Lesson 1. Our Wealth of land resources 

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Lesson 1. Our Wealth of land resources



I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

wealth n богатство decree n декрет

land n 1. земля, суша; берег; farmer n I. крестьянин, сель-

2.материк;3.страна, государство; ский труженик;2.колхозник

4.земельный участок, right n право

земельная собственность; abolish v уничтожать, отменять

5.почва; v приземляться peasant n крестьянин

land resources земельные private a частный

ресурсы belong v принадлежать

ownership n 1.собственность; lease n 1. аренда; 2. договор об

2. владение аренде; 3 срок аренды;

environment n окружающая v сдавать в аренду, внаем

среда use n применение, использование; provide v снабжать; обеспечивать v 1.использовать; 2.эксплуатировать

till v обрабатывать землю


II.Прочтите и переведите текст:

Text. Why is Land Valued So High?

History speaks of the high regard with which man has viewed land in times past. The ancient Greeks prayed to an earth goddess. Most wars were fought for possession of land. Prime land resources were the ownership of the ruling classes. The rights on land were the key factor that determined the economic, social and political status of people.

Land was of basic importance for it provided man with living space and with raw materials. People looked to land for their environment and food they ate. Land provided them with housing and building sites. For long centuries the ownership on land was a dream of people.


III. Определите функцию глагола ‘tо be' в следующих предложе­ниях. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1.Land use planner is a very old profession. 2. Those specialists were busy with cadastrial survey. 3.The first land use planning school in Ukraine was founded more than 200 years ago. 4. Land use planners are taking an active part in social building.


IV. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

key factor; living space; raw materials; environment; building site; ownership


V. Употребите глагол 'to have' в нужной форме:

1. Land (to have) been proclaimed the State domain. 2. A person who desired to cultivate his parcel of land could (to have) the right to use the land.3.The farm implements of poor peasants who (to have) little plots of land could not be subject to confiscation. 4. The life and work of farmers (to have) changed radically. 5. Some of the farms (to have) been con­verted into model ones.

VI. Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The first land use maps were made on clay tablets. 2. We have to map these new objects. 3. We are students of the Land Use Planners faculty. We shall be planners in future. 4. He is to plan his holiday. 5. Our plan is very simple. 6. When he landed he was met by his brother. 7. This parcel of land must be irrigated. 8- Who owns these lands? 9. He wishes to have his own plot of land.

VII. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам:

lost, old, first, private, rich, small, high, to sell, to take


I. Выучите новую лексику:

be aware of знать, иметь сведения; grain n зерно; зерновая культура

осознавать timber n лесоматериалы

townsman n горожанин wheat n пшеница

slope n склон, уклон cotton n хлопок

determine v определять pasture n пастбище

cultivate v 1.возделывать (культуры) shelter n кров, укрытие

2.обрабатывать землю highway n шоссе

coast n берег моря satisfy v удовлетворять

fall n 1. водопад;2.(амер.) осень labour/labor (амер.) n труд;

stream n ручей; поток v трудиться

grow v 1.выращивать; 2.расти apply v 1.применять, употреблять;

crop n 1.культура (сельскохозяй- 2.прилагать, прикладывать

ственная); 2. урожай на корню; secure v обеспечить, гарантировать


II.Прочтите и переведите текст:

Text A. The Wealth of Our Nation

Land is many things to many persons: to the townsman-a place to build his house on, to the child-a playground, to the poet-a theme of his poetry. And still many among us are not clearly aware of any land use problems.

To a land use planner, land is not only the soil under his feet and the materials in that soil. To him it is the slope that determines the ease of cultivation, the sunlight and rain that plants need. Land is also the bays along the coasts and the falls of the streams, which permit the generation оf electricity. Land is the field to grow crops, and the river on which grain and industrial products are carried.

Land, in the land use planning sense, is our entire natural environment. It is the productive force of the greatest im­portance.


