Числительные ( The Numerals ) 

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Числительные ( The Numerals )

В английском языке, также, как и в русском, числительные делятся на количественные числительные (Cardinal numerals) и порядковые числительные (Ordinal numerals).

Cardinal numerals Ordinal numerals
1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth

1. Числительные от 13-19 образуются при помощи –teen, 15-fifteen, 16-sixteen.

Составные числительные от 20 до 100 образуются так же, как и в русском языке: 25 – twenty-five, 93 – ninety-three.

2. В составных числительных после 100 перед десятками, а если их нет, то перед единицами, ставится союз and: 375 (three hundred and seventy-five), 2941 (two thousand nine hundred and forty-one)

3. разговорные формы цифры 0

a. nought [nɔ:t] 0.7 = nought point seven (в математике)

b. zero ['zıǝrǝu] –15°C = minus fi fteen degrees или fi fteen degrees below zero (в науке, например для обозначения температуры)

c. о [ǝυ] 705 21 80 = seven о fi ve two one eight о (в телефонных номерах)

d. nil или nothing 2:0 = the score was two nothing или two nil (в спорте для обозначения счета игры)

Упражнения (Exercises):

Ex.1. Запишите числительные (Write numerals):

1. It’s... of... today. 2. It’s (8) o’clock already. 3. There are (7) students in this group. 4. Read text (4). 5. You have a mistake in (3) sentence. 6. Do (22) task. 7. You must do (1) exercise orally, and (2) one in written form. 8. (2) is company, and (3) is a crowd. 9. The information is in file (11). 10. They got a new flat on (68) Street. 11. It is their (11) anniversary today. 12. (5) years later he became the manager of the firm. 13. The temperature today is (20) degrees below (0). 14. She was like (2) mother to me. 15. — Would you like (2) cup of tea? — No more, thank you. 16. The score of the match was 4:0. 17. My birthday is on... of....

Ex.2. Ответьте на вопросы (Answer the questions):

1. What’s the date today? And what day is it today? 2. What’s the temperature outside? 3. What’s the temperature in your flat (house)? 4. What’s your official address? 5. What’s your telephone number? 6. Where is your office (school) situated? 7. When did you leave school? 8. When did you become a student? 9. When did you start to earn your living? 10. What’s the normal temperature of a healthy person? 11. How many kilometers are there in the mile? 12. How many years are there in a millennium? 13. How many planets are there in our Solar System? 14. What is your lucky number?

Анатомия человека (HUMAN ANATOMY)

Темы (Topics)

Тело человека (The Human Body)

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (Read and translate the text):

The Human Body

There are three chief parts of the human body, the head, the trunk and the limbs or extremities. The skeleton of the body is composed of 223 bones of various size and shapes, which give firm but flexible support to the soft tissues, muscles and organs. The bony framework of the head, enclosing the brain and supporting the face, is the skull. The skeleton of the trunk mainly consists of the spinal column made of a series of bony rings. The trunk is divided into two large cavities by the diaphragm. The chest is the upper of these cavities, the belly or abdomen – the lower.

The upper cavity contains heart and lungs. In the lower cavity there is stomach, liver, gall-bladder, kidneys, bladder and the intestines. The lungs belong to the respiratory system. Kidneys and bladder are part of the urinary system. The heart, the arteries, veins constitute the cardiovascular system.

The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm, and the hand. Each hand has four fingers and one thumb.

The parts of the lower extremity are the thigh (hip), the lower leg and the foot.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте слова и выражения (Find in the text words and word expressions):

Содержать, основные части, конечности, состоять из, поддерживать, туловище, быть разделенным, полость, составлять.

Задание 3. Дополните предложения данными словами (Complete the sentences with the words from the list):


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