is the basis for the study of special subjects. 5. We know that the study of general engineering subjects is necessary for future engineers. 6. That higher education in this country is accessible to all is known to everybody. 7. The aim of today's foreign policy is that peace in the world should be permanent. 3. The programme for the first-year students differs from that of the third-year students. 9. There are many interesting articles in this journal, read those on your speciality. 10. It is the high qualification of future specialists that will determine the scientific and technological progress of any country. SIMPLE Simple Tenses ( Простое неопределённое время)
Exercise 1.
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