III.Прочтите и переведите текст:



I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

moisture n влажность, влага allow v позволять

extent n протяженность value n ценность; v ценить virgin а невозделанная (о зем­ле) оценивать

целинная deer п олень

fertile a плодородный abundant а обильный

favourable а благоприятный precipitation n осадки

humid а влажный

II.Прочтите и переведите текст:

Text. Land Resources for Farming and Different Productive Capacities of Land

Land resources for farming must have soils sufficiently deep and moisture retentive. They must be level enough to allow the use of machinery. The climatic conditions are to be good enough for crop production.

The extent of agricultural land is not fixed. It changes as new techniques are discovered. It was, for instance, impracti­cal to cultivate low-yield virgin lands when there were no large machines. Land with infertile but physically favourable soils have become more valuable when large tractors and other machines had appeared.

Better sources of power have made irrigation practical in places where formerly it was impractical. Irrigation has given value to land that otherwise might be of no use for agriculture. The prime concern of land use planners is to secure land resources for agricultural land uses.

Differences in productive capacity of land resources are tremendous. On the deserts we can produce almost nothing; on some lands that have plentiful water, productive soils, and good location in relation to industrial centres we can introduce several thousand dollars worth of products from a hectare in a single year.

We have tremendous areas of land so cold most of the year that it can be used only for deer pastures. There may be land that we can grow only a few kinds of crops on it. We have land on which we grow vegetables in midwinter. Since plants are the basis of agriculture, land that can produce abundant plant material is valued very high.


III.Определите без словаря значения следующих словосочетаний:

crop production; productive soils; agricultural production; crop land; new techniques; sources of power; plant material.

IV.Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках, в прошедшем неопределенном времени:

1. In this region there (to be) highly productive soils. 2.In 2000 they (to have) eighteen hectares of land on that farm.3. New techniques of cultivation (to be) discovered. 4.Our needs for productive lands (to increase). 5.Erosion (to destroy) much cropland in that region. 6.We (can) produce almost nothing on the desert land if (irrigate not) them. 7.They (to use not) those deer pastures before. 8.Those lands (can not) produce abundant plant material.


I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

chemical n химическое удобрение entire а полный

consequence п последствие joint n соединение, узел;

accumulate v накапливать общий, объединенный

advanced а передовой purpose n цель

diminish v уменьшать; ослаблять restrictive а ограничительный

formerly adv прежде, раньше ограниченный

improvement n улучшение link n связь, соединение;

implement n инструмент, орудие; v связывать, соединять

v выполнять; приводить elevation n повышение; высота

в исполнение investment n капиталовложение

predict v предсказывать, прог- suit v подходить; приспособить(ся)

нозировать suitable а подходящий

II.Прочитайте и переведите текст:


I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

maintain v содержать, time v рассчитывать время; назначать время;

поддерживать, сохранять удачно выбиpaть время

abundant а обильный worsen v ухудшать(ся)

sustain v поддерживать, irreparable а непоправимый,

подкреплять невозвратимый

deterioration п порча, ухудшение destructive a разрушительный,

rapid а быстрый, скорый вредный

safeguard v 1. охранять, защищать; occur v случаться, происходить

2. гарантировать, обеспечивать recurrent а периодический,


II. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Text B. Soil Erosion

Soil erosion effects food production through land degra­dation. The damage of wind and water erosion is estimated by millions of dollars. Dust storms may occur in some southern land areas, recurrent drought also often re­sults in soil erosion. The wind erosion of soils takes place in some drier sections of our country.

In wet areas the degradation of soils is linked with accel­erated run-off and increased silt load of the rivers, worsened flood hazard along their lower courses and accumulation of coarse material (sand, gravel) on top of valuable soils.

The proper use of soil resources calls for measures to keep the soils from being destroyed by wind and water. The de­velopment of techniques for extending the productive life of soils and for slowing down their rate of deterioration will bring the maximum use of these soils. Much may be done by land use planners.

The land resources of a farm may be actually reshaped in one way or another for better farming and leveled for more efficient irrigation, terraced to hold rainfall and strip cropped to save soil and water.

