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Listen to the following extract from the conversation between Buckhurst and Brent, which shows how the situation progressed. Try to complete the gaps, using no more than three words in each case.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 14 из 14 Содержание книги
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Exercise 4 Match the terms on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Five of the phrases have more than one explanation. Fill in the grid below.
Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class. a) What does the work of W. Buckhurst entail? b) Why is stock valuation one of the most difficult jobs? c) What for are the cheques made out to members of the staff in Harper & Grant Ltd.? In what way are they cashed? d) What is the reason for the anomaly in the bank statement? e) What was wrong with the withdrawals on the bank statement? 2. Recount the situation as if you were Mr. Brent. Sum up the anomalies found in stock valuation and in the cheques made out to members of the staff. 3. Suppose you are Donald Kennet. Do you find it fair to dismiss you? 4. Give a lecture on auditing the accounts of a limited company. Illustrate it with the situation in Harper & Grant Ltd. 5. Act out a) a conversation between Brent and Buckhurst. Discuss the pro and contra of stock valuation; b) an imaginary talk between Buckhurst and Kennet after the dismissal; c) a conversation between Brent and Buckhurst. Discuss the anomaly with the withdrawal on the bank statement.
Phrase list Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian. to chase up bad debts Retail / wholesale business to do business on a cash basis / on credit to defer payment the amount (total) due on a particular transaction to receive long/short credit to offer an inducement to somebody to become insolvent debt collector to be a good credit risk to write to the bank for a reference to get a drive on to get payment on one or two of outstanding accounts retailer overdue accounts to default to put a professional debt collector on to collect debts to bring in a third party to use legal pressure the salary scheme to pay a basic salary supplemented by a commission on sales a graded salary based on sales quotas to make an estimate on something (probable volume of sales) to keep up to the quota / to surpass the quota PRE-LISTENING Task I Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.
On what basis is business usually done? (retail business; wholesale business; to do business on a cash basis; to do business on credit; to collect debts; to chase up bad debts; money which has been owed to the firm for a long time) 2. On what terms does H & G Ltd. do business? (to give credit; to defer payment; an individual sale; to send an invoice to the customer; a list of the goods delivered; the amount due on a particular transaction; to be sent an account; to show the total amount due) In what way are due payments stipulated? (to receive long credit from the suppliers; to give short credit to the customers; to be fairly common; to offer an inducement to customers; to pay earlier than somebody needs; to offer a discount; to pay slightly less; to pay within ten days of the date of invoice) Do debtors always pay back? Why? What happens if not? What can be done to overdue accounts? (the debtor cannot pay; to get the money; to supply the firm with goods; to become insolvent; to run the firm; to be dishonest; accounts not paid in time; overdue accounts; a sales representative; to collect the money; to make enquiries; to employ a professional debt collector) Why do companies try to avoid being bad payers? (to get a reputation for being a bad payer; to get supplies on credit; to give information about the financial situation of a company; to judge something; to be a good credit risk; to suggest that a supplier writes to their bank for a reference) Task 2 Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:
LISTENING Exercise 1 You are going to hear a talk between W. Buckhurst and Ch. Thorn. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements, which you will mark T (True) or F (False) after you have listened to the tape.
Exercise 2 Act as an interpreter. Бакхерст: Заходите, пожалуйста, м-р Шатлворт. Вы уже виделись с мистером Мартином? Shuttleworth: Yes, I have, Mr. Buckhurst. He's just told me about my new area. He told me to come and see you about the new salary scheme. Бакхерст: А он объяснил вам что это означает? Shuttleworth: Not really. Бакхерст: Ну, как вы знаете, наши торговые агенты до сих пор получали базовую ставку плюс комиссионные от продажи товара. Новой системой оплаты будет дифференцированная зарплата, основанная на доле с продаж. Shuttleworth: What really interests me is whether I shall earn more money or less! Бакхерст: Думаю, вы увидите, что изменение будет в лучшую сторону. Мы внимательно обследовали все наши районы, подсчитали приблизитель-ный объем продажи товаров и, соответственно, размер вашей зарплаты. Единственное, что вам нужно будет делать - это придерживаться намеченной квоты или, еще лучше, превысить ее. Проще говоря, вы можете рассчитывать на более высокую базовую ставку. Shuttleworth: I see. Бакхерст: Мы сейчас постепенно вводим эту систему и видим, что нашим торговым агентам она нравится больше. А как вы относитесь к переводу в юго-западный район? Shuttleworth: Oh, I'm very pleased. I think it's about time I had a new area.
Exercise 3 Listen to the following extract from the conversation between Buckhurst and Shuttleworth, which shows how the situation progressed. Try to complete the gaps, using no more than three words in each case.
Exercise 4 Match the terms on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Five of the phrases have more than one explanation. Fill in the grid below.
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