After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

8. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: 1. недостатній потік крові 2. супроводжувати важкі травми 3. брак кисню в тканинах тіла 4. синюшність губ та кінчиків пальців 5. значна втрата рідини 6. підвищити кров’яний тиск 7. несприятливий прогноз 8. невідкладна допомога 9. виявити причину 10. пошкодження органів II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What kind of medical condition is shock? 2. What are the symptoms of shock? 3. How many types of shock are there? 4. What is the cause of septic shock? 5. What is a common treatment for shock?   IV. Розкрийте поняття терміну:шок

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

adenoma, n [ædi 'nəumə] аденома
benign, adj [bi 'nain] доброякісний
cancerous, adj ['kænsərəs] раковий
chemotherapy, n [ki:mə 'θerəpɪ] хіміотерапія
cryotherapy, n [kraɪəʊ 'θerəpɪ] кріотерапія(лікування холодом)
curettage, n [kjʊərɪ 'tɑ:ʒ('retidʒ)] кюретаж, вискоблювання
dermabrasion, n [dɜ:mə'breɪʒən] видалення дерми
electodesiccation, n [desɪ'keiʃəin] фульгурация (висушування струмом)
fibroid, n ['faibrɔid] фіброзна пухлина
hemangioma, n [hi:mənʤi 'əʊmə] гемангіома, судинний невус
ischaemia, n [i'ski:miə] місцеве недокрів’я
leiomyoma, n [leiˎəʊmai'əʊmə] лейоміома (з гладкої м’язової тканинин)
malignant, adj [mə 'lignənt] злоякісний
mole, n ['məʊl] родимка
nevus, n ['ni:vəs] невус, родимка
polypus, n ['pɒlipəs] поліп
sclerotherapy, n [sklɪərəʊ'θerəpɪ] склеротерапія(розширення вен)
sheath, n [ 'ʃi:θ] оболонка
uterine, adj ['ju:tərain] утробний
verruca, n ['və'rukə] бородавка


Exercise 2. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements:

Benign tumours are often referred to the terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the tumour originated and a suffix such as – oma (but not -carcinoma, -sarcoma, or -blastoma which are generally cancers). Common prefixes include:

Adeno -(gland)

Chondro -(cartilage)

Erythro - (red blood cell)

Hemangio - (blood vessels)

Hepato - (liver)

Lipo - (fat)

Lympho - (white blood cell)

Melano - (pigment cell)

Myelo -(bone marrow)

Myo - (muscle)

Osteo - (bone)

Uro - (bladder)

Retino - (eye)

Neuro - (brain)


Exercise 3. Find the continuations to complete the following sentences. Read and translate into Ukrainian:

1. Fibroma…

2. Melanoma…

3. Osteoma…

4. Adenoma…

5. Rhabdomyoma…

6. Chondroma…

7. Seminoma…

8. Chondroma…

9. Lipoma…

10. Teratoma…


a) … is a benign tumour of cartilage-forming cells.

b) … are benign tumours of gland-forming cells.

c) … contain many cell types such as skin, nerve, brain and thyroid.

d) … is a tumour of pigmented skin cells.

e) ….is a tumour of male reproductive cells.

f) … is a benign tumour derived from fibrous connective tissue.

g) … is a benign tumour of striated muscle.

h) … is a common benign tumour composed of fatty tissue.

i) … is a benign cartilaginous growth or neoplasm.

j) … is a benign tumour composed of bone or bonelike tissue.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word – combinations:

A benign tumor; a mass of cells; the ability to invade; to be defined as; a slower growth rate; an outer surface; fibrous sheath; uterine fibroids; to produce negative health effects; to cause nerve damage; an enclosed space; overproduce certain hormones; adrenocortical adenomas; a process known as tumour progression; the most effective approach; to shrink blood vessels; to cut off the blood supply; not life-threatening; cosmetic concerns; do not respond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy; under certain circumstances

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


A benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize. These characteristics are required for a tumor to be defined as cancerous and therefore benign tumors are non-cancerous. Also, benign tumors generally have a slower growth rate than malignant tumors and the tumor cells are usually more differentiated (cells have normal features). Benign tumors are typically surrounded by an outer surface (fibrous sheath of connective tissue) or remain with the epithelium. Common examples of benign tumors include moles, nevi, warts, birthmarks, polypi and uterine fibroids (leiomyomas).

Although benign tumors will not metastasize or locally invade tissues, some types may still produce negative health effects. The growth of benign tumors produce a "mass effect" that can compress tissues and may cause nerve damage, reduction of blood to an area of the body (ischaemia), tissue death (necrosis) and organ damage. The mass effects of tumors are more prominent if the tumor is within an enclosed space such as the cranium, respiratory tract, sinus or inside bones. Tumors of endocrine tissues may overproduce certain hormones, especially when the cells are well differentiated. Examples include thyroid and adrenocortical adenomas.

Although most benign tumors are not life-threatening, many types of benign tumors have the potential to become cancerous (malignant) through a process known as tumor progression. For this reason and other possible negative health effects, some benign tumors are removed by surgery.

