Содержание книги

  1. And so the argument began all over again, and went on hotter than ever, until at last they decided to sit on the sacks one by one and squash them, and boil them next time.
  2. Now Gandalf led the way. “We must not miss the road, or we shall be done for,” he said.
  3. Then off they went into another song as ridiculous as the one I have written down in full. At last one, a tall young fellow, came out from the trees and bowed to Gandalf and to Thorin.
  4. The moon was shining in a broad silver crescent. He held up the map and the white light shone through it.
  5. Round and round far underground
  6. The hobbit jumped nearly out of his skin when the hiss came in his ears, and he suddenly saw the pale eyes sticking out at him. “Who are you?” he said, thrusting his dagger in front of him.
  7. What has roots as nobody sees,
  8. It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
  9. And beats high mountain down.
  10. Bilbo seeing what had happened and having nothing better to ask stuck to his question.
  11. But at any rate Gollum did not at once attack him. He could see the sword in Bilbo’s hand. He sat still, shivering and whispering. At last Bilbo could wait no longer.
  12. Utterly miserable as Gollum sounded, Bilbo could not find much pity in his heart, and he had a feeling that anything Gollum wanted so much could hardly be something good.
  13. Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire
  14. The dwarves looked at him with quite a new respect, when he talked about dodging guards, jumping over Gollum, and squeezing through, as if it was not very difficult or very alarming.
  15. All of a sudden they heard a howl away down hill, a long shuddering howl.
  16. And light the night for our delight,
  17. The eagle only sharpened his beak on a stone and trimmed his feathers and took no notice.
  18. Quickly now to the top of this rock the eagles swooped one by one and set down their passengers.
  19. The dwarves groaned and looked most distressed, and Bilbo wept. They had begun to think Gandalf was going to come all the way and would always be there to help them out of difficulties.
  20. The dwarves all gathered round when they heard the wizard talking like this to Bilbo.
  21. They were bigger than hornets. The drones were bigger than your thumb, a good deal, and the bands of yellow on their deep black bodies shone like fiery gold.
  22. As for Bilbo he could easily have trotted through his legs without ducking his head to miss the fringe of the man’s brown tunic.
  23. So Gandalf gave a long shrill whistle, and presently Thorin and Dori came round the house by the garden path and stood bowing low before them.
  24. Gandalf whistled again; but Nori and Ori were there almost before he had stopped, for, if you remember, Gandalf had told them to come in pairs every five minutes.
  25. So Gandalf went on with the tale, until he came to the fight in the dark, the discovery of the lower gate, and their horror when they found that Mr. Baggins had been mislaid.
  26. The dogs could stand on their hind-legs when they wished, and carry things with their fore-feet. Quickly they got out boards and trestles from the side walls and set them up near the fire.
  27. Bilbo began to nod again. Suddenly up stood Gandalf.
  28. At last Gandalf pushed away his plate and jug — he had eaten two whole loaves (with masses of butter and honey and clotted cream) and drunk at least a quart of mead and he took out his pipe.
  29. Bilbo thought he knew what the wizard meant.
  30. But nothing they could say would change his mind.
  31. They each shouldered the heavy pack and the water-skin which was their share, and turned from the light that lay on the lands outside and plunged into the forest.
  32. They could still see his hood above the water when they ran to the bank.
  33. To the fattest of these bundles the spider went —
  34. Are weaving webs to wind me.
  35. Things were looking pretty bad again, when suddenly Bilbo appeared and charged into the astonished spiders unexpectedly from the side.
  36. And then he fell asleep, and there was complete silence for a long time.
  37. At that Thorin shut his mouth and would not say another word.
  38. The prisoners were brought before him; and though he looked grimly at them, he told his men to unbind them, for they were ragged and weary.
  39. Bilbo, however, did not feel nearly so hopeful as they did. He did not like being depended on by everyone, and he wished he had the wizard at hand.
  40. Balin was told off to watch the guard and the butler and give warning if they stirred. The rest went into the adjoining cellar with the trapdoors.
  41. Roll-roll-rolling down the hole I
  42. Down the swift dark stream you go
  43. They had escaped the dungeons of the king and were through the wood, but whether alive or dead still remains to be seen.
  44. The King beneath the mountains,
  45. He would not forget or forgive the theft, not if a thousand years turned him to smouldering stone, but he could afford to wait. Slow and silent he crept back to his lair and half closed his eyes.
  46. After that of course the dwarves begged his pardon.
  47. But he did not tell Bilbo that there was one smell he could not make out at all, hobbit-smell; it was quite outside his experience and puzzled him mightily.
  48. He rose in fire and went away south towards the Running River.
  49. The dwarves, of course, were very alarmed when Bilbo fell forward down the step with a bump into the hall, and they sat huddled just where he had left them at the end the tunnel.
  50. That idea disturbed the dwarves mightily, and they quickly decided that Bilbo and Balin were right.

