What were his prophetic words, an axiom of the new science of austronautics? 

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What were his prophetic words, an axiom of the new science of austronautics?

Did К. E. Tsiolkovsky study at the university?

Where did he study science?

Where did he work?

What main problem did he work at?

What design did he outline?

What was his idea about rocket and satellite?

What was his workable design of a rocket?

What did he calculate?

Did Tsiolkovsky see the realization of his plans?

8)Переведите па английский язык:

К.Е. Циолковский — это великий русский учёный.

Что он изучал в течение трех лет?

Кем он был но профессии?

Над чем он работал в течение многих лет?

Какой проект летающей машины он предложил?

Что это была за ракета по идее Циолковского?

8. Русские ученые использовали идею Циолковского для межпланетных путешествий?

9)В данных предложениях определите время сказуе­мых. Переведите:

The equivalent weight of radium has been determined and found to be 113.

It is of interest to notice the results obtained on metal which has been deformed by various processes.

3.No industries had been set up in Yakutia before its nat­ural resources were discovered.

Various useful minerals have been found there in large quantities.

Until recently, little has been known about the remote regions of Yakutia.

10)Test. Перестройте следующие предложения, употре­би» Passive. Переведите:

1. Our explorers have discovered rich coal deposits in Yakutia.

They have also found many valuable minerals there.

3. Lately our country had imported diamonds from abroad.

A group of engineers and workers had completed the construction of a big mine by the end of the year.

11)Перевести на русский язык:

1. Tsiolkovsky studied by himself without attending school.

2. Teaching at school did not prevent Tsiolkovsky from de­voting much time to scientific research and invention.

For many years Tsiolkovsky had been working at the idea of creating a theory of interplanetary travel.

He outlined the design of the first jet-driven flying machine.

He succeeded in producing a design for a liquid-cooled combustion chamber in a multi-stage rocket.

The scientists nowadays succeeded in acquiring Tsiolko- vsky's ideas and putting them into practice.

12)Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод подлежащего, выраженного ing-form. Чем явля­ются ing-forms?

1. Landing on the planets will vary according to atmos­pheric conditions.

The automatic opening of a parachute increases the chance of the pilot's survival.

Flying over the ice in the polar regions is extremely difficult.

4. The testing of missile equipment is long and complicated.

Solving those complex equations can require a digital computer.

The heating of an aircraft skin increases rapidly at the higher speeds.

13) Переведите, определите ing-forms, что это: Participle, Gerund или Verbal Noun (отглагольное существительное)

Having been used for a long time, this instrument was out of order.

What is the reason for his having left Moscow?

Do you know anything of her leaving the city?

4.The woman learned about her brother having been killed.

We know many interesting phenomena having been caused by the temperature near absolute zero.

Text 2. The Planet Earth.


Образуйте с помощью префикса re- со значением «сно­ва», «заново», «вновь» (в русском языке часто соответ­ствует приставке пере-) новые глаголы от следующих гла­голов. Переведите.

to appear, to consider, to construct, to open, to sell, to elect, to read, to write.

2)Образуйте глаголы от прилагательных с помощью отрицательного префикса mis- со значением «неправиль­но», «неверно». Переведите.

to hear, to inform, to interpret, to lead, to understand, to quote.

3)Образуйте глаголы от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -en со значением «делать», «делаться», «стано­виться». Переведите.

flat, short, deep, weak, black, dark, thick, fast, broad, straight, large, rich, close, hard, soft, wide, sharp.

4)Text. Переведите:

The planet Earth is not quite a sphere, but is slightly flat­tened. It rates around its axis once a day and around the Sun once a year.

The Earth is protected by its atmosphere. But for the atmos­phere we should die. It provides us with oxygen and water, protects us from harmful effects of radiation from the Sun.

The blue colour of the Earth's sky is the result of the scattering of the shorter or blue wave-spectre of light coming from the Sun by particles in the upper atmosphere, such as gas molecules and dust.


Sphere - сфера, шар

Quite - вполне, совсем

Slightly - слегка

To flatten - сплющивать

To rotate – вращаться

Axis - ось

To provide - запасать, снабжать

Provided -при условии; лишь бы; если только; в том случае, если

Harmful - вредный

To scatter - разбрасывать, рассыпать

Wave - волна

Spectre - спектр; спектральный

Particle - частица, крупица

Upper – верхний

but for... если бы не...

To depend (upon, on) - зависеть

6)Слова для активизации:

to rotate, axis, to provide, sphere, scatter, particle, spectre, wave, to depend (upon, on), provided.

7)Вопросы по тексту:

Земля является одним из небесных тел?

Земля это небесное тело на котором мы живем?

Земля это сфера, не так ли?

Где Земля сплющена?

Земля вращается?

Как она вращается?

Что защищает Землю от солнечной радиации?

Что снабжает нас кислородом и водой?

Какого цвета небо Земли?

От чего зависит цвет Земли?

8)Переведите на русский язык и задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям:

Our solar system has some planets. The Earth is one of them, it is the third one away from the Sun.

The Earth is the planet where we live.

The Earth rotates around its axis once a clay and around the Sun once a year.

The Earth has four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The planets which are further from the Sun have the longer periods of rotation around the Sun.

9)Переведите на английский язык:

Земля - это спутник Солнца.

2. Земля не является шаром, а слегка сплюснута на по­люсах.

Земля вращается вокруг своей оси и вокруг Солнца, т.е. имеет двойное (double) вращение.

Атмосфера защищает Землю от солнечной радиации, она снабжает Землю кислородом и водой.

5. Наша Земля голубого цвета, это голубая планета в космосе (in the outer space).

6. От чего зависит голубой цвет нашей планеты?

10)Подберите глаголы с противоположным плаченном:

to lose, to begin, to forget, to leave, to end, to arrive, to disappear, to construct, to find, to appear, to remember, to destroy.

Поставьте эти глаголы в форму страдательного залога. Помните, что у неправильных глаголов у каждого своя Зя форма. По образцу: to construct — to be constructed.

11)Поставьте предложения в пассив по образцу:

The Moon rotates around the Earth. The Earth is rotated by the Moon.

1. The workers attended the meeting on Saturday.

The director asked one of the workers to make a speech at the meeting.

3. My sister sent the letter yesterday.

4. Lomonosov founded Moscow University.

5. We'll meet the delegation on Sunday.

12)Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова "for".

(For как предлог переводится словами: для, ради, за, по, в течение, в продолжении. For как союз переводится: так как, потому что, ибо).

Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

2. Austronauts wear space suits for two purposes.

For many years scientists observed stars and planets throught telescopes.

Earth satellites' life is limited, for they disintegrate upon re-enering the denser portion of the atmosphere.

5. We decited to put off our outing, for it looked like raining.» 6. The problem of building space stations is drawing the atten­tion of many scientists, for the launching of a heavy satel­lite assembled on the Earth presents great difficulties.

7. But for my friend, I wouldn't know what to do. 108

13)Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слово "provided".

Глагол to provide переводится: давать, обеспечивать, снабжать. Союз provided переводится: если, если только, при условии.

Air ships are provided with propulsive systems and are controlled about all axes.

Closed cabins on all passenger aircraft must be provided with at least one easily accessible external door.

We shall be able to ship the goods at the end of May provided (that) the order is received immediately.


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