Some benign tumors need no treatment; others may be removed if they cause problems such as seizures, discomfort or cosmetic concerns. Surgery is usually the most effective approach and is used to treat most benign tumors. In some case other treatments may be of use. Adenomas of the rectum may be treated with sclerotherapy, a treatment in which chemicals are used to shrink blood vessels in order to cut off the blood supply. Most benign tumors do not respond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy, although there are exceptions; benign intracranial tumors are sometimes treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy under certain circumstances. Radiation can also be used to treat hemangiomas in the rectum. Benign skin tumors are usually surgically dissected but other treatments such as cryotherapy, curettage, electrodesiccation, laser therapy, dermabrasion, chemical peeling and topical medication are used.

To prevent the development of any tumors we should undergo systematic screening in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are common screening methods for various tumors.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What tumor lacks the ability to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize?

2. What is the main difference between benign and malignant tumors?

3. What are the most common examples of benign tumors?

4. What effect may the growth of benign tumors produce?

5. In what cases are the mass effects of tumors more prominent?

6. What process is known as tumor progression?

7. What is the most effective approach in treating benign tumors?

8. In what cases may sclerotherapy be used?

9. What benign tumors are sometimes treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy?

10. What are the common screening methods for various tumors?


Exercise 7. Give adjectives to the following nouns. Translate into Ukrainian. Make up the sentences of your own:

Model: Cancer – cancerous

Chemistry, therapy, surgery, health, hormone, cranium, respiration, connection, fiber, efficacy, malignancy, cell, lymph, gland, immunity, genetics, electricity, presence, absence, testicle, muscle, uterus, diagnosis, nerve, system, vessel.

Exercise 8. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. birthmark a) is a small vascularized growth arising from the surface of a mucous membrane, having a rounded base or a stalklike (stem) projection (prominence).
2. wart (verruca) b) is a nonmalignant collection of pigmented cells in the skin being flat or raised, smooth or hairy
3. uterine fibroid (leiomyoma) c) is any congenital growth or pigmented blemish (defect) on the skin; birthmark or mole.
4. mole d) is any firm abnormal elevation of the skin caused by a virus.
5. naevus e) is a benign tumour, composed of fibrous and muscular tissue, occurring in the wall of the uterus and often causing heavy menstruation.
6. polypus f) is a blemish or new growth on skin formed before birth, usually brown or dark red.

Exercise 9. Match the following procedures used in treatment of tumors with their definitions:

a) cryotherapy b) chemotherapy c) curettage d) radiotherapy e) surgery f) electrodesiccation (fulguration) g) dermabrasion h) laser therapy 1. the treatment of tumors by penetrating radiation such as X-rays, beta or gamma rays produced by radioactive isotopes. 2. the branch of medicine concerned with treating disease, injuries by means of manual or operative procedures by incision into the body; 3. treatment of disease, especially cancer, by means of chemical agents; 4. medical treatment in which all or part of the body is subjected to cold temperatures, as by means of ice packs; 5. the scrapping of the skin or internal surface of an organ or body cavity by means of a spoon-shaped instrument(curette) usually to remove diseased tissue or to obtain a specimen for diagnostic purposes; 6. the destruction of tissue (warts, growths, nevi) by means of high-frequency diathermy (local heating of the body tissues with an electric current for medical or surgical purposes) instrument; 7. a procedure in cosmetic surgery in which rough facial skin is removed by scrubbing; 8. treatment with a thin beam of any electromagnetic radiation, such as infrared or microwave radiation


Exercise 10. Complete the word combinations using the following expression. Read and translate them. Use given expression in the sentences of your own:

In order to …

to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize.

to be defined as cancerous.

to compress tissues and cause nerve damage.

to overproduce certain hormones.

to become cancerous (malignant) through a process known as tumor progression.

to shrink blood vessels to cut off the blood supply.

to respond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

to prevent the development of any tumors

to undergo systematic screening.


Exercise 11. Complete the case history with the prepositions from the box below. Translate into Ukrainian:


of; in; in; for; to; to


Following 3 weeks… unexplained morning headaches, M.K., a 42-year old man, went …his local doctor. He had no vomiting or nausea, no seizures, simply headaches. His local doctor found M.K. to have a normal neurological exam, but ordered a plain CT head scan. This showed a 4 cm diameter lesion or mass located … the right hemisphere, … the frontal lobe, and there appeared to be mild swelling or “shift” associated with it. To better define the lesion, M.K.’s doctor ordered a brain MRI, with and without contrast. This study showed the lesion in better detail. The lesion only very faintly took up the contrast agent, was round overall with some irregular margins, and appeared to be a solid mass. The radiologist suspected this was a primary brain tumor, most likely a glioma such as an astrocytoma. M.K. was given a prescription … oral steroid to assist in reducing the brain swelling, and expeditiously referred … a neurosurgeon.


Exercise 12. Put the questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:

Case History

A 15-year-old boy was presented to Apollo Cancer Hospital with complaints of neck pain, tingling sensation and weakness of upper limbs for the past 2 weeks. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain and MR angiogram showed an expansile(dilatable) mass in the left cerebellopontine (CP) region. The patient was diagnosed with haemangioblastoma.

Craniotomy was planned as management measure. During the surgery, surgeons found that tumour was highly vascularised, adherent to medulla hence further surgical intervention was not done and patient was referred for CyberKnife.