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The dogs could stand on their hind-legs when they wished, and carry things with their fore-feet. Quickly they got out boards and trestles from the side walls and set them up near the fire.


Then baa-baa-baa! was heard (затем послышалось блеяние: «бе-бе-бе»), and in came some snow-white sheep (и вошли белоснежные овцы) led by a large coal-black ram (ведомые огромным угольно-черным бараном; to lead (led) — вести, показывать путь). One bore a white cloth (одна несла белую скатерть; to bear (bore, borne) — переносить, нести) embroidered at the edges with figures of animals (с вышитыми по краям фигурками животных); others bore on their broad backs (другие несли на своих широких спинах) trays with bowls (подносы с мисками) and platters (и деревянными тарелками) and knives (и ножами) and wooden spoons (и деревянными ложками), which the dogs took (которые собаки взяли) and quickly laid on the trestle tables (и быстро разложили на столах /устроенных/ на кóзлах). These were very low (эти /столы/ были очень низкими), low enough even for Bilbo (достаточно низкие даже для Бильбо) to sit at comfortably (чтобы сидеть за ними с удобством). Beside them a pony pushed two low-seated benches (рядом с ними пони подтолкнул две низкие скамейки; to seat — сажать, усаживать) with wide rush-bottoms (с плетенными из тростника сиденьями; rush — тростник, камыш) and little short thick legs (и небольшими короткими массивными ножками) for Gandalf and Thorin (для Гэндальфа и Торина), while at the far end (в то время, как к дальнему концу /стола/) he put Beorn’s big black chair (он /пони/ поставил большой черный стул для Беорна) of the same sort (такого же вида) (in which he sat (в котором он сидел) with his great legs stuck far out under the table (и его огромные ножищи вытягивались далеко под столом; to stick (stuck) out — высовывать, выставлять, торчать)). These were all the chairs he had in his hall (это были все стулья, которые были в его зале), and he probably had them low like the tables (и они были у него низкими, как и столы, возможно) for the convenience of the wonderful animals (для удобства этих удивительных животных) that waited on him (которые прислуживали ему; to wait — ждать, ожидать, to wait on smb. — обслуживать, служить кому-либо). What did the rest sit on (на что же уселись все остальные)? They were not forgotten (и о них не забыли; to forget (forgot, forgotten) — забывать, не помнить). The other ponies came in (вошли другие пони) rolling round drum-shaped sections of logs (вкатывая круглые, в форме барабанов, чурбанчики: «части бревен»; drum — барабан), smoothed and polished (гладкие и отполированные), and low enough even for Bilbo (и достаточно низкие даже для Бильбо); so soon they were all seated at Beorn’s table (так что вскоре они все расселись за столом Беорна), and the hall had not seen such a gathering for many a year (и этот зал не видывал таких собраний уже многие годы).


baa [bQ:] snow-white ["snqV'waIt] coal-black ['kqVl'blxk] embroider [Im'brOIdq] trestle ['tres(q)l]


Then baa-baa-baa! was heard, and in came some snow-white sheep led by a large coal-black ram. One bore a white cloth embroidered at the edges with figures of animals; others bore on their broad backs trays with bowls and platters and knives and wooden spoons, which the dogs took and quickly laid on the trestle tables. These were very low, low enough even for Bilbo to sit at comfortably. Beside them a pony pushed two low-seated benches with wide rush-bottoms and little short thick legs for Gandalf and Thorin, while at the far end he put Beorn’s big black chair of the same sort (in which he sat with his great legs stuck far out under the table). These were all the chairs he had in his hall, and he probably had them low like the tables for the convenience of the wonderful animals that waited on him. What did the rest sit on? They were not forgotten. The other ponies came in rolling round drum-shaped sections of logs, smoothed and polished, and low enough even for Bilbo; so soon they were all seated at Beorn’s table, and the hall had not seen such a gathering for many a year.


