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История американского кино
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета творческих экранных профессий Часть II
Составитель: старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Голубева С.Л. Рецензент: кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Мирошникова Н.Н.
Рекомендовано к изданию в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов II курса ФЭИ всех специальностей кафедрой иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета Кино и Телевидения. Протокол № заседания кафедры от.
Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для устной и письменной практики в обучении студентов по программам ESP. Оно представляет собой тексты по истории американского кино из книги американского писателя Роберта Скляра ‘Movie-made America’, адаптированные для студентов II курса ФТЭП. Пособие также содержит послетекстовые лексическо-грамматические упражнения и глоссарий по специализированной тематике.
PART II: THE MOVIES IN THE AGE OF MASS MEDIA EXERCISES I. Match the words with their definitions and translate them into Russian.
II. Phrasal Verbs a) Exchange the bald-typed phrasal verbs into the expressions with the close meaning from the box. Put the verbs into the appropriate grammar Tense.
The company was set up just after the war. His promises don't count for much. I think it's time we made for home. The company was taken over by Sony in 1989. He brushed the tears off his eyes. She took up their offer of rent-free accommodation
b) Find these phrasal verbs in the text. Use them to make up your own sentences. III. Word Forms a) Often the same base can be used in verb, noun, adjective and adverb form. Complete the following chart with the missing forms
b) Complete each sentence with the correct verb, noun, or adjective
Form of the words in the chart above. Use one form of each word Base, and do not repeat any words. 1) Agatha Christie _______the character Hercule Poirot. 2) We had a lot of applicants for the job but only a few of them were________. 3) The station was filled with the _______of shouting voices and movement. 4) Meryl Streep is a wonderfully _______actress. 5) Meals are served in the intimate restaurant and include a_______ buffet breakfast. 6) Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford were all men of _______origins and no inherited wealth. 7) The musician spends years perfecting his _______. IV. Grammar: Passive Voice a) Read chapters 5 and 6 again, find the passive form of the following verbs and define their tenses. nurture; find; maintain; bear; make; accept; consider; treat; require; hail; rank; take; give; b) Rewrite the following sentences in the passive as in the example 1. Police use trained dogs to find drugs. Trained dogs are used by the police to find drugs. 2. Her parents made her clean her room. 3. They will have finished the work by tonight. 4. Who discovered America? 5. Who did they give the prize to? 6. They clean the rooms daily. 7. The snow will have covered the mountains by Christmas. 8. Hijackers were holding the plane passengers hostage. 9. Who is going to feed your dog? 10. Someone has made a complaint. CHAOS, MAGIC, PHYSICAL GENIUS AND THE ART OF SILENT COMEDY The American comic tradition and American movies were made for each other. Together they projected their grotesque exaggeration, their extravagance, violence and sexual license, on a screen as large as the world. The four films advertised in Keystone’s first announcement ran the gamut of subject matter Sennett was to use in silent comedy: the buffoonery of plain folks (Cohen Collects a Debt); girl in bathing suit (The Water Nymph); the incompetent cop (Riley and Schultze); sexual competition (The New Neighbor). Ridicule the poor, ridicule the powerful, ridicule romance, ridicule the prevailing standards of propriety in female dress; Sennett’s comic aggression made its debut cutting a wider swath through society and its values than any previous expression of the comic tradition in America, with the single exception of that nineteenth-century masterpiece of comic prose, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Indeed, Sennett’s greatest debt for his particular slapstick style was probably to Griffith. From Griffith he learned, as he wrote, to “cut our pictures sharply... and we did get ‘pace’ into them.” Sennett made comedies under the Keystone trademark for five years, distributing first through Mutual and then as part of Harry Aitken’s Triangle organization. The remarkable flowering of silent-movie comedy in the 1920s makes it difficult to assess Sennett’s achievement fairly. Chaplin and Keaton relied on grace, precision, nuance, gesture and surprise in their famous comedies, while Sennett’s style was rough, blunt, gross, broad and obvious. In a narrow sense, Charlie Chaplin was another Sennett legacy. The Keystone producer “discovered” Chaplin, hired him, stimulated the development of his comic style during their struggles over conflicting philosophies of humor, and over the span of a year featured him in thirty-five films, almost precisely half of Chaplin’s total film performances during the silent era. When one understands that Chaplin’s consciousness was English–and working-class English–before it was American, some essential elements of his comic repertoire begin to fall into place. No comedian before or after him has spent more energy depicting people in their working lives: his first motion picture was the prophetically titled Making a Living. Chaplin’s class settings differ visibly from Sennett’s. Though the Keystone comedians were lowlife characters with no visible, or legal, sources of income, their behavior marks them as belonging within the great middle range of the American class system, even if often at the lower end. In the comedies Chaplin made at Keystone and later, the characters were concentrated at the extreme ends of the social scale more easily encompassed by English than by American ideology, the extremes of wealth and more often of poverty.