The patient was treated with CyberKnife at a total dosage of 21Gy in three fractions (7 Gy/Fr) to the target. The patient tolerated the treatment well. A significant improvement in the clinical symptoms and a significant decrease in the contrast-enhancing solid mass were observed at third month following the treatment. Currently, the patient is doing well and is on regular follow-up.


Optic nerve sheath meningiomas are benign tumours that arise from the optic nerve sheath and are surrounded by numerous critical structures. Fractionated radiation therapy with CyberKnife provides highly conformal dose distribution in these critically located tumours.


Exercise 13. Open the brackets and translate the case history into Ukrainian:

Case History

At the age of 16, Kelly Lee (to involve) in a motor vehicle accident. She not (to wear) a seatbelt and (to eject) from the overturned vehicle. Fortunately, ground and air paramedics (to get) to her soon after the accident. She (to be) unconscious at the scene but breathing, had obvious head and limb injuries, and was intubated for her helicopter flight back to the hospital.

The ER (Emergency Room) was alerted about her condition en route, and the full Trauma Team (to mobilize) for her arrival. A general surgeon, ER specialist, orthopedic surgeon, and neurosurgeon rapidly (to assess) her top to toe upon her arrival, and the usual blood tests and imaging studies rapidly (to carry) out. Despite having sustained several rib fractures, a broken arm and leg, moderate lung injuries and a small laceration of her liver, her spine CT (increased intracranial pressure) (to show) no fracture or dislocation. Her head CT (to show) a small blood clot on the surface of her brain, a few areas of brain tissue bruising, a nondisplaced skull fracture, some brain swelling, but no major life-threatening brain injury. She (to take) to the trauma ICU (intensive care unit), however, the surgeons elected to place * EVD in the right side of K.L.’s brain to allow her ICP to be monitored and treated as needed. This was because her neurological exam was unreliable owing to the sedatives and muscle relaxants she had on board, and also because the orthopedic surgeons would need to take K.L. to the OR (operating room) for her fractures. Having an EVD in place would (to provide) some degree of monitoring for K.L.’s brain throughout the orthopedic procedure. Emergency consent for the EVD placement (to obtain) by two of the neurosurgeons in the absence of any relatives or other contacts.

* An external ventricular drain (EVD is a device used in neurosurgery that relieves raised intracranial pressure.

Exercise 14. Translate into English and make up the sentences of your own:

Доброякісна пухлина; здібність метастазуватися; характерна риса; волокниста оболонка сполучної тканини; викликати негетивну дію на здоров’я; ріст доброякісної пухлини; бути причиною пошкодження органа; некроз тканини; всередині кісток: пухлина, що загрожує життю; видаляти за допомогою оперативного втручання; найбільш ефективні методи лікування; реагувати на хіміотерапію та променеву терапію; підлягати систематичному обстеженню

Exercise 15. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term «доброякісні пухлини»:

1. Radiation, chemotherapy and surgery are the most effective approaches in treating many benign tumors.

2. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are the most common screening methods for various tumors.

3. Benign tumors are typically surrounded by an outer surface (fibrous sheath of connective tissue) or remain with the epithelium.

4. A "mass effect" due to the growth of benign tumors may cause nerve damage, ischemia, tissue death and organ damage.

5. A benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize.


Exercise 16. Translate into English using active vocabulary:

1. Доброякісна пухлина - це новоутворення, патологічний процес, зумовлений обмежено-неконтрольованим розмноженням клітин, без ознак інвазії та метастазування.

2. Великі за розмірами доброякісні пухлини теж можуть порушувати критично функції організму, та навіть приводять до смерті та можуть трансформуватись у злоякісні пухлини (малігнізація).

3. Деякі доброякісні пухлини (наприклад аденома простати) розглядаються як передракові стани.

4. Доброякісні пухлини характерезуються повільним ростом, при цьому без проростання у сусідні тканини (експанисивний ріст), в більшості випадків обмежені капсулою.

5. При пальпації мають гладку поверхню, не болять, легко зміщуються, не метастазують.

6. Доброякісна пухлина може розвинутися з будь-якої тканини.

7. В залежності від її типу розрізняють види пухлин:епітеліоми - розвиваються з плоского і циліндричного епітелію та утворюються на шкірі і слизових оболонках та аденоми - розвиваються із залозистого епітелію. Можуть виникати в будь-якому органі, де є залозистий епітелій.

8. Основні види лікування доброякісних пухлин - це оперативний чи консервативний.

9. Оперативний метод лікування передбачає проведення хірургічного втручання з метою повного видалення пухлини. Особливо попопулярною методою видалення поверхневих доброякісних пухлин стала кріодеструкція.

