В чем заключается потенциальная опасность нанотехнологий. 

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В чем заключается потенциальная опасность нанотехнологий.


Теоретическая часть

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Scant research                             недостаточные исследования

graphite                            графит

carbon nanotubes                                 углеродные нанотрубки

expose                                        подвергаться

moderate dose                             незначительные дозы

nanoparticles                              наночастицы

exhibit                                         проявлять

concurrent test                            конкурентный тест

water fleas                                  водяные блохи

food chain                                   пищевая цепочка

to travel freely through smth.               свободно проникать сквозь что-либо

adverse effects                            противоположный эффект

cadmium celenide                        селенид кадмия

fetus                                            плод

DNA                                                    ДНК

initial findings                             начальные исследования


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

What are the possible dangers of Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is a branch of science that deals with particles 1-100 nanometers in size. Experts believe possible dangers of nanotechnology lie in how these tiny particles might interact with the environment, and more importantly, with the human body. Billions of dollars are being spent to incorporate nanoparticles into products that are already being marketed to the public; when this investment is compared to the comparatively scant research into nanotech health issues, some scientists become concerned.

Experts say the issue is that elements encountered at the nanoscale behave differently than their larger counterparts. As an example, graphite’s properties are well known and it holds specific position in toxicology guidelines. Nobel winning physicist Richard Smalley of Rice University discovered carbon nanotubes and fullerenes (buckyballs) – nanoparticles of carbon – which are legally categorized as graphite, yet they behave in ways unlike graphite making the classification a potentially dangerous one.

In March 2004 tests conducted by environmental toxicologist Eva Oberdorster, Ph.D., with Southern Methodist University in Texas found extensive brain damage to fish exposed to fullerenes for a period of just 48 hours at a relatively moderate dose of 0.5 parts per million (commiserate with levels of other kinds of pollution found in bays). The fish also exhibited changed gene markers in their livers, indicating their entire physiology was affected. In a concurrent test, the fullerenes killed water fleas, an important link in the marine food chain.

Oberdorster could not say whether fullerenes would also cause brain damage in humans but cautioned that more studies are necessary and that the accumulation of fullerenes over time could be a concern, particularly if they were allowed to enter the food chain. Earlier studies in 2002 by CBEN (Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology) indicated nanoparticles accumulated in the bodies of lab animals, and still other studies showed fullerenes travel freely through soil and could be absorbed by earthworms. This is a potential link up the food chain to humans and presents one of the possible dangers of nanotechnology.

Other nanoparticles have also been shown to have adverse effects. Research from University of California in San Diego in early 2002 revealed cadmium selenide nanoparticles, also called quantum dots, can cause cadmium poisoning in humans. In 2004 British scientist Vyvyan Howard published initial findings that indicated gold nanoparticles might move through a mother’s placenta to the fetus; and as far back as 1997 scientists at Oxford discovered nanoparticles used in sunscreen created free radicals that damaged DNA.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму.

1. Billions of dollars …(spend) to incorporate nanoparticles into products. (Pres. Cont.).

2. The entire physiology … (affect). (Past Simple).

3. If fullerenes … (allow) to enter the food chain it would be a real danger to the men’s health.

4. Nanoparticles of carbon … (categorize) as graphite. (Pres.Simple).

5. Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes … (discover) by Richard Smally. (Past Simple).

Задание 3.Определите время и залог глаголов, выделенных курсивом.

Nanotechnology is a branch of science that deals with particles 1-100 nanometers in size. Experts believe possible dangers of nanotechnology lie in how these tiny particles might interact with the environment, and more importantly, with the human body. Billions of dollars are being spent to incorporate nanoparticles into products that are already being marketed to the public; when this investment is compared to the comparatively scant research into nanotech health issues, some scientists become concerned.

Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Что такое пассивный залог. Когда он используется?

2. Какие ключевые слова и выражения могут быть использованы вами при пересказе?

3. На сколько смысловых частей можно разделить данный текст?

4. Была ли информация в тексте новой для вас?

5. Какие новые термины встретились вам при чтении данного текста?


Практическое занятие 3


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