After his active first year of work with Keystone in 1914, Chaplin directed and acted in fourteen films for Essanay in 1915; twelve for Mutural in 1916-1917; eight for First National between 1918 and 1922, including one feature, The Kid (1921); and two for United Artists distribution, The Gold Rush (1925) and The Circus (1928). In December 1913 Chaplin became a Keystone comic. But Chaplin already had his own ideas about making people laugh. Dressed for his movie debut in the frock coat, top hat, monocle and walrus mustache of his stage act, from his first moment on the screen in Making a Living he moved more slowly, subtly and gracefully than anyone yet seen under the Keystone trademark. In oversize shoes, baggy pants, tight coat, bowler hat, wearing a mustache and sporting a cane, the Tramp appeared in Chaplin’s second Keystone picture, Kid Auto Races at Venice. Chaplin did not, of course, invent the figure; among its many appearances in popular comic media, the tramp was a familiar type in British, French and Italian film comedies at the time. But Chaplin gives himself credit for seeing more in the figure than anyone had yet realized. “You know this fellow is many-sided,” he told Sennett, “a tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure. He would have you believe he is a scientist, a musician, a duke, a polo player.” During this period at Essanay, Chaplin introduced yet another form of magical transformation, extended from the Tramp to the animate and inanimate world. Material objects and even living things become magically adaptable in his hands. The technique was first demonstrated in His Night Out, when Charlie, a drunk, tries to get water out of a telephone receiver and shines his shoes with his toothbrush and paste. Later, in The Tramp, unable to figure out how to milk a cow, he works its tail like a pump and comes back with a full bucket; in A Woman, impersonating a woman, he sits down on a feather hat, the hat pins stick in his pants and he jumps around looking like a rooster; in Work he turns a lampshade into a skirt for a nude statuette and sets it dancing; and in the famous scene in The Gold Rush, he cooks and eats his boots, devouring the shoelaces as if they were spaghetti. Chaplin’s magical transformation of creatures and things was carried out entirely by the human imagination and through human movement, assisted by no camera manipulation or laboratory processing: it lifted cinema fantasy for the first time beyond the realm of trick photography. His remarkable period of concentrated productivity reached its climax at Mutual, particularly in two films, Easy Street and The Immigrant (both 1917), which serve as both tributes and farewells to the symbiotic relationship between the early movies and their working-class audience.
EXERCISES III. Word Forms a) Complete the following chart with the missing forms: verb, noun, adjective and adverb.
b) Complete each sentence with the correct verb, noun, or adjective IV. Phrasal Verbs a) Exchange the bald-typed phrasal verbs into the expressions with the close meaning from the box. Put the verbs into the appropriate grammar Tense.
1. Later, in The Tramp, unable to figure out how to milk a cow, he works its tail like a pump and comes back with a full bucket 2. In Work he turn s a lampshade into a skirt for a nude statuette and sets it dancing 3. Chaplin’s magical transformation of creatures and things was carried out entirely by the human imagination and through human movement 4. Theatre attendance was up in 1930 over 1929, and theatre corporations actually created higher profits that year. 5. Nearly a third of all theatres were shut down. 6. The code went on to prohibit a vast range of human expression 7. The code cut the movies off from many of the most important moral and social themes of the contemporary world.
b) Use these phrasal verbs to make up your own sentences. APPENDIX This example of glossary contains special terms for Applied Art students. The definitions are taken from: 1. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. 2000. Pearson Education Ltd. Longman. 2. Longman Exams Dictionary.2006. Pearson Education Ltd. Longman. 3. Word Net 2006 Princeton University. GLOSSARY
Harmer J. 2001.The Practice of English Language Teaching. Oxford: Longman. Cook G. 2007. Unmarked Improvement: values, facts, and first languages. Mattioli G. 2004. On Native Language Intrusions and Making Do with Words: Linguistically Homogeneous Robert Sklar 1976. Movie-Made America. A Cultural History of American Movies. Vintage Books/A Division of Random House/New York. USA. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. 2000. Pearson Education Ltd. Longman. Longman Exams Dictionary.2006. Pearson Education Ltd. Longman. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.2002. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2002 American Heritage Dictionary 2006. Houghton Mifflin Company. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. 2008. Dictionary. com Unabridged Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dict. Word Net 2006 Princeton University. Free NLP Language EBook www.saladltd.co.uk Thesaurus @ 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
История американского кино
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета творческих экранных профессий
Часть II
Составитель: старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Голубева С.Л. Рецензент: кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Мирошникова Н.Н.
Рекомендовано к изданию в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов II курса ФЭИ всех специальностей кафедрой иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета Кино и Телевидения. Протокол № заседания кафедры от.
Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для устной и письменной практики в обучении студентов по программам ESP. Оно представляет собой тексты по истории американского кино из книги американского писателя Роберта Скляра ‘Movie-made America’, адаптированные для студентов II курса ФТЭП. Пособие также содержит послетекстовые лексическо-грамматические упражнения и глоссарий по специализированной тематике.
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