10. Консервативний метод лікування передбачає застосування хімічних речовин — лікувальних засобів.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: 1. здібність метастазуватися 2. волокниста оболонка сполучної тканини 3. ріст доброякісної пухлини 4. пухлина, що загрожує життю 5. видаляти за допомогою оперативного втручання 6. найбільш ефективні методи лікування 7. реагувати на хіміотерапію та променеву терапію 8. підлягати систематичному обстеженню 9. викликати негетивну дію на здоров’я 10.бути причиною пошкодження органа II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: 1. What tumor lacks the ability to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize? 2. What is the main difference between benign and malignant tumors? 3. What consequences may a “mass effect” due to the growth of benign tumors produce? 4. What are the most effective approaches in treating benign tumors? 5. What are the most common screening methods for various tumors?   III. Розкрийте поняття:доброякісні пухлини



1. A benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability …. neighboring tissue or metastasize.

a)invades b)invade c)to invade d)invaded e)invading

2. Also, benign tumors generally have a … growth rate than malignant tumors.

a) slower b) slow c) slowest d) more slow e) the most slowest

3. Benign tumors are typically surrounded … an outer surface or remain with the epithelium.

a) by b) on c) for d) from e) out

4. Although benign tumors will not metastasize or locally invade tissues, some types may still … negative health effects.

a) reduce b) reveal c) develop d) produce e) confuse

5. Many types of benign tumors have the potential to become cancerous (malignant) through a process known as ….

a) tumour regression b) tumour collection c) tumour reduction

d) tumour pressure e) tuour progression

6. … is usually the most effective approach and is used to treat most benign tumors.

a) therapy b) surgery c) cryotheraty d) radiation e) chemotherapy

7. To prevent the development of any tumors we should undergo systematic … in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible.

a) enquiring b) monitoring c) X-ray examining

d) screening e) imagining

8. The scrapping of the skin or internal surface of an organ or body cavity by means of a spoon-shaped instrument(curette) usually to remove diseased tissue or to obtain a specimen for diagnostic purposes is called as ….

a) massage b) visage c) curettage d) heritage e) collage

9. A blemish or new growth on skin formed before birth, usually brown or dark red is called as ….

a) wart b) verruca c) nevus d) birthmark e) acne

10. Adenomas of the rectum may be treated with …, a treatment in which chemicals are used to shrink blood vessels in order to cut off the blood supply.

a) chemotherapy b) cryotheraty c) thermotherapy

d) sclerotherapy e) radiotherapy




Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary:

neoplasm, n ['niəuplæsm] неоплазма, новоутворення
cancerous, adj ['kænsərəs] раковий
malignant, adj [mə 'lignənt] злоякісний
benign, adj [bi 'nain] доброякісний
carcinoma, n [ka:si 'n əumə] ракове новоутворення, карцинома
sarcoma, n [sa:'k əumə] саркома
lymphoma, n [lim 'f əumə] лімфома
leukemia, n [lu 'ki:miə] лейкемія
adenoma, n [adi 'nəumə] аденома
pollutant, n [pə 'lu:tənt] забруднююча речовина
hereditary, adj [hi 'reditəri] спадковий
chemotherapy, n [ki:mə 'θerəpi] хіміотерапія
likelihood, n ['laiklihud] ймовірність, вірогідність
current, n ['kʌrənt] дійсний
approximately, adj [ə'proksimətli] приблизно
quit, v ['kwit] кидати
irregularity, n [i'regju 'læriti ] відхилення від норми
testicular, adj [te'stikjulə] тестикулярний, що відноситься до яєчка
smear, n [smiə] мазок
X-rays (pl.), n ['eks-reis] рентгенівське проміння

Exercise 2. Read the word combinations and sentences with the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Hereditary: a hereditary disease; a hereditary trait; hereditary collagen dysplasia; hereditary defect; hereditary melanoma; hereditary thrombopathias. The environment may affect the degree to which a hereditary trait develops. Organisms can transmit some hereditary conditions to their offspring even if the parents do not show the trait.

Irregularity: treatment for menstrual irregularities; irregular heartbeat; irregularities in some areas of the brain.

Malignant: malignant edema; malignant adenoma; malignant bone cyst; malignancy of male reproductive system. This malignant disease, more fatal than the smallpox, broke out among the soldiers and sailors, and destroyed the greater part of them.

Chemotherapy: chemotherapy drugs; adjuvant chemotherapy; oral chemotherapy; intravenous (IV) chemotherapy; topical chemotherapy; intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is used to slow the growth of cancer cells or to keep the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.


Exercise 3. Find corresponding equivalents:

1. malignant neoplasm 2. non-cancerous tumors 3. pollutants of environment 4. hereditary disease 5. X-ray examination 6. to quit smoking 7. in the current year 8. to examine smear 9. in all likelihood 10. testicular self-examination 11. the likelihood of cancer 12. to detect irregularities   1. в поточному році 2. виявляти відхилення від норми 3. злоякісні новоутворення 4. неракові пухлини 5. забруднювачі навколишнього середовища 6. спадкова хвороба 7. рентгененологічне обстеження 8. кинути палити 9. вивчати мазок 10. тестикулярна самоперевірка 11. вірогідність захворювання раком 12. цілком ймовірно


Exercise 4. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. imaging a).... in medicine, is used to identify an unrecognized disease in individuals without signs or symptoms. Screening interventions are designed (предназначать) to identify disease in a community early, thus enabling earlier intervention and management in the hope to reduce mortality and suffering from a disease.
2. screening, b) In medicine,... is the observation of a disease, condition or one or several medical parameters by using a medical monitor over time (через некоторое время).
3. monitoring c) Medical … is the technique and process used to create images of the human body or parts and their function for clinical purposes or medical science (including the study of normal anatomy and physiology). Among them are: Ultrasound Imaging, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Medical X-rays, such as: Radiography (рентгенография), CT (Computed Tomography), Fluoroscopy (рентгеноскопия), Mammography.


