A full scale model of the astronaut's space suit has been constructed and tested. 

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A full scale model of the astronaut's space suit has been constructed and tested.

13)Заполните пропуски словами: for, since, during", from, (ill (предлогами или наречиями).

1. Each student is asked several times... the lesson.

2. I've been learning this poem... two hours, but I don't know it yet.

c. She has been studying at the college... 1997.

4. We must work at our pronunciaton... the very first day

Of our studies at the college.

5. I managed to do a lot of things... the break.

6. He usually does his homework... late at night.

14)Model: The book is interesting. It is worth reading (сюит почитать). Закончите предложения:

I. The opera is splendid.

The capital of Hungary is beautiful.

The frock is becoming you.

The place is quiet and lovely.

The poem is so beaotiful.

Your coat is in fashion now.

His lectures are very interesting.

15) Переведите предлження, включающие неопределён­ное лицо one + would + infinitive (без "to") которое пере­водится как: «можно (было бы)», отрицательное: «нельзя (было бы)».

One would think that this film is interesting.

One would conclude that this theory is right.

3. One would note that the forms of molecules are differ­ent.

4. One would never believe that these two substances unite.

5. One would expect that the molecules would have no mo­tion at all at -273\

Переведите конструкцию Would rather + infinitive без "to" (словами: «пожалуй», «предпочтительнее», «охот­нее»).

I'd rather lie down, I'm sleepy.

We'd rather listen to some good singing.

I'd rather have an ice-cream.

My mother would rather go to a concert; she is fond of music.

I'd rather read something by Chekhov.

She'd rather stay with us.

I'd rather do it today.

16)Закончите предложения, переведя на английский язык слова в скобках. Would rather + infinitive без "to" переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени с частицей «бы»: «Я бы лучше сделал то-то и то-то».

I would rather read a book (чем идти в кино).

Не would rather write a letter (а не телеграмму).

She would rather bring some food (а не цветы).

You would rather go back (как можно скорее).

5. They would rather leave for Moscow (а не в Санкт- Петербург).

17)Переведите конструкцию (You) had better + infinitive без "to" словами: «следовало бы», «лучше бы».

You had better take a pill for your headache.

Don't you think he had better consult a doctor?

You had better do your exercises first.

He had better buy a warm coat.

You had better review the lesson.

Mako said that Janny had better give up his friendship with Sarie.

You'd better do it at once.

18)Закончите предложения:

Model: You look pale. You'd better rest a bit.

1. You are tried. You'd better...

2. You are wrong. You'd better...

3. You look ill. You'd beter...

4. You can't read this book, it is a bit difficult for you. You'd better...

5. You are cold. You'd better...


Would + infinitive без "to" — означает повторяемость действия в прошлом, но эпизодически.

Used to 4- infinitive — означает повторяемость действия н прошлом, как обычное действие.

Переводятся: Would + infinitive без "to" = used to + infinitive «бывало», «имел обыкновение делать то-то и то-то».

Не would walk into the shop in our street. He used to walk into the shop in our street.

She would read for her grandmother. She used to read for her grandmother.

I would visit my friends. I used to visit my friends.

They would help me about the house. They used to help me about the house.

He used to be a bright pupil.

That's where I used to live.

There used to be a cinema in this street.

Who used to take you out for walks when you were a child? — Mother did.

Did you use to live here?

20)Конструкция: be used to + gerund (noun) = «при­вык»

Пример: I'm not used to receiving presents.

I'm not used to getting up early.

She is used to reading aloud.

3. The girl is used to her doll and can't go to sleep with­out it.

The Moscovites are not used to gloomy (or cloudy, or dull) weather.

I'm not used to such treatment.

Are you used to having a rest after dinner?

I am not used to treating people like that.

We are used to crossing the streets at the crossings.

Little children are not used to keeping quiet for a long time.

Aren't you used to walking much?

The students are not yet used to translating quickly.

21)Заполните пропуски или used to (бывало, пришлось) или be used to (привык, приспособился).

Образец: Не is used to hot climate, because he used to live in the South.