There they had a supper, or a dinner (там они отведали ужин или обед), such as they had not had (какого у них не бывало) since they left the Last Homely House in the West (с тех самых пор, когда они покинули Последнее Домашнее Жилище на Западе) and said good-bye to Elrond (и попрощались с Элрондом). The light of the torches (свет факелов) and the fire flickered about them (и костра мерцали вокруг них), and on the table were two tall red beeswax candles (и на столе стояли две высокие красные свечи из пчелиного воска; bee — пчела; wax — воск). All the time they ate (все время, пока они ели; to eat (ate, eaten) — есть, поедать, питаться), Beorn in his deep rolling voice (Беорн, своим низким раскатистым голосом; deep — глубокий) told tales of the wild lands on this side of the mountains (рассказывал истории об этих диких землях на этой стороне гор), and especially of the dark and dangerous wood (и особенно о темном и опасном лесе), that lay outstretched far to North and South (что лежал, раскинувшись далеко на Север и на Юг; to outstretch — протягивать, вытягивать, распространять) a day’s ride (на целый день пути; ride — прогулка, поездка, продолжительность поездки) before them (перед ними), barring their way to the East (преграждая им путь на Восток; to bar — запирать /на засов/, закрывать, перегораживать), the terrible forest of Mirkwood (ужасный Мрачный лес).

The dwarves listened and shook their beards (гномы слушали и покачивали своими бородами; to shake (shook, shaken) — трясти), for they knew that they must soon venture into that forest (так как они знали, что они должны вскоре рискнуть отправится в тот лес) and that after the mountains (и что после гор) it was the worst of the perils (это была одна из наихудших опасностей; bad-worse-the worst — плохой, худший, наихудший) they had to pass (что им предстояло пройти/миновать) before they came to the dragon’s stronghold (до того, как они доберутся до цитадели дракона; strong — крепкий; hold — захват; владение; /арх./ крепость). When dinner was over (когда ужин был закончен) they began to tell tales of their own (они начали рассказывать свои собственные истории), but Beorn seemed to be growing drowsy (но Беорн, казалось, становился сонным) and paid little heed to them (и обращал на них мало внимания). They spoke most of gold and silver and jewels (они говорили главным образом о золоте, и серебре и драгоценностях) and the making of things by smith-craft (и об изготовлении вещиц кузнечным ремеслом), and Beorn did not appear to care for such things (а Беорн, казалось, не интересовался такими вещами): there were no things of gold or silver in his hall (в его зале не было вещей из золота или серебра), and few save the knives were made of metal at all (и очень немногие /вещи/, за исключением ножей, были /вообще/ изготовлены из металла; save — кроме, за исключением, at all — вообще, хоть сколько нибудь).


flicker ['flIkq] bees-wax ['bi:zwxks] outstretched [aVt'stretSt] drowsy ['draVzI] smithcraft ['smITkrQ:ft]


There they had a supper, or a dinner, such as they had not had since they left the Last Homely House in the West and said good-bye to Elrond. The light of the torches and the fire flickered about them, and on the table were two tall red beeswax candles. All the time they ate, Beorn in his deep rolling voice told tales of the wild lands on this side of the mountains, and especially of the dark and dangerous wood, that lay outstretched far to North and South a day’s ride before them, barring their way to the East, the terrible forest of Mirkwood.

The dwarves listened and shook their beards, for they knew that they must soon venture into that forest and that after the mountains it was the worst of the perils they had to pass before they came to the dragon’s stronghold. When dinner was over they began to tell tales of their own, but Beorn seemed to be growing drowsy and paid little heed to them. They spoke most of gold and silver and jewels and the making of things by smith-craft, and Beorn did not appear to care for such things: there were no things of gold or silver in his hall, and few save the knives were made of metal at all.