Exercise 5. Give adjectives to the following nouns. Translate into Ukrainian:

Model: Cancer - cancerous

1. cancer 2. medicine 3. malignancy 4. cell 5. distance 6. lymph 7. blood 8. difference 9. presence 10. absence 11. lung 12. bone 13. cartilage 14. muscle   15. gland 16. environment 17. genetics 18. immunity 19. heredity 20. obesity 21. microscopy 22. possibility 23. testicle 24. currency 25. mouth 26. liver 27. connection 28. support  


Exercise 6. Translate the word combinations into your language:

A malignant neoplasm; unregulated cell growth; to grow uncontrollably; to invade nearby parts of the body; spread to more distant parts of the body; through the lymphatic system or bloodstream; supportive tissues; benign tumors; to be non-cancerous; life- threatening; in the bone marrow; to afflict the human; environmental pollutants; existing genetic faults; faults within cells; to be entirely hereditary; screening tests; medical imaging; the likelihood of developing cancer; a current tobacco user; Breast self-examination; Pap smears; immune system tissue; the pituitary gland; approximately five to ten percent.

Exercise 6. Read and translate:


Cancer, by definition, is a disease of the genes. A gene is a small part of DNA, which is the master molecule of the cell. Genes make "proteins," which are the ultimate workhorses of the cells. It is these proteins that allow our bodies to carry out all the many processes that permit us to breathe, think, move, etc.

Throughout people's lives, the cells in their bodies are growing, dividing, and replacing themselves. Many genes produce proteins that are involved in controlling the processes of cell growth and division. An alteration (mutation) to the DNA molecule can disrupt the genes and produce faulty proteins. This causes the cell to become abnormal and lose its restraints on growth. The abnormal cell begins to divide uncontrollably and eventually forms a new growth known as a "tumor" or neoplasm (medical term for cancer meaning "new growth").

In a healthy individual, the immune system can recognize the neoplastic cells and destroy them before they get a chance to divide. However, some mutant cells may escape immune detection and survive to become tumors or cancers.

Cancer, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream.

There are over 200 different known cancers that afflict human the most of them may be classified into five broad groups:

Carcinomas are characterized by cells that cover internal and external parts of the body such as lung, breast, and colon cancer.

Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscle, and other supportive tissues.

Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues.

Leukemias are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream.

Adenomas are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues.

Pay attention to the following seven symptoms as possible warning signals of cancer: changes in the size, color, or shape of a wart or a mole; a sore that does not heal; persistent cough, hoarseness, or sore throat; a lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere; unusual bleeding or discharge; chronic indigestion or difficulty in swallowing; any change in bowel or bladder habits.

Many other diseases, besides cancer, could produce the same symptoms.However, it is important to have these symptoms checked, as soon as possible, especially if they linger. The earlier a cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the chance of it being cured.

Determining what causes cancer is complex. Many things are known to increase the risk of cancer, including tobacco use, certain infections, radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants. These can directly damage genes or combine with existing genetic faults within cells to cause the disease. Approximately five to ten percent of cancers are entirely hereditary.

Cancer can be detected in a number of ways, including the presence of certain signs and symptoms, screening tests, or medical imaging. Once a possible cancer is detected it is diagnosed by microscopic examination of a tissue sample. Cancer is usually treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.

Most people don't realize that cancer is preventable in many cases. Learning what causes cancer and what the risk factors are is the first step in cancer prevention. Many cancer risk factors can be avoided, thus reducing the likelihood of developing cancer.

Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the easiest to prevent. For example, choosing not to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol significantly lower the risk of several types of cancer - most notably lung, throat, mouth, and liver cancer. Even if you are a current tobacco user, quitting can still greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer.

The aim of cancer treatment is to remove all or as much of the tumor as possible and to prevent the recurrence or spread of the primary tumor.

The decision on which type of treatment is the most appropriate depends on the type and location of cancer, the extent to which it has already spread, the patient's age, sex, general health status and personal treatment preferences. The major types of treatment are: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and bone-marrow transplantation.

Some cancer prevention is based on systematic screening in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are common screening methods for various cancers.


Exercise 8. Answer the questions:

1. What disease is medically known as a malignant neoplasm?

2. How may the cancer usually spread to more distant parts of the body?

3. What tumors are considered to be non-cancerous?

4. What groups are the known cancers that afflict a human classified into?

5. What is known to increase the risk of cancer?

6. What faults within cells to cause the disease?

7. In what ways can cancer be detected?

8. What is cancer usually treated with?

9. What is considered to be the first step in cancer prevention?

10. What are the most common screening methods for various cancers?


Exercise 9. Choose the proper continuation on the right:

1. Carcinomas   2. Sarcomas   3. Lymphomas   4. Leukemias   5. Adenomas   a) are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues. b) are any malignant tumours derived from epithelial tissue. c) are tumours, usually benign, occurring in glandular tissue. d) are usually malignant tumours arising from connective tissue. e) are any acute or chronic diseases characterized by a gross proliferation of leucocytes, which crowd into the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes.