1. George... washing up because he... do it every day.

2. Before George and Lizzie got married they both... to living alone.

3. George... to call on her once or twice a week.

4. Lizzie... reading and she said she had no intention of changing that long-standing habit of hers.

5. After their marriage George... wash up and Lizzie... recline comfortably in her armchair with a book in her hand.

6. George, of course, can take care of his wife because he... taking care of himself.

7. Lizzie... (negative) getting up early or sitting up late.

Text 5. The Planet Mars.

1) Словообразование:

а) Переведите слова, образованные при помощи префик­са pre- со зпачением «перед», «ранее», соответствую­щим в руском языке приставке до-.

historic — prehistoric revolutionary — pre-revolutionary war — pre-war capitalist — pre-capitalist

Слова с префиксом pre- часто пишутся через чёрточку.

b) Переведите слова, образованные при помощи префик­са post- со значением «после». Противоположен по значению префиксу pre-. Слова с префиксом post- ча­сто пишуться через черточку, revolutionary — post-revolutionary war — post-war

c) Переведите слова с префиксом ех- со значением «экс», «бывший». Слова с этим префиксом пишутся через чёрточку.,

»-х champion, ex-minister, ex-president.

d) Переведите существительные, образованные с помо­щью суффикса -hood от других существительных.

brother — brotherhood; child — childhood; t ни ii — manhood; mother — motherhood; neighbour — neighbourhood

e) Переведите существительные, образованные с помо­щью суффикса -ship от других существительных.

friend — friendship;

dictator — dictatorship;

leader — leadership;

member — membership.

2)Переведите словосочетания:

highspeed aircraft, hypersonic aircraft, transoceanic air­craft, multi-purpose aircraft, cargo airline, domestic airline, internal airline, international airline; all-weather landing, automatic landing, night landing, safe landing, ski landing, water landing.


Mars, one of the Earth's nearest neighbours in space, is in some ways very like the Earth, it is smaller, cooler and less suited to advanced life, but at least it is much more inviting than any other planet apart from our own.

Mars is 4,200 miles in diameter and revolves round the Sun at a mean distance of about 141 million miles, as com­pared with the 93 million of the Earth. It has a "year" of 687 days, so that the seasons there are very much longer than those which we are familiar with. Mars has a thin at­mosphere, relatively poor in both oxygen and water vapour, so that no men or anilmals from our world could breate there. The planet is uninhabited. Mars is a cold, dry planet and most we can expect there is planet life of the same level of advancement as our own moss. Naturally, it is probably unlike Earth "moss", it may well be very different to any vegetation in our experience. The Earth's scientists sent many space rockets for exploration the planet Mars in dif­ferent ways.


Маrs - Марс

Neighbour - сосед

and less suited to advanced life - и менее подходит (при­способлен) для высокоразвитой жизни

At least -по крайней мере, тем не менее inviting – привлекательна

Apart - в стороне, отдельно

Own - собственный

As compared - если сравнивать

Relatively – относительно

both... and - как в том, так и в другом случае

To breathe – дышать

Uninhabited – необитаемый

To expect – ожидать

Of the same level - одного, одинакового уровня

Advancement - прогресс, успех

Moss – мох

Unlike - не похожий

Vegetation - растительность

5)Слова для активизации:

neighbour, vapour, advancement, moss, vegetation, apart, men, to breathe, to expect, unlike, uninhabited, suited, com­ix i red.

6) Вопросы по тексту:

1. Какая планета является нашим соседом?

2. Мы можем сказать, что Марс похож на Землю?

3. На каком удалении он вращается от Солнца?

4. Марсианский год больше земного, не так ли?

5. Что вы знаете об атмосфере планеты?

6. Планета обитаема или нет?

7. Вы можете описать Марс?

8. Сколько космических ракет ученые Земли послали на Марс?

9. Люди когда-нибудь смогут жить на этой планете?

10. Мы будем свидетелями полета на Марс или это произойдет в следующем столетии?

7)Переведите на русский язык и ответьте на вопросы (диалог).


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