Ответственные лица за мероприятия фестиваля 

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Ответственные лица за мероприятия фестиваля

«Буха ноёной Ехэ Тайлган»

Мероприятия Ответственные
1. Тайлган Игнашкеев А.П.
2. Подготовка мест приема Зайганов А.Г.
3. Спортивные соревнования Данзанов Г.Г.
4. Концерт артистов (сел Далахай, Торы, Шулуты) Шобосоева С.С. Заведующие сельскими клубами сел.
5. Ёохор вокруг костра Мадыева Е.Д.
6. Научно-практическая конференция Шагдурова О.А.
7. Фотографирование Пирогов А.А.
8.Заявки участников и зрителей Турбянов Б.Б.







Goals and objectives of the festival

Main goal: to attract people's attention to the problem of spiritual survival as a creative use of the forces of the world without its destroying.


- Preservation, study and development of traditional national cultures: customs, beliefs, myths, legends; cultural, religious, language, song and dance traditions, historical records and family trees;

- Study of the cultural code as a specific model of national culture in the context of global processes of intercultural dialogue and spiritual unity of peoples on the planet;

- Preservation of a unique monument of nature "Bukha Noyon" and other sacred places of Buryatia for the purpose of improvement and interaction with energies of these places;

- Involving young people, awakening their social activity, creativity, responsibility for preservation of their homeland;

- Conducting art therapy as a way of learning the ancient health-saving technologies and national sports;

- Scientific analysis of traditional cultures at the present stage on the materials of the festival "Bukha Noyon’s Ekhe Tailgan".


Status of the festival, founders and organizers of the festival


2.1. The founders of the festival are: the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, the State autonomous cultural institution of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia "The Buryat National Song and Dance Theatre "Baikal", the administration of rural settlement "Dalakhay" of the Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia, the non-governmental organization "Charity Fund "Bukha Noyon", Interregional non-governmental movement "All Buryat association of culture development".

2.2. The founders of the scientific-practical conference "Wildlife - live nomadic culture" are the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the East-Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts.

2.3. The festival and the scientific-practical conference are carried out within the International project "Tree of Culture" (Russia, Mongolia and South Korea).

2.4. The founders of the festival and conference have the right to:

• disseminate information on the goals, objectives and program of the festival among enterprises, institutions and organizations at the municipal, republican, regional and international level in order to attract associations and groups for participation in the festival;

• promote their activities within the framework of the festival events (according to the current legislation); recommend their representatives to be the members of the organizing committee, the directorate, the jury; attend all festival events; establish prizes; give awards to winners; provide further support to groups and creative associations, etc.


Date and venue of the festival


The festival is held from 13th to 15th June 2014 in the village Dalakhay (Taharkhay area) of the Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia in accordance with the festival program.



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