Exercise 10. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements:

*Cancers are often referred to by terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the cancer originated and a suffix such as -sarcoma, -carcinoma, or just -oma. Common prefixes include:

· Adeno- = gland

· Chondro- = cartilage

· Erythro- = red blood cell

· Hemangio- = blood vessels

· Hepato- = liver

· Lipo- = fat

· Lympho- = white blood cell

· Melano- = pigment cell

· Myelo- = bone marrow

· Myo- = muscle

· Osteo- = bone

· Uro- = bladder

· Retino- = eye

· Neuro- = brain


Exercise 11. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box. Translate into Ukrainian:

hepatoblastoma; neuroma; myoma; neuroblastoma; lipoma; osteoclastoma; retinoblastoma; neuroblastoma; chondroblastoma; melanoma; glioma


1. … any tumour composed of nerve tissue.

2. … a malignant tumour of the liver.

3. … a benign tumour composed of muscle tissue

4. … a tumor derived from chondroblasts having the appearance of a mass of well-differentiated cartilage.

5. … a common benign tumour composed of well- -differentiated fatty tissue.

6. … a malignant tumour composed of melanocytes, occurring esp. in the skin, often as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight.

7. … are tumours of bone caused by proliferation of osteoclast cells.

8. … a rare malignant tumour of the retina occurring in infants.

9. … a malignant tumour that derives from neuroblasts, occurring mainly in the adrenal gland.

10. … a tumour of the brain and spinal cord, composed of neuroglia (glia глия, нейроглия, нервная ткань) cells and fibres.


Exercise 12. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The chances of surviving the disease vary greatly by the type and location of the cancer and the extent of disease at the start of treatment.

2. While cancer can affect people of all ages, and a few types of cancer are more common in children, the risk of developing cancer generally increases with age.

3. In 2007, cancer caused about 13% of all human deaths worldwide (7.9 million).

4. Chemotherapy in addition to surgery has proven useful in a number of different cancer types including: breast cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, osteogenic sarcoma, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, and certain lung cancers.

5. The physician John Hill described tobacco snuff (нюхальний тютюн) as the cause of nose cancer in 1761.

6. After a diagnosis is made, doctors find out how far the cancer has spread and determine the stage of the cancer.

7. With the widespread use of the microscope in the 18th century, it was discovered that the 'cancer poison' spread from the primary tumor through the lymph nodes to other sites (" metastasis").

8. Skin cancer will be able to be prevented by staying in the shade, protecting yourself with a hat and shirt when in the sun, and using sunscreen.

Exercise 13. Complete the case history with the prepositions from the box below. Translate into Ukrainian:

of; in; in; for; to; to

Following 3 weeks… unexplained morning headaches, M.K., a 42-year old man, went …his local doctor. He had no vomiting or nausea, no seizures, simply headaches. His local doctor found M.K. to have a normal neurological exam, but ordered a plain CT head scan. This showed a 4 cm diameter lesion or mass located … the right hemisphere, … the frontal lobe, and there appeared to be mild swelling or “shift” associated with it. To better define the lesion, M.K.’s doctor ordered a brain MRI, with and without contrast. This study showed the lesion in better detail. The lesion only very faintly took up the contrast agent, was round overall with some irregular margins, and appeared to be a solid mass. The radiologist suspected this was a primary brain tumor, most likely a glioma (глиома- опухоль центральной нервной системы, происходящая из клеток нейроглии) such as an astrocytoma астроцитома (глиальная опухоль). M.K. was given a prescription … oral steroid to assist in reducing the brain swelling, and expeditiously referred … a neurosurgeon.


Exercise 14. Open the brackets and translate the case history into Ukrainian:

At the age of 16, Kelly Lee (to involve) in a motor vehicle accident. She not (to wear) a seatbelt and (to eject) from the overturned vehicle. Fortunately, ground and air paramedics (to get) to her soon after the accident. She (to be) unconscious at the scene but breathing, had obvious head and limb injuries, and was intubated for her helicopter flight back to the hospital. The ER (Emergency Room) was alerted about her condition en route, and the full Trauma Team (to mobilize) for her arrival. A general surgeon, ER specialist, orthopedic surgeon, and neurosurgeon rapidly (to assess) her top to toe upon her arrival, and the usual blood tests and imaging studies rapidly (to carry) out. Despite having sustained several rib fractures, a broken arm and leg, moderate lung injuries and a small laceration of her liver, her spine CT (increased intracranial pressure) (to show) no fracture or dislocation. Her head CT (to show) a small blood clot on the surface of her brain, a few areas of brain tissue bruising, a nondisplaced skull fracture, some brain swelling, but no major life-threatening brain injury. She (to take) to the trauma ICU (intensive care unit- отделение интенсивной терапии), however, the surgeons elected to place an* EVD (external ventricular drain) in the right side of K.L.’s brain to allow her ICP to be monitored and treated as needed. This was because her neurological exam was unreliable owing to the sedatives and muscle relaxants she had on board, and also because the orthopedic surgeons would need to take K.L. to the OR (operating room) операционная for her fractures. Having an EVD in place would (to provide) some degree of monitoring for K.L.’s brain throughout the orthopedic procedure. Emergency consent for the EVD placement (to obtain) by two of the neurosurgeons in the absence of any relatives or other contacts.