They sat long at the table (они долго сидели за столом; to sit (sat) — сидеть) with their wooden drinking-bowls filled with mead (их деревянные чаши для питья были наполнены медом / напиток /). The dark night came on outside (снаружи наступила темная ночь). The fires in the middle of the hall (костер в середине зала) were built with fresh logs (был подкреплен новым поленьями: «бревнами»; to build — строить, сооружать; разводить /костер/) and the torches were put out (и факелы были погашены), and still they sat in the light of the dancing flames (а они все сидели в свете танцующего пламени) with the pillars of the house standing tall behind them (и колоны дома высились: «стояли высоко» за ними), and dark at the top like trees of the forest (совершенно темные у верхушек, совершенно как деревья в лесу). Whether it was magic or not (было ли это волшебством или нет), it seemed to Bilbo (но Бильбо казалось) that he heard a sound like wind in the branches (что он слышит звук, подобный ветру, меж ветвей) stirring in the rafters (шевеливший /листву/ в стропилах), and the hoot of owls (и уханье совы). Soon he began to nod with sleep (вскоре он начал клевать носом во сне; to nod — кивать головой, дремать) and the voices seemed to grow far away (и голоса, казалось, удалялись: «становились очень далекими»), until he woke with a start (до тех пор, пока он не проснулся, вздрогнув; start — вздрагивание; толчок). The great door had creaked and slammed (огромная дверь скрипнула и захлопнулась). Beorn was gone (Беорн ушел). The dwarves were sitting cross-legged on the floor (гномы сидели, скрестив ноги, на полу; cross — крест) round the fire (вокруг костра), and presently they began to sing (и вскоре они начали петь). Some of the verses were like this (некоторые из куплетов: «стихов» были похожи на эти), but there were many more (но их было гораздо больше), and their singing went on for a long while (и их пение продолжалось довольно долгое время):


mead [mi:d] creak [kri:k] slam [slxm] cross-legged ["krOs'legd]


They sat long at the table with their wooden drinking-bowls filled with mead. The dark night came on outside. The fires in the middle of the hall were built with fresh logs and the torches were put out, and still they sat in the light of the dancing flames with the pillars of the house standing tall behind them, and dark at the top like trees of the forest. Whether it was magic or not, it seemed to Bilbo that he heard a sound like wind in the branches stirring in the rafters, and the hoot of owls. Soon he began to nod with sleep and the voices seemed to grow far away, until he woke with a start. The great door had creaked and slammed. Beorn was gone. The dwarves were sitting cross-legged on the floor round the fire, and presently they began to sing. Some of the verses were like this, but there were many more, and their singing went on for a long while:


The wind was on the withered heath (над иссохшей пустошью поднялся: «был» ветер),

but in the forest stirred no leaf (но в лесу не шелохнулся ни один листок;

to stir — шевелить(ся), двигать(ся)):

there shadows lay by night and day (там тени лежали и ночью и днем; to lie (lay; lain) — лежать, расположиться, залечь),

and dark things silent crept beneath (и темные существа бесшумно ползали внизу; to creep (crept) — ползать, красться).


The wind came down from mountains cold (ветер спустился с холодных гор),

and like a tide it roared and rolled (и, как прилив, он рычал и катился);

the branches groaned (ветви стонали; to groan — стонать, тяжело вздыхать, охать, ворчать), the forest moaned (и лес стенал; to moan — стонать, /поэт./ оплакивать, жаловаться),

and leaves were laid upon the mould (и листья легли: «были положены» на /рыхлую/ землю; mould — плесень; рыхлая земля).


The wind went on from West to East (ветер продолжал дуть с Запада на Восток);

all movement in the forest ceased (все движения в лесу прекратились),

but shrill and harsh across the marsh (но пронзительные и резкие, над болотом; across — через, по, поперек)

its whistling voices were released (его шепчущие голоса освободились: «были освобождены»).


The grasses hissed, their tassels bent (травы зашипели, их кисточки согнулись),

the reeds were rattling (камыш шумел; to rattle — трещать, грохотать) — on it went (продолжал /ветер/ дуть: «шел дальше»)

over shaken pool (над растревоженным омутом; to shake — трясти, дрожать)

under heavens cool (под холодными небесами; cool — прохладный)

where racing clouds were torn and rent (где бегущие облака были порваны и разодраны; to rend — разрывать, раздирать).


It passed the lonely Mountain bare (он миновал голую одинокую Гору)

and swept above the dragon’s lair (и пронесся над логовом дракона):

there black and dark lay boulders stark (там, черные и темные, лежали нагие валуны)

and flying smoke was in the air (и развевающийся дым стоял в воздухе).


It left the world and took its flight (он покинул этот мир и полетел; flight — полет, перелет)

over the wide seas of the night (над просторными морями ночи).

The moon set sail upon the gale (луна поплыла: «поставила парус» по сильному ветру; gale — шторм; буря; ветер от 7 до 10 баллов /порыв, движущийся со скоростью от 51 до 100 километров в час/),

and stars were fanned to leaping light (и звезды раздулись: «были раздуты» в блуждающие: «прыгающие» огоньки; to fan — обмахивать, раздувать).


withered ['wIDqd] heath [hi:T] lair [leq]



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