Содержание книги

  1. With the experienced actress's instinct to fit the gesture to the word, by a
  2. Him on one of his birthdays and behind it a rack in red morocco, heavily gilt,
  3. But Michael rose from his chair.
  4. The young man went scarlet. He smiled stiffly in answer to Julia's warm,
  5. Julia, however, had insisted that she must have her bedroom as she liked, and
  6. On shorts and a sweater and have a run round Regent's Park.
  7. Great stickler for saying the author's exact words, though, God knows, the
  8. Make something out of it. Of course we had to cut the other woman a lot in
  9. Was not particularly good-looking, but he had a frank, open face and his
  10. Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the
  11. WHEN the two men had gone she looked through the photographs again
  12. There were photographs of Julia when she was a child, and photographs of
  13. A comedy line, seemed to sound all wrong when she spoke it.
  14. Nowhere and that if he wanted to become a leading actor he must gain
  15. Right intonation himself he would never let a false one pass in anyone else.
  16. The company laughed at him and abused him and did everything they could
  17. The result of the interview was that Michael got an engagement. He stayed at
  18. Was a boisterous, fat old woman of more than sixty, but of great vitality, who
  19. It was two years later that Jimmie Langton discovered her. She was on tour in
  20. French like a Frenchwoman and so they give you broken English parts. That's
  21. Out of the play you're in now before you could say knife.
  22. Me for? I'll give you a three years' contract, I'll give you eight pounds a week
  23. Company? I've got much more important things to do than that, my girl. And
  24. Nothing to do but act eight times a week attended the rehearsals.
  25. Management. One's got to be one's own master. That's the only way to make a
  26. Julia soon discovered that he did not much like spending money, and when
  27. At one time there was some talk of putting him in the university boat.
  28. Thought never entered his lovely head.
  29. Dreamt what ecstatic pleasure it gave her to spend her money on him.
  30. Lamb, he had not been able to bring himself to spring to that, but she was so
  31. When some member of the company, momentarily hard up, tried to borrow
  32. Ended with a powerful and moving scene in which Julia had the opportunity
  33. To her with absorbed interest.
  34. She was dressed fussily, with a sort of old-fashioned richness which did not
  35. Bazaar stuff, and you wondered how anyone had thought it worth bringing
  36. To the fire, lit a cigarette.
  37. For the last week she had asked herself whether or not he was going to
  38. Michael watched the affecting scene with sympathy.
  39. Indeed, that she was quite willing to become his mistress, but this he refused.
  40. She adored to sit cuddled up to him with his arm round her waist, her face
  41. Face an eager, happy smile, she felt that her muscles were stiff and hard.
  42. Michael gave her his sweet, good-natured smile.
  43. He took a swing and with his open hand gave her a great smack on the face.
  44. Broken my heart and ruined my whole life just to keep me in your rotten
  45. AFTER a fortnight of rehearsals, Michael was thrown out of the part for
  46. In the empty carriage and looked at herself in the glass.
  47. Her to her room she held up her face to his.
  48. THE first year of their marriage would have been stormy except for Michael's
  49. She gave him a look of scorn.
  50. Business. He eventually got a part in a costume play.

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Was a boisterous, fat old woman of more than sixty, but of great vitality, who

Loved food more than anything else in the world. She had a great, ringing

Laugh, like a man's, and she talked in a deep, loud voice. It was she who gave

Julia her first lessons.


She taught her all the arts (она преподала ей все умения: «хитрости

мастерства») that she had herself learnt at the Conservatoire (которым она сама

обучилась в музыкальном училище: «консерватории») and she talked to her of

Reichenberg (и она разговаривала с ней о Райхенберг) who had played ingenues

till she was seventy (которая играла инженю до семидесяти лет), of Sarah

Bernhardt and her golden voice (о Саре Бернар и ее золотистом голосе), of

Mounet-Sully and his majesty (о Муне-Сюлли и его величавости), and of

Coquelin the greatest actor of them all (и о Коклене, величайшем актере из них

всех). She recited to her the great tirades of Corneille and Racine (она

декламировала ей величайшие тирады Корнеля и Расина; to recite —

декламировать, повторять наизусть) as she had learnt to say them at the

Franзaise (как она научилась произносить их в Комедии Франсез) and taught

her to say them in the same way (и научила ее произносить их так же; in the

same way — точно так же, таким же образом). It was charming to hear Julia

(было очаровательно слышать, как Джулия) in her childish voice (своим





детским голоском) recite those languorous (декламирует те томные), passionate

speeches of Phedre (страстные речи Федры), emphasizing the beat of the

Alexandrines (выделяя ритм александрийского стиха) and mouthing her words

(и торжественно изрекающая /ее/ слова) in that manner (в той манере) which is

so artificial (которая такая притворная; artificial — искусственный,

синтетический, фальшивый) and yet so wonderfully dramatic (и в то же время

такая удивительно драматичная).


ingenue ['xnZeInju:] majesty ['mxdZIstI] tirade [t(a)I'reId]

languorous ['lxNgqrqs]


She taught her all the arts that she had herself learnt at the Conservatoire and

She talked to her of Reichenberg who had played ingenues till she was seventy,

Of Sarah Bernhardt and her golden voice, of Mounet-Sully and his majesty,

And of Coquelin the greatest actor of them all. She recited to her the great

Tirades of Corneille and Racine as she had learnt to say them at the Franзoise

And taught her to say them in the same way. It was charming to hear Julia in

Her childish voice recite those languorous, passionate speeches of Phedre,

Emphasizing the beat of the Alexandrines and mouthing her words in that


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