Exercise 15. Translate the following word combinations into English:

З медичної точки зору; лімфатична система та кровоток; поведінка; профілактика раку; загальний скринінг; перш за все; зменшувати шанси; виявити злоякісну пухлину; мазок Папаниколау; кидати курити; зменшувати ризик; тісно звязаний з поведінкою; ймовірність захворювання на рак; гістологічне дослідження; зразок тканини; медичне зображення; відсутність фізичної активності; вражати; забруднювачі навколишнього середовища; генетичні помилки (дефект, вада) в клітинах; небезпечний для життя; нерегульований ріст клітин; вражати (про хворобу); самостійне обстеження грудей; ожиріння; доброякісна неоплазма; залозиста тканина.


1. Cancer, known medically as …, is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth.

a) a benign neoplasm b) a malignant neoplasm c) a non-cancerous neoplasm d) a cancerous neoplasm e) a neoplasm


2. The cancer may also … more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream.

a) spreads to b) spread to c) to spread to

d) spreading to e) being spread to


3. There are over … different known cancers that afflict human the most of them may be classified into five broad groups.

a) 2 b) 20 c) 200 d) 202 e) 222


4. are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream.

a) sarcoma b) lymphoma c) leukemia d) leukemias e) adenoma


5. Many things are known …. the risk of cancer, including tobacco use, certain infections, radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants.

a) increase b) increasing c) to have increased

d) to be increased e) to increase


6. Approximately …. of cancers are entirely hereditary.

a) five to five percent b) five to twenty percent c) five to two percent

d) five to ten percent e) five to six percent


7. Most people don't realize that cancer is …. in many cases.

a) unpreventable b) preventable c) preventive

d) protective e) unpresentable


8. Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the … to prevent.

a) easiest b) the easiest c) easy d) easier e) the easyest


9. Some cancer prevention is based on systematic screening …. small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present.

a) in order to demonstrate b) in order to develop c) in order to damage

d) in order to delay e) in order to detect


10. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are …. for various cancers.

a) common screening methods b) common searching methods

c) common monitoring methods d) common researching methods

e) common imaging methods




Exercise 1. Topical vocabulary:

appropriate, adj [əˈprəʊpriət] відповідний
encounter, v [ɪnˈkaʊntə] зустрічати(ся)
fatiguability, n [fætɪgəˈbɪlɪtɪ] стомлюваність
formidable, adj [ˈfɔːmɪdəbəl] сильний, значний
inclined, adj [ˌɪnˈklaɪnd] схильний
indisposition, n [ˌɪndɪspəˈzɪʃən] легке нездужання
omit, v [əˈmɪt] пропускати
peculiarity, n [pikju:li'æriti] особливість
squeezing, adj [ˈskwiːzɪŋ] стискающий
throbbing, adj [ˈθrɒbɪŋ] пульсуючий
tinnitus, n [ˈtɪnɪtəs] шум у вухах
yawning, n [ˈjɔːnɪŋ] зівання


Exercise 2. Form the new nouns with the meaning “inflammation”:

Model: appendix – appendicitis

Retina, sinus, esophagus, parodont, meninges, pulp, bronchus, vagina, trachea, myocardium, nerve, gingiva, thyroid, mastoid, conjunctiva.


Exercise 3. Translate the word combinations:

A great value, the so-called vascular variant, chronic cardiac insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, disturbed brain circulation, brain vessels, infectious inflammatory processes, sensation of weakness, throbbing pain, pressing pain, squeezing pain, appropriate treatment, the brain matter and brain membranes, increased fatiguability, moderate headache, internal organs, insufficiency of brain circulation, prolonged attack, cervical radiculitis.


Exercise 4. Translate. Pay attention to the possible word combinations:

Pain: severe pain, pressing pain, throbbing pain, burning pain, squeezing pain, sensitive to pain, insensitive to pain, to cause pain, to accompany pain, to relieve pain, drugs for pain, pain-killers;

Pressure: blood pressure, arterial pressure, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, elevated blood pressure, to measure blood pressure, to control blood pressure, a wrist blood pressure monitor;

Moderate: moderate pain, a moderate headache, moderate leukocytosis, moderate elevation of temperature, moderate reduction of blood sugar, moderate enlargement of the liver


Exercise 5. Translate the names of diseases analyzing the word structure using the words in the box below:

Remember: medical terms ending in -itis indicate inflammatory diseases

Model: The term hepatitis consists of two parts: hepatic and –itis.

“Hepatic” means related to the liver, “–itis” means inflammation.

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver.

Pharyngitis, encephalitis, nephritis, myocarditis, bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, gingivitis, appendicitis, cyctitis, cholecyctitis


gallbladder, brain, myocardium, larynx, (urinary) bladder, gingival (gum), kidney, appendix, bronchus (bronchi), nose, pharynx

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participles:

1.The blood coming from the lungs is rich in oxygen.

2. The accompanying symptoms of the flu are high temperature, muscular pains and vomiting.

3. The count made a week ago was normal.

4. Scarlet fever is characterized by rash covering the whole trunk.

5. The excised mass measured 2 cm in diameter.

6. The patient operated on yesterday complained of a severe headache.

7. Being very ill, he couldn`t go to university.


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


Headache is one of the most frequent symptoms encountered in medical practice.

The great value in development of a headache is given to the vascular factor. The so-called vascular variant of a headache is observed in many vascular, cardiovascular diseases and pathological conditions, including migraine, hypertonic disease, arterial hypotension, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, disturbed brain circulation, acute and chronic cardiac insufficiency.

