Содержание книги

  1. I. Read and translate the following words.
  2. VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous tense.
  3. XV. Read the following word – combinations and find the sentences with them. Translate into Russian.
  4. VI. Make questions in the Future Continuous tense.
  5. II. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of  wh, wr, kn.
  6. XVII. Give the Past Indefinite and Past Participle forms of the following
  7. XI. Read the new words and memorize them.
  8. XXI. Divide the text into some parts and name them.
  9. XIII. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian.
  10. I. Form the nouns from the following verbs.
  11. XII. Translate these sentences into Russian.
  12. Symbol O. Atomic Weight 15,9.
  13. Symbol N. Atomic Weight 14.008.
  14. XXI. Make up a short summary of the text and retell it.
  15. VII. Insert prepositions.
  16. XII. Find in the right column the equivalents of English words from the left one.
  17. VI. Read the sentences. Fill in the verb in a proper tense and voice.
  18. XX. Study the text and say which statements are true and which are false.
  19. VIII. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
  20. XI. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
  21. I. Read the following words and translate them.
  22. XIII. Fill in the appropriate word.
  23. X . Rearrange the mixed – up letters to make words. 
  24. VII. Complete the sentences for your country. Use either the negative or the positive form .
  25. XXIV. Make up a plan of the text “Aloe” and retell it.
  26. Senna ( cassia angustifolia vahl )
  27. I. Read the following words, pay attention to the pronunciation and translate them:
  28. XVIII. Find in the text the words of Latin origin and translate them.
  29. XV. Pay attention to the notes.
  30. V. Translate the sentences, do grammar analysis:
  31. XVII. Find in the text the words from Latin or Greek origin.
  32. VII. Active or Passive? Tick the correct sentence.
  33. XVII. Read the text again. Find the sentences with the following words or word combinations and translate them:
  34. III. Study the table of prepositions. Read and translate the sentences. Explain the rules of using the prepositions.
  35. Remind Grammar (look at grammar reference)
  36. XI. Fill in the appropriate preposition.
  37. IV. Put “should” or “shouldn’t” in the spaces. Translate the sentences.
  38. XIV. Fill in the appropriate preposition.
  39. XI. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.   Types and shapes of leaves
  40. VII . Translate into English.
  41. XVII. Translate into English .
  42. V. Paraphrase the sentences with the help of the equivalent of the modal verb “must” and make them negative and interrogative.
  43. XV. Find from the text the sentences with the Modal verbs and translate them.
  44. X. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.
  45. XVII. Make the plan of retelling the text.
  46. C II I. Give Russian equivalents to.
  47. XII. Read the text “Semisolid Medicinal forms” and translate it into Russian. Do the tasks below.
  48. IX. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right column.
  49. I. Read the following words paying attention to their pronunciation:
  50. XIII. Find the sentences with Possessive Nouns in the text and translate them into Russian.

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XVII. Give the Past Indefinite and Past Participle forms of the following


      to publish     to appoint

      to complete  to bring

      to make       to write

XVIII. Translate into Russian.

 1) Many books are published in our country every year.

 2) The yield is always recorded at the end of an experiment.

 3) The work will be completed next week.


XIX. Make the negative and interrogative forms of the following sentences:

1. Interesting experiments were made in his class.

2. He was elected member of many academies abroad.

3. He was appointed professor at the University in 1966.


XX. Find in the text the sentences containing the Passive Voice.

XXI. Divide the text into some parts and name them.

XXII. Answer the questions.

1. What was D. I. Mendeleyev?

2. Where was he born?

3. Have many chemical elements did Mendeleyev describe?

4. When was the Periodic Table published?

5. What was the Periodic Table spoken of?

6. What did in addition to his work Mendeleyev pay attention to?

XXIII. Retell the text according to the plan.

1. The youth of the great scientist.

2. Interesting experiments.

3. Teaching.

4. D. I. Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table.

5. The beginning of a new era in chemical thought.

Module “Chemistry”

Lesson I

Mendeleyev's Periodic Law


Rules of reading: Letter combinations ow, ou

Grammar: The forms of the Passive Voice in the Present and the Past tenses

Text: Mendeleyev's Periodic Law


                                    Assignments to do:


Letter combinations are pronounced as followings:

                                 [ou] low


                                     [au] brown


ou                               [au] out


I. Read the words paying attention to their pronunciation.

house, yellow, low, amount, snow, aloud, about, town, loud, grow, know, out.


II. Read and explain the rules of reading of the following words:

now, how, bow, Moscow, vow, window, gown, down, known, scout, count.


Remind grammar (look at grammar reference)

III. Answer the questions.

1. What is the difference between Active and Passive Voices?

2. How many forms of verbs do you know?

3. Conjugate the verb “to be” in the Present and Past.

4. Give the forms of the Passive Voice in the Present and the Past tenses.


IV. Form Participle II from the following verbs and translate them:

give, pay, remember, drive, see, buy, leave.

V. Change the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive one.

1. They remember him.

2. Somebody drove him.

3. Ann saw his friend.

4. My sister bought that nice dress.

5. They leave us.


VI. Change the following sentences from the Passive Voice into the Active one:

1. The bone was hidden by the dog.

2. Too many mistakes are made by my secretary.

3. We were asked to get off the grass by a policeman.

4. Our baby is fed bananas.

5. The reason was explained to us.


VII. Change the following sentences into the passive voice using the italicized words as the grammatical subject:

1. My teacher gave me some advice.

2. My teacher gave me some advice.

3. They didn't pay him for the gas.


VIII. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Food is eaten with chopsticks in China.

2. It is known that he left the country under a false name.

3. He was given a prize.

4. The coat was bought last month.


IX. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Работа была закончена к вечеру.

2. В детстве Билла обучали музыке.

3. Нам никто не звонил.

4. Им подали кофе и бутерброды.


X. Speak on the following situations using the Passive Voice:

1. You are going to a party.

(to be invited to party, to be accompanied by, to be introduced to, to be

offered a cup of coffee, sandwiches, to be asked to sing, to be invited to dance).

2. Bob is late for class.

(to be left alone in the house, not be awakened, not to be given a chance to explain why he is (was) late, to be interrupted, to be offended).



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