Write a short summary giving some ideas of how to carry out the evaluation of employee performance. 

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Write a short summary giving some ideas of how to carry out the evaluation of employee performance.



Вопросыкзачету 1. What is Public Administration? 1) What is public administration? Have you ever been in contact with public administration? 2) What institutions are involved in public administration? 3) What qualities should a public administrator possess? 4) How does a system based on personal preferment function? Modern administrative system is based on objective norms rather than on favouritism. What are these objective 2. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1) Why may our society be labeled as the "administered society"? 2) Why is public administration said to be not as showy as other kinds of politics? 3) Why was the system of the ancient empires called "the system of favouritism and patronage"? 4) Why is bureaucracy thought to be immortal? 3. Business Management and Public Administration 1) What principles were worked out in the studies of the 1880s? 2) What was seen as the model for the proper management of government? 3) What does management of all organisations involve? 4) What made scholars distinguish between business and public administration? 5) What is the difference between the two terms – business administration and public administration? 6) What was early public administration marked by? 7) What method was borrowed from business schools and applied to public administration? 4. Theory of Public Administration 1) What does the theory of public administration as an interdisciplinary subject take into account? 2) What do the terms public and private convey to the general public? 3) What is a dominant form of administration? 4) What can be done to motivate employees? 5) What should each employee be provided with? 6) What are the main principles according to which employees are hired and promoted? 7) What dilemma do both public and private organizations have? 8) What do individuals bring to organizations? 9) What are the participants of public administration? 10) What are the tangible dimensions of an organization?  
5. Public Administration Personnel: Role-types 11) What helps to identify rights and obligations of each employee? 12) What may become a source of stress and overload? 13) What are the most common five role-types in public organizations? 14) What do political appointees do? What do elected officials do? 15) What are desktop administrators? 16) What is the third major role-type in public organisations? 17) What is the work of street-level bureaucrats? 18) What is an important difference between public and private organisations?
6. Personnel Administration: Staffing and Training the Agency 1) Why were merit systems designed? 2) In what way do organizations attract especially competent applicants? 3) Why did the recruiting pattern change? 4) What is an unassembled examination? 5) What examination is intended to select candidates for federal government careers? 6) How is the final choice in selecting an employee made? 7) Only few employees are dismissed during a probationary period, aren't they? Why? 8) What does the evaluation of performance protect employees from?
6. Decision-making 11) Why are most important decisions non-decisions? 12) Why can inaction have as important consequences as those resulting from action?
7.Write your own CV . Литература:   1. Князев С.Н.Управление: Искусство, наука, практика: Учеб.пособие. – Мн.: Армита – Маркетинг – Менеджмент, 2002. 2. Мескон М.Х., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф.Основы менеджмента: Пер. с англ. М.: Дело,1996. 3. Behn, Robert D. Leadership Counts. Lessons for Public Managers from Massachusetts Welfare, Training and Employment Program. Harvard University Press, 1991. 4. Hill, Larry B. and Hebert, F.Ted. Essentials of Public Administration: A Text with Readings. – Massachusetts: Duxbury Press, 1979. 5. Introduction to Comparative Government. Michael Curtis, general editor. – 4th ed. - Longman: 1997. 6. Palumbo, Dennis and Maynard-Moody, Steven. Contemporary Public Administration. – Longman, 1991. 7. Rethinking Public Administration: An Overview.United Nations publication: New York, 1998. 8. Rosenbloom, David H. Public Administration. Understanding Management, Politics, and Law in the Public Sector. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993. 9. Английский язык для студентов государственногоуправле-ния. В двухчастях. Часть1 English for Public Administration Students. Intwoparts. Part.Учебное пособиедля студентов высших учебных заведений(на английском языке)Под редакцией дфилол. н., профессора Л.М. Лещёвой   Dictionaries 1. Толковый словарь современного английского языка для продвинутого этапа. СпециальноеизданиедляСССР. Т.I, II (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English).—Москва: Русскийязык – Oxford: OUP, 1982. 2. ABBYY ‘Lingvo 9 многоязычный’. Электронный словарь. 3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Longman, 1986. 4. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. – A Merriam-Webster: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, 1986.  



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