Other kind of a headache develops in pathological processes, primarily affection of sensitive receptors and nerves. It may include headache observed in pathological processes in the brain (a tumour, abscesses, hematomas and so on), in infectious inflammatory processes of the brain matter and brain membranes (encephalitis, meningitis, arachnoiditis), in cervical radiculitis, diseases of the nose, ears, eyes.

The third kind of a headache is caused basically by damage of muscles of the skull.

Character of a headache can be various. A throbbing or pressing headache localized in the area of the back of the head and accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, nausea (sometimes vomiting), "flash spots" before eyes on the background of high arterial pressure (it is most often observed in hypertonic crisis) are signs of a headache of this etiology. In a low level of arterial pressure, the headache in most cases is moderate, the most expressed in the mornings. It is often accompanied by sensation of weakness, indisposition, formidable yawning. Such patients are inclined to faints, they often complain of palpitation and increased fatiguability.

Headache is a frequent symptom of some acute and chronic diseases of internal organs, in particular diseases of the heart.

Some patients complain of squeezing headaches, dizziness in prolonged attack of stenocardia, in acute myocardial infarction. In some cases in the patients with acute myocardial infarction the headache is accompanied by losing of consciousness.

Complete medical, neurological and psychiatric examinations are sometimes necessary to get at the root of the trouble. The ophthalmoscopic examination must never be omitted when the symptom of headache is evaluated.

Treatment of a headache depends on underlying etiology or cause, but commonly involves analgesics.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of symptom is headache?

2. In what cardiovascular diseases is headache observed?

3. What other symptoms can headache be accompanied by?

4. What kinds of headache are there?

5. What kind of a headache do patients complain of in angina and acute myocardial infarction?

6. What examinations are necessary to understand the root of the trouble?

7. What examination must never be omitted when the symptom of a headache is evaluated?

8. How can a headache be treated?


Exercise 9. Agree or contradict the following statements:

1. The vascular factor of headache is observed in migraine, arterial hypertension and other diseases associated with damaged vessels.

2. There are no headaches in pathological processes in the brain.

3. The ophthalmoscopic examination should be excluded in evaluation of headache.

4. A complete history is essential in frequent headaches.

5. Headaches in myocardium infarction arise due to insufficiency of brain circulation.

6. In low arterial pressure the headache is the most expressed in the evening.

7. Headache is a rare sign in some acute and chronic diseases of inner organs.


Exercise 10. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. headache 2. throbbing 3. tinnitus 4. meningitis 5. migraine 6. hypotention 7. fartigue 8. yawning a) the decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, organ, or part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion; b) abnormally low arterial blood pressure; c) an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue; d) noise such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, heard in the ear without an external stimulus and having multiple causes including infection, trauma, and drugs; e) a severe headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, characterized by sharp pain and often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances; f) to beat rapidly or violently, as the heart; g)pain in the head, caused by dilation of cerebral arteries, muscle contraction, insufficient oxygen in the cerebral blood, reaction to drugs, etc.; h) inflammation of the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord, most often caused by a bacterial or viral infection.


Exercise 11. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Найчастіший симптом, чутливі рецептори, хронічна серцева недостатність, тривалий напад, відповідне лікування, оболонки мозку, запальний процес, серцево-судинні захворювання, шийний радикуліт, пульсуючий головний біль, запаморочення і шум у вухах, нудота та блювання, гіпертонічний криз, втрата свідомості, недостатність мозкового кровообігу, помірний головний біль, стискаючий головний біль.


Exercise 12. Put the special questions to the underlined words and words combinations:

1. Headache may be observed in pathological processes in the brain.

2. Headache due to low arterial pressure is often accompanied by weakness, formidable yawning and fatiguability.

3. The ophthalmoscopic examination must never be omitted when the symptom of headache is evaluated.

4. Some patients complain of squeezing headaches, dizziness.

5. Headache is accompanied by losing of consciousness.

6. Character of a headache can be various.

7. In the low level of arterial pressure the headache is moderate.

8. Chronic headaches are often associated with anxiety, depression, or a specific group of mental disorders known as somatoform disorders.


Exercise 13. Description of pain. It`s interesting to remember.

Patient`s description of pain: Explanation

Aching (an ache) a general pain,often in muscles and joints

Boring a drill

Burning with heat

Colicky an intermittent pain which varies in intensity

Crampy (cramp) an involuntary spasmodic muscle contraction

Crushing a feeling of pressure

Dull a background pain, opposite of sharp

Gnawing biting

Gripping a feeling of tightness

Scalding like boiling water

Sharp acute

Stabbing like a knife

Stinging sharp, burning, like an insect sting

Throbbing with a pusle or beat


Exercise 14. Translate into English:

1. Другий вид головного болю розвивається при патологічних процесах, перш за все поразці чутливих рецепторів і нервів.

2. Третій вид головного болю викликаний пошкодженням м'язів черепа.

3. Головний біль третього типу характеризується пульсуючим або тиснучим болем в потилиці.

4. Хворий скаржиться на запаморочення, шум у вухах, нудоту і навіть блювоту.

5. Головний біль – частий симптом деяких гострих і хронічних захворювань внутрішніх органів.


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