Poor or workout cropland can be converted to pasture or pasture to cropland. Many hectares of good rangeland must be wrested from worthless scrub and brush, reseeded, properly grazed, well watered.

The drains improve pasture and cropland. Ponds and marshes may be developed for wild life. A farm detention dam may be built and can catch and release safely what would otherwise be run-off of flood proportions.

The planners can project tree shelterbelts and strip crop­ping for wind and water erosion control. These may be creat­ed singly and in combinations. Modern techniques of land management must be put into operation for the sake of land conservation and increase the opportunities of the farms.

Changes in farming, developments in machinery, rising requirements of capital investment, the wide use of fertilizers and soil conservation practices call for many skills and techni­cally sound practices of specialists of land use planning.

IV. Определите без словаря значения следующих словосочетаний:

soil conservation plan; eroded soil; agricultural drainage and irrigation; the problem of conserving land resources; effective use; wind and water soil erosion; efficient irrigation; water erosion control; modern techniques of land management

V. Запишите и выучите наизусть следующие причастия с относя­щимися к ним словами. Употребите 4 из них в коротких предложениях в качестве вводных членов:

omitting all the details—опуская все подробности

considering the situation — учитывая положение

all things considered — принимая во внимание все обстоя­тельства

generally speaking — вообще говоря

granting it to be true — если это так

assuming that — считая, что

allowing for — принимая во внимание

not counting — не считая

speaking of (for) — говоря о

judging by — судя по

beginning with — начиная с

VI. Закончите предложения, используя текст В:

1. Food production is influenced by.... 2. Some southern land areas are the places where.... 3. Wind erosion takes place....4. In wet areas the degradation of soils is linked with.... 5. Ponds and marshes for wild life may be....

VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

conservation investments; soil destruction; soil conserva­tion programme; coarse material; shelterbelt; strip cropping; soil survey data; overgrazing;

VIII. Образуйте причастия настоящего времени от следующих глаголов. Переведите образованные причастия на русский язык, запишите их в тетрадь. Употребите 3-4 причастия в предложениях:

to apply, to maintain, to build, to mean, to conserve, to retain, to accept, to provide, to manage, to design, to dam­age, to select, to return, to time, to direct, to occur, to keep, to develop, to implement, to involve, to help, to increase

IX. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Soil conservation also includes... agricultural drainage and.... 2. With proper... most soil resources retain their productive capacity over long periods of time. 3. Rapid soil destruction means... loss of land. 4. The damage of wind and... erosion is estimated by millions of dollars. 5. There are some measures to keep the soils from.... 6. Poor or workout cropland can be converted to.... 7. Tree shelterbelts and strip cropping are created for wind and water... control. 8. Erosion control and moisture consideration practices fit into a well-rounded... programme.

Х. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

1. Говоря об охране почв, необходимо четко определить меры, которые предпринимаются для этой цели. 2. Исполь­зуя материалы, публикуемые в журнале «Природа», сту­денты подготовили интересные доклады. 3. Рассказывая о методах борьбы с эрозией, специалисты использовали мно­го цифровых данных.

XI. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Soil conservation means proper land uses protecting the land against all the forms of soil deterioration. 2. Protec­tion of soils from water and wind erosion is one of the main purposes of a soil conservation programme. 3. To protect soils from erosions means to solve the main problem of soil conservation.





I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

wealth n богатство decree n декрет

land n 1. земля, суша; берег; farmer n I. крестьянин, сель-

2.материк;3.страна, государство; ский труженик;2.колхозник

4.земельный участок, right n право

земельная собственность; abolish v уничтожать, отменять

5.почва; v приземляться peasant n крестьянин

land resources земельные private a частный

ресурсы belong v принадлежать

ownership n 1.собственность; lease n 1. аренда; 2. договор об

2. владение аренде; 3 срок аренды;

environment n окружающая v сдавать в аренду, внаем

среда use n применение, использование; provide v снабжать; обеспечивать v 1.использовать; 2.эксплуатировать

till v обрабатывать землю


II.Прочтите и переведите текст:


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